High Magic Earth

Chapter 942: Tomie Tomie

Ninja Village at night has always been very quiet. Although it is said that the destination chosen by Ninja Village is almost an uninhabited area, but it is still careful of the attacks of malicious people.

And beyond that, during the ancient Edo period, there was really no entertainment at night, especially during the night. . In this little village.

I am afraid that Kabukicho and Nighthawks are the biggest entertainment activities and places.

But tonight in Jiahe Ninja Village, there was exceptional silence, and even in this silence, there was a trace of blood rain and the smell of wind before the killing.

because. . They are facing a very scary existence.

Rich river.

. . .

The spacious meeting hall is already the largest building in Koga, and it is also the place where Koga's leader, Koga Ambassador, lives and convenes meetings, but for those who are accustomed to the magnificent western architecture like the song of ice and fire, here It really looks a little small.

You know, in the magical background of the song of ice and fire, the castles and buildings there are easily a few floors or nearly ten meters high. This less than ten people are crowded together and there are some small conference halls. Xiaojia Ziqi.

However, unlike the few frizzy free people around them, Yi Chao has experienced more worlds than them, and is a frequent visitor in different worlds of the medieval era. He has a strong adaptability to this historical building.

For example, Yi Huo is the only person who can still sit indifferently.

There are not many people in the room. In addition to witnessing the whole process of the incident, the next leader of the Koga Shosuke and the current leader are all here.

Naturally, several free men.

Miss Tan leaned on the door frame, her expression uncomfortable, and Daisy stood very far away from the gate, backed against the wooden wall, and seemed to be planning to run at any time.

Zhang Junyun is not here.

It's only normal to be arrogant, it's still normal. He sat cross-legged in a calm position, and naturally threw the hem of the garter behind him, then put his sleeves on his knees.

He came to be a yin and yang teacher, Yi Yao did not forget this.

It’s one thing to hide from the hidden thing. It’s another thing to deceive these Ninja ninjas. The two are not exactly the same.

After Yang Yan reported the previous situation to Zheng Zheng, she floated to the room beam and silently entangled there. As for Zheng Zheng, she seemed to be digesting the news brought by Yang Yan for a long time. Time, no words.

Yi Chao naturally does not open his mouth, after all, they are now playing the weak side, this is the territory of others, it is not easy to randomly intervene, and now is not the time to speak.

So with Yi Chou's silence, the surroundings suddenly became quiet and fell into a strange atmosphere.

Kinosuke seemed a bit impatient, but he didn't speak, and he couldn't say anything.

Yi Xiao picked up the strange liquid placed on the table and took a sip gently, something like tea, but it was difficult to drink, so he silently put it down.

It was just that Yi Biao immediately thought that the three Fu Jiang who had been confined in another room would not drink this kind of thing, too.

or. . Don’t give them anything at all, I hope they don’t happen too badly.

Caring for Ms. Fujiang like caring for her girlfriend, it is not that Yi Chou really fell in love with them, but Fujiang’s particularity. Once these three guys feel angry or scared during their detention, they will open the door for a while The right is no longer the three of them, but the rich rivers who are packed all over the house.

That situation. . It will definitely make people have nightmares.

If the ordinary hyperplasia is better, the house will only become a little crowded, and Fu Jiang should not be able to bear it.

But obviously she just couldn't stand it. Fu Jiang was very arrogant and stingy. As the space became more and more urgent, she would definitely become more angry and anxious, so Fu Jiang would be more and more, filling every corner of the room, interlaced The arms and thighs were entangled, pinching her similar neck, even making her unable to breathe, and finally squeezed into the ceiling.

I am afraid that when I opened the door, I was faced with this situation.

It's good that Fu Jiang didn't squeeze the house.

Thinking of this situation, Yi Xuan couldn't help but want to stand up and turn around to see what they were doing, but soon, without waiting for Yi Xuan to make an action, the dragon-shaped ring tightened suddenly, and the pain came from his finger, Instantly wake him up.

Slightly tired rubbing his eyebrows, Yi Yi arrogantly entered the protection of the brain closure surgery again.

Everything before was the illusion, or illusion, that Fu Jiang gave him, which has been going on for a long time. Ever since being watched by those three Fu Jiang, this strange thought has been left in Yi Biao's mind.

As long as you calm down a little, the name of Fu Jiang and her appearance will occupy all of Yi Chao's thinking.

Although closed brain surgery can expel these thoughts well and protect their heads, but. . This is a very energy-consuming thing.

In less than half an hour, Yi Chou had already shown his tiredness.

He can't hold on for long.

Of course, it is not impossible to completely get rid of Fu Jiang’s maddening magical entanglement. A magic book that can achieve everything can eliminate this cursed thought.

However, if the magic book is used, this kind of power far exceeding those of Zhang Junyun and Daisy, etc., is likely to be watched by something hidden in the dark.

Perhaps it will not suspect Yi Chou was directed at it for the first time, but this power that has been able to threaten it will obviously make it feel that the situation is no longer under its control, and it will be alert, even The hiding is so deep that it temporarily stops activity.

This will make the arrogant search more troublesome.

Therefore, Yi Biao has never wanted to perform better than Zhang Junyun and others, but maintained at a level similar to them.

After all, it seems normal to add a free man in the middle of the Second World, and it won't attract much attention.

However, the emergence of Fu Jiang disrupted Yi Huo's plan. Fu Jiang's maddening magic power was even more terrifying than expected. Even with the focus of the three Fu Jiang, even Yi Huo would be overwhelmed.

If you don’t use the magic book, Yi Chou can’t use the brain closure technique for too long, and he will soon be lost in the crazy magic of Fujiang.

Fall in love with Fu Jiang, possess her, and then. . Kill her.

There is a hundred times more crazy than the obsession.

Yi Biao's brain occlusion surgery may last until dawn, and then Fu Jiang's magic will completely corrode him. Yi Biao will not allow Fu Jiang's magic to control himself in order to find clues.

When necessary, he will use the power of the magic book without hesitation.

Then he has a certain chance of being exposed, and being watched by what is hidden in the dark.

As Zhang Junyun said, it was really unlucky. He overturned the boat in the gutter, encountered the most incredible Fujiang in the most impossible place, and then upset everything.

An anger rose in Yi Chou's heart.

Damn, it's them!

The only remaining soul energy is burning in his heart. He has never felt such anger. Obviously, the culprit of this anger is Fu Jiang. Those three Fu Jiang, he will kill them all!

But at the next moment, the tingling sensation from Yi Chou’s fingers pushed back his idea of ​​getting up. The fresh magic cast on the dragon-shaped ring awakened Yi Chou again, chanting the spell, and he was closed by the brain again. Surrounded.

Fu Jiang's magic was disturbing him again.

This crazy magic.

Yi Biao's eyes became empty and indifferent, and the brain closure technique instantly expelled these messy thoughts from Yi Biao's head.

But inevitably, his eyes were deeply tired.


"He's back." Miss Tan's voice brought Yi Chou back from the spiritual world, slowly opening her half-squinted eyes. He saw Miss Tan sideways and let Zhang Junyun walk in.

"I'm exhausted!" He sat on Yi Yi's side, with a pungent **** smell, and couldn't wait to say before he sat firmly, "Quick, quick! Clean me up."

His body was covered with blood everywhere, and the whole person seemed to be rolled in the plasma, and the whole body was already covered with blood, and even his appearance was unclear.

Although a little tired, but these little magic has almost no loss to Yi arrogance, so it is not a problem at all, a large robes waved beside Zhang Junyun, in an instant, his whole body became very clean, as if a new look.

Yi Xiao still remembers that he played the Onmyoji, so he only waved his robe. After all, he pulled out the wizard's wand. In this case, it was really awkward.

Moreover, Yi Biao paid special attention. Although Zhang Junyun was covered with Fujiang's blood all over his body, the magic of Fujiang's body did not increase.

As before, Zhang Junyun can still fight on his own.

Picking up another glass of water on the table, he took a sip of it, and then took a long sigh of relief, wiped his mouth and said, "The house has been dragged back, thanks to your magic, otherwise the blood must be It's already halfway through."

Zhang Junyun, who finally came in, was towing the modern-style hut. Yi Chou used magic to seal all the blood in the house, patch up the big hole that Daisy exploded, and then use a shallow floating spell to let Zhang Junyun and those The farmers dragged the house back together.

Fu Jiang should have been brought by that house. In order to prevent it from disappearing again, and then bring some strange creatures and ghosts again, Yi Chou and others decided to change it to another place.

The physical work is naturally done by the werewolf with the greatest strength.

Although Zhang Junyun did not directly acknowledge his werewolf lineage, he did not deny it.

Yi Xuan did not explore it carefully. Everyone has their own stories and secrets they don’t want to tell.

He nodded when he heard the words, but before waiting for him to speak, the silent bomb suddenly raised his head and said, "Your Excellency, is that strange building soaked in blood."

Yang Yan had already told the chief leader Zheng Zheng about the causes and consequences, and he knew these things were not surprising.

Zhang Junyun didn't deny that there was nothing to hide, and the confirmed bomb was getting up immediately, then quickly said a rude word, and hurried out.

It seems that no matter what the situation is like, there is no truth seen with my own eyes.

This is not because he is suspicious. As the leader of everyone, he must do the same.

Although Kanosuke was a little impatient, he was also a kind-hearted person. After Boss was leaving in a hurry, he replaced his chief and his grandfather, and showed a little apology to Yi Huo.

Worthy of being the actor.

It's a pity that Yi Xao is fighting Fu Jiang, and he didn't notice him. Instead, Yang Yan saw this scene, and the love in his eyes became more intense, almost flowing out of substance.

The atmosphere in the room was not immersed for too long, and soon, in less than three minutes, Zheng Zheng returned to here in a hurry again, and his face was obviously much uglier than before.

This time, he was no longer silent.

Instead, after sitting upright on the other side of the table, Zhang Junyun immediately paid a courtesy tribute, and then asked, "Your Excellency, can you really confirm her identity?"

Finally talking about the business, the **** house that I saw with my own eyes had a huge impact on the bomb.

He must have. . It's not like seeing your Koga Ninja Village become like that.

Although Miss Tan and Daisy did not come close at once, they secretly raised their ears, and Yang Yan was still lazily entrenched on the room beam. It seemed that they, the ninjas, were already accustomed to this habit of work and rest.

Although Yi Xiao's identity is the Yin-Yang master, Dan Zheng did not regard him as the leader here. After all, Zheng Zheng first knew Zhang Junyun, and this is a place with great respect and respect.

Hearing the right words, Zhang Junyun froze for a moment. He might not be clear about other issues, but he would never admit that she was rich or not.

Just like Yi Biao asked him on the way back when he recognized Fu Jiang's identity at a glance~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although Zhang Junyun's age is not small, in the present world it is a half-decent mansion The ethnic group has a very deep understanding of this kind of culture, and horror movies are also included, so he can recognize Fujiang at a glance.

"Yes." Zhang Junyun said immediately after a slight stun, "I will never admit it."

Bozheng's complexion immediately turned a little bit ugly. Presumably he was also a person who had heard of the legend about Fujiang.

"Then, how did the blood come from?" he asked tentatively.

Zhang Junyun and Yi Chou glanced at each other. On this issue, they also had a rough guess in their hearts and should be very close to the truth.

"It's Fu Jiang." The answer was Yi Chou.

Yi Ao's eyes began to become a little empty again. He stared at Bozheng and continued, "The blood tells me that they all come from one person, Fujiang."

"There are a lot of rich rivers in the house, but they were slaughtered and their blood was red... the whole house was stained red." (To be continued.)

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