High Magic Earth

Chapter 935: Weapons that cannot be drawn (2)

Zhang Junyun's speed is not much faster than the speed of the yellow robe monk in the movie. Yi Chou naturally has no pressure to avoid it, but what he doesn't understand is why he attacked himself, even ambushing here earlier.

Just because he asked him where Tengu Forest is? This makes no sense.

Yi Xiao deliberately suppressed the magic of the restless body, his figure flashed on the open space beside him, "What are you doing?!" he asked Zhang Junyun.

It seems that the attack has been exposed, and Zhang Junyun is not covering his voice. There is a groan of unclear meaning in his voice, and finally gathers into a sentence, "You just die!"


His body grows short and thick hair, and the fluffy layer is covered with a thick layer on the surface of the skin, becoming alive like a ball of hair, his nails and fangs begin to protrude, and become long and slender sharp.

The sharp claws allow him to attach to the wall, and the speed that Tengu brings to him turns him into a phantom, sticking to the smooth front as if it is a streamer, attacking Yi Chou.

But the real danger does not come from here, but. .


Yi Ao's body twisted abruptly to the side, and a green light passed dangerously and dangerously beside him. Suo Ming Man almost touched Yi Ao's shoulder, almost hitting his heart.

Fortunately, he felt the danger after coming to him, it was the breath of life-spell.

Daisy emerged from the shadows. She had been hiding behind Yi Chou, seemingly waiting for this fatal blow, and after not hitting, she immediately began to force the phantom to distort, "Slap!" Appeared on the other side of the cave.

Her phantom shift was very stiff, and the loud sound in the cave almost deafened Yi Xuan's ears, but Yi Xuan had no time to catch her, because the werewolf that had turned into a phantom had invaded his side.

Suddenly, Yi Chou's robes suddenly turned into a white cloak. He squatted down, and the cloak covered his whole body. Then the surface of the cloak became extremely hard. Between the breaths, a steel was formed. Shield.

"Zi ---!" The werewolf's sharp short claws caught on it, making a sharp and harsh voice.

A liquid-like flow appeared on the surface of the steel shield. At the next moment, countless spikes re-emerged into steel and stabbed out, protecting Yi Chou as a hedgehog in an instant, but the werewolf's keen instinct had already made Zhang Junyun jump away from here.

Yi Xuan put down his cloak, and it immediately returned to a soft coat. Yi Xiao put it on his body, then stared at the two, and said softly, "What the **** are you doing."

His eyes flicked to the side, and saw an angel lying on the stone platform in the middle of the cave. "You will not trust these things." Yi Xuan frowned, "It's crazy."

But Zhang Junyun and Daisy did not answer. The two looked at each other and attacked Yi Chou again. The flames spewed out of Daisy’s wand, and Zhang Junyun also started to follow the surface of the rock wall again. Jumping above.

Yi Chou's face was a bit gloomy. He slammed the cuffs of his large garter fiercely, and his figure disappeared silently.

His figure condensed again near the entrance of this cave. He wanted to seal it up, first shut them together with the body of the angel, and then figure out what was going on.

I just didn't expect that the two people would have known for a long time that Yi Xiao would come to this position. At the moment when Yi Xiao appeared, their attack turned around, Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows, and a golden light shield appeared in his hand.

He condenses the energy of the defensive spell in his hands so that he can resist more powerful attacks.

"Bang!" Daisy's flame was slammed back by Yi Chou, and Zhang Junyun was planted several heels backwards by the huge impact, but at this moment, a broken voice suddenly appeared in Yi. Behind.

In Yi Biao’s perception, Miss Tan’s figure was moving at a rapid speed, and behind her fluttered a virtual image identical to Zhang Junyun and the yellow robe monk in the movie, even with a sharp ninja left in the air. Waves.

Her appearance seemed unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

Yi Xuan's face was dull. Miss Tan didn't seem to give Yi Xao much reaction time, and came to him. Although Miss Tan was just a newcomer, the short knife in her hand was not a decoration.

The still passive defense is too late. At this time, the best way is to face the enemy.

This is exactly what Yi Xiao did. He didn't pull out his right hand in the gown suddenly, and then pointed at Miss Tan.

At this moment, the corner of Miss Tan's mouth seemed to be curled up, but before she could really spread her smile, she froze her face at the next moment.

What Yi Xiao pulled out was not a magic wand, because his hands were still empty.

"You're fooled." Yi Huo said.

At the next moment, whether it was Miss Tan in front, or werewolves and Daisy roaring behind, or even the bodies of angels parked in caves, all disappeared like bubbles.

Turn into a ghost.

They are all illusions of clamor, or illusions from Tengu's residence.

The purpose is to force Yi Xuan to withdraw his weapon, which is his wand.

"It doesn't make much sense to keep hiding," Yi Xuan said, "Come out."

As Yi's voice fell, a strange man in a yellow robe came slowly into the shadow of the cave. It had no hair and eyebrows. It had two eyes like an owl. The black pupil occupied most of the eyes.

There are two cracks on both sides of its nostrils, which is the tengu that Yi Chou is looking for.

"Explain your intention, stranger." He made a slow, deep voice.

"I thought you already knew it." Yi Huo said, "After all, you see so many interesting things in my mind."

"That is the illusion of this forest, which originates from your inner illusion and has nothing to do with us." Tengu knows what Yi Chou refers to, but all the illusions that appear here are controlled by the forest, not them.

Even if there had been an illusion dominated by Yi Chou's heart before, Tengu still don't know the origin of Yi Chou.

"My purpose... it's yours, of course." Yi Chou suddenly stepped forward and directly approached the front of the yellow robe monk. It was enough to deter the ugly appearance of most people. Not only did it not work, but Yi Chong was taken aback. .

His sleeve robe twitched, and he subconsciously wanted to grab the long sword, but Yi Chou had grabbed its shoulder for a moment, and the phantom shift was instantly launched, and the two people's figures distorted from the place.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the row of tengus kneeling on the outermost side, it was Yi Chou and the yellow robe monk he was carrying.

"What are you going to do!" It no longer calmed down before, screaming hoarsely, and asked awkwardly.

"It's correct that you don't let me withdraw my wand." Yi Xiao grabbed its shoulder with one hand, and the invisible magic power completely stopped the surrounding environment. "But it made me angry."

The dark green light flashed, and a Tengu lying on the ground softened instantly, and the yellow robe monk standing next to Yi Chou made an angry roar, but it slowly opened his mouth as if in slow motion. There was no slight sound.

But Yi Chou's movements did not stop. The dark green light bloomed in the sky like a scythe of death, and he immediately harvested towards the surrounding tengu.

In the same way, they were not idle, facing the threat of death, they all stood up and turned into residual images of Dao, plopped up frantically, and condensed a shining long sword from the mist, and then solidified in front of these tengu.

They grabbed their long swords and rushed towards Yi Chou crazy.

In an instant, the entire cave was filled with their afterimages. Yi Chou couldn't even see a clear picture. What he saw was only dark yellow.

But this has no effect on Yi Chou. He grabbed his other hand forward, and the glowing magic shield appeared in front of him again. The crystal-clear shield exuded a scorching light and instantly attacked everything. Blocked out.

The long sword hit the shield, making a clanging clang, and Yi Chou's wand protruded from behind the shield, again quietly harvesting several lives.

Like a huge ball, countless ghosts surround Yi Chou, but under the shield of the shield, he can't hurt him in the slightest.

The light at the center of the sphere is getting brighter and brighter, and the light is gathered and charged by Yi Chou, and it is when the encircling circles of Tengu are getting denser.

With the sound of "Bang!", the central position of Tengu Forest seemed to burst like a nuclear bomb, and the entire forest was instantly destroyed by rolling heat waves.

Naturally, the yellow robe monk who was standing beside Yi Chou was also included.

. . .

Slowly retracting the wand, Yi Xuan watched the yellow robe monks coming out of the shadows struggle and howl on the ground. Tengu has a faster speed and a different appearance, and the rest is no different from humans.

But since he dares to let himself fall into the illusion, then he must be prepared to be trapped in the illusion.

Yi Xuan turned back and walked back, and Zhang Junyun really scared Yi Xiao when he appeared, but from the moment Miss Witch Daisy appeared, Yi Xuan knew he was in a hallucination.

Because of Miss Daisy's level, her invisibility spell cannot hide herself.

Perhaps the cloak of one of the three holy weapons of death is okay, but he also has one. Yi Chou has long understood the specific construction principle of the cloak. Although it cannot be made because of the material, there is no problem in breaking the cloak magic.

Knowing that he was trapped in an illusion, Yi Biao quickly found a way to counter it. Seriously, the illusion of Tengu’s residence was not very clever. It was okay to deceive ordinary people, but it was not enough to see the wizard.

Even Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan can break out from it, enough to illustrate the simplicity of the illusion.

Sure enough, as long as Yi Biao didn't draw out his weapon, the illusion would soon not break through, and then the yellow robe monk hiding in the corner came out slowly.

And at the moment it appeared, Yi Hao's illusion curse had enveloped it.

Before it saw Yi Chou fighting with Tengu who were kneeling outside, and the entire Tengu Forest was affected by the battle until it was destroyed, it was all an illusion.

As for whether you can break free, it depends on yourself.

Yi Chou turned and walked out. When passing by the previous cave platform, Yi Chou saw a solitary long knife inserted on the ground, and a gentle luster flashed in the light she was casting.

Is the long sword a special product of Tengu Forest? Everyone who comes here will get a gift from Tengu.

Yi Xiao continued to walk forward, throwing a detective evil while passing by the long knife, and by the way, pulled it from the ground, waving it twice in his hand.

"Ding--!" Yi Xiao flicked the blade of the long knife, listening to it making a clear sound.

This magic weapon is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It has good resistance to magic, but it is not blind resistance. It can resist malicious magic, that is, magic that attacks itself.

However, it has no resistance to detective and auxiliary magic, but accepts it very smoothly.

This is not comparable to those pit teammates, magic weapons that no matter what magic they resist.

Is Tengu’s craft still very desirable? Yi Chou waved his long knife in his hand with satisfaction, and then returned to the cave at the beginning.

Circles of candles surround the Buddha statue, and tengu crawling down below have already stood up, watching Yi Chou with an inexplicable gaze.

The cold illusion, the cold breath, the dimly shaking candlelight, and a group of ugly and ugly tengu who looked completely different from humans stared at Yi Chou.

I have to say that this situation is very strange.

But Yi Xuan didn't pay much attention to it. He shook his head, and the demonstration seemed to turn the long knife in his hand.

He is not afraid of these Tengu in front of him. I believe that he has proved this in the illusion, and directly destroying Tengu Forest is not a problem.

The only problem is that Yi Chou played just an ordinary Edo Onmyoji at this time. He did not want to use too much power, which would attract the attention of the enemy hidden in the dark.

but. . Dogs don't seem stupid these days.

They didn't do it immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because they found that even their leader was not an opponent of Yi Chou. These tengus were stuck on the road of Yi Chou's departure and stood there in concert.

"Hand over our patriarch." One of them stepped forward and said hoarsely to Yi Huo.

"Your boss is behind." Yi Xuan turned the long knife in his hand again by an arc, and then put the long knife on his shoulder, pointing to his back.

In an instant, two Tengu turned into afterimages and slipped past Yi Chou's side. After a while, the yellow robe monk still trapped in the illusion was lifted by them.

Facing the angry stare of Tengu in the circle in front, Yi Huo shrugged and made a helpless expression.

The atmosphere on both sides was tense again for a moment. The Tengu who first spoke extended his hand to stop the restlessness of his companion, and then asked Yi Chou, "What do you want."

Yi Xiao finally lifted his spirit. He looked at this guy with satisfaction, and then laid the long knife flat, and slowly brushed his hand over it. "This." He said. (To be continued.)

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