High Magic Earth

Chapter 934: Weapons that cannot be drawn

Tengu Forest was shrouded in fog all year round. Although Yi Chou was half-footed by the sudden crystal ball when he stepped in, he did not give up this trip.

More and more free people have begun to appear, which means that the free people in the angel and demon worlds and the free people in the second world of the wizards are constantly in conflict. This is not good news, especially Yi Chou The free man side seems to have fallen into the disadvantage.

Whether it is quantitative or qualitative.

The free people from the wizarding world are generally weaker, and the few people Yi Yi has contacted, such as Jamie or Zhang Junyun, have never exceeded the power level of the city level, and Miss Tan is a pure newcomer.

The teacher of Daisy seems to be very powerful, and it is just an elite Auror. The wizard is very destructive, but it is also very fragile. Not to mention that Barry Allen can make it lose its combat power before even the Daredevil’s Sniper rifles can kill an unsuspecting wizard.

Of course, the combat power is not so converted, and war is far from simple, but the power of Yi Chou is still very weak.

The free men of angels and demons are all new humans, just like the people selected by the Second World of Wizards, all of them are suitable for magic and the blood of magical creatures.

Because of the special relationship between the genes of the new humans, their ability will be slightly stronger at the beginning, electricity, fire, super speed, etc. As long as they find a method and a suitable opportunity, they will excite this gene in the body, Activate the power lurking in the body.

But the good news is that because the new humans are created by God relying on the original human body and belong to non-naturally occurring creatures, their potential is extremely limited.

It can even be said that the moment they inspire their own ability, the ability will not change again, which is already the height of their lifetime.

This is why the strength of those superheroes seldom fluctuates, and there are few superheroes whose strength will keep changing.

But things related to magic and the bloodline of magical creatures are immobile, they can grow and have high plasticity.

For example, the werewolf with the largest population, which is used as cannon fodder in many worlds, can also change from an omega wolf to an alpha wolf.

But it takes a lot of time, just don’t know if they still have so much time.

The new humans who activated the in vivo abilities are a problem, but they are not the main problem. The main power of the new human free man comes from those technological planes. They do not require prerequisites, are powerful, and can be mass-produced.

Quantity is also one of the advantages of the free man in the new human world. A large number of bases will definitely shake the balance of war.

In terms of high-end combat effectiveness, angels and demons will definitely find a way to drag those superheroes in, because they also belong to the new human race and are the highest starting group. Perhaps they are not at peace now, but the devil never lacks the means And conspiracy.

But Yi Chou is also sure to stop a batch. At the worst, he can move out of other world's helpers, such as Daenerys.

This is why Yi Chao is eager to explore other worlds.

However, some new human beings that are too powerful can't deal with it, such as Superman who freezes the entire solar system in one breath.

He also didn't think that those new humans would really exist. God couldn't allow such a force beyond his control to survive, and the creations killed their creators. This is a long-lasting story.

It is very likely that these existences were all made up by the human writers themselves. After the story of the new human world is projected into the present world, they fill in the gaps and irrationality in the imagination according to their own imagination.

However, in terms of low-end force, especially when it exceeds the cannon fodder, and there is a huge base, there is no good way for Yi Chou. The quantity is indeed the shortcoming of the second world.

Not only because of the continuous advancement of technology, once again, humanity has embarked on the old road of the previous era, even the intake of fantasy energy has gradually decreased, and there are fewer people who adapt to the existence of magic.

The number of new human free men discovered by Yi Biao when he returned to the present world has far exceeded the number of free men of the second world of wizards he has seen, not to mention the real main angels and demons.

In this regard, Yi Chou has no good way. He can only collect resources from different worlds while trying his best to improve his strength.

As the only world in which shuttles can be selected, or the free people who will soon be able to select shuttles, Yi Chou has more advantages than free people on both sides.

Yi Chou felt that he needed to speed up.

Away from the woods hiding in front of him, Yi Chou slowly stepped into the fog.

The area of ​​Tengu Forest is not large, but the arrangement is very strange, and people often get lost. Yi Chou has stepped into the forest before, but after half a circle, he came out from the other direction.

After that, he walked through a plain, where ancient Buddha statues collapsed everywhere. Yi Chou didn't know what hatreds the Tengus and beliefs have, but obviously they are very stubborn. A kind of obsession can last for hundreds of years, or even longer.

Yi Xiao passed a barren village in the plain. He originally planned to find out some useful news in it, but these tenant farmers who had not left the plain in their entire life had only to climb on the ground after seeing Yi Yang's Onmyoji garb. Can't say a word.

Yi Xiaodeng intends to use magic to make some useful news, but I think they may not know anything at all, and although the hidden shadow will not pay attention to such a small tenant, but be careful not to make a mistake, so there is no Do so.

In accordance with the direction given by Zhang Junyun, Yi Chou once again stepped into the vast plain.

The fighting strength of the Tengus is not very good, otherwise Zhang Junyun will not be able to retreat, even if Yi Chou’s magic is deliberately suppressed a few points, his strength is still far beyond Zhang Junyun, at least he spent several days away, Yi It only took less than half a day to shorten the distance.

Half a day later, Yi Chou finally found the real Tengu Forest.

The dark green forests and trees, dark and spicy, accompanied by damp and cold breath, it seems that there is no sunshine and warmth all year round. It seems that it is no different from the previous forest, but Yi Chou can still distinguish it at a glance.

The mist floating in it is very rich, and it is no longer just ordinary white mist. There is a cold magic in the mist, and Yi Chou is familiar with it, because the Black Valley exudes a similar breath all year round.


There were whimpering whimpers in the forest, and some white mist condensed all kinds of strange human figures. Their eyes were black holes, and their mouths were black holes, as if melting, crawling slowly on the ground, toward Yi Arrogantly stretched out a hand.

At the next moment, it suddenly collapsed, and once again turned into white smoke floating on the ground surface, and not far away, more human figures were slowly condensing.

If ordinary people come here, these strange mists and cries alone will make them frightened.

But Yi Chou didn't care about these things. He glanced back lightly, and then walked in.


In an instant, the smoke and gusty wind in the forest suddenly increased, and even temporarily obscured Yi's vision. The surrounding leaves began to rustle, and Yi Noo knew that this was a warning from Tengu.

According to the section of Kay in the movie, Tengu has a very strong control over the forest, or their range of perception and vigilance is very large. As soon as they step into the forest, they step into their territory.

However, Yi Chou couldn't return because of this. He sorted out the garb and then proceeded indifferently.

A few minutes later, he saw the hiding place of Tengu.

It is still a big reclining Buddha.

But this lying Buddha statue is much larger than before. In the gap between its neck and the mud, there is a gap between the height of two people. This is the passage to Tengu.

Yi Xiao buried his wand in his wide cuffs, then walked in without hesitation.

In the movie, Kay once said before entering Tengu's residence, no matter what he saw in it, he should not draw out his weapon. Once the weapon was drawn out, no one could save him.

Yi Biao suspects that this is a spiritual illusion. Once a weapon is drawn, death will come, but he does not know whether death comes from the power of the curse, or the Tengu themselves, if this is the case. . That doesn't seem to make much sense.

Even the former. . Yi Chou didn't think where Tengu's curse could be stronger.

Even Yi Xuan does not know whether the wand is a weapon, but being careful is still the best way to be careful.

Stepping into the tunnel under the Buddha statue, the surrounding air instantly became cold, and there were vertical vines on both sides, which gathered closely together, like the esophagus of an animal.

The cold mist rose from the ground, and then the droplets of mist condensed on the top of the channel.

The passage is not long, and Yi Chou soon came to the inside of the passage.

There is nothing behind the Buddha statue, but after passing through the passage, Yi Chou seems to come to a cave, surrounded by smooth stone walls, and the ground is also polished very clean.

Turning around the corner, a huge space appeared in front of Yi Chou, and a little faint light also came out from inside.

It was candlelight, and large pieces of candles were placed together. At the farthest point of this huge space, the candles were surrounded by a strange shape, emitting a faint halo.

The candle is placed under a **** statue, and if you look carefully, you will find that it is no different from the Buddha statues that collapsed outside.

"Strange guys..." Yi Huo murmured in a low voice.

He didn’t understand why the Tengus ignored the collapsed idols and placed them here. At the same time, he had no intention of avoiding them to say this sentence. The space was so small that even Yihou murmured with a small voice, The cave is still clear.

Four rows of yellow-robed monks kneeled in a small cave. They knelt outside the candles in front of the statue. Four rows pulled out four straight lines. But rather than kneeling, they were lying on the ground because of their limbs. On the ground, the faces are tightly facing the ground, and they can't see their true faces from almost any angle.

There are five yellow robe monks in each row. There are twenty tengu in this small cave.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. Everything around was exactly the same as in the movie. Here, Kai Yi and his companion were temporarily separated. He went on to find the leader of Tengu, while his companion stayed here and received Kai. The warning that Iraq cannot withdraw weapons at any time.

Then quickly, the companions waiting outside the cave poured in because of fear, and then the yellow robe monks lying on the ground began to shake wildly, almost shaking their heads out of phantom, and then they rose up. Start to use high speed to slaughter the intruders.

Kay's buddies died one by one. They wailed and cried out, but the person that Kay brought in at first didn't draw out his weapon.

It wasn't until the last person died that he suddenly realized that everything that happened was an illusion. If he had drawn a weapon just now, then he was really dead now.

Therefore, Yi Biao knew that there was a large illusion in Tengu's residence, and it was here.

But after Yihou whispered, none of the yellow robe monks lying around on the ground responded. Not to mention shaking his head violently, he didn't even move.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, and after waiting a few more seconds, he decided to go deeper and leave these things alone.

He remembered that Kay continued through the path next to him, and then saw the leader of Tengu, and also had a long sword, also a magic weapon.

Although I am not sure if Yi Biao made better, after all, it is a weapon made by magic creatures. There is always some merits. The purpose of Yi Biao coming here is the weapon making process belonging to Tengu.

As for the remaining general purpose. . Naturally take away all that can be taken away.

Passing by the four rows of yellow robe monks, Yi Xiao entered the same path that Kay walked in the movie. The passage was also not long. After a few steps, Yi Xuan suddenly appeared in front of him.

An empty platform with a small crack above the cave, which magnified the sunlight and cast a halo in front of Yi Chou, but no long sword.

Yi Xiao frowned, there was no long sword, nor the leader of Tengu.

Is it hiding? It's not wise to do this. You know, he doesn't mind using the blood of those yellow robe tengu to achieve his purpose.

Yi Biao thought about it for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was about to turn his head back, but at the next moment, his eyes narrowed, because there was a narrow channel in the backlight on his side.

It's not shown in the movie, so where does this lead to.

Yi Xiao was slightly vigilant in his heart, and then slowly walked inside.

The passageway of Tengu’s residence does not seem to be long. After a few steps, Yi Chou came to a platform again, but this time it was not empty, because in the middle of the platform, there was a circle of candles.

The candle surrounds the stone platform, and a person lay flat on the table. He is not wearing a yellow robe, that is to say. . He is not Tengu.

What kind of person would that be? Yi Xuan's heart was strange, and he looked up carefully. At the next moment, Yi Xuan's face changed slightly.

Because he has a pair of wings pressed behind his back, he is an angel!

At the same time, the voice of breaking air suddenly came from behind Yi Biao. He propped up the magic and turned his gaze at the same time. He saw Zhang Junyun's fangs slightly convex, which turned into a phantom attacking himself. (To be continued.)

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