High Magic Earth

Chapter 932: Free man

The free people in the second world are very rare, so little that they even doubt whether they are playing stand-alone, but the appearance of Jamie and Hathaway and the hidden dangers from the angels are almost everywhere. It is easy to clamor.

These worlds are not only themselves, but also enemies and companions.

Fortunately, no matter whether it is the small world of angels or the second world that is easily arrogant, all the sub-world shuttles are carried out passively, which means that no one can choose the world. A law born cannot be avoided.

This means that few people can form a one-way ticket that is difficult to return after leaving, making these sub-worlds not an infinitely available resource, passively entering a world with unknown plots, and making it difficult for free people to plan themselves clearly. the future of.

Especially the latter's influence is even greater.

Not everyone will quickly pass through the daze after crossing, and once they do not seize the opportunity to improve their strength, they will quickly miss many things, and more and more.

It's like snowballing.

Although the second world is the last cradle for humans to resist the high-end force of magical creatures, it still abides by the most basic laws of nature. Weaknesses will eliminate them.

Presumably the final result does not need these weak guys.

Although Yi Xiao did not miss anything, none of the worlds he is currently experiencing are what he wants. The meaning of these worlds does not seem to him much.

But thanks to these experiences, Yi Chou can inherit the position of the guardian of Neverland.

Therefore, the coordinates of the sub-world left by Dornting during the panic escape is so important to Yi Chou, and he does not hesitate to go to the world of ink heart to obtain the ability to decode the coordinates.

This allows Yi Biao to choose the world autonomously, plus the shadow opens up channels through different worlds, and then repeatedly visits this ability, which will definitely make Yi Biao more smoothly build his own strength.

Although the turbulence in the world sometimes destroys the passage, it is only temporary.

No wonder that the guardian of Neverland is also called the wizard leader. He is not only responsible for the protection of Neverland, but also the most free person in the second world.

The Second World may be able to quickly train a group of people with excellent abilities, but in the end they are sparse in number, and the arrogance of being able to shuttle the world and travel to and from the world on their own can make use of almost endless resources to make up for this.

This is also one of the leaders' meaning.

Yi Biao has long known that free people come from different parts of the world, and he is already mentally prepared. Although he has seen Jamie and Sister Hathaway and Mei Mi before, they are all Americans and Europeans.

Unexpectedly, the first Asian free man I saw was actually in Japan.

Seeing the yin and yang master who was disguised as Yi Huo standing still in the same place, this guy who claimed to be a whirlpool Naruto had a movement, he jumped off the tree branch, and his body instantly turned into a large piece of fog. The spiral turns forward.

His speed in the air is much faster than ordinary people, but in Yi Biao's eyes it is almost astonishingly slow.

This guy seems to understand Yi Xiao's expressionless face as being dull and unresponsive, but he also doesn't seem to hurt Yi Xiao. There is a distance away from Yi Xiao, he is covered with a thick veil of mist slowly Converged, and then changed into human form again.

As soon as this ability appeared, Yi Chou could confirm his true identity. It wouldn't be the sudden situation where Uzumaki Naruto became disabled, and he was definitely not Uzumaki Naruto.

Because this method of using smoke to quickly move around is precisely the unique ability of Tengu in the Tengu Forest, and it is also the life-saving skill of Kaiyi Primary School.

Is the coming person also a sorcerer, Yi Biao's eyebrow flicked slightly.

Meiyue also has a similar method. She should belong to the category of witches, and witches are obviously classified as witches, and witches are a kind of wizard, that is to say, this guy in front of him is also a wizard.

So he can get this ability.

Although I finally have a kind of wizard like to make Yi Huo very happy, but. .

"Stranger, why came to Chisui Fan." He asked first.

Fortunately, he didn't ask why he came to Muye, otherwise Yi Chou would have committed embarrassment for him, crooked his head, and Yi Chou interrupted his performance.

"This ability comes from Tengu Forest. I don't remember Naruto Uzumaki having such ninjutsu... If this kind of chakra-free thing is also called ninjutsu."

Yi Biao's words suddenly made this guy's face stiff, and he showed an embarrassed expression, subconsciously touched his head, and then reacted and shouted, "You are also from the modern world?!"

Also, Yi Xiao noticed his words, and it seems that he has seen other people, perhaps in this world.

But Yi Xuan didn't say much. After saying that, Yi Xuan didn't say a word. The more he said, the more he exposed, and he was waiting for this guy who seemed to have some second grades to say first, because of this People generally talk.

But unexpectedly, the next moment, after froze for a while, his attitude suddenly turned cold.

"Japanese?" he asked with a frown.

Yi stunned for a moment, the ability of the hourglass can let him understand all the languages ​​in the sub-world. Similarly, if Yi hurried out, it will automatically become the language of the two being talking, according to the other side, because Yi lang’s language Not fixed.

Obviously this guy speaks Japanese, so he mistakenly believes that Yi Bust is Japanese, but since he is also a Japanese who speaks Japanese, why would he have a disgusted tone when he mentioned this issue.

Yi Xiao's expression remained unchanged, and he replied lightly, "No... I'm from the other side of the sea." He pointed to the location of the sea that points west.

"Impossible." And at this time, the black man who had fallen on the ground by Yi Chou had struggled to climb up, and it seemed that the arrival of the inferior Naruto gave him confidence. After hiding behind Naruto, He immediately retorted, "There are no creatures on the shore of the sea, only endless darkness."

His voice came from under the copper-colored mask, which sounded strange, like the accent of countless people, and there were men and women.

"Shut up! Ruyue Zuoweimen! There is no place for you to speak here." Naruto Uzumaki immediately switched to Japanese and shouted at the man in black, and Yi Huo also knew his name.

Ruyue Zuoweimen, um. . No impression.

But after hearing the hypocritical Naruto's speech, Ruyue Zuoweimen immediately retreated backwards and no longer spoke out. This guy must be a Japanese, no doubt, because only they obey the commands unconditionally.

Ruyue Zuoweimen didn't understand, but the inferior Naruto understood the meaning of Yi Chou.

As soon as his eyes lit up, his attitude towards Yi Chou immediately improved greatly.

"How long have you been here, how can you dress like this." He changed to Chinese again, and then warmly introduced to Yi Chou, "Yes, my name is Zhang Junyun."

"Aren't you the same." Yi Xiao indicated his clothes with his eyes, "I haven't been here long, have you been here for a long time?"

Zhang Junyun smiled slightly, and then continued to say with enthusiasm, "Identity needs to be covered, but I want to ask when you were here before joining the rebels?"

"Rebel." Yi Xuan asked back, saying that he had never heard of such an organization.

"A thing spontaneously organized by us free men." Zhang Junyun said with a shrug. "There are not many people, but the internal unity is very solid, after all, those guys." He shook his head and didn't continue to speak, but started a new topic. .

"It seems that you haven't been exposed to these things yet, so let's not talk about this serious topic first, come back with me, we must celebrate tonight and celebrate that we have another partner."

Then Zhang Junyun turned around and said mysteriously, "Don't look at the Edo period here, but the nighthawks are not bad at all, er... this nighthawk refers to the nightingale..."

"Well, I know." Yi Xuan looked at Zhang Junyun's expression that you understood, and immediately understood what he meant. Yi Xuan directly interrupted him, and then asked, "Do you have many people?"

Zhang Junyun, who was interrupted unreasonably by Yi Chou, was not angry, but a little stagnate. He immediately said indifferently, "There are not many people. I only count three of them."

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and then nodded. He thought that the other party would hide and tuck, but he didn't expect to tell himself so easily, and Yi Xuan did not perceive maliciousness in him.

Yes, indeed, Yi Chao's magic has been testing Zhang Junyun's will and heart, but he didn't notice it.

Yi Xiao did not find anything abnormal, which means that either there is really nothing, or the other party has some ability to shield magic.

Yi Chou is closer to the former, but his vigilance will not be let go.

Zhang Junyun began to greet Yi Chou to march towards their foothold, and he could see that as Yi Chou judged, the hearts of the second two people would not be too bad. Zhang Junyun showed great enthusiasm and kept asking to Yi Chou, And chatter about their situation.

Of course, as Ruzuo Zuomen, he was directly ignored.

. . .

Yi Xiao and Zhang Junyun soon returned to the gathering place, or one of their footholds. Even if Zhang Junyun's heart was warm, his due vigilance would not be less.

And along the way Yi Chou probably figured out the general reason why he was so enthusiastic.

Because they must unite.

In Yi Chao’s logical assumptions, when he met free men in the second world who were also from the present world, even if they did not count on each other, plundered the limited resources of the world, or started in person, they would be like strangers, just like Jamie and the beginning Sister Hathaway planned to act on her own, and did not intend to contact Yi Chou, as if she were a passerby.

This should also be the most realistic situation.

But this is not the case, because the reality is more cruel.

In the present world, the free people from the Second World of Wizards are in a bad situation. Although the angels and demons did not appear at all, nor did they hunt them down, they used a more decent salary.

They used a special technique to detect the instantaneous fluctuations of the free man when he returned to the present world, quickly found them, and brought them back after locking, then what will be the ending after the people from the Second World of the Wizard are specifically identified. It is self-evident.

But not everyone will be taken away after being locked, such as Yi Chao.

A small number of people, after escaping and continually evading and searching, finally discovered the secret, and then the rebel group came into being.

Because the unified saying from the academy and the school district is that the second world of the wizard is split from the main world. It steals the power belonging to the main world. Only when it is cut off at the source, can this part of power be returned and restored.

And those free people who disappeared do not know what happened, but obviously it will not be a good thing.

After listening to the general situation, Yi Biao frowned slightly. Although the situation in this world has not reached the worst, and the existence of the free man has not been exposed, it seems that there is no difference.

Now that the two sides have clashed and rebelled, then fighting must have been inevitable. I am afraid that the storms caused by the fighting between free men will not be small. At this time, the so-called concealment may just continue to hide ordinary people.

It is for these reasons that the inside of the rebel group is very united. A guy like Yi Chou who has never been in contact with other people looks like a newcomer. When he has not been discovered by the two major organizations, he is reminding him. The best time.

Yi Chou did not care about the situation in this world, but the poor situation of the second world free people aroused Yi Chou's vigilance.

It has been calm and quiet for a while, but the other party is beginning to gradually press and shrink the living space of the free man, just like the tranquility before the storm.

There was a sense of urgency in Yi Chou's heart.

Zhang Junyun quickly arrived at his destination with Yi Huo. He stopped and pointed to the temporary camp where the bonfire had been extinguished. He said embarrassedly, "It seems that neither of them is here. It doesn't matter. I can contact them."

Yi Xiao nodded, he understood what Zhang Junyun meant.

He didn't plan to take Yi Xiao directly past, and he would let him know that the two people would be prepared in advance. Another point is that if Yi Xiao is really malicious, then contact him and be alone. Time is the best time to start.

Zhang Junyun was sure to drag him to the other two.

Along the way, Zhang Junyun didn't introduce the situation of the other two people, probably because of this reason.

Yi Xiao does not have much opinion on this, because as long as the three of them are not malicious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Xuan will never do anything. Of course, he will continue to hide until then.

Zhang Junyun and Ruyue Zuoweimen walked aside. After a few words, Ruyue Zuoweimen immediately took a flare from his arms.

"Bang!" With a fireworks-like explosion, the signal flare burst into the air with a dazzling red light, and it was lifted off a full dozen meters high.

Zhang Junyun turned his head to show Yi Xiao a smile, and was more sincere than before.

Sure enough, the other two were not far from here, and not long after the signal flare was released, Yi Biao's magic sensed two fast-moving figures.

Even soon came here.

Are two women.

The two companions mentioned by Zhang Junyun were actually women. Yi Biao's eyes found their figure in the woods. One of them was also wearing a similar costume to Zhang Junyun and looked like a ninja. As for the latter. .

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and was a mage in a black robe. (To be continued.)

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