High Magic Earth

Chapter 946: Tomie Tomie (5)

It seemed to be a murmur, but Yi Chou still caught the love that flickered in her eyes.

Fortunately, the necklace has been put away by him, and he is not afraid of Fu Jiang daring to come up and grab it.

She stood up, walked around the low table and walked in front of Yi Chou, then stared at him, and the remaining four Fu Jiang shrank behind her, looking like a mother protecting her children.

But Yi Xiao does not think she is the mother.

Fujiang has no mother at all.

"What are you going to do to us." She finally spoke.

Since several people found these rich rivers, they have been silent, but they shivered shiveringly there, and once thought that they would not speak.

But now, in the face of the menacing two, the head of Fujiang stared at them with enchanting big eyes for some time, and finally could not help but speak first.

Her voice is very nice, there is no deliberately charming, and it is not completely ordinary, just as if it just caught a critical point, it can just hit the atrium of a person.

Uenosuke turned his head involuntarily, seeming to want to hear this sound better.

"I haven't figured it out yet." Yi Xuan tried to penetrate Fu Jiang's brain with his mental power, but failed to return. This is not surprising, because the idea of ​​seeing Suginosuke was the first time Yi Xiao successfully peeped into the heart of the person. .

Because any creature has more or less mental power, almost all of it cannot be directly penetrated by spiritual power.

"But first of all... I have to stop your crazy magical power, I'm about to reach the limit." Yi Xuan rubbed his head with his hand, the magic book slowly appeared in his other hand, no wind automatically Rummaging up.

"Sure enough, they are all the same." This Fu Jiang took a step back and blocked the rest of Fu Jiang with her hands. She glared at Yi Chou and said, "You will only push the error to us."

Yi Xiao didn't understand what this sentence meant, but as he said, he would be unable to resist the magic of Fu Jiang.

"... The firm belief gave him unyielding will, and from that moment on, the magic that caused people to go crazy had no effect on him."

Yi Xiao slowly reads the words in the magic book in a strange language. For the silver tongue, as long as the words are read, it doesn’t matter what language.

But Fu Jiang couldn't understand what Yi Chou was saying. It seemed that the unknown caused her greater fear. She couldn't help but take a step back again and then called, "What are you going to do! What are you doing!"

It's hard to imagine that Fu Jiang, who is the source of fear, would look like this. In Yi Chou's eyes, she might be a fascinating goblin who is full of charm and always wants to confuse men.

It may also be a pitiful and pretentious bitch.

But there is absolutely no such situation in front of him. It looks like an ordinary girl next door, still the victim.

No matter what the situation is, obviously. . The rich Jiang in front of him was very excited, even afraid.

Suddenly a bump appeared on her shoulder, and then gradually became bigger and bigger, like a tumor. This abnormal change was quickly caught by Yi Xiao, and then under his eyes, the sarcoma became more and more The bigger it came, the sooner the clear person appeared.

The facial features clearly appear on the surface of the sarcoma, as if something is coming out of the body, which is very terrifying.

Fu Jiang apparently realized that she collapsed to the ground and shivered uncontrollably.

At the next moment, the sarcoma seemed to be breathing out, growing wildly, and soon it became as big as half of Fujiang’s body, and the surface of the sarcoma also cracked. A brand new, complete Fujiang appeared on Yihou. In front of you.

"...Damn." Yi Chou, who had completely got rid of the magic of Fu Jiang, whispered, this situation is more difficult than he thought.

He did not expect Fu Jiang to split so quickly. . Even, fast scary.

A body drilled in her body did not seem to affect Fujiang's health, and the wound on her shoulder ruptured quickly healed herself. She was preparing to struggle to get up again.

Susuke Kenshin behind Yi Xiao kept pressing his hand tightly on the handle of the knife, leaving a sweat ball on his forehead. He could hear everything around him through the sound, but he couldn’t imagine what happened. A human voice is drilled in the human body, which is not in the scope of his training.

At this moment, Fu Jiang, who was spit out by Fu Jiang, had already recovered.

"Ah!" She made a harsh scream, and immediately realized that she was like a baby, immediately blocked her body with her hands, and then frantically picked up the canned caviar on the table and slammed it into Yihou.

"Look what! You uncle salty and wet!"

It is estimated that when Fu Jiang was born, his talents for throwing were already full. One of the three cans of caviar hit Yi Xiao's body. Of course, he hadn't finished it yet.

Fu Jiang Zheng, who was hiding behind, looked at his empty hands with a cute face.

seem. . A little angry. .

Her hands full of caviar that had not been licked slowly began to bulge sarcoma, and the newly emerged Fu Jiang also began to surging irregular changes.

"Slow down!"

The magic book flipped quickly, and Yi Biao silently uttered two words.

For a moment, the time around him seemed to be slowed down. He could clearly see every change in Fu Jiang and stood in front of Yi Chou. The Fu Jiang who started talking seemed a little anxious, but his body did not change again.

Three of the four rich rivers behind were innocent, and they seemed to have no understanding of the situation. Only the fourth one, she seemed very upset.

Can't let her split anymore.

Yi Biao's eyes quickly swept her twice, and when she fell on the caviar with her finger, she immediately understood the source of her discomfort.

"Caviar!" Yi Huo said briefly, and at the next moment, a new "crack!"

As for this rich river that is screaming more than ever. .

"Clothes." Yi Xuan didn't even need to judge and guess, she could infer what she needed.

The magic book was turned again, and a set of Japanese-style clothing suddenly wrapped up that rich river, wrapped tightly, and the next moment, time returned to normal.

Looking at the tightly wrapped Japanese kimono, the rich Fujiang was there, and the screaming stopped abruptly.

Yi Xiao noticed that there was no sarcoma-like thing on her body. While relieved, she was also sure that it could be controlled.

As for the rich river that shrank behind, she had once again happily dipped the caviar with her fingers, and seemed completely unaware of what had just happened.

The tense and condensed atmosphere in the room suddenly relaxed, even Yi Chou was relieved, and Kanosuke even completely stiffened his body.

Okay, but Yi Huo always feels that something is wrong. .

"Did you see it? You must have seen it." Fu Jiang on the ground stood tremblingly, and then said to Yi Chou seriously, "Do you think we are monsters."

Yi Xiao couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart, and it all became like this. Do you still think you are a normal person?

Of course, in order to take into account Fu Jiang's sentiment, Yi Chou needs to change the word. Fu Jiang's creatures are simply split in a single word.

After thinking for a while, Yi Huo said, "Of course you are a monster."

Fujiang "..."

The atmosphere solidified again, but unexpectedly, none of Fu Jiang's signs of splitting again.

Even it seemed to have stopped. After a long time, she slowly said, "So... Did they send us to the Onmyoji, the ghost... Did you raise it?"

Her eyes turned around Yi Chou's kimono, and then looked at the back of the string, she frowned and seemed to have a trace of doubt in her eyes.

Then, without waiting for Yi Chou to answer, she continued, "Kill us, but the police will find you and bring you to justice, and after we die, something very, very, very scary will happen. "

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and he finally thought of what was wrong.

"Police, what are you talking about." he asked.

This is Koga in the Edo era. Where did Tomi know the term police, even if her memory can be shared, then it is also shared forward, and the memory from the future cannot always be shared, then too. .

"Pretend to be stupid." She sneered.

Fu Jiang, who had just been split up by her, also came to her side, staring at Yi Chou fiercely, seeming to have got Fu Jiang's memory and figured out the causes and consequences, she whispered, "Abnormal Uncle Salty Wet."

Yes, this is it.

This term did not appear in the Edo period, no wonder Yi Chou was very uncomfortable.

But now his head is a little messy, not only because of a lot of Fu Jiang, but also because of the police in her mouth, he pauses a little, Yi Chou said.

"What is the policeman you are talking about? As far as I know, any Onmyoji division has an obligation to eliminate monsters. This is not even stopped by the current name."

"Daming!" x2.

This time it was Fujiang's cute face.

. . .

Soon, under the deliberate guidance of Yi Biao, the information he revealed decisively changed Fu Jiang's position, turning himself an enemy of Fu Jiang into a point where they were also innocents, and Fu Jiang was also a victim.

In this way, the two sides can communicate well.

Moreover, the information that Yi Chou accidentally revealed was also incredible in Fujiang.

Yi Xiao sat down cross-legged with Xuan Zhishen, and after the six Fu Jiang were all dressed up, the atmosphere immediately became harmonious. Only Xuan Zhishen, his forehead slowly flowing out of the beads of sweat, seemed to be patient.

but. . The two parties who were talking did not notice him for the time being.

"If you say this, it should be the Edo era, which is a few more than a few years." After listening to Yi Vague's vague overview, the two Fu Jiang whispered there.

Her history is good, after all, she has been in high school for decades, and sometimes she is also a witness of history, so she quickly judges when it appears.

He whispered in a low voice, but the room was so big, and Yi Chou could hear it clearly. "Listening to what you mean, you are not a person in this world?" he asked deliberately.

"It's not the world." One of Fu Jiang made a correction immediately, but the time was different. "Two hundred years after we came from you, probably..."

"But your first legend started in the Warring States period, that is to say, you have lived for four hundred years?"

The two Fu Jiang glanced at each other and shook their heads, "I don't remember things for so long. My memory is only about ten years old."

Fu Jiang’s memory can be shared, but it cannot be passed on. That is to say, if at a certain moment, all Fu Jiang is killed, even if she is born again through the shadow and * in her heart, her memory will be broken. Like now.

"If you kill yourself now... what will happen." Yi Chou asked again.

The corners of the two Fu Jiang's mouth twitched at the same time. It may have been that in this era, the famous grandmother would also be heard. This is probably the earliest question in history.

"If it's someone else, I don't know." She replied, "But if it's me, I can't kill."

Yes, this answer is very rich.

Yi Biao didn't continue to question him, he just said casually, anyway, his identity will be exposed sooner or later, he did not want Fu Jiang to burst into a lot of Fu Jiang again under the anger and anger.

But Yi Xuan noticed that, except for the two Fu Jiang who spoke, the other four Fu Jiang never spoke, it seemed. . Like a moving puppet.

"What happened to them." Yi Xuan did not hide, but asked directly.

Things that are not easy to eat are not so delicious, as are apples and caviar.

There is a small amount of veritasein in caviar, so Fu Jiang's answer will be so coordinated, otherwise how can the progress be so smooth.

The two Fu Jiang glanced at each other again, but this time, they did not speak, even under the influence of the true agent.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is a fault in their memory, and they think that what they said is true, that is to say, they may not have a deep understanding of themselves, of course, just common sense settings , Such as splitting when angry and scared.

"How much do you know about yourself." Yi Xuan asked again.

"As you have seen, haven't you already seen it?" Fu Jiang didn't seem to want to talk about this topic, and was a little dissatisfied.

"Fu Jiang..." Yi Biao said slowly, "No one knows where this beautiful woman came from. The first record is that during the Warring States Period, she appeared countless times, each time with the same appearance, beauty, and It’s full of temptation, but the unified ending is all killed."

"You can split." Yi Xiao looked at Fu Jiang's eyes, "Death will promote splitting, so is fear and anger, and you also have a magic that can make people crazy, and unconsciously affect other people. People."

Every time Yi Xuan said something, Fu Jiang's face was pale. After Yi Xiao finished speaking, her face had become very white, and she whispered in her mouth, "I don't know... I don't know these things. "" (To be continued.)

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