High Magic Earth

Chapter 954: Sadako Sadako (3)

"Don't tell me, you want to say that this whole world is virtual, the world of computers." Yi arrogantly stared at Sadako in front of him, "Do I know what world I am in, I don't know, a virtual The world is still the real world. I think I can still distinguish clearly."

"But in fact, that's the case." Sadako nodded unhurriedly, "more precisely, I'm the defense of this computer, and Fujiang, she is the real virus."

"Fujiang, a virus?" Yi arrogantly sneered.

"Don't you think I have many similarities with her." Sadako shrugged. "From the same place, that is, the source address, the appearance is very close. This is similar shell data, and all can be multiplied and split indefinitely. Constantly infected."

"But compared to me, her threat is greater because she is a virus, a virus in this world."

Yi Ao was silent. He glanced at Sadako lightly, and then said, "If you are divided or infected, you are also eligible."

"How can I prove that you are telling the truth, and I can believe...you are not a real virus."

"Spit out the truth agent, take your mind, whatever method you use." Sadako spread his hands.

Yi Xiao stared at Zhen Zi, and then gave her a deep look. "I have seen Fu Jiang, too. I also don't know if I should believe her, so I also chose the methods you proposed."

"But by coincidence, she seems...to tell the truth."...

The most prosperous festival street in the village of Jiahe is no longer the hustle and bustle of the past, the crowds who were crowded around to enjoy the lively reception at the previous moment have now dispersed, leaving only the cold streets on both sides, and the bleak like the ruined Desolate scene.

There are many ninjas and samurai busy around. They hold heavy wooden piles, and then a group of several people circle the city around the largest wooden house on this festival street, and then smash the wooden piles into the soil.

The wooden pile is wrapped with rough hemp rope, and so much wire can not be taken out, so he can only use the hemp rope temporarily to replace it. .

Although Daisy's magic was blocked and she couldn't get close to Fujiang at all, there was still a very small chance that someone would see Fujiang, and the stake was to avoid this chance.

The less powerful, the weaker, the few more, but without exception, they all closed their eyes and did not look at what the hut saw.

If it is not to listen to the command, I am afraid they will even plug their ears.

And in the small wooden house that Daisy finally cleaned up with magic spells, there were three or five groups of rich rivers wandering slowly among them.

With the departure of Zhang Junyun, they have faded out of the panic and started to be confused and shaken around, but driven by Daisy Muggle expulsion curse, these guys just wandered aimlessly on the spot and could not get out of the cabin door.

Although the front and back doors of the wooden house were wide open, whenever Fu Jiang approached there, she would unconsciously turn slowly, avoiding the position of the gate and returning to the house again.

Although Fu Jiang can split indefinitely, and even possess the magic power that can make people crazy, she still has not left the category of Muggles who don't understand magic. The expulsion spell can be said to perfectly restrain Fu Jiang.

Fortunately, the expulsion spell works for Fu Jiang, otherwise, I don’t know what will happen here.

Wiping a virtual sweat that didn't exist on her head, Daisy again carefully filled the last expulsion spell, and then slowly came down from the temporary stone platform.

If she did not leave again, she felt that she would soon be unable to fight Fu Jiang, because she already felt that she was starting to pity Fu Jiang, and that they should not be blocked by the expelling curse in that small wooden house.

Fortunately, it's over.

But in fact, this was the first time she used magic so often.

As a British, she was very vague about the concept of crossing, even when the whole person changed positions, she thought she was kidnapped because she still appeared in her own country.

It was only after she called the police that she could not find her family members when she contacted her, or even her identity was gone, she realized the whole thing.

What happened later was a bit bizarre. She even saw the dementor who was attacking Harry Potter on Privet Drive, but in the end, she went on the magic path without surprise.

Not taught by Hogwarts, nor as self-taught, but by her teacher. Because of the existence of the hourglass, it is easy for any free person who is sent to the magic world to learn magic, because They have such potential themselves.

But for this reason, Daisy had little chance of shooting. Even if she learned the magic, she used it very little.

In addition to her natural comparison, although she has also traversed two worlds, it has not changed much from before.

This was the first time she encountered such an emergency. There was no big basket, and she was relieved herself.

And thinking of this, Daisy saw Zhang Junyun who had been picked up by Miss Tan, and she suddenly did not hit her, but she was not good at communicating with people. After her face changed a lot, she finally snorted heavily, facing Zhang Junyun. She threw out another one to clean it up, and then her figure was hidden in the woods.

On the side, Zhang Junyun saw that his whole body was cleaned up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and his expression could not help but look a little awesome. This mess can be said to be caused by himself, and he does not know why he suddenly went crazy and became unable to control the tyranny in his body. The factors were normal before.

Suddenly, Zhang Junyun's face changed slightly. He seemed to think of something, but he was not sure.

"What about An Ge?" he asked solemnly.

"I don't know." Miss Tan said angrily. "I can't find him everywhere. I really doubt if this guy came here to add chaos."

"Is it..." Zhang Junyun nodded his head. He looked deep into the direction of the wooden house, but he saw that Bo Zheng was coming here, but he still let go of what he had thought.

He also needs to explain to Zheng Zheng. ...

"The situation of Fu Jiang... is a little different from mine, she is very special." Zhenzi said unchanged.

And Yi Xuan did not speak, but just looked at her silently, revealing a pair of editors, you continue to edit the expression.

But Sadako's next sentence made Yi Chou serious, "She is the only magic creature." Sadako continued without changing his expression.

Yi Xiao frowned, and the expression on his face was also converged. "What do you mean?" he said.

"It means that she will not appear in other sub-worlds, and there will be no other sub-worlds about Fujiang. She is the only one, which is the one in front of you."

Yi Xiao did not yell how it was possible, nor did he look at Sadako with suspicion, but said calmly, "How do you know."

This is no longer a general secret, but touches the roots of the second world.

Yi Biao has not always taken Sadako too seriously, even if she knows the so-called future, it may just be some kind of ability to read the soul or predict, even if Sadako says that she is a binary computer virus, then But it is the setting of the subworld to incorporate her here.

But now, she said what she shouldn't say, she shouldn't know this secret.

"Please make it clear." Yi Chou said calmly, but there was a trace of doubt in his voice, because he could no longer treat the sadako in front of him in a casual manner.

Unconsciously, Yi Chou's wand has been caught in his hand, but his eyes are still calm.

"Because of the core center." Sadako said, "As you gradually collect the power of the world, the second world will eventually pull the earth into a high-magic era, and now, the most remarkable features have emerged, the second world The sub-worlds began to merge with each other, and the world where Fujiang is located was the first one to be merged."

"All the sub-worlds related to Fujiang have been merged together, there is no longer the same parallel sub-world, and Fujiang has also become only one and only one."

"By the way, I am also the only magical creature." Sadako stared at Yi Chou's eyes without any concessions, and said slowly.

Yi Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, and the goddess frightened to tell him that Sadako didn't lie. Of course, it didn't rule out that the guy in front of him might hide his magic.

But Yi Xuan had to admit that she sounded a bit reasonable, and everything was right.

Yi Biao won't believe her so easily. In the second world, especially about the second world, Yi Biao was cheated too much, and he shouldn't be careless.

I don't know what the reason is. The second world seems to be particularly valued by those guys. Is it just because there will continue to be free people who belong to the wizard side.

Slightly digesting Sadako's words in his heart, Yi Xuan raised his head, "Not enough." He said.

Sadako is not surprised, "When the magical creature becomes the only one, the nature of her existence will change. You should know what is going on in this world, but now, we are turning from unreal to real."

"Real?" Yi Xuan asked.

"It's true." Sadako nodded. "We are reconstituted from the energy of the world, not just memory, but even the soul has become different. In a sense, our essence is now the same."

"You can also call me... a free man."

"Although I don't have the ability to travel through the world, I already have such conditions. I also have no difference between you and free people. The only difference may be the origin. You come from this world, and I was originally a virtual existence."

"You know a lot," Yi Huo whispered softly, "but I've seen something similar to you appear in this world before."

"Only when the world energy is collected to a certain extent, the sub-world will be merged, so either you are wrong or misled, or the world energy has accumulated to a certain extent."

"But I believe that existence is definitely not ours." Sadako straightened his slender waist. "Because our world energy is just beginning to work, my memory tells me... we are the first batch."

"Memory?" Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"Of course, memory." Sadako nodded her little black hair from her black hair. "I prefer to call it inheritance memory, just like the magical power of memory in the novel."

"You even know this kind of novel."

"Maybe I just had a chance to see these things in a certain world, and she likes to watch them too." Sadako shrugged.

"The new human..." Yi Biao whispered, and then he didn't see any surprise on Zhenzi's face. Apparently, as she inadvertently revealed the meaning in her first few sentences, she knew the existence of the new human and knew They are enemies.

Yi Chou didn't see anything on the earth that emerged from the new human beings, if the dead were not counted, but only the living.

The only thing he saw was that the living creatures were probably blood-borne viruses, and according to Zhang Junyun, it seems that the superheroes are not flying so much in the present world, then... the situation seems acceptable.

After pondering for a while, Yi Biao raised his head again and looked at Sadako, "No matter what kind of existence it was, the truth is always the truth."

But then, Yi Chou turned his head, "But this has nothing to do with you and Fu Jiang." He pointed out if he had pointed.

"This world is not as simple as the surface." Sadako finally frowned.

"I have seen it." Yi arrogant tone calm.

"I shouldn't have come to this world originally." Zhen Zi's Xiu Mei still didn't let go. "It's an inexplicable force that pulled me over. Similarly, there is the woman in Fujiang."

"Central?" Yi Xuan questioned.

"This is the problem." Sadako's face dignified, "because it is not the center."......

Half an hour later~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some other ninjas such as Miss Zheng and Miss Zhang Junyun and Yang Yan returned to the festival street that had been expelled by the warriors. They still did not find Yi Chou The figure, even taking advantage of this time, they have sent ninjas to turn over the entire Koga.

Now Zhang Junyun is also a bit skeptical, is there something wrong with Yi Biao.

As for Bo Zheng, he even suspected that Yi Chou deliberately released the demon Fu Jiang, and then left Jiahe because he did not know the relationship between Zhang Junyun and others.

"Nothing." As the last few ninjas returned, his face was even more ugly.

They found Susuke Nosuke, but according to Yang Yan, Susuke Nosuke couldn't easily leave there now, which was another major lack of fighting power.

Although Koga is not bad, but the number of ninjas is far less than that of Iga.

The only shots that can be taken are probably the playing of Zheng Zheng, Muraga Leopard Horse, Yang Yan Chinsuke, and several ninjas like dragons.

But these people have no good way to Fu Jiang. (~^~)

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