High Magic Earth

Chapter 958: On the road

Zhang Junyun didn't know how Yi Chou talked with Danzheng. Anyway, when he gathered at the entrance of Jiahe Village half an hour later, Kanosuke had already waited there with his softness. When he saw the arrival of Zhang Junyun and the three people, he was very friendly. He smiled at several people, even a little shy.

"The sun came out from the west." Zhang Junyun whispered in a low voice, "The old guy who played Zhengzheng would actually release Xianzhisuke."

Although Zhang Junyun usually looks frizzy and seems to be a close to the role of amusement, but in fact, many things in his heart are still very clear.

For example, he understands that Dan Zheng is always perfunctory. The strength of these people has not reached the point where he is very important. The reason why they can mix well in Jiahe is probably because of their unknown origin. The background of the name of Damingfu.

Obviously, there is no such thing as Kojinosuke and Boshinosuke. Kojinosuke is the uncle of Kanosuke. Kanosuke is also the next leader of Koga. If divided according to the degree of importance, there may be no Kojinosuke together. important.

Unexpectedly, Bozheng actually released Xuanzhisuke, and followed a group of unknown guys out.

You should know that although they are against the background of the Daming Mansion, the two Ninja villages of the Shogunate and Koga Iga can't deal with it. Zhang Junyun doesn't believe that Dan Zheng will not know this. In a sense, the Shogunate is the enemy of Koga Iga. It's not an exaggeration, it's just that both sides haven't torn their faces.

In the process of going out, there are some minor accidents that are too normal. However, if Kanosuke was killed by several people, then Koga would lose not only a large combat power, but also the successor of the next leader. .

Zhang Junyun sighed a few words in his heart, and then suddenly remembered something, "Does that guy... will he take the Soul Curse?" he asked Daisy.

"I don't know." Daisy's answer was as simple as ever. She followed behind the two in her cloaked cloak and walked silently, like a ghost.

It is indeed the case. Daisy’s invisibility spell is probably the most skilled spell. She is in stealth most of the time. It seems that she may feel like this. If you don’t say anything, Zhang Junyun doesn’t even know her. Where, or have you lost it.


Zhang Junyun, who didn't get an answer from Daisy, shrugged dullly, and then dropped his curiosity on Jiansuke.

His appearance seems to be the same as usual in Koga, like samurai or rogue more than ninja, Kanosuke's weapons are short knives, proficient in swordsmanship, he is good at cutting the enemy into several sections at a very fast speed, even far beyond Those tengu in the tengu forest.

And he never wore a standard ninja suit, black leggings headscarf, mask and waist harness. Kansuke always appeared in Jiahe in a wide swordsman robe. In Zhang Junyun's eyes, Kansuke was not so much Ninja is better than the guy in the mind of Ranger Sword.

Of course, Kanosuke is far less powerful.

Several powerful ninjas with special abilities in Jiahe are uniquely dressed, stand alone, and have their own style, so it seems that Zhang Junyun is a little fussed and boring.

While Zhang Junyun looked at Susanosuke, he lowered his head silently, lowered his eyes slightly, as if contemplating something, because most of the people talked in English or Chinese, and Susanosuke couldn't understand The content of it, even if they thought they might be discussing themselves, could not be verified at all.

Seeing Kanosuke waiting so patiently, Zhang Junyun and several people also lost interest in talking, and found a shady place under the shade of trees, waiting quietly for Yi Chou.

Fortunately, Yi Chou is not a procrastinator.

When the sunlight once again deflected a slap distance, Yi Chou took Fujiang to be late.

Zhang Junyun and others did not see which direction Yi Chou came from, just a slight flash in the field of vision, Yi Chou and Fu Jiang appeared not far from Jiahe Ren Village, the next moment, the two were already less than a hundred from them Meter.

"You came here early enough." Yi Xiao said with a smile.

No matter how Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan doubt the relationship between Yi Chou and Fu Jiang behind them, on the face of it, they still maintain as if nothing else, after all, it is just doubt, maybe Yi Chou's magic can really protect themselves from the charm of Fu Jiang Temptation, if exposed, the situation of several people will not be embarrassed.

"You came too slowly." Zhang Junyun said angrily, pointing to the sun in the sky that had been slightly crooked to the side from the top of the head, "Say good at noon, it will be in the afternoon now, and the one around you What is it?"

"She." Yi arrogantly followed herself with a casual finger, as if suspended in mid-air clothes, and then resumed plainly again, "It is Fu Jiang, how is it, is it very effective."

"I didn't see it at all." Zhang Junyun said blankly.

What he said was true, because he didn't see where Fu Jiang was at all.

"It's an invisibility cloak." Yi Xiao shrugged and explained, "I gave the incognito cloak to Fujiang, and then asked her to put on another dress outside the incognito cloak, so that you can't see the appearance of Fujiang, and It won’t be totally unknown where she is.”

"It's a genius' attention." Zhang Junyun rolled his eyes angrily.

"Okay, Daisy first, and now Fujiang is here again. We haven't waited for the departure. We have already disappeared. Why don't I suddenly have any hope for the next trip..." Zhang Junyun shook his head, "Hope us It won't be separated by then."

But despite this, several people got up and prepared to go.

"Don't be so pessimistic." Yi Xao patted Zhang Junyun gently on the shoulder.

Koga is not far from Akasui. Although it is not known where the so-called Suzaku is, the area of ​​Akasui is not large. As long as Suzaku is still in Akasui, it is easy to find.

On the other hand, it takes a few days for Koga to hike to Chisui. This means that they always spend the night in the wild, so it does not matter whether they leave in the morning or at night.

Daisy emerged from her invisibility and then greeted Yi Huo faintly. It was considered that the two had not spoken a hundred words since the first day they met.

Miss Tan Qing just greeted her, and then she seemed to be more impatient than Yi Huo on her journey. It seemed that she could not wait to leave this ghost place in the Edo period.

Only Nosuke, when Yihou approached him, bowed slightly and said to Yihou politely, "Please take care."

"Of course, please take care." Yi Biao also smiled at him, and then said softly, "I promised to play right, I must take you to the destination intact."

Kinosuke is still the shy and restrained look of the big boy next door. After a slight pause, he said softly, "I understand."

He didn't know where Bo Zheng was asking Yi Xiao to take himself and where he would go. He only knew that Bo Zheng told himself to obey Yi's orders. He believed his uncle would not harm himself, so he believed Yi Clamor.

And in a position that the two of Yi Chou and Xian Zhijie could not see, Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan exchanged glances with each other, and then quickly returned to calm.

Yi Biao didn't seem to notice this. He pulled out his wand from the wide cuffs of the kimono, and then tossed it gently in his hand. Then he said, "Okay, our first destination is..."

The wand stopped in mid-air with Yi Biao's movement, and began to rotate peacefully with the ground. Soon, it stopped at an angle, and the front end of the wand straightly aimed in one direction.

"There." Yi Xuan said in the direction of the wand. ...

I won't say whether this method of rolling the dice is useful for the time being. Anyway, Zhang Junyun and others, after Daisy's persuasion, finally believed in this kind of guide magic.

Only the destination of the itinerary is known by Yi Biao, as long as it does not deviate from the direction of Chisui Fan, then it is generally acceptable.

When Zhang Junyun went to ask Yi Huo why he knew that Suzaku was the most prosperous city in the Edo period, he was in turn asked by Yi Huo. Shouldn't this be known?

Ghosts will know such things, and the place names in the Edo period are very unpopular knowledge, okay.

However, Zhang Junyun did not doubt that Yi Chou was cheating them. After all, the matter of the Forty-seven Wanderers, as long as he went to the territory of Chisui Fan, find a slightly larger city to find out. As long as the name is correct, the plot is basically It won't be far.

In fact, the problem they face is that the distance between Chisui Fan and Jiahe is farther than expected.

"How is it possible." After rushing the road one day and one night, Zhang Junyun said incredulously.

According to Yi Xiao's description, at the beginning, not long before Zhang Junyun met Yi Xiao, he had just met with Keanu Reeves by accident, that is, the scene where the Forty-seven Rangers began. Zhang Junyun also had an impression of that scene Compared with not being too far away from Chisui Fan, after all, even the lord can only hunt in his own territory.

And Yi Biao met Zhang Junyun shortly after meeting Keanu Reeves, which meant that Jiahe and Chisui Fan were not far away.

But after they had gone one day and one night, Yi Chou's magic told them that the distance from the Chisui Clan was still not much shortened.

"Are you sure we did not go wrong?" Zhang Junyun couldn't help but ask again, "If you go on like this, the area here is already close to that of Southeast Asia."

"That's right." Yi Huo replied faintly, "Daily and I can't go wrong in magic."

It seems that Zhang Junyun was puzzled, and Yi Chou once again pointed out, "It's not strange, believe me, this is not the real historical world, maybe... interesting things are far more than what we have seen. ."

Zhang Junyun frowned, "Okay." He whispered, then asked nothing more.

But at this time, Yi Chou stopped, turned his head back slightly, and then said loudly, "After so long, it is time to come out, there is desert in front, there is no forest, and there is no place for you to hide."

Hearing Yi Chou’s words, almost instantly, everyone was on alert. The fastest ones were Zhang Junyun and Miss Tan, because they were both Tengu’s abilities, which was originally super fast, of course, because Daisy still had no presence. For their own sake, no one is arguing with them.

But there is indeed a person who is faster than them, that is Kanosuke.

At the moment when the voice fell, even before everyone responded, the figure of Xian Zhijie disappeared instantly, and even Zhang Junyun and Tan Qing couldn't see his movements at all.

By the time the two were on alert, Kanosuke had disappeared silently, as if they had been there all the time, returning to the forefront of the team again.

At the next moment, behind everyone, in the woods facing him at this moment, the branch of a big tree was broken in half, as if split by a knife, and fell slowly.

"...Yangyan?" Kanosuke asked hesitantly.

His knife had been retracted into the sheath. Just at the very first moment, he recognized that the person who followed was Yang Yan, and then he recovered the knife. He was almost even carrying Yang Yan and cut it into two. Paragraph.

With the low voice of Kanosuke, a satin-like, mist-like tulle gradually slipped off the tree trunk and fell down. It gently brushed the ground, as if there was no weight floating in the air, doing One after another action against Newton.

Eventually, the tulle condensed together and gradually solidified the shape of a figure on the ground.

Yang Yan appeared in front of a few people, and the kimono was draped over her body. Her face seemed pale, and she seemed to be frightened by the sword of Kennosuke, but her skin was already very fair, even if her face was pale, It’s not so obvious, it’s not obvious.

Seeing that her disguise had been seen through, she had nothing to hide. Standing in front of everyone, she said generously, "It's me."

"Why did you keep up." Without waiting for others to talk, Susuke immediately asked with a frown.

Kinosuke has always been a good gentleman, and he is very polite no matter who he is to along the way, even if Zhang Junyun occasionally makes some joke of the times, he can still maintain a smile.

Only when dealing with Yangyan, his patience seems to be extremely lacking.

It's not exceptionally lacking, it's just that there's no such thing as treating friends, only those of Jiahe.

Yang Yan seemed to be aware of this, and her expression seemed a little excited, but finally suppressed, Yang Yan took a deep breath and then said quietly, "I don't want to leave you."

"You can't leave ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Susanosuke didn't hear this sentence and frowned again.

"This is not what you said, you are not a leader yet."

"I will ask Master Zheng Zheng."

"But I believe... Master Zhengzheng shouldn't give you an order to go back." Yang Yan narrowed his eyes lazily and said something that Susuke could not refute.

Uganosuke fell silent, indeed, as Yang Yan said, he couldn't run back and ask Dan Zheng.

Just when the atmosphere was a little weird, Daisy didn't know where it suddenly came out. "I think...we might be in trouble." She said solemnly as soon as she appeared.

Not far away, a huge monster like a bull and a bull is rushing to the road, and his destination is where several people are.

But if you look closely, in front of it, there seems to be a rambling black shadow pulling it, it looks... like a shadow of Yi Chou. (~^~)


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