High Magic Earth

Chapter 939: sound

The people who came back didn't look very good. In fact, it wasn't just them. Those ninjas and farmers took advantage of the sun and satisfies their curiosity to see the situation inside the house. Pale.

If it were not the ninjas who had been accustomed to blood for a long time, the villagers of Ninja Village were much more tenacious than the farmers of ordinary villages outside the world. I am afraid they would have collapsed long ago and screamed to escape from here.

There were legends of monsters running around in the Edo period. The scenes inside the house really remind people of those terrible monster legends.

not to mention. . In this world, monsters are real.

At least Yi Beast has clearly seen two of them with his own eyes.

Unknown cattle, as well as tengu living in groups.

Daisy's face was not very good, and her face became paler as she approached the hut, and she stopped a dozen meters away, as if she was planning to watch the wind here.

Zhang Junyun nodded to her, then Daisy stretched out her wand and covered the heads of the three men with a transparent hat.

Just like an umbrella-shaped protective net, it can well isolate the plasma dripping from above. This should be a modified spell of the bubble head curse. It seems that she is not so useless.

It was still Zhang Junyun who stepped into the room first, the blood on the wall had flowed down, and slowly flowed out of the cabin along the cracks that Daisy exploded. .

Zhang Junyun stepped on it, and suddenly blood spattered, staining his pants legs red, while soaking.

"Vicious, disgusting," he said disgustedly.

The plasma flowing on the floor is like a living coil snake, slowly flowing on the ground, and the dark red color is shining under the light with a magical light, like a staring gaze.

"There is no trace of fierce fighting..." Zhang Junyun's dark yellow beast pupil shrank slightly, and then said softly.

He can only see some superficial things, such as traces of damaged walls, objects placed on the ground, etc. Miss Tan actually can't count on it. Although Zhang Junyun has experienced a world more than Miss Tan, the two of them In the final analysis, ordinary people in the world have not received any training.

It’s not a detective or a criminal policeman, and trying to identify valuable clues is close to zero.

The werewolf's nose can actually smell more things, the smell of humans, the biological traces that have come here, but unfortunately, this situation at this time Zhang Junyun is powerless.

Because there is only one breath in the whole room, the **** smell deep into the bone marrow.

What's more, Miss Tan's courage is much greater than Daisy's, but it is just hovering near the door. It's good to see her being careful not to run out at the next moment. Don't expect her to play any really valuable role.

Still need to rely on yourself.

Yi Chou quickly made a judgment in his mind.

Of course, he can also pretend that there is no way, but that will make things very cumbersome, and Yi Chou will not have so much time wasted here.

So he pulled out his wand and meditated in the eyes of Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan, facing the blood on the ground, "Insight."

Yi Chou can waste some magic power, or directly use the power of the magic book to directly replay the scene that happened in this room, but this magic is obviously far beyond his current level.

Perhaps it was only at the level and level of Dumbledore that he could release the magic as he pleased. In this way, he exposed his true power.

So Yi Biao chose a very simple magic, he wanted to identify this blood.

Of course, even if it is an ordinary magic, it is completely different in the hands of Yi Chao and in the hands of a magic apprentice.

The Hogwarts students probably can only tell that this is human blood, and Yi Chou can get more useful information from the blood.

Blood from humans, women, young souls are probably less than twenty years.

And all this blood information. . Almost everything is the same!

. . .

"How do you see what happened." Zhang Junyun was a little anxious, and after Yi Biao was silent for three or two minutes, he could not wait to ask.

Although Miss Tan did not say anything, the curiosity on her face was also clear.

Only Yi Xiao's face was a little ugly, "I'm alone." He said.

"What?" Zhang Junyun didn't hear it, or he heard it clearly, but didn't understand Yi Yiao's meaning.

"It's a person." Yi Xuan said, reaching for the dark red wall of the room and slowly turning. "All the blood comes from a person."

"It's impossible!" Miss Tan did not wait for Zhang Junyun to speak. Of course, although she completely regarded Yi Xiao as a stranger, she still had some politeness, "Is it wrong?" She hesitated with a trace of uncertainty.

It wasn’t that she didn’t believe it, but that the result was simply unbelievable. Even if you rolled a person’s whole body up and down into a thick powder with a grinding disc, it wouldn’t be possible to fill an entire house.

Zhang Junyun also froze for a moment, but after hearing Miss Tan blurt out, he patted her on the shoulder, and then said smoothly, "Here is the source of the world, anything can happen."

He turned his head to look at Yi Chou, "is there any more clues."

"It may be human." Yi Chou didn't care too much, but continued, "Women, about 20 years old, the rest of the information is unknown."

"You got them through magic?" Zhang Junyun looked a little surprised.

Yi Huo shrugged, "Do you need me to give you some suggestions as Onmyoji?"

"of course."

"The grievances here are heavy, leave quickly." Yi Xuan said blankly.

Zhang Junyun couldn't help but smile a little, and I didn't expect that such a stern-looking guy like Yi Huo would also make a joke, "The grievances are very heavy? Maybe a sada will crawl out later."

"It's not easy to say." Yi Chou continued.

Interrupted by Yi Huo twice, Zhang Junyun finally noticed some anomalies, "Are you serious?" he asked.

"Why do I look like I'm kidding." Yi Chou's eyes were still calm.

But at this time, Miss Tan, who has been silent and speechless, suddenly said, "Why do you suddenly pull Zhenzi." She asked Zhang Junyun.

Zhang Junyun was stunned by her, and subconsciously said, "I am... just talking casually."

But Miss Tan obviously didn't think so, because she set her eyes beside Zhang Junyun, where a dilapidated TV set was placed, which was the one that was disassembled by Yi Chou.

The human subconscious is a very wonderful thing, maybe you and you will not feel its existence, but it really exists, if your eyes touch something, maybe you have not really discovered it , The subconscious mind has already included it, and then your thoughts are associated with things related to it.

Perhaps it seems to you that it is a whimsy, or a sudden thought that doesn't know how, but this is not the case, everything is traceable.

Following Miss Tan's gaze, Zhang Junyun also saw what was behind him. There was not much difference between the two's reactions. After he was stunned, he said stutteringly, "This...this thing is..."

"As you think, it's a TV." Miss Tan made a knife next to the unscrupulous supplement.

"I... I really just follow... casually." Zhang Junyun not only stuttered his voice, but even the whole person trembles slightly, which makes Yi Chou very strange.

"It's just a TV." Yi Huo couldn't help but say, "Are you stuttering?"

"It's not just a TV, it's just!" Zhang Junyun said that the latter two words were particularly heavy, and said in a tone that seemed to want to rush up to kill Yi Chou.

"Worn TV, houses in the seventies and eighties, blood on the walls, the most important... here is still in Japan, don't you think of anything!" Zhang Junyun said crazy, "It's hard not to let people Think of Sadako! It’s impossible not to think of her!"

"But... it's a sadako..." Yi Chou turned into a dead fisheye, posing a look of weakness.

Even Miss Tan, the original creator, didn't expect Zhang Junyun's reaction to be so intense, looking at him helplessly.

"Your fake Onmyoji is not qualified to say this sentence!" Zhang Junyun's response was extremely strong.

I have to say that women’s minds are still more sensitive, and even Yi Yi’s magic has not produced any valuable clues, Miss Tan tentatively hesitated and said, "Zhang... Brother, you’re not afraid of ghosts. Right?"

Suddenly, Zhang Junyun's mad and active voice seemed to be strangled by the female ghost.

Yi Biao has an urge to help his head, but he obviously knows that it is not in his own style, but what kind of guys are around him, Daisy, the witch with halo and cleanliness, now has a fear Ghost werewolf, if the second world is all these guys, Yi Biao really feels that he will step into the abyss of despair.

But fortunately, he also knew that the most important issue at this time was not Zhang Junyun's fierce ghost syndrome, but this strange and mysterious house that would teleport.

"This TV is broken." Yi Xiao kicked the TV shell on the ground with his foot. Its shell was already removed by Yi Xiao and thrown aside. Of course, it fell off with a kick at this time. "Even Sadako , Also from a TV that can be turned on."

"No... Sadako's carrier is not necessarily a videotape. It is ultimately a ghost. Even if she doesn't get out of the TV, she has other ways to come out. I have deliberately studied things about her."

"...Are you afraid of ghosts."

"Because of fear, I need to understand them. The more I understand, the problem will be solved naturally."

"Then you are not afraid now?"

"No... the more you understand them, the more afraid you are..."

Yi Ao endured the feeling of powerlessness coming from his heart, "Videotape..." he said.


"I mean... Find a videotape, there doesn't seem to be that thing around here."

Zhang Junyun quickly searched around, taking advantage of his time to search for videotapes, Yi Chou was relieved with some helplessness. He and Miss Tan looked at each other, and there seemed to be a little bit of love between them.

Although they are still unfamiliar, the sense of familiarity is cultivated through time.

especially. . In the face of a dumb guy, I am afraid it will be faster.

Of course, Zhang Junyun will not find any video tapes, because it has already been picked up by Yi Huo in advance. Now, apart from the TV set, I am afraid there is only one damaged recorder.

Of course, the video tape may be really problematic. Even if a sadako is born, Yi dare not dare to put it in the shadow. The shadow is different from the boundary, it can allow living things to pass, but it cannot store living things. Things, what to do if I accidentally suffocate Sadako.

or. . Sadako is not a living creature at all. In that way, the worst thing is a lot of things put in the shadow of Yi Chou.

Therefore, Yi Chou directly put the shadow in his arms, so that if there is any difficulty, he can be immediately aware of it.

Zhang Junyun would naturally not find a videotape. He was rushing around the house like a headless fly. Yi Biao looked out of the house at the same time. The night was deep. Those ninjas and farmers were very dedicated to supporting the torch The outside is illuminated.

Daisy was not far away from the house, her eyes fixed on the dark woods, but she actually looked back and forth from time to time to the hut behind her, and probed her brain to try to see the situation inside.

Really. . Weak. .


But at this moment, a piercing scream punctured the night sky, also punctured the eardrum, and passed into the brains of several people.

"What's the matter!" Zhang Junyun's ears suddenly stood up. In a flash, his pupils were slightly yellow, and even stood up, even his teeth and nails were slightly extended.

If it is not easy to clamor, Zhang Junyun is indeed the most powerful of these people.

Without waiting for the time of the next sentence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The figures of the three have already drifted out, including Miss Tan.

"It's a man's voice." Zhang Junyun's werewolf's hearing is still very keen, and he said in a deep voice on the way to a virtual shadow.

Soon, Daisy also controlled her magic to catch up, and the use of Phantom Shift to hurry up was indeed much faster than Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan’s Tengu ability.

"What's going on in front." Daisy couldn't help but ask, she stood in the back for a long time and didn't know much about what happened in the room.

"...Hope not that guy." Zhang Junyun said in a phantom.

Zhang Junyun was referring to Zhenzhen naturally. He didn't want to take his destination and saw a Zhenzi lying on the ground, and that was the source of the cry.

Yi Biao did not speak, his head followed behind several people, and the screams and movements of several people also attracted the attention of nearby farmers and ninjas.

In addition to staying nearby to continue to alert people, several shadows traveled through the woods for a time, all heading towards the place where the sound erupted. (To be continued.)

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