High Magic Earth

Chapter 938: internal

Yi Chou followed suit, followed Zhang Junyun into the house for the second time.

He intends to do a little transparency quietly, but it does not mean that he has to wait until the end. As a man, letting two women walk in front is obviously not a gentleman’s way, maybe he can’t play down his own existence. Instead, it will cause more trouble.

For example, why is this person so timid, so gentleman, etc., in order to avoid this, Yi Chou obviously does not ask for trouble to get up.

In human relationships, emotions are not a necessity. Sometimes the cold logic can be handled well. For many years, Yi Chou has been doing this, and now he is very skilled at it.

And there is another point, this house has changed, it has changed from a house with a door to a boxy, living like a big coffin.

Yi Chou is also not sure if there are any changes inside, dangerous, or possible. . It is not the previous house at all.

Stepping into the house, Yi Chou immediately warned. Because there were no doors and windows, the fully enclosed house was very dark, and the outside sky was dim. The torches ignited all around could not transmit the fire light.

"Fluorescence flashes." Yi Xuan whispered, suddenly, a little starlight flew out along his wide cuffs, suspended in the center of the ceiling of the room, and illuminated several people.

Yi Biao has said before that he is also a wizard. Wearing the yin and yang master's garb is just to cover his identity, plus the fluorescent flash is not a deep magic, so the other few people didn't even look at it. More It was to focus on this house, only Daisy noticed Yi Chou's cuff, where the wand was hidden.

"It's a heavy smell." Miss Tan who finally stepped into the house couldn't help but whispered that the danger was not found, but the smell was too strong.

Even Miss Tan can smell it, let alone Zhang Junyun, who bears the brunt. The werewolf's sense of smell is countless times more sensitive than humans. Almost as soon as he came in, he almost rushed to the head with a pungent breath, even if he weakened his sense of smell. , Trying to hold his breath, but he still has a bitter face.

Moreover, Zhang Junyun's face is still with a rare seriousness, because he is very familiar with this taste, and this pungent breath is a rich **** smell.

Although Yi Xiao's face has not changed, but he is wary of one point in his heart. In the face of the unknown, Yi Xiao will not hesitate to take action when necessary. Compared with protecting his identity, life is more important.

When the clues are gone, you can find them again, at most it is more difficult, but life is gone. . I will be companion with Neverland.

And the offenses of angels and demons are looming, they have been dormant for nearly a thousand years, but Neverland only just chose their last term and their two guardians of Neverland, Yi Chou does not feel that he can wait for the third person, I am afraid that What I waited for was not hope, but the second world that I saw with my own eyes was destroyed.

This world has not only seen the turbulence of the world that enveloped the entire continent, but even the old dominators have appeared. The ghost knows what else is there. There is always nothing wrong with being careful.

The dim lighting spell was suspended on the heads of the four people, and it was impossible to clearly show everything around him. Zhang Junyun could only see the dark red wall, which seemed to be printed with something deeper.

It was probably blood stains.

At this moment, a crisp and cold voice appeared again behind Yi Xiao, "Fluorescent flashing!"

Along with Daisy's spell, a lot of light that was brighter than Yi Xuan's flare slowly came out of her wand, and continuously lined up in the air, floating like a regular star into the sky. , The shining light instantly illuminates the entire hut, expelling all the darkness inside the house.

Daisy seemed to be aiming at Yi Chou's direction arbitrarily. Although there was no slight expression of pride on her face, Yi Chou could still perceive her emotional energy, which was named Proud.

The excellent material for refining the Jealousy Elixir was silently thought of in his heart.

But the other two did not pay too much attention to Miss Daisy, because soon her ears were covered by the sound of air-conditioning.

Seeing Daisy's attention shifted, Yi hurriedly put away a broken box of videos on the ground. When she was casting magic while she was doing it, Yi arrogant was doing this preparation. Opportunity, he immediately inserted the video tape into the garb.

Daisy didn't know what Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan were amazed at. She turned her head subconsciously and suddenly was shocked by what she saw.

Blood stains, large areas of blood stains.

It can't even be called bloodstain, it's more appropriate to be called plasma.

Before Zhang Junyun saw the dark red wall, there were still deeper marks on the wall. He thought it was the problem of dim lighting, so the wall was full of that color, and the deeper ones were the blood stains.

But this is not the case.

The entire wall that appears in front of several people will be stained with blood. The scarlet blood seems to be dyed on the scroll, and the dark red rendered by the whole wall, and some black blood clots are particularly condensed in the center of the wall, so it will be It seems deeper than other places.

And most of the blood stains on the walls did not dry up, and the blood even slowly flowed down the wall even after so long.

Converging into a thick pool on the ground, Yi Chou doesn't have to look down, he can feel the slight sense of adhesion from the viscous liquid under his feet, even before the instep.

And more than this wall, under the slow numbness and stiffness of Daisy, they twisted their necks and looked at the other three sides of the house, all of which were covered with blood, even the side that was blown up by Daisy. Yes, thick blood flowed outside where the wall broke, and then penetrated into the dirt.

Yi arrogantly watched Daisy's complexion turn from red to white, and finally became a little bluish.

"Tick, tick!"

A little crisp voice appeared in this environment that should not appear. Yi Chou felt that something was dripping onto his head and even left on his neck, and not just himself, but also the three of Zhang Junyun.

Because they touched their heads coincidentally.

What he saw was full of scarlet blood.

Daisy raised her head and saw that it was exactly the same as the wall, occupied by plasma, painted the ceiling, and the dazzling scarlet occupied all her eyes, even her brain, her thinking.

The plasma above it was still flowing, as if time had been still, freezing them, waiting for a moment when several people stepped into the room.

"Tick, tick."

A little pungent blood fell to Daisy's face, dragging a long trace down her chin.

And this finally became the last straw that overwhelmed her.

"Ah!" she made a harsh scream, which had even cut through the night sky and passed through most of the forest.

At the next moment, Daisy turned around and rushed out, as if there were some wild monsters chasing her in the back, she ran out of the hut in a breath, she stopped in panic, then cleaned her clothes and hair.

Perhaps it's the cleanliness, and the clamor that followed is not a hasty thought.

Of course, neither Zhang Junyun nor Miss Tan was much better. Their faces were also ugly. Although they were not as big as Daisy’s reaction, they seemed to reach their limits.

The blood flowing on the ceiling was like falling down in the next moment, pouring the two of them face to face. They also didn't want to stay longer for a moment, followed Daisy and ran out.

The panicked people immediately attracted the attention of outsiders. Some ninjas and militiamen came together and seemed to want to enter the room to see something clear, but at this moment, the poisonous female Yang Yan, who was screamed and alarmed by Daisy, also disappeared. The sound fell from the tree, and then swiped against the ground.

While the four were temporarily away from the cabin, she slowly drifted past. Although it seemed very slow, in fact, the speed was only in the blink of an eye.

The ninjas and the militia saw the arrival of Yang Yan, and hurriedly avoided the sides, and gave way.

The power of poisoned girls is well known, and they don’t want to be another innocent victim.

Daisy’s magic did not dissipate. The fluorescent flashing light illuminates the interior of the house as if it were daytime. After seeing the blood that smeared the room, even if it was the ninja who was used to killing in the Edo era, Yangyan Brows can not help but wrinkle.

Because the amount of these blood is too large.

. . .

Zhang Junyun still recovered first. As a male, his mental endurance is finally stronger, and although the werewolf has not reached the point where Ru Mao drank blood, it is actually not much different.

"There was definitely a fierce battle inside."

His first sentence made Yi Xiao roll his eyes.

"And... the blood on the wall is definitely not alone."

Do you still need to say this?

Yi Xiao still did not say that, although Miss Tan's face was pale, it seemed that her psychological quality was much better than Daisy, and she was not affected. After a pause, she asked, "Are they really human blood."

This sentence should be asked to Zhang Junyun, the werewolf's nose is much easier to use than the dog.

Sure enough, he nodded somberly.

How many people need to die.

Blood occupies a very large proportion in the human body and is a large part of the human body. Rao is so. Putting a person’s blood clean can’t even cover the area of ​​a small half of the wall, let alone apply it. The full walls and ceiling make the effect of plasma flow.

What happened inside.

At this time, even Yi Huo was a little unclear. The room inside could be called hell, even if it was Yi Heo, the party site of Hell Monk.

But before. . This house clearly belongs to Sadako. Is it possible that a Sadako can make such a big situation? What happened inside?

Compared with the other three's panic, Yi Chou is much more indifferent. When dealing with clean clothes and hair in silence, he still has time to pay attention to the environment and dress up inside the room.

Except for the extra blood and plasma that fill the wall, there doesn’t seem to be much change in the room. The used TV sets and radios are still there. The cracked grass mats are also visible under the plasma on the floor, even at the cracked wall on the wall. , Seems to be exactly the same as before, exactly the same.

The only change is that the door of the house disappeared.

And there was a crazy killing inside.

At this time, Daisy, who had been cleaned for a long time, finally managed to stop. Her face was still pale, and it seemed that she had not passed the psychological level.

"I'll clean them all up!" She hurriedly went straight to the house.

but. . Zhang Junyun didn’t even need to stop her, and Zhang Junyun stopped her. “These blood... keep it until you can figure out what is going on.”

Seeing Daisy's face was not very good, and probably guessed that she did not like that environment, Zhang Junyun quickly added, "You stay outside to guard against it, that house is a little weird."

Although it was an excuse, the house seemed a little weird. Zhang Junyun made sense in saying this. After thinking about it, Daisy found that she had no reason to refuse before she looked better.

At this time, the four people also saw Yang Yang standing outside the door to probe the brain.

Perceiving the eyes behind him, the poisoned girl turned around and reverted to that enchanting and elegant posture, nodded to Zhang Junyun and others, then gave a gentle gesture, and then crossed it again, the figure soon Disappeared in the dark, I don't know if I went back to the village to find the leader to report the situation, or hid it again in the treetops of the woods.

Zhang Junyun didn't say anything. When several people came to Jiahe for so many days, everyone they knew knew each other. Even if they didn't have any friendship with Yang Yan, they met for sure.

Yi Xuan didn't know what the relationship between the three people and Nincun was, but looking at what it is now, although it wouldn't be too low, Nincun was still wary of them.

It may be something like cooperation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is also very normal. Although the Edo period was a prosperous period in Japan, it was still very chaotic. The seventeenth century is full of chaos in the world. If there is no alert Heart, I'm afraid I can't even see the sun the next day.

After a few conversations and after allocating tasks, Zhang Junyun took the lead to enter the house again.

However, the few people who were talking did not notice. Just when they turned back to argue, and the moment Yang Yan left, a few things like hair fell from the pool of blood on the floor, and they rolled down into the dirt, stained The dust on the ground covered the blood on the surface, and then quickly slipped into the dark wood next to it and disappeared.

And a few minutes later, when Zhang Junyun stepped into the hut again, stepping on the thick plasma that had never crossed his instep, a farmer who had just laid down his farm implements and took up his weapon for a long time seemed to feel something, and his eyes looked far to the dark Deep in the woods.

It seems like. . There seems to be something good there.

And it didn't take long for him to resist this curiosity like a summon, his body moved slightly, and then he quietly walked into the woods involuntarily. (To be continued.)

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