High Magic Earth

Chapter 956: New destination

The dim moonlight reflected on Yi Xiao's face through the mottled leaves, half bright and half shadow, and his face was strangely strange, looking at Yi Xuan's face as if wearing a mask-like inexplicable smile, Daisy I always feel a strong sense of uneasiness in my heart. Chinese website

But she couldn't do much.

First of all, she doesn't think that her magic is more powerful than Yi Huo. In fact, with her level, she simply can't see the strength of Yi Chao. Anyway, his magic is more skillful than herself.

Secondly, Daisy is not very good at talking, and can be introverted to form the image of the iceberg goddess, which can also be said to be a wonderful flower in England.

Due to the above two points, Daisy decided to remain silent and not express her views on Yi Chao.

Zhang Junyun wanted Daisy to monitor Yi Huo's plans to be charmed by Fu Jiang, and I'm afraid it has completely failed.

Soon, as the wailing inside the magic circle gradually began, a scorching heat was rushing across the face, and even through the magic circle's obstruction could not be eradicated, Daisy even felt her head curled up with the heat.

As if he was relieved, Yi Chou soon gave up staying next to the magic circle and turned to Fu Jiang, who had a serious face, and began to whisper to her.

Seeing this, Daisy frowned.

Although I can't see the inside of the magic circle, the flames are getting hotter and hotter, but as the temperature continues to rise, Daisy's inner uneasiness gradually increases.

Looking at Yi Chou, who was talking with Fu Jiang with a serious face, she gritted her teeth and came to the edge of the magic circle under the hot heat.

She wanted to find out if there was any flaw in the magic circle.

Although Yi Xiao stayed beside Fu Jiang, his attention did not stay away from the magic circle. He saw Daisy's movements, and he was a little strange, "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Check for missing vacancies." Daisy's answer was very concise and consistent with her usual style.

Yi Xiao shrugged, but did not expect Daisy to distrust herself so much, "Come back, Li Huoxuan's temperature is very high, rest assured, I am very high in the magic circle." He called Daisy softly.

"My illusion magic can deceive Lucifer, and I even trapped him in a magic circle."

And Daisy had stopped, she looked at a cracked edge in the corner of the magic circle, then looked at Yi Chou, and said steadily, "This joke is not funny."

"All right." Yi arrogantly shrugged his shoulders, instead of arranging Daisy, and focused all his attention on Fu Jiang next to him.

Upon seeing this, Daisy hesitated, looked at the loophole of the magic circle, then looked at Yi Chou again, and finally waved her wand to add a few layers of protective spells to herself, and darted into it.

Unexpected flames were raging, and there was no scorched black body all over the place. The Fujiang people were still wandering around in situ, seeing the intruders in a hurry, they glanced curiously, and then took care of themselves. Continued to nibble at his hand.


Daisy looked down at her feet, candy everywhere, the earth had turned into chocolate, the stone had become hard candy, and even in the pothole rain pool, the liquid had turned into syrup.

Everything around becomes edible, and Fujiang can get it with just a grab.

Daisy didn't know how Yi Chou did it, what kind of magic it was, but she didn't care about this problem, because more importantly, it was no longer solving Fu Jiang, but raising them.

"What are you doing?!" she shouted back, angrily.

But it was not Yi Chou's answer that greeted her, but a dark green light that could be seen clearly.

"The soul is out of my mind."

Yi Xiao pointed her at her wand and whispered.

Daisy's expression immediately froze, and she stepped aside expressionlessly, letting out the cracks of the magic behind her, and also revealing the situation.

The Fujiang people swayed in twos and threes, eating confectionery on the ground when they were hungry, and drinking the spring water that did not know where the source came from.

Seeing such a situation, Fu Jiang with a serious face rarely showed a satisfied expression, and seeing Fu Jiang's smile, Yi Chou beside seemed to be happy.

Upon seeing this, the smile on Fu Jiang's face became sweeter, and even the full-bodied was shocking.

"I'm going to play in the busiest city of this era." Fu Jiang said with a smile on his face as he gently pulled Yi Chou's arm.

Yi stunned, "Where is that?" he said subconsciously.

But then there was a little sorrow on Fu Jiang's small face, and Yi Chou immediately changed his mouth, "No problem." He said softly, "You can go wherever you want."

Hearing this, Fu Jiang's face cleared again.

She believes in her charm, almost everyone will slowly fall in love with her unconsciously, and she will always get what she wants.


"Zhang Jun..." Fu Jiang said softly in his mouth.

She is not an unemotional person like Yi Huo. The split individual is just like her sister. Even if those splits fail, it is a very, very important existence, rather than letting people slaughter animals.

Although the shared memory has not brought her extraordinary wisdom, it has brought a huge life experience. She is not a perfect little white lotus, but a hundred times more terrible than even expected. .

"You are dead……"

Fu Jiang's charming voice drifted further and further away in the woods.

Yi Xiao immediately followed her footsteps, and at the same time, Daisy, who was in the soul-spelling curse, also numbly followed, and the gap of the magic circle gradually closed again.

But no one noticed that even at the moment the crack closed, a white figure flashed out of it, holding a box of black things in her hand, and instantly penetrated Yi Yi's body.

After the white figure left, the situation in the crack was distorted and rippled again.

Raising the rich river, the situation as if grazing has disappeared, replaced by a party that seems to be held by a monk of hell.

The blood plasma and minced meat everywhere, the thick blood plasma even covered the surface of the amputated limb.

This situation is almost exactly the same as in the original log cabin...

"Where?" Looking at Yi Chou, who was calm, Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan couldn't help but look surprised at the same time.

After Yi Chao drove all the Fujiang people out of Jiahe’s territory, the group finally spent a peaceful evening. Because of Fujiang, Dan Zheng apparently didn’t congratulate him again, so this matter ended in a hurry. Too.

Of course, in order to appease people, there will definitely be some kind of celebration, but probably not now.

And one morning in the next morning, even when Bo Zheng did not come to visit, Yi hurriedly called Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan, and then announced the formation of the next destination.

But the strange thing is that beside him, besides Daisy, he also followed Fu Jiang with a serious face.

"Sorazamachi." Yi Huo said quietly.

"Where is that?" Zhang Junyun asked strangely. He and Miss Tan looked at each other, but unfortunately neither of them was studying history, nor would they know a city in the Edo period.

Yi Huo took a slight pause and immediately replied, "I don't know, but according to Kannosuke, there is the most prosperous city of this era. Looking at the direction of the location, it is already very close to the Chisui Clan in later generations."

"But why should we go there." Zhang Junyun asked with a frown, "We stay here because there are still things not done."

"It's the same to go there." Yi Xuan replied, "Not because of its prosperity, but because there is a new story about to be born."

"Forty-seven rogues, starring Keanu Reeves, and the theme is very consistent with the concept of loyalty. I have reason to suspect that staying in Jiahe is simply a mistake, because we have nothing to do with Jiahe, and the generals' palace. Not implicated."

"But Chi Sui Fan is also different." Yi Xuan looked at Zhang Junyun and said, "If you join the Rangers' team, then it perfectly fits the purpose of the mission. Of course, in the end, you don't need to accompany them with a stupid cesarean."

Yi Biao's answer was perfect, and even Zhang Junyun couldn't find anything to refute.

According to Yi Chao's description, although Soraza-cho is not the place where the plot begins, it is also in the territory of Akasui Fan, and it is very close to the content. In this way, it will become easier to participate in the plot.

Zhang Junyun also had a little understanding of the plot of the forty-seven rogues, because not long ago, Yi Chou took the opportunity to tell Zhang Junyun, and he is not a loss to half the otaku, and even such a partial movie can be recalled. Up.

In addition to the memories recalled by Yi Xiao with magic, the two individuals have basically completed the content.

But at the beginning they did not realize that forty-seven rogues were a better choice, and then they exploded the Fujiang incident. The continuous busyness gave them no chance to stop.

Now, Yi Chou finally brought up this matter again.

While a few people were meditating, Fu Jiang, who had a serious face, gracefully served a few cups of hot tea, which was placed on a wooden saucer, and exuded a charming fragrance of tea.

Zhang Junyun froze for a moment, subconsciously exposing his doubtful eyes. He looked up at Fu Jiang and then stared at Yi Chou again.

Yi Chou waved his hands, and a few cups of tea floated steadily in front of the four people. "Fujiang has studied the tea ceremony in school." He said, "and he is very proficient."

"A few days ago, she had no chance to show her skills." Yi Ao shrugged. "Try it."

Zhang Junyun's brows deepened when he heard the words. He stared at the tea in front of him with a passion, a bitter expression, and then he threw the question to Daisy.

Daisy understood what Zhang Junyun was thinking. She took out her wand and gently laid it on the teacup, then said, "No problem."

But even so, Zhang Junyun didn't pick up the cup. Instead, Miss Tan took a sip of interest, and the expression seemed really good.

"Sorazamachi..." Zhang Junyun whispered softly, "It always sounds not very good..."

"And it's very familiar." He added again.

Picking up the tea in front of him, Yi Chou waited leisurely, not caring about Zhang Junyun's skeptical attitude.

The next moment, Zhang Junyun's face stiffened.

"This world...no..."

"No." Yi Xuan didn't wait for him to say that, he answered directly, "I haven't encountered it yet, and... I have reason to doubt that there will be no such world."

"Of course... if you want to listen to the reason, it will be more troublesome to explain."

"No need." Zhang Junyun shook his head. He still believed Yi Yi on this issue.

But Miss Tan was dissatisfied. She put down her cup and glared at the two of them. "What are you talking about." She heard the words in the clouds and couldn't understand them at all.

"Sorazamachi is a city inside Grim Reaper." Zhang Junyun explained with a wry smile, "An anime."

"Death?" Miss Tan's voice was puzzled.

"One of the three major migrant workers, the combat effectiveness is very high." Zhang Junyun once again smiled bitterly, "Fortunately... there should be no, hope is not."

"So, your decision." Yi Xuan asked again, he stared at Zhang Junyun, "If you agree, then we can come out in half an hour."

Zhang Junyun frowned again, "So anxious?"

"Because the plot may be about to begin." Yi Chou shrugged.

Zhang Junyun was a little hesitant, and the explanation given by Yi Biao had no reason to refute, but... he always felt that things were not so simple, but rather a bit strange, he glanced at Fu Jiang beside Yi Biao, no Give the answer.

After contemplation, Zhang Junyun asked Daisy, "What are your plans?"

"No." Daisy replied as always, "I follow your actions."

Zhang Junyun was not surprised by this. He hesitated and decided to go to Kongzao Town, but not now, but after finding out the specific situation.

But unexpectedly, Miss Tan interjected at this time, "If there is no problem, I can go now."

The three looked at her at the same time, and Zhang Junyun asked directly, "Why?"

"I don't want to stay here anymore." Miss Tan replied also very straightforwardly. "I don't want to stay in this world anymore. I've had enough in the seventeenth century~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The unbearable hygiene and boring environment of people. If I can go back earlier, I don’t care where I go."

Yi Xiaowen straightened his body and turned his attention to Zhang Junyun again. Obviously, he also understood that in this case he no longer refused.

Zhang Junyun nodded helplessly, only agreeing, "Well, I have no opinion."

A smile appeared on Yi Xiao's face. He stood up and said, "I'm going to talk about playing with Zheng Zheng. I believe that if I go to talk to him, he won't refuse."

"Of course, there might be extra surprises."

Yi Biao's mood seemed exceptionally good, and even his voice seemed a bit lighter, but this way, Zhang Junyun's brows were even more serious.

Immediately after Yi Xuan turned around and pushed the door away, at the same time Fu Jiang followed him step by step and left here. Daisy seemed to intend to leave, but at this time, Zhang Junyun stopped her.

"Wait a minute." He said in looking at Daisy's eyes, "I have something to ask you." (To be continued.) 8

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