High Magic Earth

Chapter 948: hostility

Yi Biao's eyes flickered and watched the active Fu Jiang kick the newly split Fu Jiang into the Fu Jiang Dui behind him. The poor guy had no eyes and didn't understand the maliciousness of the same kind to her.

At zero distance, Yi Chou once again saw the danger of Fujiang.

Because in theory, her division is infinite.

Fortunately, her splitting speed is not related to external factors, such as a missile coming down to blow a nest of Fujiang into powder, maybe a strong and viable cell will split again, or it may not be able to split again.

There will not be a moment when the missile falls, and Fu Jiang instantly shows a sudden increase in geometric trends due to pain.

That is really desperate.

But in fact, Fujiang's terrible is far more than this joke-like split.

"If you say this, Mr. will come back from the future." Fu Jiang with a serious face put down the milk tea, and then stared at Yi Chou with suspicious eyes. "Are you really a Yin Yang master?"

"Why do you say that?" Yi Chou was very strange.

"With the knowledge of the future, it's easy to complete some tricks that can't be dismantled, and pretend to be an Onmyoji." Fu Jiang said with a serious face.

To be honest, Yi Chou's temper is not bad, just a little indifferent, but maybe even Yi Chou hasn't noticed that his attitude towards Fujiang is a little too kind, and even a little more tolerant.

"Ah, that's right." Yi Xuan nodded. "The occupation of Onmyoji is almost extinct in the world. Of course, I will not be an Onmyoji. But you can also think... I do have some abilities, but not you The kind of tricks said."

Fu Jiang, who had an active character next to him, had a trace of cunning in his eyes. Because he was facing Yi Huo, he could not find it at all.

There is no need for communication between Fujiang, and there is no such thing as a glance. If there is, it is just doing things, because all the memories between them can be shared. The information received by a Fujiang is very Soon it will be received by other Fu Jiang.

If necessary, their heads will know the news.

There will not be a situation where the brain cannot handle it because there are too many memories, because their brains are also a lot. Recalling these shared memories is just like recalling their memories. It is very convenient and smooth. Most people will not understand this kind of Fujiang. ability.

"Okay." Although Fu Jiang Wenyan with a serious face is still suspicious, but after thinking about it, he can only say helplessly, "Since you said so, then you must protect me."

"What?" Yi Huo looked cute, almost thinking he had auditory hallucinations.

"Sadako," Fu Jiang said with a serious face, "If it comes out again, you as a Yin-Yang master can definitely deal with it."

"It is going to kill me, you should understand what will happen to me after death."

"Of course, if...you are willing to gamble, it's okay."

Yi Biao's mouth slightly twitched, he understood the meaning of Fu Jiang, but. . "In the Edo period, there should be no TV, Miss Fujiang." He said.

"There is always a wellhead." Fu Jiang, who has an active personality, said of course, and then put on a look like an uncle, how stupid you are.

Yi Xiao froze for a moment, and then his eyes remained the same, "Well, wellhead... By the way, where are you, Sadako released to the first part." He asked inadvertently.

"Fifth." It was Fujiang who was active in answering her. She didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with her answer.

Fu Jiang, who had a serious face, bowed her head and drank tea. Her long hair covered her face and the cup in her hand. She could not see her expression at all, and she could not even see her hand, only the hair room. Occasionally, the snowy white appeared, and it did look a little enchanting indeed.

"The fifth part..." Yi arrogantly repeated, "Well, I understand, I will protect you."

"It's good to protect yourself. Who knows if your uncle salty and wet is talking big words." Fu Jiang, who has an active personality, could not be quiet for a moment.

Yi Chou felt his head was bigger again. He felt that his thinking and those of Fu Jiang were not on the same circuit.

"You should not care about how you came to this era, how did I come to this era, or how can you go back?" he asked.

But Fu Jiang did not answer him, but pointed to the side of the string, "Is this gentleman the same as you?"

"No... he was from the Edo period." Yi Xiao frowned.

"Then consider these issues, you might as well consider how to explain to him." Fu Jiang with a serious face said with a milk tea, leisurely said.

Uenosuke listened to the dialogue between the two parties clearly, but did not know how much he could understand. Although some nouns were very advanced, after all, the text was created according to the literal meaning, and the general content could still be understood.

But this is not a problem for Yi Chou. Reversing the memory, except for the bald guy, only magic is the best.

He didn't take Kanosuke to heart, but since Fu Jiang said, it's best to explain it to himself. Thinking about it, Yi Chou changed his head.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized this problem, why he should follow the meaning of Fu Jiang, even the active Fu Jiang behaved like a bear child.

I just didn't wait for Yi Chou to understand this problem. Oncoming was a bright and unusual cold light.



With a crunch, Yi Chou grabbed the short blade that Kanosuke waved to his neck, and a golden inverted triangular shield condensed on his arm. The shield was composed entirely of light, still flashing like a wave of water. Light and shadow.

This is another substantive manifestation of the guardian spell, which requires a long compression time, but with the help of the silver tongue, this time has been greatly reduced, and even only one word is needed.

But Yi Xiao's ability to block the first shot of Uenosuke does not mean that he has blocked all his attacks.

"Tick, tick!"

Slightly lowering his head, Yi Biao saw the blood continually infiltrating from his body, as if the frozen time was dissolved in an instant, blood oozing out of the arm, and blood from the abdomen and chest pierced like a penetration.

Just a moment ago, Kanosuke had sent him no less than fifteen knives.

"Are you crazy..." Yi Xiao's eyes narrowed, rather than questioning, rather than talking to himself, Kanosuke made such a move without saying a word, which has caused Yi Xuan's anger .

No matter what his reason is, even if he can’t kill him directly because of the problem of concealing his identity, Yi Xuan also intends to give him an impressive lesson.

At the next moment, the figure of Kanosuke rose into the air, and at a speed that could hardly be captured by the naked eye, it instantly turned into a gray phantom in mid-air, as if it were a whirlwind.

"Bang!" The low table in front of the four burst into bursts, but the milk tea on the table had been taken carelessly by the two Fu Jiang before they burst.

The two of them sat calmly in the same place, buttocks moved back to make more room, and they seemed to find a more comfortable posture for themselves.

But the two of them were so calm, but those Fujiang who failed to split up behind were not so calm.

They squeezed together tremblingly, and then squirmed into the corner of the room. At the same time, strange and irregular squirming began to appear in various parts of their bodies, as if there were some kind of insects under their skin.

"Heal." Yi Xiao's voice like a low air pressure came in the gray phantom. It wrapped Yi Yi in a tornado like a tornado. Because of a long stay, even the afterimage of Susuke may occasionally appear.

But Yi Chou, who was targeted by Kanosuke, was very calm.

The faint golden guardian curse protects his deadly parts. As for the others, the damage caused by Kanosuke can only be bleeding, which cannot endanger life.

The speed of Kanosuke is far less than that of Barry Allen. Compared with being a human body, his explosiveness is also not as durable as the magic power.

At first, he just caught Yi Huo by surprise and once reacted. .

"The next moment, he seemed to hit an invisible wall." Yi Xuan said.

"Bang!" At the next moment, the figure of Suginosuke suddenly appeared in mid-air, as if hitting something invisible, he retreated backward and fell to the ground dizzy. .

It's just that Yi Chao is not over.

Seeing the finally appeared Xunsuke, Yi Xiao waved his wand in his hand, and he was instantly hit by a force against the opposite wooden wall.


There was another muffled sound, and Kanosuke was hung on the wall in mid-air.

The injury on Yi Xiao's body has healed. Under the treatment of the silver tongue, this non-fatal injury even saves the potion. He noticed that the short knife of Kensuke was on the ground where he was sitting before, because he couldn't smoke Out of the relationship, Kinosuke held another knife.

How to say he is also a ninja with a knife, even if there are not many knives hanging in the village, it is normal to have one as a spare.

Yi Xiao kicked the short knife inserted in the scabbard on the ground with his foot in his hand, and then threw it hard at the Kensuke. The short knife split into four in the air and nailed it to his limbs.

The blood slowly penetrated, but Kanosuke just grunted, and was no longer struggling.

Frowning, Yi Huo asked in a low voice, "Why attack me."

Hearing Yi Chou's question, Kanosuke suddenly raised his head and stared at Yi Chou fiercely, even though he was across the black cloth, as if he could feel his anger.

The black cloth was instantly flicked by Yi Chou, revealing a pair of blood-stained eyes.

Without a trace of human nature, all that remains is madness.

Yi Xiao frowned again, and Kanosuke's condition seemed not quite right, or rather abnormal.

"Kill me!" he snarled. "She is yours!"

"She?" Yi Chou was surprised, but soon followed the sight of Kanosuke to understand who she was.

It is Fujiang.

The origin of all this is because Fu Jiang, even blindfolded through the black cloth, can not see the appearance of Fu Jiang, her voice alone can still unknowingly drive humans into a state of madness.

And not within a few days, but within ten minutes.

"Yes...it's crazy..." Yi Chou's mouth twitched.

Seeing such a sinosuke, Yi Xao can no longer beat him up, which is obviously a misunderstanding. Although he cut Yi Xiao several times, Yi Xuan also pierced his arms and legs, Since it was caused by the magic of Fujiang, Yi Chou was not interested in fighting against a native of the Edo period.

Yi Chou gently waved back, four knives fell off, and Kanosuke fell to the ground, falling into a deep sleep at the same time.

After stopping the blood of Xuan Zhishen's wound, Yi Chou set his sights on Fu Jiang.

Fu Jiang, who has a serious face and active personality, has already put down milk tea, and then put on an attitude that is easy to be arrogant. Her acting is so poor that she is not even as good as the high school drama troupe. She is obviously not as versatile as Miss Sadako.

Yi Biao's eyes flicked slightly, and then lowered his head. Obviously, these two Fu Jiang had problems, so they didn't have to think about it, because they didn't even bother to do superficial work. If they were really afraid of tension, they would have split up. Can be so calm.

But Yi Xuan has no way to take them. As they said, what will happen to Fu Jiang's death, Yi Xuan is more clear than them.

And besides that, Yi Chou didn't really want to destroy them.

This is Fujiang, the source of fear. Fujiang, if used properly, can cause a devastating disaster. It wouldn’t be a pity to eliminate it in this way.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Xuan raised his head and said to them softly, "Don't worry, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the two had recovered their indifferent expressions, and then picked up the milk tea again, as if the milk tea in the cup could not be drunk.

The serious-faced Fu Jiang didn't seem to realize that he blocked the second half of Yi Chou's words back. UU read the book www.uukanshu. com She was holding milk tea, and then said leisurely, "Don't worry about us, he... what do you do." She pointed to the string lying on the ground.

"This is not a problem." Yi Huo's patterned smile was a bit rigid. "He won't do all this, only remember that the trouble has been solved."

"That's it." Fu Jiang's crooked head with a serious face seemed to be surprised by Yi's ability to do this, and then at the next moment, she pointed back and said, "Then, they are not as calm as us."

In the direction she knew, Yi Chou raised his head and immediately saw a piece of black pressure.

As you can see, the white flowers of Fujiang have packed a corner of the house, and they shrunk together shiveringly, trembling because of the battle between Yi Chou and Jiansuke, even if they have not relaxed now Come down, because Yi Chou sees that there are constantly new Fujiang being split.

Roughly counted, there are nearly ten Fujiang in the corner, and all of them are holding their heads and squatting.

Yi Xiao took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead and cheeks with both hands. He didn't know what expression he should be at this time. (To be continued.)

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