High Magic Earth

Chapter 951: Video tape

Zhang Junyun was taken aback, even in a cold sweat, and even the pupils subconsciously glowed a faint yellow light, becoming narrow and erect.

As the leader of the entire Jiahe Ninja, he noticed the abnormality of the guests around him for the first time. It was a bloodthirsty and fierce atmosphere. On the contrary, Zhang Junyun's beastized pupil did not attract much attention from him. Let me talk about it. Mystery, the ninja's mystery is more than this horror.

However, the psychological qualities of playing Zheng Zheng in a hundred battles kept him calm, without questioning for the first time, but observing why Zhang Junyun would have such a change.

There are many secrets hidden in these strange guests, maybe some answers can be obtained again.

After the potential werewolf blood was activated, Zhang Junyun not only did not become violent, but calmed down exceptionally. As a person from this world, what is his greatest advantage.

It is not so-called talent and destiny, because no matter how good luck it is, it is impossible to compare with the chosen son of destiny, but his far beyond the horizon and the resources he can ingest. This is the only way for free people to be strong.

Zhang Junyun relies on the former.

As a person who has been influenced by countless movie comics in modern society, Zhang Junyun is well aware of the existence of creatures such as werewolves. When other people of the world’s indigenous people yelled monsters, werewolves and the like, he can already learn from comics, religion, Film and TV series and other aspects to study it.

In countless settings, almost most werewolves are unable to get rid of a few faults, bloodthirsty killings, and the madness of losing reason under the night of the full moon.

At the same time, the werewolves also had many advantages, such as monster-like strength, rapid running and even exceeding the speed of the cheetah, and even powerful regeneration ability.

Perhaps because of the different abilities and shapes of the settings, there is a slight deviation, but the sequelae of speed, strength, and bloodthirst cannot be run.

So Zhang Junyun particularly restrained this madness and bloodthirsty, because he understood his shortcomings.

Few people know what the first world he experienced and which werewolf bloodline he obtained, but obviously the existence of wizards and magic is difficult to be touched, Zhang Junyun does not have magical magic as help Even if he came into contact with the rebels in this world, there is no magic prop specifically to help the werewolf.

He can only use his perseverance to resist.

Perhaps it was some kind of perseverance. After his unremitting resistance, this calm seemed to become a kind of instinct. Just like the experiment of the dog shaking the bell, whenever Zhang Junyun was about to enter the transformation of the werewolf, he instinctively calmed down. He doesn't even need to do it deliberately, he can become calmer than usual.

Perhaps this is nothing in the eyes of others, but for Zhang Junyun, it is very important, even more important than his life.

Zhang Junyun, who calmed down, became immediately sensible, and the werewolf's sharp five senses made everything around him clearer than before. He could smell the sour sweaty smell of the samurai around him, and the inferior geisha. Fragrant, clear wine glass exudes a faint plum flavor, everything seems to be slowed down.

"Boom! Boom!"

Zhang Junyun's narrow pupil slightly moved, but squinted slightly. His heartbeat was like drumming in his ears, and the frequency was very abnormal. Obviously, he had noticed himself.

Zhang Junyun couldn't help but regret it, and even thought about whether his reaction was too much.

It's just a rich river.

or. . It should be said that she only disappeared for a short while, maybe the guy who was nagging was taken away.

Thinking of this, Zhang Junyun closed his eyes slightly, but after taking a deep breath, he suddenly opened his eyes again.

Do not! This is not right. Fu Jiang is more than just a Fu Jiang. She is the source of terror. One accidentally destroys the entire world.

Even if she only disappeared for a short while, but this is the beginning of the source of all evil. Her beautiful to fascinating appearance is the biggest sin. This is the place where the wine has been patrolled for three times. If a drunk warrior sees her, And because Fu Jiang can make people involuntarily fall in love with her magic and stare, then the consequences are unimaginable.

You know, this is the Hujiang era, and here is the Ninja Village of Koga. It is normal for samurai and ninja to carry swords with them.

It wouldn’t be too strange for Zhang Junyun to divide Fu Jiang into corpses on the spot under the magic that can drive people crazy.

His gaze swept around immediately, and Zhang Junyun wanted to find Fujiang before he caused more trouble, because the cloak fell on the spot. It was not like Yi Chou took her away, it was more like Yi Chou left. Later, she sneaked up to the reception.

This kind of death has been explained many times in the movie. I clearly know that my physique still needs to go to a dangerous place and finally cause a complete disaster. Perhaps it looks very exciting in the movie, but Zhang Junyun does not want to experience it personally, he does not want to When that idiot was spit out.

The colors are so strange to the dazzling geisha costumes, the complicated ornaments hanging on the heads of kabukis, the thin but sturdy samurai tanks, and they have fallen on the geisha's legs.

Zhang Junyun's sharp eyes instantly crossed half a reception, but there were too many people below, and the scene had become chaotic after half the time. Even he couldn't find Fujiang in the first time.

Suddenly, he was ready to explain the situation with the bomb, and then asked Miss Tan to help with Daisy.

It is also a very stupid practice to hide and tamper with everything, and it often leads to the end of the time that cannot be stopped. Zhang Junyun is not a fool, so he will not do it.

His eyes immediately looked at Bozheng, and he was striking his eyes at the bomb that was secretly looking at him.

Bozheng was slightly surprised, knowing that his small movements had long been discovered by Zhang Junyun, but after all, he was so mature and thick-skinned that there was no reaction to being pierced.

Zhang Junyun didn't care about these little things. He started to talk, but at this time, a sound like a drizzle came suddenly from his ears, with softness and gentleness, as if with infinite temptation.

"Are you looking for me." the voice said.

Zhang Junyun felt that his cold hairs had stood up. He didn't find that Fu Jiang was behind him, and even his extraordinary five senses seemed useless.

And with this whispering whisper, a strange fragrance also floated into Zhang Junyun's nose.

He turned his head and saw Fu Jiang sticking behind him, almost leaning on him.

The pale complexion exuded a strange beauty under the dim brazier and candlelight, and there was no trace of **** face to give her a bit of a pitiful taste. The loose Japanese kimono seemed to be falling off the body, together with its owner , Staring at Zhang Junyun with an invitation.

But at this time, Zhang Junyun was very calm, he took a deep breath, and then narrowed his eyes.

"Put on your cloak," he said. "Before I can control myself."

Zhang Junyun was pleased to find that his calmness after the werewolf could resist Fu Jiang's charm. . By the way, she is charming herself, using her natural magic.

Let yourself fall in love with her, then get crazy, start to want to possess, and finally kill her, just like when she was just found in the woods.

It was really a terrible memory.

But did not think that Fu Jiang is not so terrible, at least he can resist her magic.

Just as Zhang Junyun was thinking, Fu Jiang in front of him slowly spoke again, softly whispering quietly from her bright red to fascinating mouth, "But I... don't want to go back yet."

"It's boring there, but I just left the table secretly."

After speaking, she gave Zhang Junyun a big smile.

But in Zhang Junyun's eyes, her facial features seemed to have turned into endless black holes, instantly swallowing all the light around her, and her big mouth split like an endless sickle. At the next moment, she would devour herself Exhausted.

Almost instinctively, Zhang Junyun's pupils instantly became hyperemic and flushed, and he waved subconsciously to Fu Jiang.

The sharp pointed claws are like blades, and they are unhindered towards Fujiang's shoulders, just like cutting tofu.


At the next moment, blood spewed out, and even a scarlet stained the ceiling.

. . .

And at the same time, the arrogant people have already turned to the outside of the reception.

It is very tightly protected in the eyes of Bo Zheng, and there are loopholes everywhere under the magic of Yi Chou. Against a group of Aboriginal people of the Edo era, even if they are ninjas, it is no simpler for Yi Chou.

Even Daisy can do it. This does not require too deep magic, a simple floating spell and an invisibility spell, and then remove your own smell, as long as you are careful, you can sneak out.

Although ninjas certainly have stealth-related abilities, they are very obvious after all.

Yi Xiao is not here to fill the gaps in the Zhengzheng investigation. He wants to solve the problem of the video tape in his arms. During the time he walked out, the current of the video tape appeared again a few times. Tingling.

This is not a pleasant feeling.

There are not many people in Jiahe, but if they all gather near the reception, it will be very crowded. There are stalls selling some specialty snacks outside, as well as these many Dongying style gadgets, such as Yihou. Many people on the road are wearing strange masks.

It is indeed more lively outside than inside.

This also illustrates the strength of the Koga Ninja in this era, because it can be as lively as a festival celebration held at a small reception, which is enough to prove that the economy of Koga Ninja Village is very rich.

After walking for a while, after leaving a crowded place, Yi Chou flashed a few steps, and his body moved forward a large distance.

This is a short phantom shift, which can only be used for a short journey, there is nothing complicated, but the wizard must control the magic power very carefully, otherwise there will be only half of the body.

The feeling of numbness in Huaizhong's current is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that there is something in the video tape that can't bear it. Yi Chou naturally knows what it is. He dare not delay any more, looked around, and finally chose A courtyard with a well behind the side flashed in instantly.

Fortunately, there was no one inside.

This is much easier to handle. Tap the wand and a few magical moments will be released by Yi Chou instantly. The combination of the expulsion spell and the invisibility spell will make people subconsciously ignore this yard, and will also put it on a natural illusion disguise, even if the yard A big hole blown up will not be discovered in the first time, only after the magic is evacuated, it will show its true appearance.

Immediately after doing all this, Yi Chou immediately threw out the video in his arms.


The video tape fell to the ground, and Yi Xiao looked at the lining of the garb, which had been burnt by the current.

"I have already figured out what the meeting gift is." Yi Xuan raised his wand and pointed it at the videotape on the ground, while the front of the wand was slightly shining with the luster of electric current, which seemed to be charging.

As if unwilling to be outdone, the video tape dropped on the ground also began to breathe out the azure blue light.

And with the passage of time, this blue arc is getting bigger and bigger, even making Yi Chou think that he is coming to the Terminator's studio.

But after all, because the volume of the video tape is not as large as the TV, the arc has not been able to stably condense together to form a scale.

Just as Yi Chou thought about whether to help it, the sound of "Zi!" flashed an unusually dazzling light on the appearance of the tape.

Yi Xiao subconsciously squinted his eyes, and this moment's light would even illuminate the interior of the whole house from night to daylight.

Fortunately, Yi Chou had already prepared himself. The magic on his eyes was enough to prevent him from avoiding this luster, so he also clearly saw the black shadow slowly crawling inside the blue arc.

"Is it Sadako..." Yi Chou murmured.

What should I do when I meet with Sadako? There are some messy things in Yi Biao's mind. It seems that I should find a TV and pair the two TV sets together so that Sadako can't get out~www. wuxiaspot.com~ No, there is no TV. Sadako is from the video. . Not right, Sadako came out as a terminator.

Unplug the TV, so Sadako will get stuck in the TV. . It’s said that there is no TV.

At the time of hustle and bustle, the surface of the current suddenly jumped a little.

It suddenly agglomerated a round ball of electric current and enveloped the entire video tape, but because of the small size of the video tape, this electric ball was also very small.

At the next moment, the blue arc disappeared, and Sadako appeared completely on the ground, shaking and preparing to stand up.

"Your way of playing isn't right." Yi Xuan raised his wand and prepared to control Sadako first. After all, he had nothing to do with his cranky thoughts.

But just before his spell was about to be pronounced, Sadako seemed to realize a certain danger, and suddenly stopped and stood up, and made an unexpected move.

"Don't do it!" she shouted to Yi Huo and spread her hands, "I'm Sadako," she said. (To be continued.)

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