High Magic Earth

Chapter 953: Sadako Sadako (2)

"So you think so." Sadako sighed and seemed to shake his head rather helplessly, "It really disappoints me."

"Is it." Yi Huo's face sneered. "Then I'm really listening."

"You misunderstood." Sadako said, "I come from the future. The future does change from moment to moment, but I still know what will happen next."


"Because I am Sadako," she said.

Don't be angry, don't be irritable, Yi Chou tells himself that apart from the smashing of Fujiang's little bitch, the world is still very good overall, find out the enemy, solve it, and then you can return to the present world.

But at the next moment, Yi Chou grabbed his wand in an instant, and then stood up against Sadako, "I swear, if you slap some useless nonsense... I don't know how you found your reason, but I promise You don’t want to talk for a lifetime, and maybe for a wraith, it will be very long and very long in your life." He said almost with his teeth.

"Settled." Zhenzi tilted his head, and then thought, "I can take off my skirt now, and then everything is clear, but unfortunately there seems to be a little problem, even if I take off the skirt, I am afraid it may prove Nothing."

"Wh... what." Yi Xuan asked subconsciously.

He felt a little weak. He couldn't understand what Sadako was thinking. He didn't know whether Sadako's thinking was different from ordinary people or whether he had a problem with his own thinking, but Yi Chou was more inclined to be the problem of this future Sadako.

But at the next moment, Yi Xuan felt anger rising. He was not familiar with Sadako. Instead of entangled so endlessly, it was better to use the simplest method to get the information he wanted and capture the Soul Curse.

I just don't know if the Soul Capturer has any effect on Wraith.

"Put up your wand, Angomaka, Soul Retribution can have an effect on Wraith, but you definitely don't want it to be used on me." But at this time, Sadako took the lead and faced Yi Yi Said leisurely.

"That's not necessarily." Yi Huo snorted, but put away his wand, maybe it was a coincidence that Sadako knew his habits once, but it was definitely not a coincidence twice.

And Yi Biao believes that few people can break through their own closed brain surgery, at least this sadako is not good.

Yi Xiao drew his wand into his cuffs and glared at Sadako heavily. "I hate such a conversation." He said.

"Mr. An Ge, don't you think your temper is more irritable than you think?" Zhen Zi leaned forward slightly, staring at Yi Chou again with her crystal black eyes, and then asked softly.

"What do you mean."

"Perhaps you didn't realize that your patience and meticulousness of Fu Jiang is far more than your usual state, for example... Now, I hate cumbersomeness and prefer to use more direct methods to obtain results. This is what you should do. What."

Yi Xiao paused slightly. He was not stupid. Although the matter between Zhen Zi and Fu Jiang was strange, it was not the time to consider this issue. Because Yi Xiao thought slightly, he understood the meaning of Zhen Zi.

"You mean... Fu Jiang is still fascinating me."

"I'm afraid it is," Sadako said regretfully. "And even more terrifying is that you didn't realize it at all, or agreed with it. You even thought your magic resisted her charm."

"But I..." Yi Xuan said a few words, and then stopped.

He is confident in the combination of his silver tongue and magic book, but he also has to agree that Sadako said is very reasonable. The biggest feature and horror of spiritual magic lies in the firm belief in blind obedience. If you all have an idea for yourself Believe it or not, then how can others change your opinion.

Yi Ao believes in his magic, but he is not blind, and he begins to reflect on his memory during this time.

When the headache was unbearable, Yi Chou put down the brain occlusion technique, and then used the power of the silver tongue to strengthen his mind, but next.

He doesn't seem to have much rejection of Fu Jiang, but he communicates and communicates with her very patiently. Even if some Fu Jiang has spoken badly, he has endured it, just like a good friend who has known him for many years.

This is not normal, because Yi Chou is not a passionate person.

More often than not, he likes to respond to the world with indifference. Fu Jiang should get a cold response instead of bringing her to the reception enthusiastically.

Even to take care of Fu Jiang's emotions, Yi Chou would not do it.

Sadako is right, Fu Jiang is still influencing himself. Although it is not as serious as before, he still instinctively let him show his friendliness to Fu Jiang.

What a terrible ability, even the silver tongue cannot be completely eradicated.

"Existence cannot be erased, especially for things that have become real." As if coming from the sky, Zhenzi's ethereal voice drifted to Yi Chou's ear.

"I don't understand." Yi Chou shook his head.

She sighed and looked at Yi Chou with a serious eye, as if she would uncover all the mysteries in the next moment, "Do you know... who am I." she asked.

Yi Xiao felt that he must be crazy.

Why there is such a moment that the guy in front of him really has credibility. Although his identification spell tells him that the other party's credibility is very high, it is actually some useless questions and nonsense.

"You are Sadako." Yi Xuan said in an almost helpless tone.

Although not very satisfied with this type of conversation, Yi Chou restrained his impulse, because the intuition formed by the magic power told him that perhaps the other party really knew something.

"Yes, but it doesn't mean that." Sadako nodded and said again, "I mean, you should know that I am actually divided into a movie version and a novel version."


I have to say that this is very strange, and not to mention how Sadako learned his true identity and origin. A person who didn’t know whether he ran out of the movie or the novel even discussed himself with Yi Biao. The origin of this is very bizarre in itself.

And is it a movie or a novel...

"It's important." Yi Xuan asked.

"Of course." Sadako nodded again, the loose black hair seemed to have been dried, her face swayed with the shaking of her head, her face became serious, and then she slowly said, "You know... the one in the novel... ...But a binary virus that originated in the computer circle."...

The blood stuck Zhang Junyun's eyes, flowing down the hair sticking to his cheeks, but he didn't feel the pungent and uncomfortable blood, but felt very comfortable.

After all...the most primitive force in his blood, but the werewolf.

At this time, there are no standing people beside Zhang Junyun. To be precise, there are no standing ninjas and warriors, but it does not mean that there are no living people. Those who seem to be headless flies around are like a frightened little animal. The trembling Fu Jiang really gave Zhang Junyun a headache.

Their number has increased.

Even though Zhang Junyun preemptively slaughtered the nearby samurai and ninja, a large number of Fujiang individuals were still split in the process, and the amputation and corpses of Fujiang on the ground were removed. The number of them is still more than a dozen.

This is already very crowded for a loft-style wooden house. When the whole party was the busiest, plus the kabuki and the samurai who drank and drank below, there were only forty or fifty people here.

Especially these rich rivers are crowded around Zhang Junyun.

Because there is no other living relationship, Zhang Junyun is the only living thing here, except the Fujiang class who are still crawling or creeping on the ground.

"Don't come," Zhang Junyun said softly, shaking his head with a low voice. He didn't know whether he was telling the rich Fujiang people nearby, or he was telling himself.

Fortunately, these rich rivers did not pose any threat to Zhang Junyun. Their force value was very low. On the contrary, Zhang Junyun should be careful not to tear them into pieces.

Fu Jiang's body is too delicate, and Zhang Junyun, a half-werewolf, can only tear a stupefied Fu Jiang's limb behind him with just a flick of his hand.

And this means that more rich rivers are about to split up.

Fortunately, after Fu Jiang had just split up, they were not aggressive. They would not blindly attack Zhang Junyun. After a period of confusion and consternation, they more often shrank to the side.

But fear is also sometimes prompting Fu Jiang to split.

More and more Fu Jiang appeared around Zhang Junyun. Although their eyes did not have a dangerous luster, they still made Zhang Junyun feel hairy because of her crazy charm.

He suspected that if he continued this way, he would soon be lost in the charm of Fu Jiang and become another madman who fell under her beauty.

Zhang Junyun's breathing was aggravating, "Hurry and let me out..." he could not help whispering.

He had long realized that he was facing a big problem, that is, he could not find his way out, or that he could not get out.

This sounds very funny, because this is just a small wooden house, just opposite the gate, why can't find the right way.

But this is the fact. Even if Zhang Junyun made a lot of laps in the house, he still didn't go out. He didn't even know why he couldn't get out.

Zhang Junyun didn't panic, he remained calm to the greatest extent, he knew that there must be a reason.

Magic is the most likely, they are most likely to cause this effect, and it happens that, according to Zhang Junyun, Daisy can do this, Muggle expulsion spell.

"So you are a Muggle..." Zhang Junyun couldn't help laughing while complaining.

But he really really didn't want to stay here.

At the next moment, Zhang Junyun suddenly frowned, because he noticed that a large piece of muddy plasma and residual limbs on the ground disappeared in an instant. It was there the previous moment, but disappeared without a trace after the next moment, as if Suddenly cleaned up.

"This is..." Then before he realized what this meant, a strong rope was suddenly tied around his waist, and a huge force dragged him suddenly into one direction, and his ear , Seemed to hear a looming cold whisper, "Magic Rope Curse!"

Daisy paused, then waved her wand again.

"The magic rope is flying! Zhang Junyun is flying!"

The two superimposed flying charms drag Zhang Junyun to the outside of Daisy's position in an instant. Although a lot of Fujiang was knocked down along the way, the process was smooth, because Zhang Junyun seemed to realize that Daisy was in Use magic to drag yourself out, so there is no resistance.

Seeing this, Daisy was relieved.

But her work is not over yet, and the large pieces of flesh and blood scattered on the ground need to be cleaned, otherwise, these things will cause panic in Fu Jiang.

Glancing at Miss Tan who had received Zhang Junyun, Daisy waved her wand, "Clean it up!" she growled. ...

Yi Xiao's face became serious. He finally understood what Sadako said when he lifted up his skirt, because according to the difference between the movie version and the novel version, Sadako's settings were completely different.

Sadako in the movie version is a woman, but obviously not in the novel version.

And the gap between them is not only this. The sadako in the movie version is more biased towards the spirits, and the sadako in the novel is a binary virus that exists in the ring. It was born from 800,000 computers. from.

For some unknown reason, this binary virus can begin to interfere in the world outside the ring, that is, the real world outside. Its ability in the outside world is much greater than in the ring. It can distort the world and interfere in the world. Because there is no other binary, almost no one can restrain it.

"Virus." Yi Chou repeated meaninglessly.

"That's it." Sadako nodded and continued. "As I said before, there was a little accident. My body is a complete woman. It seems that there are some problems with the settings. I went to the hospital for an examination. Believe me, I have a diagnosis."

"And other than that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to have no other problems."

"Did you go to the hospital for an examination?" Yi Xiao's head is a little confused now, and the questions asked are meaningless.

But it seems that Sadako had expected this situation long ago, and replied very easily, "Of course, I can do a lot of things, even far beyond your imagination."

Yi Xiao finally recovered a little, and in this amazing series of news, he seemed to have caught some kind of light, as if a flash of aura appeared in his mind.

"You mean, you are a computer virus?" Yi Xiao frowned.

"You finally realized." Sadako shrugged.

Computer virus, this is a very peculiar existence, but why she told herself these things, Yi Xuan's frowned eyebrows had not been released, Yi Xuan intuitively felt that she had touched a valuable clue, but now , The bigger puzzle is not in your own hands.

Converging the magic wand, Yi Chou turned his eyes to Sadako. (To be continued.)

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