High Magic Earth

Chapter 941: Things that can be killed in the whole room (2)

Chapter 941 of Knights and Wizards that can be killed by the entire room (2)

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Yi Xiao looked at Zhang Junyun's expression very strangely, just like opening a dye workshop, and his angry little flame was extinguished almost instantly, and his angry expression stiffened in his face.

Although I don't know the specific reason, Yi Chou knows that it is all related to the two girls in front of him, or Zhang Junyun recognizes them.

"Do you know them?" Yi arrogantly stepped forward slightly, covering Zhang Junyun behind him, and then turned around and asked softly.

His wand is already in his hands. If these two guys are really very dangerous, and even threaten the lives of the free men behind them, Yi Chou does not mind exposing his strength to save their lives.

Perhaps the exposure will make the things hidden behind the scene alert and even more hidden, but it is nothing more than a waste of time, but the life of a free person is precious.

Every free person is precious.

Yi arrogant is not good-hearted, just because they are all grasshoppers tied to a rope, and by themselves, Yi arrogant, now it is very difficult to fight against the power of angels.

"You... don't know...?" Zhang Junyun looked at Yi Chou with a trembling voice, and his voice became a little stuttering, almost asking back with a trembling tone.

"Um... a little familiar." Yi Xiao also looked at the twins at the same time. After all, the twins in the movie are still relatively rare. "But... I can't remember it for a moment." He frowned slightly.

Looking at Zhang Junyun's meaning, the twins are obviously the characters in the movie, and they sound like the very famous characters, but they don't have any impressions.

Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched, and the expression on his face was strange, as if he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

He did not intend to conceal the answer to the mystery, but did not expect that at this time, the twins who had been talking about the target, and the twin girls who had been neglected, suddenly said first, "Do you know me?"

They are two people, but their voices are neat as if they are one person. They are worthy of being twins.

But Yi Huo is a little strange, because they are clearly two people, but the words are strange single person, me.

The two girls drilled out from under the clothes of the dead body and stared at Zhang Junyun with innocent eyes. The snow-white skin refracted a soft luster in the night, like a beautiful elf wandering in the woods.

Just with the cold air and environment around them, this beautiful situation immediately became weird. They are no longer like elves in the woods, but more like the magical mandrills.

And apart from a corpse on the ground, their snow-white skin was spotless, and even a piece of clothing was never put on.

Their appearance is absolutely abnormal.

The slight breeze seemed to rise again from the darkness, blowing the flames on the torches in the distance slightly, becoming more like a ghost fire in the forest.

These guys seem to have discovered the movements here, and are rushing to the place with noisy noises. The noise of the noises may have added a ray of vitality to them, but Yi Chou doesn't think so.

Being watched by four **** and white eyes, Yi Chou seemed to feel that everything around him was instantly quiet.

It's like the soul has left the body.

But in fact Yi Chou has no soul.

Suppressing the inner restlessness, Yi Chou's right hand turned over, and the wand dropped from the wide garter into his palm. The wand gently moved in the air, and the two compliant clothes suddenly abruptly condensed in the air, and then fell to The two of them.

After a pause, the tip of the wand radiated a dangerous and ordinary shattering spell, and Yi Chou said calmly, "Your name."

The twins glanced at each other again, and then turned back, staring at Yi Chou, a soft judo in unison, "Fujiang."...


The name is almost comparable to seeing through the sky, even Yi Yi's pupil squeezed fiercely.

He didn’t recognize the two of them, it doesn’t mean that Yi Biao had never heard of Fu Jiang. In fact, after initially knowing that the second world originated from the movie world, Yi Biao had made up many movies, most of which were relatively well-known. And classic, including Fu Jiang.

After all... As one of the handles of Japanese ghosts, Fujiang's existence can hardly be ignored.

Although several films about her were badly made in special effects, far inferior to Sadako and Gyeko, the plot is still very full, and the settings behind Fu Jiang, if you think about it, are also extremely scary.

Just like...now this situation.

Yi Huo took a breath and felt some brain pain. Fortunately, his brain occlusion was also one of the best. Except for Dr. Charles, who is a top-level psychic or other creature, few people can break through Yi Xiao's mind. And thought.

But her danger is far more than the ability to charm.

Fujiang can be divided.

Just like now, whenever she is afraid or angry, she will split up a new Fujiang, not a small Fujiang, but a brand new Fujiang.

Yi Xiao now knows that what he sees is not twins at all, but Fujiang split from Fujiang.

The ghost knows who is the body, or whether there is any body between them.

It doesn’t even matter if Fu Jiang is found, because she can’t be eliminated at all. Every cell in her body has a very strong proliferation ability, and not only the body, but her split body also has the ability to split. .

Even if you find all the rich rivers and burn them with fire, you can't destroy her, because she is no longer a creature in a sense, but a real ghostly ghost.

Because as long as there are men in this world, there are still deep in their hearts*, then Fu Jiang will be born again someday.

Fu Jiang is very difficult to control.

Yi Chou didn't know what he and his team had done. In front of him, this Fu Jiang presented himself with a look that the Fu Jiang version was afraid of, and then split a brand new Fu Jiang.

Is Fu Jiang also shy and doesn't like watching?

"Ango...Now you know why I have this expression." Zhang Junyun cried sadly and said to Yi Chou in a tone almost crying without tears.

Yi Xuan rubbed his forehead, feeling a bit big head.

Fu Jiang's name seems to be very large. Not only have these people heard of her, but even Yang Yan's face has changed.

Because of the hourglass, Yi Biao’s proficiency in language skills is extremely high. Although he does not know what language to use for Fujiang, Fujiang uses Japanese in his answer, so even Yangyan next to him can understand .

And not only that, the group of belated ninjas and peasants who were behind were holding torches and weapons, and it was at this time that they came over and listened to the words Fu Jiang.


"It sounds familiar, very familiar."

"Fujiang, isn't he dead?"

"This Fujiang is that Fujiang?"

"Witch Fujiang!"

Listening to the constant noise from his ear, Yi Xuan frowned. Not only did they hear Fujiang, but most of the people in Ninja Village had even heard of it.

In the seventeenth century, the population was not large. If a person knew a certain news in a small town, it would soon be spread everywhere through the tavern.

The news in this era is not well-informed, but the news in a small town is very fast, as it is now, but why do they know Fujiang, that is... where the original source came from.

The crowd surrounded the two rich rivers in a circle and included the four people Yi Chang and Yang Yan. From a distance, it seemed as if they were surrounded here, but no one dared to lean too close.

In the dark, countless torches swayed in the woods. From a distance, it looked like a ghost fire. The head and the shadow swayed among them, but they filled this magnificent scene with some magnificence.

Yi Xiao closed his eyes slightly. In a flash, he had a panoramic view of most of the surroundings, and also saw Daisy still hiding in the dark.

This time she added an invisibility spell to herself, but she still seemed a little panicked. The situation around her always looked too much like a medieval witch hunt, and Yi Chou could only tell herself that.

When I opened my eyes again, the time had not passed for a second.

"You..." Yi Ao set his sights on the two rich rivers, but before he finished, he found that a small bag suddenly bulged under the body's clothes.

Then immediately, this small bag began to grow slowly, two white little feet stretched out on the ground, and under the eyes of Yi Chou, the third Fu Jiang once again emerged from the back of the body, and the first two Fujiang gathered together and looked around with innocent and calm eyes.

Yi Chou's mouth twitched, and he felt that he wanted to stop the fear of this Fujiang version.

At least before she packed the entire grove.

"What should I do?" Zhang Junyun's face was also ugly. He set his sights on Yi Chou. He could handle things like shouting, killing, etc. But in the face of Fujiang... he obviously had no good way.

Whether it is fear or anger, Fu Jiang will split a new Fu Jiang, and if hurt, Fu Jiang can still split, even if it is dead, Fu Jiang who was broken can also produce a new Fu Jiang on the residual limb.

In addition, Fu Jiang can also have crazy magical powers, she will charm others and let others fall in love with her, whether it is men, women or children.

This kind of love may still be love at first, but it will soon become possession and become a strong *. In the end, Fu Jiang will entice others to kill themselves.

Then split the new Fujiang.

This is also her terrible place.

Perhaps this charm is not a problem for Yi Chou, but for ordinary people, this magic is twisted and fatal.

Therefore, Zhang Junyun would have some helplessness. Obviously, it would not work to kill Fu Jiang, because it would only encourage her to give birth to more split Fu Jiang. At this time, she could only pin her hopes on the wizard’s mysterious magic.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. Fu Jiang was indeed a very terrifying existence. He couldn’t think of a good way for a while, because this thing could not be eliminated at all. In theory, as long as there is a man’s deep heart, Fu Jiang will never Perish.

She will always be born.

This is also the reason why the legend about Fujiang began to spread around the country hundreds of years ago. She was born continuously and then died constantly. There were always men who fought to fight for her, and some people had always lost their lives because of her.

Why would anyone in the Ninja Village of Koga even know that Fu Jiang, and even Yang Yan had heard of her existence, probably because of this, perhaps other villages had heard about Fu Jiang's name not long ago.

Yi Xiao looked at Yang Yang and wanted to temporarily stop Fu Jiang’s split. It was difficult to do without using complex spells. In this way, the magic that Yi Xiao broke out was unavoidably noticed. He didn’t want to do this for the time being. So he said, "Look at you...you heard about Fu Jiang."

Yang Yan did not answer, and Yi Huo did not plan to wait for Yang Yan to give an answer. He stared at Yang Yan's eyes, "Order these ninjas and farmers to go back, too many people, Fu Jiang will be afraid, and if Fu Jiang is afraid of anger Or, if she is hurt, she will split up a new Fujiang."

Yi Chou gestured at Yang Yan with his eyes. After all, there were two more rich rivers in front of several people.

For Fu Jiang, Yang Yan was only slightly heard, she just heard that there are always men who fight for the woman with this name.

The final ending is also the death of Fu Jiang. In fact, if this story did not happen for hundreds of years, and Fu Jiang has become a kind of monster-like existence, Yang Yan will never remember this absurd story.

So she didn't know much about Fu Jiang at all, but her face changed slightly after hearing Yi Chou's words.

However, the mental tolerance of the ninja was obviously better than Yi Chou expected. Yang Yan still maintained the faint charm and smile, and gave a few commands to the ninjas behind him. Suddenly, a group of outsiders People dispersed immediately.

Yangyan is one of the strongest in Jiahe. In Edo, who is weak in meat and strong in food, her words are much better than those of Zhang Junyun.

The crowd slowly dissipated, but Yi Chou didn't feel the changes in the emotions of the Fujiang people. When he turned his head, he immediately met six black pupils without emotion.

The three Fu Jiang stared at Yi Chou coldly without a faint smile. They seemed to be very interested in why Yi Chou knew so much about them. After Yi Chou said those words, they began to stare at him coldly.

Fortunately, they did not continue to split new Fujiang, which means that they were not too angry.

He was silently watched by three pairs of human-like eyes. Even Yi Chou had a moment of discomfort. He avoided these eyes slightly, and then looked at Zhang Junyun and Yang Yan.

"Next." Yang Yan was speaking.

Zhang Junyun stayed behind Yi Biao, and his words became much less. First of all, his ability had no effect on Fujiang. Secondly, he could hardly resist Fujiang’s charm, so it was better to talk less.

The same is true of Miss Tan.

Daisy, like Yi Chao, has a certain resistance to charm, but the guy is hiding behind, apparently did not plan to show up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hearing the problem of Yang Yan, Yi Huo thought a little. , And then turned his head and said to Fu Jiang, "Anyway, you should leave here with us first."

But apparently Fu Jiang is not so easy to deceive. Fu Jiang without personality is not called Fu Jiang.

"Why should I go with you." Fu Jiang, who was standing on the right, asked.

This is a problem, but for Yi Chou, it can’t be solved. His hand without that wand reached into the sleeve of the other hand, and then took out a canned thing, “Because I have caviar , The most delicious caviar," he said.

The corner of Fujiang's mouth on the right was slightly upturned, and it seemed to bend a radian, but it quickly converged and nodded.

Just before she agreed, the other two Fu Jiang beside her said in unison, "What about mine."

Yi Chou's mouth was a bit stiff, but he still took out two cans calmly, "Both, both." (To be continued.)


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