High Magic Earth

Chapter 933: task

"How did you suddenly send a signal to call us all back." The woman who also wore a ninja costume first asked, and as soon as she spoke, Yi Chou heard her identity.

It is also in Chinese, and there is no obedience that is imprinted in the bone like Zuo Weimen, she cannot be a person of this era.

This is the companion in Zhang Junyun's mouth, and Yi Xuan turned his eyes away.

This is a young woman, it is better to say that she is a girl. She is about 23 to 24 years old, and Zhang Junyun is going to be older. She is obviously not as enthusiastic as Zhang Junyun, and she seems to lack interest, just like her. Plain and dull appearance.

She glanced at Yi Biao and then quickly took her gaze back, like facing a normal stranger normally.

"New plot?" She didn't hide and asked Zhang Junyun directly, thinking that after seeing Yi Chou's dress, she not only attributed him to the Japanese, but also mistakenly thought that he also belonged to a certain movie plot, so she didn't care. When asked, she communicated with Zhang Junyun in Chinese, and the indigenous people of this world could not understand.

Zhang Junyun's face was stiff, he could only touch his head a little awkwardly, and then explained, "He is not... he is also from this world, just like us."

It is said that the girl's face suddenly loosened a bit, although she still felt a little strange, but there was no initial alert and diaphragm, just like the feeling of watching an npc.

Zhang Junyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hung a warm smile on his face again, which made Yi Xiao wonder what he was doing in this world.

"This is Miss Tan." Zhang Junyun introduced to Yi Chou, and at the same time pointed out Yi Chou to the female ninja who was called Miss Tan. "This is what I just encountered. It is also one of our members, called. ."

Zhang Junyun remembered this, and seemed to have forgotten to ask Yi Ao's name along the way, so he touched his head and innocently threw his eyes at Yi Ao.

"You can call me An Ge." Yi Huo did not refuse, and answered directly.

Miss Tan's brow furrowed slightly, "Is it a pseudonym?" she asked directly.

"Everything is possible in this world. I don’t like to report real names, for example... in order to guard against the magic of the names the wizards have." Yi Xiao explained indifferently.

Just before Miss Tan continued to ask questions, the witch who slipped quietly behind Yi Huo asked, "The curse of the real name is one of Voldemort's best magic. Have you ever seen him?"

"No." Yi arrogant shook his head. "But be careful not to be wrong."

The witch just nodded faintly, and then the figure disappeared again in the woods. Yi Chou didn't understand why she wanted to hide in place, but she seemed very proud of her expression.

Zhang Junyun once again showed a helpless smile, "That is Miss Witch Daisy, an Englishman, the flower of England among the rebels, and a powerful witch."

Yi Xiao turned his eyes slightly and found that Miss Daisy, the flower of England, was under the protection of the Invisibility Curse, and moved her footsteps carefully to create the illusion that she could move instantaneously.

Seeing Miss Dai Qian avoiding these flowers and plants as much as possible, Yi Chou couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in her heart.

If the future free people are of this level, then the humans of the last era actually lost the wrong.

So Yi Biao turned his eyes wisely, so that he would not look at these bad things, "Magic is indeed a very magical power." He said indifferently, "Is she very powerful among the rebels?"

Yi Xiao has a general understanding of Miss Daisy's magic level. His question now is to know how much strength the so-called rebel group has. If they are all like Daisy, then the prospect is really worrying.

But Zhang Junyun seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Yi Chou. He showed a stern expression on his face. He touched his head embarrassedly again and said to Yi Chou, "Brother An, you can see it."

Zhang Junyun carefully looked around and found that Daisy had disappeared, which lowered her voice and said to Yi Chou, "I also think she can only have a few magic, only average, but the real power is hers. teacher."

"Her teacher?" Yi Biao's question was just right.

Zhang Junyun nodded and explained in a slightly serious tone, "Her teacher, a wizard who likes to travel and explore in various worlds, is also the initiator and one of the founders of the rebel group."

"It's a really powerful wizard."

"How powerful is it?" Yi Xao is still a kind of thorough tone.

Zhang Junyun, after showing an expression of defeat to you, thought about it and replied, "It is estimated that it has exceeded the most experienced Auror, not even Moody, whether in a melee or a duel of a wizard."

"Her teacher is estimated to be infinitely close to Dumbledore, and is also one of the most powerful forces among the rebels, saving many of our free men."

It can be seen that Zhang Junyun is very respectful of Daisy's teacher, and Yi Xuan has reason to suspect that he was also rescued by that guy.

But then, Zhang Junyun put on an expression that you understand and I know everyone understands, "Even if you don't look at her, but also at the face of her teacher, after all, the second generation, wherever it exists."

He squeezed his eyes at Yi Huo, "Don't tell her about this, especially not from me."

Yi Xiao looked not far away, hiding under the invisibility curse, staring at Zhang Junyun, her eyes almost erect, Miss Daisy said calmly, "No."

"Besides, she doesn't speak Chinese anymore. You have nothing to worry about."

"Unfortunately, she will." Zhang Junyun shrugged. "A potion that can temporarily improve memory, so most of us can speak several languages."

"It turned out to be this way." Yi Chou showed a kind smile to Zhang Junyun, and he smiled in confusion.

But soon, Yi Huo once again cut into the topic, "Who is the strongest... Besides her teacher, who else?"

"I don't know much about it." Zhang Junyun shrugged. "The rebels are a very loose organization. Except for the core members, a guy like us can't help at all, because our strength is too low. The main task is to be able to protect myself faster, so I have hardly seen many other members."

"Not to mention... those core members."

"I only know Mei Mi, a vampire who is also very powerful, because she is responsible for these contact matters, and will appear frequently."

"Mei honey..." Yi Chou said softly, nodding again.

"Having said so much, you have always been interested in the rebel group. You haven't introduced yourself." Zhang Junyun can finally take a breath and throw these tedious problems to Yi Chou.

"You will tell me these things directly, and have no doubt?" Yi Xuan did not answer immediately, but asked rhetorically.

Zhang Junyun showed a smile. He wanted to pat Yi Xiao's shoulder, but when his hand was halfway up, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, telling him to do so as if it was not appropriate for him, so he put down his hand and laughed.

"You really don't understand them at all." He said, "There is no such thing as betrayal in their eyes. Once a free man belonging to our world is found, there is only one ending, but it disappears completely, no one. Know what happened to them."

"And all who can enter this world are all our people, which is beyond doubt."

Zhang Junyun shrugged and looked at Yi Xuan and added, "Oh... The last point was told by Mei Mi."

Yi Xiao knew in his heart that he had a general understanding of the situation of the rebels and the outside world. Then, the next step was to solve the problems of this world.

Thinking about it, he perfunctoryly said, "I... as you can see, I am also a wizard, and I have a little magic. The best thing is transforming. This suit is what I use to transform." It's a garb.

"Sorcerer." Zhang Junyun's eyes lit up. "The number of wizards is very rare, but each one is very powerful." He said in a tone that you have no future.

Yi Xuan didn't respond, and still had a faint expression. She still stood by and listened to Miss Tan for a long time, saying impatiently, "You sent me a signal bomb to call me to listen to you nonsense?"

Yi Ao could feel that Miss Tan's magical fluctuations were obviously inferior to Daisy or Zhang Junyun, even thin to the point of almost being felt.

Zhang Junyun touched his head, and he didn't introduce the existence of Miss Tan and Daisy along the way, but now he wanted to be relieved of Yi Huo, so after hesitating, he continued to introduce Yi Huo.

"Well... this is the first time Miss Tan has crossed..." Zhang Junyun looked at Miss Tan's staring gaze, shrugged, and continued.

Yi Xiao still didn't respond, and besides Zhang Junyun, Miss Tan and Daisy didn't seem to come to know each other. Daisy had gone quietly and walked away, and Miss Tan also found nothing. , Intend to leave here first.

But at this time, Yi Chou suddenly felt that there was an extra person around him.

But he still remembered the role he played, and pointed it out without fuss, but the next moment, without reminding, Zhang Junyun had already discovered the other party first.

He turned his head, turned his eyes to the direction of the comer, and didn't speak.

Although Zhang Junyun doesn't seem to be reliable, his ability seems to be good.

Yi Xiao noticed that his eyes were slightly yellow at this moment, and his teeth were slightly convex and sharp. This seemed to be a form of werewolf, but he did not completely become a werewolf.

Very strange, Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes.

The person who came was a ninja. He quickly ran to Ruyue Zuoweimen and whispered a few words to him. After the ninja left, Ruyue Zuoweimen immediately explained to Zhang Junyun.

"The leader asked to see you." Yi Xuan heard clearly.

Seeing Zhang Junyun turn his head, he immediately asked, "Have you gone to the local forces?"

It's rare to see Zhang Junyun frowning, "This is also something that can't be done. We have to complete the task at the source, otherwise we can't go back at all. By the way, is your task different from ours?"

"What is your mission?"

"Uh... experience the feeling of loyalty." Zhang Junyun looked tangled.

"So you just find a gathering place of ninjas to join in?"

"Not a gathering place for ninjas, but a general's palace."

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, and in the movie where Kay was located, a general was involved. . I don't know what the origin of these ninjas is.

"Your mission is the same." Zhang Junyun continued to ask.

"No." Yi Xuan's answer directly gave him the idea of ​​losing heart, "I have other tasks." Yi Xiao said, this is the answer he had long thought, "I came to this world to find something ... I heard that it was dangerous, and I don’t know what it was, but... I’m trying to find clues."

"Are there any clues?"

"Already." Yi Xuan nodded, "Tengu forest." He said.

. . .

It was only Zhang Junyun who was so excited to be able to communicate with Yi Chou for so long. Miss Tan and Daisy seemed to think that the conversation between them was boring, and had left here early.

After asking the direction of Tengu Forest and the ninja gathering place where the three people are located, Yi Chou left there alone.

Of course, only temporarily, after Yi Biao finished his affairs, he also planned to take a look at the gathering place.

There are still several years away from Kay's plot timeline. Yi Chou did not intend to push it. This line does not seem to be so critical. Since there are ninjas again, there must be other hidden things.

In addition, Yi Chou is also very curious about these three free people.

A witch, a suspected werewolf, and a newcomer, a very interesting combination, why did they enter this chaotic world.

It was just a coincidence. . There are other reasons.

Yi Xiao is not clear for the time being. He doesn't like to think about things with few clues. He likes to grasp the eyes, so he decided to solve all the tengu in the tengu forest, and then put all his energy on those three.

Thinking this way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Biao soon approached the forest where the collapsed stone Buddha was placed, and the forest was filled with hazy white mist and whirling wail.

This is the Tengu Forest. Those Tengus with eagle-like appearance are here.

Yi Xiao hid his wand in the wide robe of the robes. He stepped on one foot into the forest covered with white mist. At the next moment, he stepped back after thinking.

Because the crystal ball sent him a hint.

And it is a very important reminder, because the smaller size of the crystal ball jumped in his arms, and it almost burst.

Yi Xiao once again became invisible. He took the crystal ball out of his arms. With a wand, the crystal ball immediately expanded to the size of the human head in the wind, and the clear picture slowly rotated inside.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and observed carefully for a while, "Strange..." he muttered in a low voice.

The scene in the crystal ball is the dilapidated house where Yi Biao found the suspected Sadako videotape, but at this time there is no house in the picture, leaving only a large empty forest weed, bare, like abandoned by countless year. (To be continued.)

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