High Magic Earth

Chapter 943: Tomie Tomie (2)

As previously guessed, painting the entire room as if the plasma at the site of the **** monk party absolutely cannot belong to a person, and the total amount of blood in a person's body is not that large.

But if it were changed to Fujiang, then everything would make sense.

Fu Jiang was hacked to death and split, and then continued to die and split. Perhaps the moment before death, the fear of Fu Jiang's heart would also make her split out of a new Fu Jiang.

Countless Fu Jiang died in that room, even if they didn't use a grinding disc to grind them all into meat, the amount of bleeding alone was enough to cover all four walls and ceiling.

The only question is... who can kill Fu Jiang, or how to eliminate her leaving only the plasma.

Fu Jiang's combat effectiveness is not high, except that it can make people crazy, she is just like an ordinary high school student. Of course, it is a background template, not a protagonist template.

If you hadn’t been in contact with Fu Jiang in the beginning, shooting it directly with a firearm would be no harder than harvesting straw.

But it is a problem to completely eliminate Fujiang. Whether it is fire or sulfuric acid, she will always use the smallest cells to re-split, and more and more, let alone split the corpse and the like, just want to graft In the same way, a large area of ​​Xinfujiang grows.

When Yi Xiao and Zhang Junyun went in, they only saw the blood of one place and did not see any new Fujiang.

This is the point of the problem.

Although it seems that Fu Jiang escaped to the outside of the house again and entered the woods, judging from the amount of bleeding in the house, there were definitely no fewer than dozens of Fu Jiang at that time.

It is also very curious to be able to cut dozens of rich rivers into one rich river.

Yi Chou intuitively thought that the suspiciousness was in the blood, so he didn't deal with them hurriedly, but let Zhang Junyun drag the whole house back.

It's a pity... Finally, Fu Jiang escaped.

Just like Pandora's magic box, Yi Biao and others blasted the sealed house without knowing it, which gave Fu Jiang a chance to escape.

Now... she started to split again...

"What about the enemy." The bullet immediately grabbed the point of the question, and asked slightly as if oppressed, "Since it is a fight, there must be another person, who killed them!"

The bomb was the leader of Jiahe. The peace contract concluded between Jiahe and Iga was about a dozen years ago, and the fight between the two Ninja villages was tragic.

He was able to become the leader of Koga, and he did not have fewer enemies in the battle. Although the population in the Edo period was relatively small and the conflicts were carried out on a small scale, the number of people who died in his hands was still very large. objective.

At least it is an appalling number for people living in peaceful times.

For normal people, no one will have dozens of lives in their hands, only war, which is true during the chaotic years.

Although Zhang Junyun is also a werewolf lineage and the speed of Tengu, there may be other cards, but after all, he is not murderous. Anyone who slowly changes from an ordinary person needs a process, and not everyone can easily abandon it. Weak kill other people, or have the opportunity.

With a strong killing breath on the body, and the pressure of Jiahe's leader, Zhang Junyun involuntarily leaned back slightly.

But this has no effect on Yi Chao.

After all, he even looked directly at such spicy eyes of the old rulers.

He didn't even feel the so-called sense of oppression on Dan Zheng's body. He only answered Dan Zheng's question before answering casually, "I don't know this question, maybe...it needs Fu Jiang to answer it himself."

Yi Chou's attitude was very plain, but he made his pupils shrink slightly, and he asked again, "Oh... Fujiang is a dead person or alive."

The problem of playing Zheng is interesting, but Yi Chou actually understands his worries.

Fu Jiang is a very special kind of existence, because she can split indefinitely. In a sense, she does not belong to humans at all, so it is meaningless to use human common sense on her.

Normal people don't exist who knows who killed themselves, or see their dead bodies.

But this is not a problem for Fu Jiang.

What is worrying about Dan Zheng is that the split Fujiang is a brand new Fujiang, and she has no memory at all.

"Fujiang's memories are universal." Yi Xuan picked up the cup of tea on the table and covered his tiredness. "Any newly split Fujiang, they have each other's memories."

"Then, the previous one." Dan Zheng listened for a long time, and did not hear Yi Chou say that Fu Jiang remembered his life, and could only ask again.

But I don't know whether Yi Xuan was unwilling to answer, or the reason why he was too lazy to speak. He paused for a while before calmly saying, "It doesn't matter if she doesn't remember, the secret is hidden in the room."

Of course, the aging man's bombs clearly saw Yi Chou's perfunctory, but forced to see the depth of Yi Chou, he didn't pursue it.

For Zhang Junyun and other outsiders, the information that Zheng Zheng understands is far more than Zhang Junyun imagined. After all, the ninja's expertise is to assassinate and collect intelligence.

This is also the most common and normal work of ninjas in the Edo period.

The background of these guys Zhang Junyun has been touched for a long time, otherwise he will not let them stay in the village with peace of mind.

For example, Zhang Junyun’s power may be greater than that of the beast, and his speed is faster than that of Yangyan. There may be some means hidden, but it is definitely not the opponent of Kanosuke.

The situation of Daisy and Miss Tan is also about the same. Perhaps the mysterious power of Daisy is more troublesome, but Bozheng is still confident that Susuke will kill him before she reacts.

Although the strength of Jiahe is not much, the only ninjas that can get it are Yang Yan, the beast and the medium, and the Zhengzheng himself, but they should still be more than enough to deal with Zhang Junyun.

The reason why Bozheng hasn’t started is because there is no need to do it, and because of Daisy’s identity.

It is precisely because the ninjas are good at gathering intelligence, which makes the worries of Zheng Zheng more. In the Edo era, a large number of ships from Europe began to land in the port cities along the coast, and a large number of Europeans stepped into this land. .

From the first unfamiliar contact, it became familiar, then the entanglement of interests, and then the emergence of conflict.

Unfortunately, their power is not as strong as these outsiders.

The power of the artillery lance allowed the Shogun to realize the power of these outsiders and began to recognize their status. The blonde and white Daisy definitely belonged to these outsiders.

No matter why she found Jiahe Ninja Village for whatever reason, Danzheng didn't want to easily take the hatred. Moreover, Daisy didn't seem to do anything that threatened Jiahe, so Danzheng didn't need to do anything.

And besides this, although Zhengzheng has figured out the strength and details of several people, their origins are not clear at all.

Now... there is another Yihuo.

Ninja Village is the base camp of Jiahe. Here, every step of playing is very careful. Before I understand the details of Yihuo, I am afraid he will be like this and will not act rashly.

Anyway, as long as you put on the name of an ally, you can get along with each other, why not do it.

This is why Yi Biao learned from Zhang Junyun that Jiahe was cooperating with them, but apart from Yangyan along the way, he had not seen several Jiahe Ninjas.

Even Yangyan is due to the presence of threatening things near the village.

From the very beginning, Dan Zheng did not intend to cooperate in depth. No matter how flexible Zhang Junyun said, as the leader of Jiahe, he would not be allied with Zhang Junyun with just one mouth.

Neither saw any benefits nor shared a crisis. Jiahe and Iga have been in peace for more than ten years, and there is no such thing as bombardment.

He just threw a few mischievous ninjas next to Zhang Junyun and others, soothing them while exploring the bottom.

If they really intend to provoke a war between Iga and Koga, I am afraid that the first thing they will face is the expulsion from the bombing, or even the killing.

After all, the identities of Zhang Junyun and others are different from the shogunate. The generals of the shogunate can make a writ of order, so that Jiahe and Iga fight each other again to select the strongest ninja, but they can't. They are outsiders. In his eyes, if Zhang Junyun and others did this, it would destroy the peace that Jiahe and Iga finally concluded.

Fortunately, the movie Koga Ninfatti did not step into the plot. The generals of the Shogunate had not yet used the strongest ninja as a conspiracy to provoke a war between the two Ninja villages, and then took advantage of the main force of Ninja villages Send troops to attack the villages of Koga and Iga, and want to completely wipe out the two Ninja villages.

So Zhang Junyun and others haven't moved, so they stayed in Jiahe.

Anyway, Ninja Village is still very wealthy compared to other ordinary villages, and there are no more three mouths to eat rice.

"Kannosuke." Abandoning the entanglement and arrogance, Danzheng set his eyes directly on his grandson Kensuke. The two of them had a tacit understanding. Danzheng was just a nod, and Kanozuke knew his meaning.

Kinosuke bowed slightly, then got up and walked out.

Yi Xiao understands that he is about to see the three Fujiang. Should he say that Zhengzheng really has confidence in him, or should he say that Zhengzheng is ignorant.

Fu Jiang's magic power is not something that ordinary people can resist. Yi Chou said it from the beginning. He even asked Susuke to test it.


"I'm going to meet those rich rivers, don't mind." Yi Xuan finished, turning his doubtful eyes to Bozheng.

Sure enough, he was not surprised at all, and with a slightly surprised expression, he said to Yi Chou, "Have you also to see those things, just right, Suginosuke is also going."

"Then make a companion." Yi Chou's voice was calm and his face calm.

Zhang Junyun, who was sitting beside him, turned his gaze, and the exchange between the two did not mean anything to avoid.

"Do we need it?" he asked.

Although Zhang Junyun thought that he could not resist Fu Jiang’s magic, he would not refuse if Yi Chou really needed him to follow. After all, Fu Jiang’s terrible situation was clearer than anyone else. Then it is useless to hide.

Fujiang, which has been split, will jump and grow in a geometric situation, and will soon occupy the entire village, and then this area.

In the end, it may not be impossible to occupy the entire world.

This is also the terrible place of Fu Jiang, she can destroy the world.

Things that can destroy the world are terrifying, although in a sense, Fu Jiang does not really belong to the level of annihilation.

Although Miss Tan and Daisy didn't speak, Zhang Junyun used the word us. What he meant might be the meaning of those two people.

Although the two looked very cold and had little communication with Yi Huo, they were not stupid, and they wouldn’t do anything because they would fight internally because they didn’t look good. In this world, free talents are true companions. Only unity can exert greater power.

Of course, there are cases where there are people, but Yi Chou is not seen in these people.

"No need," Yi Xuan refused. "My magic is more than self-preserving, but if you are added..."

Yi Chou can make several people immune to the magic of charm, but this will also expose him, so Yi Chou deliberately lowered his magical standard. Although he didn't finish his words, Zhang Junyun definitely understood what he meant.

Zhang Junyun didn't forcelessly ask, he nodded and said, "Be careful."

Miss Tan also showed a big smile to Yi Huo, but Daisy, who had been standing by the wall and kept silent, suddenly said, "I can go with you to see."

"My teacher taught me Occultation of the Brain, and I have reached a level that can resist dementia, I noticed that you seem to have practiced Occultation, but my dementia can also be pricked to slight Slack."

"If your level can already resist her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I..."

It's very interesting. Daisy's words were only a half, and it seemed to respond to Yi Chou.

Her meaning is obvious. Before she tried Yi Chou with Dementorism, she found that he did practice Occlusion, but still loosened under his Dementionism, and her Occlusion was perfect. Resisting dementia, so if Yi Biao can ignore Fu Jiang's charm, then she can do better.

"Of course, don't get me wrong. I didn't peek at your memory. I just wanted to try your Occluder. I wouldn't really do that." It seemed that I was afraid of misunderstanding, Daisy added. Although her attitude is still cold and cold, she is not a haughty and annoying character.

Yi Xiao froze for a moment, showing a Facebook-like smile, "Thank you Miss Daisy."

"But... it wasn't a gentleman who exposed the lady to danger. Let me go and see those guys. Miss Daisy can serve as a second line of defense or be more foolproof."

After hearing Yi Chou's suggestion, Daisy was silent for a while, then nodded.

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