High Magic Earth

Chapter 955: Only 1 magical creature

"Perhaps it's a spell." Seeing a group of people who didn't look good, Zhang Junyun could only frown and said, "Only a spell can make us unable to find him."

"But why did he hide it." Dan Zheng said immediately.

Zhang Junyun couldn’t answer it. He didn’t know how to explain this question. Perhaps Yi Xiao found more important things, such as those related to free people, but Dan Zheng couldn’t understand it, and the most important thing in Dan Zheng’s eyes was Jia He Ren. The safety of the village.

Fortunately, at this time, Daisy's figure appeared again quietly beside several people.

"I found him," she said.

Zhang Junyun breathed a sigh of relief, thanks to the timely release of Daisy.

"What about others?" Zhang Junyun said immediately before the bullets were being asked.

"It's still in the village." Daisy was still indifferent, but obviously her heart was not so cold on the surface. "It seems like a large invisible spell. I just noticed his existence."

Instead of needing a few people to look for it again, Yi Chou's voice has gradually appeared in the sight of several people.

"You are waiting for me?" Before the person arrived, Yi Chou's voice clearly appeared in everyone's ear.

He was still wearing that kimono with his hands in his sleeves, and the whole person looked spotless, as if everything that had just happened had nothing to do with him.

The figure has shaken, and Yi Chou has stood in front of Zhang Junyun.

Once another wizard came back, Zhang Junyun breathed a sigh of silence, but before he could speak, the bomb was just one step ahead and said, "Your Excellency, the monster splits."

"Monster." Yi Chou stunned, and then saw a wooden house that was far enclosed. Obviously, there was only one being able to be called a monster, that is Fujiang.

Yi Ao did not expect such things to happen, otherwise he would not be so relaxed. Fu Jiang is not only their enemy, but also dangerous for Yi Ao.

"What's going on?" Yi Xuan asked, but he turned his attention to Zhang Junyun. Compared to Dan Zheng, he believed Zhang Junyun and others more.

Zhang Junyun's face was a little awesome, "I didn't control myself." He said, "The werewolf's bloodthirst occupies my reason."

Just need to listen to it in general, Yi Huo immediately understood Zhang Junyun's meaning, but he didn't think it was the relationship between Zhang Junyun's werewolf bloodline.

Yi Xiao frowned, and after thinking a bit, he asked, "Is Fu Jiang affecting you?"

Zhang Junyun had some doubts, but he was not sure. Hearing Yi Chou said this, he immediately understood that this was not his crankiness. After hesitating, he shook his head, "I don't know."

Yi Chou is already certain that Zhang Junyun was influenced by Fu Jiang. Although he did not have as strong control as before, the result was even more serious.

The face of Miss Tan beside me is also much better. Although she has never expressed dissatisfaction, it is assumed that no one will like the existence of a pig teammate.

Zhang Junyun also has a cause. Fujiang’s terrible situation. Even Miss Tan, who doesn’t read comics very much, knows a little from her girlfriend who likes a house.

The two Yi Yi used Chinese when they talked, and Miss Tan still understood, but those who were Zheng Zheng and Daisy were completely confused, but Dan Zheng was the leader of Jiahe, which was still calm. Yes, even if you don’t understand a sentence, you still stand aside quietly.

Fortunately, after a few words with Zhang Junyun, Yi Xuan finally remembered that there was a big living person waiting for him.

"Now it seems that the situation has been brought under control." Yi Chou turned to Bozheng, and then said to him, "So Bodhisattva, what are you going to do with these rich rivers."

The bomb is just not knowing what to do with these rich rivers, so it has been waiting until now. If it is fighting, then the ninja is really good, but death is obviously useless for rich rivers, and it will prompt more rich rivers to appear. Wait and wait.

"Your Excellency Ann, if possible, please drive these monsters out of Jiahe's range." After thinking for a while, Bo Zhengzheng asked seriously.

After all, Dan Zheng’s thoughts were still limited by the times. He realized the terrible situation of Fu Jiang and continued to leave Fu Jiang here. Soon the entire Jiahe will be eroded by her and go crazy, so he thought of expelling Fu Jiang, but Dan Zheng was not conscious To the world, the existence of Fujiang is also like a virus.

No matter where she is, this world will be destroyed sooner or later, the difference is only in the morning and evening that day comes.

"No problem." Yi Huo said quietly, "It so happens that I have the same idea. Now I will take these things out of Koga, and solve them together with the caretaker of Kanosuke."

"Then please please." Dan Zheng said deeply.

He also had some self-knowledge, especially after seeing the ninja warriors go crazy because of Fu Jiang's charm, and began to kill each other, he did not dare to let his men go to Fu Jiang easily.

Otherwise, they haven't waited for them to drive Fu Jiang out of Jiahe. I'm afraid a bigger fight that will turn into destruction will begin.

Faced with Yang Yan, several people made a wink, and the ninjas beside him immediately withdrew out in tacit agreement, leaving Yi Chang with more space.

"Let's go too," Yi Xuan said to Zhang Junyun, "It's hard to block Fu Jiang's charm without learning the brain occlusion technique."

Zhang Junyun nodded. Miss Tan, like him, was very self-knowledge. The two didn't plan to join in, but...

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Junyun decided to say it directly, "Ango, have you noticed that closed brain surgery is actually not foolproof."

"What do you mean?" Yi arrogantly stunned.

Zhang Junyun looked at Yi Chou, then gritted his teeth, "I think your condition is not right." He said seriously, "It's already a bit wrong."

As he said, Zhang Junyun stepped back slightly. He still remembered the killing that he had caused before. Although he is not sure about Yi Chou’s strength, it is clear that his danger is not lower than himself. In particular, he is still The wizard is famous for his strangeness.

"Your attitude towards Fu Jiang is a bit overzealous," he continued, "and now you still plan to..."

Zhang Junyun didn't finish it, but several people already understood what he meant. Daisy hadn't shown her body anymore. Miss Tan had proved her attitude with movements, and she took a step back.

"You suspect that I have been controlled by her." Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes.

Zhang Junyun did not answer, but shrugged, the meaning was already obvious.

After pondering for a while, Yi Biao said, "My attitude is really strange." He nodded his head, "but I have realized this situation, otherwise you think I was leaving halfway for what."

Looking at Zhang Junyun's still unbelieving eyes, Yi Chou was very calm. "You only have to believe me." He said, "Otherwise, what can you do."...

The woods under the night were icy and dark, with no trace of human smoke, only the sound of birds and insects, but in the depth of this icy darkness, there was suddenly a light and warmth, which came slowly from far to near, Wherever he went, the darkness was expelled almost instantly.

Slowly, Yi Biao's figure appeared under the light and warmth. With his surroundings, there were also three or five groups of people wandering like a wandering soul, and it seemed to shake like a corpse.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Yi arrogantly muttered in his mouth, while driving the Fujiang around him.

These figures are naturally the unconscious Fujiang, that is, the product of the failure of the serious face.

Because they do not have their own thinking, they rely on instinct to act, so it is not difficult to drive them up like a little piglet.

Just be careful not to make them afraid or angry.

In fact, their requirements are very simple. Pain will make them afraid or angry. Taking away food from their hands will definitely cause anger, so as long as they meet their most basic requirements.

Warm and bright are prepared for them.

Because of the existence of these two conditions, there was nothing unusual about them along the way, aimless, pushing each other and being driven over by Yi Xiao.

Gradually, a group of people have moved away from the outside of Koga.

I flicked the wand in my hand a little, and Yang Yan behind me suddenly felt black in front of my eyes, as if I lost my five senses in an instant. This lasted for about three or four minutes. After she returned to normal, she had lost Yi Chou's group. Figure.

"Asshole..." Yang Yan cursed softly in his mouth.

After discovering that the Yang Yan hanging behind him had disappeared, he moved on for a distance. Yi Chou decided to solve the Fujiang people in this forest. Of course, it was definitely not as simple as digging a pit and burying it.

"Okay." Yi Xuan stopped and said softly.

This sentence wasn’t meant to talk to the unconscious Fu Jiang around them. Even if Yi Chou made a noise, they wouldn’t stop wandering at all. They still wandered around like a wandering soul. Qian.

The wand was a little on the ground, and an invisible dividing line was circled by Yi Chou. After temporarily trapping Fu Jiang in place, he turned and walked back.

After a dozen steps, Daisy shrouded in a black cloak showed up, and beside her, there was a Fu Jiang.

I don’t know if every wizard prefers the black cloak. Daisy is also used to wrapping her body tightly, no matter how convenient it is to move in the jungle.

"This is it," Yi Huo said. "You should know what you are going to do with you." He stared at Daisy's face.

Daisy nodded, "I will look at you." She said, "Once you have the possibility of being charmed by Fu Jiang..."

"Then you should act at the opportunity." Yi arrogant shrugged.

"Why didn't you bring her." Daisy pointed to Fu Jiang with a serious face beside her.

"She is the only Fujiang who still has her own consciousness." Yi Huo said, "We need her."

Upon seeing this, Daisy was not arguing, but took Fu Jiang to retreat silently again. Soon, the figures of the two disappeared together in the shadow.

That serious-faced Fu Jiang was naturally the one who was first guarded by Kanosuke. The active Fu Jiang had already died of excessive blood loss at the reception. After gathering all the Fu Jiang, Yi Xuan discovered that she was the only successful Fu Jiang. The only one left.

There is no way but to let Daisy take her by her side. Daisy has also learned Occultation of the Brain. Although she is not proficient, it is no problem to temporarily resist Fu Jiang's charm.

Fu Jiang’s charms do not distinguish between men and women, and even if they are both women, Daisy has no advantage.

But her brain closure surgery can only resist the charm of a rich river, but she is resolutely walking, Zhang Junyun is not at ease, so Yi arrogance can only let her follow.

Fortunately, after being a dozen steps away from the big army, these failed Fujiang did not affect Daisy.

Watching Daisy's figure disappear, Yi Chou also turned and walked back to Fujiang's heap.

Different from the previous perfunctory mantra, Yi Chou raised his wand, and a layer of illusion immediately covered the Fujiang people, so that from the outside world, no matter what happened inside, this is an empty place.

In the distance Daisy frowned, but did not stop.

After arranging the illusion, Yi Chou took out the magic book. The magic book had no wind and automatically. Immediately, one of the nearest Fu Jiang fell to the ground. Before he fell down completely, a slight snoring sound was heard.

A layer of invisible light film wrapped her, Fu Jiang's face appeared blurred, and even in the end, she couldn't see what the light film was.

The Sleeping Charm is very useful no matter where it is, especially for something stupid like Fu Jiang.

And with the support of the magic book, Yi Biao didn't even need to pay any price. At the same time, Yi Biao also used the magic book to isolate Fu Jiang's charm, but he wasn't sure if it had any effect.

The black shadow spread silently, pulling a big mouth behind the Fujiangs, like a silent smile of the devil's grin, some Fujiang immediately shivered together, like a frightened beast.

Several little yellow men ran out of it, without the need for easy command, they lifted up the rich Fujiang on the ground and walked into the shadow with difficulty.

As the only magical creature~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Biao will take a rich river back to Neverland anyway, even if something unexpected happens, his magic is enough to control it.

The small yellow people all received Yi Chou's order, after taking Fujiang back to Neverland, no creatures were allowed to come near Fujiang's side, not even food.

As the figures of Little Yellow Man and Fu Jiang gradually disappeared, the black shadow was again silently put away.

Yi Biao calmly glanced at the surrounding Fu Jiang, then put a video tape on the ground, he came to the edge of the spell, and then opened a gap.

The flame spewed out along the wand, forming a scene of flame raging in the cracks of the spell. At the next moment, Yi Chou left here in a flash.

At the same time, a white figure crawled out of the video tape silently.

"Just using fire?" I don't know when Daisy appeared beside Yi Chou, and then lifted the invisibility spell.

Yi Xiao had an inexplicable smile on his face, and then whispered, "Magic flame... is enough." (~^~)

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