High Magic Earth

Chapter 952: Sadako Sadako

Yi Xiao felt very puzzled. In fact, since he re-entered the world, this absurd feeling has always existed. Not that the world is absurd, but everything born here seems very absurd. ★

"...I know you are Sadako." Yi Xiao took a deep breath and nodded her wand with a magic wand. "This has nothing to do with me."

But this self-proclaimed sadako behaved more incomprehensible than him. She seemed a little bit angry and shy, shrouded and growled like a beast, shrouded in invisible faces under the long, dark black. Don’t you find it very rare to find a Sadako who can communicate! You idiot!"

Yi Xiao felt that it was necessary for him to wear a Death Eater's mask, or learn from Tom, and turn himself into a bald race, because his face now seems to have no deterrent, anyone dare to rush Shout yourself.

At the next moment, the flashing current in the front of the wand disappeared, replaced by a sharp blade, and the wand transformed into a long sword with a chill. The sharp blade slowly extended and pointed to Sadako in front of her, and then pressed against her throat .

Well, Yi Biao didn't know if she had found her neck. It was a problem with the shape of Sadako. It probably meant that anyway.

"You'd better give me a reasonable explanation." The wand in Yi Chou's hand became a long sword. He just pointed the long sword at Sadako, and then said.

"Okay, no kidding, you're still so boring." There was a dull voice again from the black grower. The guy who claimed to be a sadako stepped back slightly, and then gathered the chaos behind him.

She seemed to have foreseen that Yi Chou wouldn't do it, she stepped aside very skillfully, and then sorted out her image casually and skillfully, and Yi Chou did so because he didn't notice Sadako's malice.

Or... Yi Chou is not afraid of an evil spirit.

At this time, Sadako bit a rubber band that he didn't know where to pull it out, and while struggling to comb the wet head together, he said vaguely, "You must be thinking, it's just an evil spirit, Is there anything to be afraid of?"

Yi Xiao was expressionless, or he didn't know what expression he should use.

"Okay." Sadako seemed to sigh in disappointment. "It's really boring not to see your surprised expression this time."

Yi Xiao's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't understand what Sadako meant, but from these words...he looked at the chattering Sadako, and had a bad hunch in his heart.

"Excuse me," Yi Huo said. "If I remember correctly, we haven't seen each other before."

"Or, it's not strange that I know you, but even if I know you, you shouldn't know me."

Sadako’s name is almost unknown to everyone. Although I don’t know whether the guy in front of him is genuine or counterfeit, at least the image is no different from the characteristics of Sadako.

But Yi Biao may have heard of the name of Sadako in the world through TV and TV series, but she should not know the existence of Yi Biao, which makes no sense at all.

"Oh." Sadako has sorted out her image at this time, except for her wet clothes and head. Her appearance is unexpectedly good. It is not a bad image at all. She patted her head and said , "Sorry, I have been in the water for a long time, and I forgot that you don't know anything yet."

Hearing this sentence again, Yi Biao took a deep breath again. He narrowed his eyes dangerously and then stared at Sadako. His young face and beautiful figure were directly ignored by Yi Biao. He interrupted Sadako coldly. "Now should you say that it is not time to tell you, when the time comes, I will naturally tell you, believe me, I am here to help you and the like."

"Then you also believe me, if you dare to say that, I promise you don't want to climb up all your life." Yi Chou pointed to the wellhead in the courtyard.

"Okay." Sadako sighed, not caring about the threat, but dragged the tatami mat from the side and knelt down comfortably. "I didn't say I want to say that, give me some time. , I am about to tell you everything."

"I'm listening." Yi Xiao put away his sword, and the baggy kimono swung back, sitting cross-legged across from Sadako.

Then the next moment, Sadako's spirit of death immediately began to wave, "but actually... even if I don't say, you should guess one or two in your heart at this time."

Yi Xiao immediately began to look down for the wand, and he could not bear the drama-like dialogue.

But Sadako was still very calm. Just before Yi Chou was about to collapse, she said leisurely, "As you guessed, I know what will be born, and I know what will happen. In your words, I come from future."……

When Zhang Junyun felt that the scarlet in front of him was fading again, a piece of limb remains in front of him. There were torn human bodies, broken limbs and a severely broken head, scattered everywhere.

The brazier and candlelight in the corner of the reception did not know when it had been extinguished, perhaps in a dogfight.

There was blood everywhere, and the minced meat was torn into pieces, which were scattered on the ground.

Looking down, Zhang Junyun saw that the food on the tabletop had already been stained with plasma, and the glass containing half a plum wine was also filled with scarlet liquid.

In his own arms, he also held a head.

Bloody, but full of cruel beauty, because it is very beautiful in itself, bright red lips should not repeatedly appear on this pale face, the mole under the corner of the eyes seems to point into the heart of the person, beautiful to almost flamboyant.

It's Fujiang.

"You... why... want... kill me..."

The head seemed to be still in one piece, as if questioning Zhang Junyun. He didn't know if he had hallucinations or the head was really talking. He just numbly put Fu Jiang's head aside.

There are many others around, densely scattered around, exactly the same face, the same cut neck, the **** arteries flowing, and even scarlet to dazzling.

Such a scene appeared in Zhang Junyun's eyes.

Countless identical heads fell to his feet, staring at him stupefiedly, making him unable to bear the chill in his heart, but more of Fujiang's corpses, most of these snow-white corpses were divided. There were almost no complete deaths, they were scattered everywhere, stuffed under the table, paved the ground for the reception, and even hung on the beam of the room.

A grand scene of Shura hell.

Zhang Junyun forced himself to calm down. He didn't know whether this calmness was good or not, because before he was completely out of control, he was occupied by the werewolf's bloodthirsty thought, and then caused it.

But now he must be calm, because the sound of fighting around him seems to continue.

With sharp eyes looking around, he still has many samurai and ninjas left at the reception. He does not have a figure that is playing right now. I don’t know if he left or where he went, but there are still a lot of people left. There are more than a dozen.

They are surrounded by the most rich rivers, because every time they hack, there will always be more rich rivers slowly splitting out.

Fu Jiang's combat effectiveness is very low. Even if she is from the future, as a little girl, she is more than one meter six, but it is still not the opponent of these little warriors who are only one meter five meters.

Almost they cut down with a knife, Fu Jiang will be divided into two, blood and internal organs will fall everywhere, a random punch will hit Fu Jiang to the ground, they are not a combined enemy of ninja and samurai.

But in the face of the threat of death, these Fu Jiang also began to become crazy and desperate, using their teeth and nails to pounce on the samurai and bite off a piece of his meat.

Although the strength of the samurai and the ninja is very strong, they can't stand Fu Jiang too much, and these ninjas and samurai are also a little crazy. Under the futuristic tactics of Fu Jiang, they were quickly bitten to death.

They are all crazy.

Zhang Junyun couldn't help but stood up and took a step back. He seemed to step on something greasy under his feet. Looking down, it was a pear-shaped organ.

He felt that he couldn't resist the stomach tumbling, even if he was a werewolf, he had never seen such blood and madness.

"Stop it!" he couldn't help saying.

But his weak voice didn't work at all here, or the rest of the crowd who had fallen into madness wouldn't listen. They had only Fu Jiang left in their eyes, killing Fu Jiang, and occupying her.

There is a blank space around Zhang Junyun, because his strength is already much stronger than that of other people. The rich Jiang around him is almost slaughtered by him, even if the degree of division is still a bit behind, but as these ninjas and samurai continue to kill crazy The relationship between the rich rivers soon increased again, slowly starting to fill the space, and also noticed Zhang Junyun here.

"Stop hands!" he said again.

But nobody cares about him at all.

It's just that Zhang Junyun knew that these people could not be allowed to do so. If they continued this way, the number of Fu Jiang would soon become uncontrollable, and this room would be filled with them, or even unsatisfactory.

That was an absolute disaster.

"Stop!" Zhang Junyun rushed to the side of a samurai, and then shot his short knife to the ground, but the samurai seemed to feel no more, picked up the short knife again, and continued to rush to the nearest Fujiang.

There was only madness in his eyes.

Zhang Junyun couldn't help but took a step back, and then a rich river immediately climbed up, she hugged Zhang Junyun's upper body, and then began to bite his throat with her petite teeth.

Instinctively, Zhang Junyun waved his claws, cut Fu Jiang's body into two pieces, Fu Jiang fell to the ground, and then slowly split into two in Zhang Junyun's silent eyes.

There were more and more Fujiang around, and even turning around became a bit strenuous, and the warrior's fighting ability was not bad, and he still insisted.

But... "Can't go on like this." Zhang Junyun said silently, then the fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the short and hard nails were cut to the samurai's neck beside him...

"Hoo." Daisy, who was maintaining the spell outside, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing Zhang Junyun's actions, she was finally relieved, because if the number of Fujiang continued to increase, it would soon cross the range of the expulsion spell, and no matter how many Muggle expulsion spells would be useless.

They will not instinctively retreat immediately after approaching the edge of the expulsion spell, because the huge number directly squeezes them out, with no choice.

"It's finally useful." Daisy couldn't help herself.

Of course, the straight face that stood next to her was no better, because even if he knew what to do, but Zhang Junyun slaughtered all the warriors and ninjas of Koga.

If it weren't for the fear of Fu Jiang that he saw with his own eyes, he wouldn't default Zhang Junyun to do so.

Of course, as for Zhang Junyun's madness first, he must get an explanation.

In fact, Miss Tan next to him was trying to explain, but unfortunately none of them except Zhang Junyun could speak Japanese and could not communicate with Dan Zheng at all.

Fortunately, playing is not an unreasonable person, and now it is not a time to turn around. After making a gesture to Miss Tan and waiting for Zhang Junyun to come out, he will deal with other things.

There was such a big mess in the reception center. Fujiang's existence could not be concealed. Miss Daisy had not mastered the magic of constructing a large illusion, only the Muggle expulsion spell. It can be said that everything she saw in the house was outside. can see.

This monster that will split after death is witnessed by almost everyone.

"Ann...Where did Ge go?" After getting rid of the bullet, Miss Tan couldn't help but frown.

She doesn't speak Japanese, but she speaks English, and it's no problem communicating with Daisy.

"I don't know." Daisy shook her head and answered. All her magical knowledge was very shallow. In addition to mastering aggressive spells and some valuable auxiliary spells, she even even Hogwarts. The basic level of knowledge is even more confusing when the graduates have not reached the qualification level.

It's not surprising that no one will study slowly at Hogwarts for seven years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially since she is almost an adult.

Miss Tan couldn't help but whispered in a whisper, but Fu Jiang was brought to the reception by Yi Chou, and now caused such a big mess, but the others were gone.

She didn't mean to complain, but wanted to solve things like Fujiang. I'm afraid it's useless to just kill and kill. In the end, it still needs magic to save the scene...

And the arrogance of the culprit of pseudo-crime, at this time, is talking with... the future Sadako, talking about life.

"Come on," Yi Biao said, "Don't use any future set of things to fool me. No one can travel through time. When you feel like you are back in the past, everything has been disrupted."

"You don't even know what the script is, you don't even know what the next sentence was supposed to say, the future you know is useless, the reason lies with you."

But Zhen Zi stared at Yi Chou with a strange look until he saw him hairy.

"Or... what's your different opinion." Yi Xuan said blankly, facing the strange eyes of Sadako, dryly. (To be continued.) 8

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