High Magic Earth

Chapter 957: control

Yi Chou has disappeared into the wooden corridor. The old wood corridor exudes a decay and annoying sound. Although it has a special flavor with the occasional falling cherry blossoms, it is only limited by the times The workmanship is not as exquisite as that of future generations, only the precipitation of history.

The stopped Daisy was a bit strange, but did not reject Zhang Junyun's question.

"What's the matter?" There was a touch of softness in her cold voice.

Zhang Junyun didn't answer immediately, but made a wink at Miss Tan, "Tan Qing." He whispered softly.

Miss Tan apparently reached some kind of tacit agreement with Zhang Junyun, and her figure flickered a little, and immediately turned into an afterimage of the sky and rolled to the door of the wooden house. .

The characteristics obtained from Tengu are very convenient. Any ability related to speed is very valuable. The saying that speed is power is not unreasonable.

The detective, who was once again transformed into a figure, looked at his hands strangely, seeming at a loss.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Junyun noticed this keenly, and he asked immediately.

"It's nothing." Miss Tan was also very strange. She shook her head and hesitated a little, "I feel like... faster."

"Tengu's ability continues to evolve." Zhang Junyun didn't wave his heart in his heart, "My speed has also become faster some time ago."

Miss Tan was not entangled in her words, and sat quietly beside her.

Zhang Junyun didn't lie, he didn't say that to comfort Tan Qing, but his speed did get faster, not long ago.

At this time, Zhang Junyun’s speed was more than twice as fast as when he had just escaped from Tengu. Even the characteristic afterimages dragged behind him were richer, becoming as if they had substance and texture, just like It is silky silk.

Zhang Junyun didn't understand what was going on, so he simply didn't pay attention, because at this time there was a very important thing that he needed to make sure.

"Dai Xi." Zhang Junyun's face was a little ugly. He stared at Dai Si's pupil and asked seriously, "Tell me, is An Ge controlled by Fu Jiang?"

Daisy, who heard this question, was surprised for a moment, why Zhang Junyun thought so, but as long as he thought about the terrible charm of Fu Jiang, then it would not be surprising that he had such doubts.

After all, almost no one can escape the magical power of Fu Jiang that can make people crazy, and Yi Chou is the only person who directly contacts Fu Jiang. As the coordinator and microphone between the two, Yi Chou’s position is crucial, even if he said Passing one's own magic is enough to resist Fu Jiang's charm, and I'm afraid it can't make people feel relieved.

After trying to understand these things, Daisy knew what Zhang Junyun was worried about, "No." She said equally seriously.

"Are you sure?" But Zhang Junyun still didn't feel relieved. He followed the sentence subconsciously, and immediately felt that it seemed a bit impolite, and immediately explained, "Sorry, it's not my wordy, but this fact is too important... "

"I understand." Daisy frowned, but also understood Zhang Junyun's approach. She thought about it and then replied with the same seriousness, "I'm pretty sure he was not fascinated by Fu Jiang."

It seemed that there was no reason for such an answer. After thinking about it for a while, Daisy said again, "I saw all Fujiang burnt to death by him. During the burning process, Fujiang continued to split out, but he was all split by him. Closed into the fire, eventually... only she stayed."

Daisy's voice was calm, but Zhang Junyun and the two still heard the cruelty and blood, and I don't know how many Fu Jiang died in the continuous burning flame, and the number will definitely not be reduced.

Zhang Junyun took a deep breath, agreeing with Daisy's view, but the deep anxiety in his eyes still did not recede.

"I always have a bad feeling about this matter," he said softly. "It's too hasty, and... the reason is too good, even enough that I can't refute it at all."

"Well reason is wrong?" Tan Qing asked some funny.

"That's not true." Zhang Junyun shook his head. "Just..." He smiled strongly, "Forget it, I hope my feeling is wrong."

The werewolf didn't predict dangerous instincts or the like. At this time, Zhang Junyun's feeling was only a little uneasy in his heart. Perhaps it was really just an illusion. He thought too much.

"Sorry." Seeing Zhang Junyun, who always had a smile on her face, became like this, and Miss Tan also calmed down. "I agree with his proposal, but I don't want to stay in this world. I still have family, I... too I want to go back."

"I know."

The nearby Daisy recovered her indifferent appearance. She pulled up the cloak and enveloped her head in the cap of the cloak, and then said flatly, "Don't worry, just be careful."

"Even if Fu Jiang can charm others, but as long as he does not touch Fu Jiang, he will not provoke inexplicable hostility, and even if Fu Jiang splits, the first hapless one is not us, but this world."

"Just stay away from her as much as possible."

Zhang Junyun nodded, seeing this, Daisy said goodbye, and then got up and left here. She opened the door of the room, and the figure quickly disappeared in the wooden corridor like a gust of wind.

And in a corridor that Daisy walked through quickly, there was a sudden wave of waves in the originally empty corridor, as if brought by a breeze, a few black long hair appeared in the air in the air, as if falling from the clothes. General down.

Soon, a small white hand was stretched out, and then the hair was pulled back, and disappeared again.

The space was calm again, as if nothing had happened. ...

On the way to Bingzheng's residence, Yi Chou suddenly stepped, then stopped, and turned directly to the empty space next to him and asked.

"Where did you just go?"

As Yi Xiao's voice fell, the space gave a burst of distortion, and Fu Jiang's small head appeared out of nowhere in the space where Yi Xiao had just spoken. As she kept the cloak off, the whole half of the body under the cloak was gradually Show up.

She didn't answer Yi Yi's question, but there was a hint of blush on her serious little face.

"The toilet." Yi Xiao stared at her, then nodded.

With a serious face, Fu Jiang still didn't answer, but he wrinkled his nose and disgusted, "The hygiene here is really unbearable."

"Is it in the Edo period." Yi arrogant is not strange, "Then you still wear an incognito."

"Relax, I'll clean it up when I go to the toilet." Fu Jiang, who has a serious face, turned Yi Chou's eyes white, with an infinite style.

Yi Xiao transformed the Invisibility Cloth a little bit. It can still achieve the effect of Invisibility, but it shows a blurry and distinctive figure on the outside, which is used to mark the location of Fujiang.

So what appeared at the front of the bomb at this time was such an effect.

No head, no hands and feet, only an empty kimono was propped up, and then suspended in the air not far from the ground.

The kimono was bent, apparently because its owner was kneeling on the tatami, and was still slightly up and down as his master breathed.

Seeing this strange scene, Dan Zheng was tentatively asking, "This is..."

"Fu Jiang." Yi Chou, who was sitting directly opposite him, answered succinctly.

It seems to understand the meaning in the bouncing eyes. Since he can hide, why is he still wearing a dress outside? Yi Xuan once again explained, "The role of this dress for her is not to make her invisible, but to let others. Can't see her."

"Since you can't see it, there won't be anything crazy because of Fu Jiang's magic."

Nodding his head straightly, when he saw this scene, he thought of this answer, and Yi Chou's answer only confirmed what he had in mind.

But then his eyes straightened slightly, and then asked if he asked, "Your Excellency, is this dress you just made for her."

If Yi Xao has the ability to sew this kind of clothes, and he still came up with the idea after seeing Fu Jiang, it means that even if he has no inventory in hand, it will not take much time to make it.

I just don't know if I need any special materials.

Hearing the problem of rectification, Yi Huo raised his eyes slightly, and then said directly, "I still have a few in my hand. If you want them, it's not impossible."

In addition to the one of the three holy weapons, there are still many imitations such as stealth clothes. Of course, their abilities are not as powerful as the three holy weapons, only the most basic stealth ability.

Yi Xiao only released an invisibility spell on it. There is no such thing as an invisibility cloak of the three holy weapons that can hide temperature, breath, magical fluctuations, and even the ability to sneak in even part of the magic ban.

As for Kaga, although they signed a contract with Iga for many years and peace has continued for many years, it does not mean that there is no war.

Although Koga and Iga have subsided, the Ninja in Koga still has a lot of deaths and injuries every year. Under the order of Bozheng, they went out to undertake a large number of tasks, stealing information, and even assassinating. This was also the original purpose of the ninja.

The reason why Jiahe is so prosperous also has a lot to do with these tasks. The commission after the end of the task is the biggest source of funds for Jiahe.

The first time the invisibility cloak appeared, Bozheng was keenly aware of their importance.

This kind of stealth thing, if used well, can completely affect a war. Indeed, no matter whether it is Koga or Iga, there have been ninjas with stealth capabilities, but their number is very rare and appears. Almost every one of them has left a big name in the history of the ninja world.

Now, the invisibility cloak that anyone can use is placed in front of it. It can even have many pieces.

get it! Bouncing his face calmly, but his heart has made up his mind instantly, and even he has thought about the use of the cloak, get the cloak, not only they will no longer worry about Iga, even Daming House, General Shogunate The status of Koga will rise again and again.

Even more, with his own ability, if this dress is added... it is not impossible to become the strongest ninja in the world.

If this is the case... There is a flash of greed in the eyes of Bozheng who glanced at Fu Jiang. He can still get her and become the strongest ninja in the world. No one dares to disobey his orders.

Despite this thought in his heart, there was still little change in his face. He looked at Yi Chou with a smile and a smile in his eyes that all smart people understand, "What do I need to pay, Your Excellency Ann." He said softly , "How many cloaks can you take out."

"Five pieces." Yi Xiao tilted his head and replied after thinking for a while.

"So what do I have to pay?" Dan Zheng asked calmly without blinding his eyes.

"How about Kanosuke, Yangyan?" Yi Xuan responded softly with a strange smile.

"It's impossible." Dan Zheng's brow furrowed. It wasn't that he wanted to lower the price. It was because Uenosuke and Yangyan were one of the strongest ninjas in Koga Ninja Village. Uganosuke was the next leader of Koga. In any case, it is impossible to give Yi arrogance.

Even if you have an invisibility cloak, there is no possibility that there is no ninja. There is no use of the invisibility cloak at all. Those ninjas that have not been cruelly eliminated, even if they put on the invisibility cloak, they only give their hands to the enemy.

Ninjas are not without the means to hide their bodies for a short time, so in contrast, they also have very powerful detection capabilities.

Even if you are wearing an invisibility cloak, you may be noticed by the other party if you are not careful. After all, the invisibility cloak does not turn people into nothingness. There is still a physical existence.

"Too much." Dan Zheng continued to say, he wanted to directly refuse, but this seems to have no sincerity, so after a pause, the words in the mouth changed a meaning, "If it is Yang Yan alone... Maybe I can agree to your request..."

But I didn't expect that the smile on Yi Xiao's face was even weirder. "You also know that this is a requirement." He said softly while looking at Dan Zheng.

Just because the play is unclear, I don’t understand why Yi Xuan would look at himself with such a weird smile, but Yi Xuan continued leisurely, "Since it is a request, in fact... it is not allowed to refuse."

The abrupt turning made the bomber stunned again. Immediately, when he understood it, his inner vigilance was stretched to the extreme almost instantaneously.~www.wuxiaspot.com Instant shot, almost did not stay.

However, it is still a step late.


The three poison needles flashing strange colors don't know from which direction they were being shot, but they haven't waited for them to hit Yi Chou.

"The soul is out of my mind."

Along with Yi whispering whisper, Bozheng's movement stopped there for an instant, and the next attack had no movement.

Poison needles gradually stopped in front of Yi Chou, suspended in mid-air, step by step still, as if they were solidified by an invisible force. At the next moment, they fell to the ground powerlessly, making a clanging clang .

"As I said, the request is actually not allowed to be rejected, right?"

"Yes." Nose bounced with no eyes, nodded, and answered dullly. (To be continued.)

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