High Magic Earth

Chapter 949: Chalet

The door of this wooden house in Fujiang had been closed for three quarters. Daisy didn't know how it was in the house, but the atmosphere outside seemed strange.

Yang Yan stood on the branch of a big tree, hiding half of his face behind the tree, and stared at him for three quarters of an hour.

And her resentment seems to be getting heavier.

Daisy didn't understand where her grievances originated, but through the explanation of her two companions, she knew that Yang Yan liked Susanosuke, the man who had just entered.

I heard that there are a lot of Fujiang, a creature that can naturally charm men.

It won’t be good to change to your own mood, but this kind of resentment should not be directed at yourself. Those rich rivers are the masterminds.

But for the sake of being a great magician, I don't care about her.

Daisy thought about it, while maintaining a still cold expression, she seemed completely unaware of how disconnected her thoughts and facts were.

It is estimated that Zhang Junyun and others did not think that what was hidden under the face of Daisy Iceberg would be an off-line guy.

But this little girl's little time alone did not leave Daisy much, because the door of the wooden house was opened again while she was constantly shattering her thoughts.

What appeared was the later free man, and there was also a rich river.

There is no one else.

Before waiting for Daisy's other thoughts, Yang Yan appeared silently in front of the two, and then stopped their way.

"He." Too worried and concerned about Susuke, Yang Yan had no other thoughts at this time, and even forgot the habitual teasing of a strange man, he asked directly.

Yang Yan loves Susanosuke deeply.

This thought immediately appeared in Yi Ao's mind, and she understood her gaze looking back at the moment.

Taking a quiet step forward, Yi Chou blocked the brought-out Fu Jiang behind, blocking Yang Yan's view, and adding Fu Jiang's silent voice should restrain her charm to the utmost.

Or magic.

Fortunately, Yang Yan's thoughts were all on Susuke, and she didn't pay much attention to Fu Jiang at all. She didn't read it anyway.

"Sannosuke is in the house." Yi Xuan replied, "More than ten rich rivers have appeared. No one will certainly be in trouble, and he will stay there for the time being."

"Alone?" Yang Yan froze for a moment, and looked at the cold eyes.

"You leave him there alone, with a group of monsters who can charm people, make people irrational, and become lunatics?"

Yi Xuan felt that it was useless to say what he voluntarily left at this time. She wouldn't believe it, because she didn't intend to believe at all, so Yi Xuan went straight to the topic.

"He won't be enchanted." Yi Biao said, "His willpower is very strong, and my mana is also guarding him. He is the best person. I didn't even believe it at the beginning."

Yang Yan slowly raised his head, revealing a slender white neck, licking the corner of his mouth like a snake, and a dangerous light in his eyes.

"I can show you to him."

Yi Xiao pointed behind him, a vortex suddenly appeared on the surface of the wooden house, and a large blank was exposed in the vortex, which was exactly the situation inside the room.

But there is only Susuke Nosuke, and Fu Jiang has not been revealed, and Susuke has removed the blindfold and is stroking the short knife in his arms intently.

He didn't seem to realize that a hole had been opened in the cabin, or that he had just been peeped.

The vortex lasted only a few seconds and disappeared again. The surface of the wooden house returned to calm, no sound appeared, and it was not destroyed.

"He is inside, but the Fujiang people are very dangerous. You can't watch, but, voila, he has no problem." Yi Biao continued.

Yang Yan exhaled a dark green gas, his eyes slowly flowing, "You know they are very dangerous."

"I will tell this to the leader, Master." Yang Yan's eyes fixed on the cabin without moving, but because she didn't receive the order to enter the cabin, she dared not take further steps.

If it weren't for the order of playing Zhengzhen, she would not be afraid of the magic of Fu Jiang. The legends and origins of these things are indeed a little strange, but her Yangyan is not given in vain.

From the first day of becoming a ninja, she was taught to obey orders, and only the correct orders would make him obey.

Yi Xiao's brow was slightly wrinkled, but it didn't stop him.

However, after Yang Yan pondered for a few seconds, she suddenly lifted her feet and moved her figure towards the wooden house. She was still at ease with the strings in it, and even the commands were left behind.

She is confident to resist this strange Fujiang, but she is not at ease.

Kanosuke is their strongest ninja, and he is still unable to resist his own illusions and poisons, not to mention Fu Jiang, who seems to be stronger than his own illusions.

Her entire body shrank into the satin, as if it had turned into a breeze and drifted towards the wooden house.

"Hey!" Yi Biao called behind.

With a satiny meal, showing Yang Yan's head, she turned her head and said, "I just went in..."

"The soul is out of my mind."

But she was greeted with a faint green light, Yi Chou pointed at her wand, and there was a bland, even without the slightest rolling spell.

Yang Yan's body suddenly stood up, she solidified in place, and the satin slowly turned into her body again.

It's a very interesting ability, but no matter whether it's Kanosuke or Yangyan, Yi Chou didn't receive feedback from the hourglass.

But now is not the time to consider this question, "Everything is normal, Kanosuke can resist the charm of Fu Jiang, he stayed to guard them temporarily, you and I have no conflict, and now, it seems that you should go to the feast, when you wake up After that, you will forget what is happening now."

Yang Yan dumbfounded, and then turned into a breeze, slowly drifting into the darkness.

When Yi Xiao turned his head again, he saw Fu Jiang looking at himself with a scumbag expression.

"What's the matter." Yi Huo has become accustomed to it now, and he asked indifferently.

"This is really the miracle of your uncle salty and wet, how many bad things you have done with it." Fu Jiang, an active personality, glared at Yi Chou with force.

But Yi Biao had already figured out her temper, and was not angry. Instead, she asked, "Do you want to try it yourself?"

Fu Jiang suddenly stopped talking.

Yi Xiao waved at Dai Xizang's body, made all normal gestures, and told her to keep up.

I hope to catch up with the lively reception, I heard that such a reception lasted for a long time, and it was very lively.

As for how Yi Yao knows, for the seventeenth century, I am afraid that the most common thing is crows and wild dogs that grew up eating dead human flesh.

. . .

Yi Jiang came out with the active Fu Jiang, and the one who stayed in the house was Fu Jiang with a serious face. Yi Xiao felt that although they were all from the later generations, Fu Jiang with a serious face should be more in touch with Kanosuke. It's easier to communicate. If you leave this guy around, it will be a disaster.

Fu Jiang’s problem has not been completely resolved, but part of it has also been resolved.

Immediately after awakening Kanosuke, Yi Noo immediately repaired his injury and used the magic book and silver tongue to also strengthen his willpower until he was immune to the magical power of Fu Jiang's madness.

Silver Tongue has the power to create reality out of thin air or even reverse reality. Yi Chou does not know whether it has the ability to wipe out Fu Jiang's infinite division, but it is still very simple to help a person resist Fu Jiang's charm.

It's just that when creating stories, it needs to be more complicated.

This is not something that Yi Biao can say by simply saying two sentences.

Yi Chou is the only person who can directly use this magic book. Even if the magic book is in the hands of others, it does not play any role and it is not just casual talk.

In addition to the power of the silver tongue to drive the story into reality, Yi Chou also has the power of silver heart, silver hand and silver soul.

This is simply tailor-made for him.

This is a story he wrote by himself, and it has a magic power that can be turned into reality, just like the horror story of Stan Goosebumps, and Yi Chong reads them after the silver tongue, as long as he firmly believes, the story will become a reality And then act on himself, in the first person, just like Mr. Willy Wonka believes he can make the most delicious candy in the world.

As for those stories that are not acting on themselves, they need to be supported by silver souls. Yi Chou cannot directly give objects life like magic slate and let them live, but they can maximize the creation of the stories and give them. Unique soul.

The silver soul does not refer to Yi Chou, but refers to what he created.

Of course, the four stone slabs are still the same as before, the useless ones are still useless, and the useful ones still play their role.

However, Yi Chao, who already has these four powers, is supplemented by a magic book, which is no longer needed.

Yi Chou created a story tailored for Kanosuke, which wasted a lot of time, and then after he could resist Fu Jiang's charm, he used the same method as Yang Yan for Kensuke.

A soul-taking spell can make him stay willingly.

As for these Fujiang, they are indeed like timing, especially Fujiang, who failed to split up, no matter where Yi Chou places them, if no one takes care of them, they will fill up the space before long.

Yi Chou can only appease them temporarily. . Then find something hidden in this world as soon as possible.

Then, maybe there is a place for Fujiang.

Because when necessary, it is not bad to think of this world as the back garden of Fujiang.

If you don’t want to do anything big, you need to explain it right there. . There are many secrets hidden in Fu Jiang's body.


With the sky-lined eyeliner, Yi Chou soon took Fu Jiang and Miss Daisy to the street at the reception, which was indeed very lively, like a festival memorial.

Not only those who are Zheng Zheng and Zhang Junyun, but many ordinary ninjas and villagers also participated. Of course, they are on the outer streets, not the most central houses.

Everywhere is full of Japanese shouts and musical instrument sounds, a pair of bonfires are piled everywhere, in front of each bonfire there are many people dancing, different styles of masks and gorgeous costumes, even if the times are poor, There are still people who control wealth.

When did Daisy see such a situation, let alone her, even Yihou and Fujiang have never seen it. This is an authentic memorial in the Edo period, which is far from being copied by future generations.

But just when Daisy stared at the surroundings in a daze and couldn't see her eyes, she was suddenly pushed by someone, and when she looked back hurriedly, she found that Yi Biao and Fu Jiang had disappeared.

And she was pushed by Yi Huo to be seen by the people who were waiting to entertain them, and then led to the reception center.

The people here pay great attention to etiquette, even if playing Zheng Zheng does not know whether or not after the settlement of Fujiang will come to participate in this reception, he is still prepared to wait at the door.

Yi Xiao found them, but didn't think it was a good idea to take Fu Jiang directly into this lively environment, so he left the opportunity to Daisy.

Presumably, she should not be able to stretch the cold face like everyone owes her money along the way.

As for yourself and Fujiang, let's go the other way.

"You really are a salty and wet uncle, and you don't even walk through the main entrance." Fu Jiang whispered behind Yi Huo, very dissatisfied with the fact that he couldn't feel the Edo style directly.

Yi Chou sneered, if not afraid of something happening to her, is it so troublesome?

After a few turns, Yi Xiao took her silently into the center of the reception. Under the cover of the invisibility curse, no one found them at the reception. Yi Xuan glanced around and then looked beside him. When Zhang Junyun arrived, he took Fu Jiang towards him.


As the center of the cocktail party, this has gathered the most kabuki, and there is a clear singing sound everywhere~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A series of braziers are warmed in the house.

As for Zhang Junyun, he slowly tasted sake in his place.

He didn’t have much interest in the food of this era, because even the things at the reception were not delicious, let alone those kabukis. The thick white decoration on his face almost even looked at his eyes. It's gone, it's really not his dish.

Only sake is not bad, even better than later generations, like more pure and rich, but the degree is still very low, but this is Zhang Junyun's favorite.

The exotic atmosphere and the intoxicating temperature still make Zhang Junyun a little intoxicated. In the drowsy indulgence, his eyes suddenly saw a person beside him covered in black robe all over his body.

Suddenly, he was shocked by the cold sweat.

But the next moment, he noticed that the guy next to the black robe was Yi Yi in a kimono.

He was holding a glass of wine and gently gestured to the bullet. Obviously, the bullet was aware of the arrival of this guy long ago, and only he had just discovered it. (To be continued.)

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