High Magic Earth

Chapter 937: houses

Yi Biao's gaze circulated slightly on Zhang Junyun. Now he knows why Zhang Junyun doesn't care about the guests who are not invited to enter the door. I'm afraid he has been surprised by Miss Tan.

But this thought only turned in Yi Biao's head for a moment, and his attention was attracted to the house in Miss Tan's mouth.

Another hut from modern times, or. . It is the one that was previously discovered by Yi Chou.

With such a problem, it is naturally impossible for the three to sit down and talk for a while. Zhang Junyun got up and walked out with Miss Tan, and Yi Chou also took the responsibility to follow him. As free people from the present world, they There is more natural trust than the indigenous people.

Of course, it is not necessary to trust each other, even friends who are not very close are guarded against each other, not to mention a few guys from this world who are originally strangers.

For example, Miss Tan did a good job at this point. She completely ignored Yi Chou who was following her, and just nodded to him, and then regarded him as non-existent.

Yi Xiao also enjoys this. Although the task this time was not assigned to him by the hourglass, it was crucial. He was better to be a little transparent.

And here, apart from Zhang Junyun's vague sense of the power of Yi Chou, the other two also completely regarded Yi Chou as a free man who had just experienced one or two worlds.

I am afraid that if the anomaly hiding in the dark places his eyes here, he will not think of Yi Chao pretending to be a very ordinary free man, and then gradually toward the correct answer.

This is probably black under the lights.

According to Zhang Junyun, ordinary free people account for a large proportion of the total. Although it is not a special disparity, at least three of the five people are very ordinary. They are still the kind of throwing a brick to kill a person. .

It's just that this ordinary cardinality has been transformed from ordinary humans to ordinary free people.

But there is not much difference between the two. They still belong to the bottom of the circle, and they are even worse than when they are ordinary people, because ordinary people still have legal protection, but free people do not.

This situation is not surprising. The emergence of the Second World just means more choices, but it does not mean that everyone will succeed. The original life is full of countless choices and opportunities, which cannot be caught in ordinary life. How can a successful person suddenly become a genius.

Especially here there is no guarantee, passive crossing, no so-called shops, everything depends on their own hard work and thinking, if everyone can fly into the sky, it is strange.

Of course, there must be a factor of luck, but this kind of person is definitely a minority, and luck is also a part of strength. In other words, their overall score is actually very high, but it is a strange attribute when added.

Zhang Junyun also belongs to the very ordinary kind of free man, or rather. . The stronger between ordinary and powerful.

And is struggling upward.

After walking out of Zhang Junyun's residence, Yi Chou discovered that the surrounding sky had darkened, and the night came to the world, and darkness filled the surroundings.

The light in the night is extremely scarce. Yi Chou raised his head and counted slightly, and found that apart from the moon still not changing, many other stars have changed their positions, and the number is also very much reduced.

It is really strange that the star chart is still normal when sailing on the Red Pilot.

To know that there is no radar or satellite in this world, Yi Huo does not need magic guidance, of course, you need a compass and observe the position of the stars.

People living here seem to have adapted to this problem long ago, so Yi Chou saw that the camp was lit with extra torches and braziers, which stretched inside the village and shone the surrounding light.

This was the first time Yi Chou looked at the Ninja camp head-on. Seriously, he was a bit disappointed.

The place is not big, the building is very simple, and the broken wooden house is not at all exquisite, nor as beautiful and magnificent as shown in the movie, so it can only barely leak.

The patrols and the ninjas hiding in all corners were all revealed by Yi Peng's mental power. Their appearance was much better than that of the thin-skinned poor, but they were still very short and thin, and it was difficult to be called strong.

Not to mention that Zhang Junyun is a giant compared to them, even Miss Tan and Daisy have an advantage.

This is also a common situation in the 17th century. Even in Europe, the poor peasant farmers who are not able to eat enough are not much better than here in Edo.

You know, when Yi Xiao just met Wen Ni, she was so thin that she would be caught in the wind. .

Yi Biao's memories came to an abrupt end. He passed through the gap of the wooden house and met a pair of bright and confused eyes. This was a child's, and soon she was hugged back by her mother.

Turning his head, Yi Chou continued to follow Zhang Junyun and the two towards the modern hut.

It is said to be Ninja Village, but it is actually just an ordinary village, but there are more ninjas. Most people living in the village are still ordinary people.

Yi Biao could even feel that a pair of two was hiding in the room, looking at his eyes through the gap of the door.

With the same vigilance as strangers, they are just ordinary people.

but why. . Those ninjas have special powers.

Zhang Junyun couldn't answer this question. He and Daisy came to this world first, followed by Miss Tan. Zhang Junyun had seen the special ability of ninja many times, but he couldn't imitate it.

That is to say, what cannot be activated by the hourglass is easy to say.

However, Zhang Junyun knew a lot of other things, such as Yi Chou's previous analysis of the strength of several people, which was derived from Zhang Junyun's mouth.

On the way through the village, Zhang Junyun mentioned that he and Miss Tan had also been to Tengu Forest, but almost did not escape after being chased by Tengu.

I am afraid that his strength is less than an Auror, otherwise it will not be so embarrassed.

In addition to this, Zhang Junyun knew little news. Apart from spending a few more days in this world, he caught up with the free people in the Second World and learned some of the most common-sense news. Know something.

Ok. . And the name of Miss Tan.

Her name is Tan Qing, and her name is very beautiful, but it is a pity that people look very ordinary.

"Miss Daisy." The three met Miss Daisy in the same direction as they walked through the village. Yi Xuan nodded to her, saying hello. Zhang Junyun showed a sign-like smile, but Daisy didn't give it. He has a good complexion, still a cold and proud look.

However, Zhang Junyun seems to be accustomed to it and doesn't care much.

"That strange house appeared outside the village, and we can only walk through the whole village." Miss Tan and Daisy's feelings seemed to be good, and she rarely explained.

It seems that she is not a very exquisite person in reality, otherwise she will not make the relationship so rigid.

A group of people quickly left the village, but near the entrance of the village, Yi Chou saw a strange person.

Belonging to this world, the people in this village, he wears clothes between the samurai suit and the ninja suit. It looks like a realistic version of the Ranger Jianxin, but his clothes are not red.

He took a step forward and whispered a few words with Zhang Junyun in Japanese, then looked at Yi Huo and left.

Both Daisy and Miss Tan did not speak out. Yi Chou estimated that their Japanese may not be proficient. Fortunately, Miss Tan's English level is very good, otherwise Daisy would be very difficult to communicate with others.

Blond Caucasians were not common in the Edo period. Perhaps they can be seen in those prosperous ports, but in this relatively deep village, few people know.

Along the way, Yi Chou heard several whispers of the word monster.

Fortunately, because of the relationship of ninjas, Ninja Village is not so afraid of monsters, but it hasn't caused more right and wrong.

However, Miss Tan and Daisy didn't understand Japanese, but Yi Xuan, who was helped by the hourglass, heard it very clearly. After hearing Zhang Junyun's conversation with the ninja, Yi Xuan finally knew why the name Jiahe sounded so familiar.

Jiahe Renfa placard.

This movie, which should have broken out during the Warring States period, was dragged into the Edo era, extending it for decades.

The Ninja Village where several people live is the former one of Koga and Iga.

The man just now is the leading actor in the movie, Konosuke.

Yi Xiao watched him leave, and his mental power slowly recalled the dusty memories in his mind. His strength was also reflected in the speed. His speed was much faster than the Tengu, if it was against Zhang Junyun, I am afraid that before he responds, Kanosuke can cut him in half.

And Kinosuke's power is also very large, and a ninja can be split in two with a knife, which seems to be completely effortless.

Yi Biao also thought of many other interesting things. If it is Jiahe, and if Uganosuke is not dead, then he is not alone, a poisonous girl covered with poison, and the current Jiahe who can use all ninjutsu The leader A Huan, are some very interesting guys.

However, their power has surpassed that of Tengu. If you don’t use magic books and more powerful magic, Yi Xuan cannot easily win, so before finding valuable clues, Yi Xuan will not act rashly for the time being.

not to mention. . What's wrong with this modern house with unshakable spirit, Yi Biao hasn't figured it out yet.

"It's here." Not long after being separated from Kanosuke, Miss Tan led the three through a wood and then came to a relatively empty area.

There are still many ninjas stationed here, as well as some ordinary villagers, who are torches scattered around, vaguely surrounding the hut in the middle.

The moment Yi Biao's eyes fell on the house, his pupils shrank fiercely.

This house is the one that lost its trace not long ago, and Yi Chou will not admit it wrong.

It seems that in addition to the out-of-date sadako, one more strange thing has to be added, and that is the house itself.

"This thing really does not belong to this era." Through the fire, Zhang Junyun saw the whole picture of the house. His eyes turned yellow and green in the dark, and even radiated a greenish luster, like a wolf, but around A few people didn't care too much about this, "but it doesn't look like it's modern."

Yi Chou stood lazily on the principle of talking less and doing less, and said nothing.

"Perhaps it was in the decade." Miss Tan said.

Poor Daisy witch not only did not understand Japanese, but also did not understand Chinese at all. She didn’t understand what Miss Tan and Zhang Junyun were talking about, but she was unwilling to fall behind and said to Miss Tan, "Here is a complete waste of time. The clues should be all Hidden inside the house, I can open it with a door open spell."

Miss Tan froze for a moment, and hesitantly said, "But... this house has no door." She had already discovered the hut before, and then went to inform others.

Prior to this, Miss Tan had roughly explored the house. She did not remember that the house had a door. In case she remembered it incorrectly, after she finished speaking, she deliberately circled again and shrugged to Daisy.

Yi Chou on the side also frowned. The house he saw before had a door. He had been inside. Why didn't he come here? Isn't it a house?

But the door-opening curse must be no more. Even if the door is opened by magic, there must be a door first. It seems that Miss Daisy's few magics are probably not useful here.

But I did not expect that although Daisy was also very strange, she did not step back, but shrugged to Miss Tan as well, "It doesn't matter, my way of opening the door is special."

Without waiting for Miss Tan to react, she instantly flattened her wand, and a strong red light spread out along the wand, hitting the wall of the house fiercely, "Cracked!" she sighed.

A bang! With a loud noise, the side of the cabin collapsed in an instant, and in the dust, the scene inside was exposed.

The faces of Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan, including Daisy, were shattered by the lime when the wall was smashed. Only Yi Xao recognized her magic at the moment when the light of Daisy's wand appeared, and then she stepped back quietly. It avoids the area where lime strikes outward.

When the three of them slap their bodies and babbles in panic~~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Xuan also has a leisurely discovery that a voluptuous figure flew out of Jiahe Ninja Village and flew by the moonlight On a large tree not far away, then hidden.

She is probably one of the ninjas in Koga, and the poisoned female is scorching.

Miss Tan used the speed of Tengu to instantaneously transform into a ghost image to shake off the lime on her body. After finally cleaning herself up, she immediately complained to Daisy, "Have your teacher taught you how to open the door a little softer." "

"Yes." Daisy's attitude is still very proud, but it seems to find that her image at this time is not too elegant, so he quickly remedied, "But you said that this thing has no way."

Looking at Zhang Junyun's complexion, he also wanted to complain a few words, but after all, he endured it. He shook his head and said to several people helplessly, "Don't say it's useless, let's take a look first."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked in. He thought that his strength should be the highest among several people. In addition, he was the only melee, and Zhang Junyun felt he had a responsibility to block the other three.

After all, the werewolf's self-healing ability is also very powerful. (To be continued.)

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