High Magic Earth

Chapter 945: Tomie Tomie (4)

Five petite Fujiang shrank at the table like a kitten, and greedily ate the caviar in the jar.

Although Fu Jiang's memory cannot be inherited, each Fu Jiang is an independent individual, and if he dies, he will die, but Fu Jiang's memories can be shared with each other, and their memories are universal.

This means that as long as there is one Fujiang that does not die, the newly born Fujiang will gradually acquire those long-term and numerous memories.

And she didn't go crazy in so many memories, it may also belong to her unique characteristics. After all, Fu Jiang can no longer be regarded as human.

In a sense, her memory can be passed on, and it is not an exaggeration.

The information given by playing Masanori Shonosuke shows that the original legend of Fu Jiang began in the Warring States period, that is, about a hundred years ago, there is no need to say how scarce and bad the food is in the Warring States period. The fish is already a sumptuous dinner that Daming can eat.

Even if Fu Jiang's charm makes people willingly pay for it, she can't eat anything good.

The caviar produced in Neverland is probably the best thing she has eaten so far.

These caviars are produced in Neverland, and they are not brought back from the present world by Yi Chou. It has been eight years since the last return to the real present world in the Second World. Even if there is no problem of shelf life in the shadow, It's been eaten up already.

In the world of Ink Heart and Gutou Valley, Yi Chou didn't think of adding supplies.

He made caviar on Neverland, of course, not from Mermaid Lake.

Of course, Fantasy Island does not have any other water source besides the Mermaid Lake. It is an island. The fish resource is the most needed beside the island. Although Yi Chou has not ventured out to sea, it is no problem to wander near the beach.

but. . Although Fu Jiang behaved very quietly at this time, Yi Chou would not easily feel that her people and animals were harmless.

In another world, she is the source of fear in the whole world.

The more petite she is, the more she will be disguised.

Because this figure will inspire men's protection even to monopolize her. . And divide it into corpses.

Speaking of splitting his body, Yi Chou felt his head hurt again. Maliciousness from Fu Jiang was eroding him, making his head hurt in pain, as he said, he could not support it for long.

This has nothing to do with magic power and spiritual power, it is entirely a factor of human willpower.

The five Fujiang didn't seem to be aware of the arrival of Yihou Chordanosuke, or even if they saw it, they didn't bother to take care of them.

They are destroying caviar on the table. Although they say that the existence of Fu Jiang is terrifying, they are very weak and they are no different from an ordinary female high school student.

Eating caviar at this time is completely a Yamato Fuzi attitude, if. . Don't go to see how she put her fingers into the jar and dug out a stuffed mouth.

Yi Xiao felt that she felt their maliciousness deeply.

correct. . Isn't it just three, how did it become five?

Also, was the moment when Jia coconut entered the door an illusion? Yi Chou shook his head and decided not to think about these issues.

He felt that it was a bit difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

This is dangerous.

Blindfolding does not seem to affect the action of Kanosuke, should it be said that it is a ninja, the instinct of combat is the most basic element in training, and I don’t know if I will see a guy called Blind Man.

At this time, Kanosuke was standing by the door, blocking the exit of the door, frowning. .

Well, because he was blindfolded, Yi Xao couldn't see the psychological activities on his face, but Yi Xiao was able to feel the thought of Susuke through the dementor.

He was really angry.

It seems that because he misunderstood the caviar on the table as something else, Kanosuke may think that the Fujiangs were eating things like kittens and puppies, not caviar.

He didn't think Fu Jiang was eating people.

However, there were so many stray cats and dogs in the Edo period. These things grow in the wild and are more fierce than others. When Fujiang encountered them, he just went to deliver food.

Although the final result may be that the Fujiang army surrounded the wild dogs.

It is really unfortunate.

Kinosuke put his hand on the handle of the short blade at the waist, and Yi Xiao did not doubt that he would pull out the knife at the next moment. According to his speed, I am afraid that even a blink of time, this room is Fujiang He will be chopped off like a vegetable.

In fact, this sentence can also be translated.

That's when Fu Jiang exploded!

Yi Chou has no doubt that if Susuke did this, Fujiang killed by him would split into countless instants, and even fill the entire house in an instant, until the house was squeezed.

Although Fu Jiang itself is not dangerous, Yi Chou does not want to experience the suffocation.

"What are you going to do." There was hardly any movement. Yi Biao had crossed the arc of space and came to the front of Kanosuke. He gently pressed his hand against his handle and pressed the blade back.

Kinosuke's body stiffened for a moment, and he didn't notice when or how Yi Chou came.

But as a normal male protagonist with three views, he said frankly, "They are very dangerous."

Kanosuke did not say the scene he was thinking about. He was blindfolded. Although he could still hear the movements around him with his ears, he was not really sure what the Fujiang people were eating.

He didn't say that, because of selfish reasons, the Fujiang people were indeed very dangerous. He didn't want these guys to settle in his village.

Ukinosuke just wanted to make a gesture to force them away.

He was not stupid, of course, he knew that Fu Jiang could not kill this thing.

But Shinnosuke was not clear. The thoughts in his head had been clearly seen by Yi Chou.

It’s not very common to use this kind of thing to capture the mind, because it is just from the magic of Harry Potter. It is a very shallow spell. Its function has not been studied in depth. This simple spell cannot reach deeper. effect.

It cannot be used directly as a mind reader.

Dumbledore often used the combination of psychic remembrance and veritaserum to make people inadvertently drink veritaserum, and then relaxed his vigilance to guide him to speak slowly.

Even if it is easy, it can't be better.

Because the demented mind cannot directly read the human mind, it cannot reach this point, but in the hands of Yi Chou, it can indeed exert a stronger effect than Dumbledore, it can sense the human mind, and then reason And guess.

But in fact there is no use of eggs.

In terms of mental power, Yi Chao’s most advantageous weapon is the dragon-shaped ring, that is, the Merlin ring. It magnifies Yi Xiao’s mental power many times. In the presence of weak mental power, Yi Huo can indeed use the spiritual power Carry out a shallow spiritual invasion.

But a little stronger, it can't.

After all, Yi Chao is not a Dr. Charles specializing in voyeurism.

Obviously, this Chakra ninja without the combination of mental power and the energy of all the cells of the body is the mentally weak person who is easy to talk about.

of course. . In addition to the sensational spirit and the tremendous spiritual power, there is actually another more direct method, which is also more violent.

Yi Xiao understands the reason for Suginosuke's move, but has no other position.

He put his hand on the handle of Kanosuke, then slowly let it go and said softly, "Your current behavior is more dangerous."

Kinosuke tried to continue to draw the knife, but the next moment, he found a move because he found that he could not pull out the knife in his hand.

Yi Xiao uses magic to connect the handle and the blade together, they have become a whole.

Kanosuke did not know how Yihou did it, but because he was in Koga, he did not carry too many knives with him. When he thought about it, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to draw the knife.

Anyway, it is just an attitude.

He did not welcome Fu Jiang.

The spiritual power exuded by the dragon-shaped ring came into contact with this idea, and Yi Xiao glanced at Xuan Zhijie, and then focused his attention on Fu Jiang's body, but before that, he took out his wand and turned it in his hand. The circle directly points to the gate behind Kanosuke.

As Suginosuke said, he could not hear what Fu Jiang was eating, but he could hear Yi Chou's movements.

"What are you doing?" he asked strangely.

"Enchantment." Yi Xiao solved his doubts with a short answer. "In order to guard against some unfriendly prying eyes and the evil forces of Fujiang, the existence of the enchantment is necessary."

"Unfriendly prying?" Kanosuke had a strange tone.

Yi Chou's movements were taken, and then he replied, "I can see the resentment hidden in the darkness, here is full of resentment."

I have to say that Yi Xiao's role as a **** stick is still very successful. After all, his answer is very consistent with the identity of Onmyoji. Maybe he thought of Yi Xiao's dress, or thought of some things in Jiahe. Continue to refute.

Yi Chou placed several very complicated partitioning magic around the house, which can not only block the existence of sound smell and temperature, but also isolate the space and prying from the mind, and even more, it can prevent the fluctuation of magic power. Substantial expansion.

The more powerful the magic, the more intense the fluctuations that are released. With the fluctuations of the magic level, and even the physical level that is affected, the general effects of special effects are not unreasonable.

You know, the resurrection spell released by Yi Biao in New Orleans can be felt for the first time in Balthazar in New York.

So a certain amount of cover-up magic is necessary.

Although these cover-up magics are very complicated and difficult to release, when they are released, the fluctuations they emit are easily noticed, but Yi Chou has no way, it must do so.

Because it is imperative to resolve the magical power of Fu Jiang that makes people crazy.

At least these cover-up magics are much less effective than the magic book when solving the Fujiang problem.

Although the magic responsible for disguise looks complicated, it still does not exceed the power of Yi Chao, but the magic book is different. It can solve these things in the blink of an eye.

This power is scary enough.

Even if the fluctuations it emits are far from concealing the magic.

Buried under these partitioning magics is a illusion arranged by Yi Chou. This is his ultimate goal. From the moment when the illusion is generated, the outside world peeping into the situation in the room is already a preset situation by Yi Chou. Too.

It's just like Yi Ou's closed brain surgery.

His brain occlusion technique is two-layered, and the innermost layer is also the safest. Yi Chou is not sure if he can prevent Charles from prying, but at least Dumbledore cannot.

The outer layer is disguised, it still plays a certain protective role, but it is easy to be invaded. After the invasion, the peeper sees all the things that Yi Piao modified and wanted him to see. .

If he goes deeper, he will be counterattacked by Yi Chou's spell.

What the wizard is carrying is very dangerous.

Even any part of the body.

The illusion in the room is not only preset by Yi Huo, but also becomes a chaos from time to time. The two can show a good cross effect, just like Yi Huo wants to isolate the situation in the room, but it is not completely Isolate, only occasionally there will be chaos.

This will better cover up the existence of the magic book.

Although Yi Xao had easily caused unnecessary vigilance when he released these magics, it was also something that could not be helped. If it really became like that, he could only be regarded as unlucky.

Put the last spell into the corner of the room, Yi Biao put away his wand, and then pulled out a string of ruby ​​necklace from his arms,

The crystal ruby ​​reflects the unusually beautiful luster under the dim candlelight in the room, and it seems that this light cannot shine at all.

Yi Xiao carried the necklace in his hand, and then turned gently.

The light of the ruby ​​suddenly irradiated the entire room without a dead end. In an instant, the inside of the room was like a red tulle, but it disappeared with a blink of an eye.

An interesting illusion from the world of ice and fire.

It was a witch who had never been in touch and only saw the last witch.


After the magic was released, Yi Chou shoved the ruby ​​necklace back into his shadow.

The two made such a big noise, even if Fu Jiang's response was slow, he would not just focus on eating. The five Fu Jiang dropped ten big eyes on Yi Chou's body, and directly ignored the blind string beside him.

It seems that Uenosuke's plan is preliminary~www.wuxiaspot.com~It may be that Fu Jiang has not released her magic.

However, at this time, they still did not put down the canned caviar in their hands. One Fu Jiang had stopped eating, hiding timidly behind the other Fu Jiang, and the other two did not hide although they stopped.

only one. . She is still ignoring the food, it seems to completely ignore the existence of Yihuo, and another thing, she just secretly takes a bite from time to time.

What is the sense of this kind of stealing food in class.

Is it an illusion of your own?

Yi Xiao felt that his body was a little shaken.

By the way, these rich rivers were first born in the Warring States period. They have not experienced the afterlife. They don’t even know what it means to take classes.

Yi Biao's eyes gradually became hollow, and at this time, the Fujiang who finally ate almost the caviar slowly stood up, and then said softly, "What a beautiful necklace..." (to be continued.)

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