High Magic Earth

Chapter 936: thing

When Yi Biao left the Tengu Forest, a lot of weapons made by Tengu, including long swords and short swords, were filled in his shadow.

If you don’t want to use the magic book, perhaps Yi Biao can also tuck a few tengu into the stone slab and bring it back.

However, although Tengu was not caught, the gains of these magic weapons are not small.

Yi Xiao had very few mastery of alchemy technology in his hands. After studying and understanding these magic weapons, he would have a deeper understanding of magic weapons.

And besides that, Yi Xuan found that he did not have the ability to move quickly.

In other words, he can use this ability, but it has nothing to do with Tengu. It is just the new magic that Yi Xao was inspired by after seeing it.

And unlike the spiritual power and magic power, the use of it is like a part of his body. In the depth of Yi arrogant consciousness, the hourglass did not recognize this ability.

Yi Xiao was keenly aware of the strangeness inside.

Obviously, these tengu's abilities cannot be acquired by him.

In other words, it means that they do not belong to the wizard.

These things are magical creatures, just like Midnight Mine, and the werewolf Varis. Although they have magic and special powers, they can't be used by Yi Yi at all.

Even an hourglass is not compatible.

Is it possible to obtain the ability to transform into a werewolf out of sight after seeing a werewolf? This is not only unscientific, but even magical.

Unless Yi Biao, like Jamie and Sister Hathaway, was infected with alien species of darkness, or was reborn as a vampire after death.

As long as the path of magical creatures is opened, it seems that it can be compatible with many abilities, just like Yi Chou can use the magic of the green prophet and the witch.

Zhang Junyun also possessed the ability of a werewolf and gained the power of Tengu.

The two very different abilities are currently considered to be the strength of the wizard, but some magical creatures also have the power to destroy the world. The two of the future are not easy to say.

Yi Chao ransacked around Tengu’s residence, and after finding out their origins, he left here.

He began his return journey, and only a few days later, he returned to the place where he first discovered Sadako's hut.

It's a pity that it's empty, as shown in the crystal ball.

"Strange..." Yi Xuan frowned, and then came to a large tree. His body was light, so he jumped on the branch and picked off the crystal ball.

The crystal ball is a reusable thing. Although Yi Chou placed a full house in the Red Castle, if it can be recycled, it can still be saved.

What's more, there are some interesting information in it.

Yi Xiao took the crystal ball in his hand, looked around left and right, and then suddenly leaned in front of his eyes. The huge pupil radiated through the crystal ball instantly, and in an instant, countless pictures poured into Yi Xuan's mind.

. . .

The clear forest is very calm, and even peacefully, the rustling leaves resound over the hut, accompanied by dappled sunlight, bringing warmth to the people.

But once I saw this lonely hut, a creepy feeling would entangle, and even make people tremble in the sun.

This picture has lasted for several hours, even for a few days. The sun rises and the sunset does not change much.

until. . The moment when the crystal ball made a hint came.

Yi Xiao controlled with his thoughts and quickly jumped the picture to that timeline, but unfortunately, it happened to be a time near evening.

The dark night enveloped the entire forest, and the hut without any light around could hardly see anything, but only a piece of gray darkness.

Yi Xiao's subconscious narrowed his eyes, although all this happened in his mind, controlled by his thinking, and had nothing to do with his vision.



The night was not as calm as the surface. Some sudden noises caught Yi Chou's attention. He focused on the center of the picture, and finally found a few anomalies at the corner of the corner of the hut.

It was a ball. . Abnormal darkness.

Contrary to the ordinary night next to it, there is some confused darkness in the corner of the wall, which looks like alive and creeps.

Although this darkness is very vague, it is extremely deep, even in the dark night when you can't see your fingers, you can feel its flow.

It's like throwing a lot of ink into the sea under the moon.

It seems that this is the ruler, Yi arrogant to cheer.

But I didn't expect that at the next moment, the dark group disappeared suddenly, just like being drawn back into the hut, disappearing without a trace.

Yi stunned for a moment, before he could allow him to think about it, suddenly a glare of light burst out under the dark night, just like the arc produced by the staggered current.

This arc is very familiar, light blue, with a very sci-fi sense of space and time in the future.

The moment it appeared, Yi Biao recognized it, and it was the strong blue arc generated when Sadako was to be drilled out of that TV set.


It seems that the TV can't resist the existence of such high frequencies. I don't know how many years old the TV has been slammed with electric splashes and bursts of dazzling glow.

The azure blue arc burst everywhere everywhere, the interior of the room was filled with dazzling light, the spark began to crack, the arc crawled along the wall and spread around.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes again, and the arc was very dazzling. Even if he knew that none of this happened in front of himself, he still couldn't help but let him do so.

The dazzling blue light surrounds the hut. Although it is only a few short moments, Yi Chou still sees a very vague figure. She is inside the house, which Yi Chou saw through the crack that was blown out by the arc .


Before Yi Chou could see clearly, the picture of the crystal ball was nearing its end. A few fragments of the picture flashed again, and then it was completely dark.

"Damn..." Yi Xuan frowned, too late to take a closer look, the picture was over.

Once again, I recollected my memory, but found that the memory in the crystal ball ended here.

There would be no way but to collect the crystal ball, and then around the hut, began to investigate it personally.

Although the hut disappeared, the messy footprints were still around. Yi Chou squatted beside a messy grass and gently dying plants with his hands.

There are footprints, very many footprints, very messy, but they can be clearly distinguished.

Yi Xiao compared his eyes and determined that they belonged to women's footprints, and they were wearing flat shoes with simple patterns. Isn't it Sadako?

After thinking for a while, Yi Xiao was not sure whether Sadako was wearing shoes.

But soon, he noticed another strange place.

There are many footprints on the ground, which means more than one person, and depending on the number of footprints, even if there are more than two or three people, there can be about four people.

and. . Everyone’s footprints are the same.

In other words, they are all alone.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is not possible. Although a person can repeatedly step on it can also cause this effect, but if you look closely, the depth of each footprint is different, there are many footprints of the same depth, they It's a pair.

And many pairs of footprints are interlaced, making poses that human feet can't do.

They have exactly the same footprints, almost the same weight, but they are not alone.

Yi Xiao's brows became tighter, and he gently crushed the ground with his hands. For a moment, he felt as if he saw the owner of the footprints, a beautiful woman.

Unusually beautiful woman.

He had never seen such a beautiful person, even if Yi Chou didn't have many feelings, but at this moment, he still couldn't help but want to get her and completely occupy her.

Fortunately, only a short moment, with Yi Min's mind control, he quickly broke free.

Yi Xao couldn't help but fall back and took a breath. He closed his brain and protected all his mind and brain in an instant. Then he had a chance to relax a little, "Good temptation..."

He didn't see the woman's appearance at all, and didn't even know who she was, and this strong thought occupied all of Yi Chao's thinking.

Yi Biao didn't dare to stay in this place for a long time. He stepped back and left these messy footprints.

He soon found a lot of blood nearby, and the amount of bleeding was enough to kill several people. It seems that there has been a violent battle here, but it is not known who the two sides of the battle are.

After wandering around the site several times and finding no more useful information, Yi Bao left here.

If he uses a magic book, the power of the silver tongue will let him get more information, but this power that is almost close to God will be noticed. Before finding the anomaly, Yi Xuan has decided to temporarily lower his profile.

Anyway, if this hut is really something important, then I will meet again sooner or later.

With this idea in mind, Yi Chou returned again along the way.

Zhenzi Hut existed much closer than Tengu Forest, because Yi Chou had encountered Kai Yi and Zhang Junyun and others not far from the hut.

So before it took half a day, Yi Chou arrived at the temporary gathering place before.

What he did not expect at the same time was that the judgment he had made earlier was realized so quickly.

. . .

When Yi Xiao returned to the gathering place, it was near evening. According to the clues and signals left by Zhang Junyun, he quickly found the so-called Ninja Village, Jiahe among the three populations along the mark.

Taking advantage of the night, Yi Biao didn't disturb any guards, and directly touched outside of Zhang Junyun's room. Through a little exploration of magic, after discovering that Zhang Junyun was in the room, Yi Biao pushed the door and went in.

In fact, he knocked on the door, but didn't give Zhang Junyun much reaction time.

And this guy was really good-tempered. Although he was rudely intruded, he was not angry, but said with a surprised face, "Ango, you are back."

Yi Chou was confused, but he quickly reacted. He called Ango Ango. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it, so he accepted the title indifferently and said to Zhang Junyun by the way, "I found them."

Looking at Zhang Junyun in front of him, Yi Chou's mood is a little strange. After all, he just fought with him in a cave not long ago. The super-werewolf did bring a lot of trouble to Yi Chou. Of course, this was deliberately suppressed in strength. After that, if the magic book is used, I am afraid that Zhang Junyun will not pass a trick in Yi Xuan's hands.

But even if Yi Chou's strength is deliberately suppressed, it is still far superior to the elite Auror. It seems that Zhang Junyun's strength is not as great as the surface moisture.

in case. . If you don't look at his expression on Yi Yi at this moment.

"Then Ang...you got it..."

Before Zhang Junyun's words were finished, Yi Chou stood up, and the wide robes and robes waved to the ground. In an instant, three long knives sank into the ground neatly and inserted at Zhang Junyun's feet.

Sure enough, Zhang Junyun's eyes lighted up and said, "Magic ability?" He looked at Yi Chou's cuff enviously, "It's really convenient, a necessary skill in the novel."

On the contrary, it is easy to clamor. It seems strange that Zhang Junyun has no space equipment.

"Miss Daisy, I remember she is also a witch." Yi Biao asked.

"Space magic is a very difficult force." Zhang Junyun shrugged. "Harry Potter is just a low-magic world. It is estimated that there is no concept of space magic in it."

"Wonderless stretch spell, didn't she learn."

Zhang Junyun suddenly froze, and after a while, he hesitated and said, "It should be... no."

In fact, he has not been in contact with the core members of the rebels. The information was widely advertised, and only Yi Biao had not returned to the present world for a long time, so he didn't know anything.

The core personnel of those rebels must be a piece of space equipment. The invisible stretch spell is a very common spell in the Harry Potter world. It is not a problem for Aurors. As long as one person thinks, then this technology will be popularized. .

Probably only the same lonely guy like Zhang Junyun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ would not think of this kind of thing for a while.

Yi Xiao took out a pocket from his sleeve and threw it to Zhang Junyun. The unmarked stretch mantra was just a spell for Yi Xuan, and the spell was not a consumable item. It was not a problem that he made countless pieces.

Of course, Yi Chou's spell also lasts longer than the average wizard and Auror, and has almost reached the level of a constant spell.

Zhang Junyun is not stupid. Of course he knows what this is. He took the pocket with the unmarked stretch spell and he happily started to play with it.

"The three long knives are yours." Yi Chou said to him, and then stood up. "I have nothing to do during the time I left. If there are no big things, I will leave here temporarily."

Zhang Junyun was clearly aware of the big and small things in Ninja Village. He shook his head immediately when he heard Yi Chou's inquiries.

Upon seeing this, Yi Xuan turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, the door of the room was slammed open by people, and Miss Tan broke into it instantly, then shouted to Zhang Junyun, "Brother Zhang, the space outside suddenly appeared A house, that house is modern!" (Unfinished to be continued.)

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