High Magic Earth

Chapter 959: Meet the monster again

I don’t know if Daisy perceives what it is, but she has warned of the arrival of the monster. This guy’s time is very fast, and there is not much time left for several people, so Daisy said very simply, "There is a The terrible guy is coming to us."

Daisy's face was very anxious. Whenever she was cold and indifferent, she didn't care about anything. This was the first time Zhang Junyun saw such an expression on her face.

I'm afraid the monster that comes is not a simple guy.

"What is it!" Zhang Junyun immediately asked anxiously.

But Daisy just shook her head apologetically. She just had the instinct of the wizard suddenly burst out a strong warning, telling her that she was approaching insanely, but wanted to know what the specific thing was, Daisy didn’t have a corresponding magic detective.测 Means.

"Damn it." Zhang Junyun swears in his heart, it is really unfavorable to go to school, just after leaving Jiahe was encountered in the wild, this is not a good start.

According to Daisy, the collision between the two parties seems inevitable and it is best to avoid it, but if you can’t avoid it, at least you must know what the other party is in order to know how to deal with it.

But in this situation, Zhang Junyun’s most reliant werewolf ability had no effect at all. The first time the second secretary entered the second world was only Tengu’s ability to save his life, so he could only pin his hopes on the mysterious side of Daisy. The arrogance of the middle wizard.

Although Daisy and Yi Biao didn't have many intersections and never discussed magic with each other, Zhang Junyun always felt that Yi Biao's magic level might be higher, just like... the intuition of the beast.

There were no fools in several people. Before Zhang Junyun's eyes turned, Yi Chou already understood what he meant.

He closed his eyes slightly and then opened it suddenly. In an instant, Yi Biao's double pupils became white, cloudy like crystals covered with white mist.

Yi Xiao pretends to know nothing, and plays the role of disguising himself conscientiously. A wizard pretending to be an onmyoji has no more ability than many people, but he also masters a lot of magic wizards.

Since the strength is average, there should not be too many powerful magic, just to fill the facade with the green magic of the green prophet, green vision.

Hmm... the name of the magic is very strange, always giving Yi Huo the feeling of a witch in the West of Oz.

At the next moment, Yi Xuan closed his eyes, and then opened his eyes again. The black pupil had returned to his eyes, and his eyes had returned to normal eyes.

"A big monster."

Before waiting for Zhang Junyun to wait, Yi Xuan said first, but his answer made Zhang Junyun roll his eyes. "Please, brother, your answer is too general."

"I don't know what it is." Yi Biao said angrily. "A monster that looks like a cow, has a long tail, long horns, and many eyes... very huge."

"Okay..." Zhang Junyun's pupils began to glow slightly yellow, and the five heel fingers of both hands began to become thicker. "It doesn't sound like a good deal..."

"Can't avoid it?" He turned and made a fighting pose, then asked sideways.

"Already came..."

An angry roar answered Yi Chou, just half a second after Zhang Junyun's voice fell, there was a sudden violent shaking between the sparse woods, accompanied by a huge roar and the vibration of the ground, it sounded like there was something huge. The next moment will be born in general.

"Place the time bomb first!" Zhang Junyun shouted at Yi Busy while he was busy, and then he had kicked the ground with his feet and jumped suddenly, his body crossed the height of four or five meters in the air, Fearless, he threw himself at the shaking woods, "Other people protect themselves!"

This guy's courage is so great. Even among people who have lived in a sub-world, there are very few who dare to be like him. Even if they are faced with monsters, they are not afraid. Rookie's exclusive, but animal nature.

I just don't know what kind of werewolf branch Zhang Junyun belongs to. His ability seems to be a bit good.

Thinking about this, Yi Xiaoshun pushed the time bomb in Zhang Junyun's mouth, Fu Jiang, to Daisy. His eyes flickered slightly, and then said to Daisy, "Hide her, hide her, watch her, and press the line."

Facing Yi Chou's order, Daisy didn't resist. She pulled Fu Jiang and flashed her body, and her figure had vanished in place.

I don't know why a witch likes stealth curses so much. Is there any voyeurism?

Immediately after that, Yi Biao's eyes captured Zhang Junyun's figure again. In a similar posture, he flew back as he flew, or at a faster rate.

"Bang!" Zhang Junyun fell heavily on a thick trunk, and then threw it to the ground. Even the thick trunk of a person shivered slightly.

"Great...power..." And in the depths of the weeds, it seemed that vague murmur of Zhang Junyun could be heard faintly.

And Yi Chou shrugged, "I have said that already, it is huge."


At the next moment, accompanied by an angry roar, the figure of the compound-eyed bull monster has rushed out of the woods and is displayed in front of several people. The detectives in many battle scenes brought a huge impact. Similarly, listening to the legend of monsters, the home-grown Kojinosuke and Yang Yan were also slightly surprised.

But after all, they are Jiahe's elite ninjas. Although they are a little surprised by the huge size of monsters, monsters are actually not uncommon in this era, but they don't have such a huge body of compound eyes.

They quickly calmed down, and Kenosuke waved with all his strength. In a blink of an eye, he had reached the compound eye bull monster. The short knife slammed down, and between a rise and fall, he had already split on the compound eye bull monster. Dozens of knives were cut out.

Unfortunately, the effect is not very good. The compound-eye bull monster has a thick skin, and the slippery hair also plays a good defensive role, and the short sword of Uenosuke can't exert its lethality at all.

But even so, Kanosuke, relying on his own strengths, suddenly retreated after seeing the situation, and hid in a tree in the woods in the blink of an eye.

Yang Yan didn't even plan to go forward at the beginning, but turned around and turned into fog and drifted into the forest. She was good at charm and poison, but she didn't think her charm could have an effect on a monster, even if it was poison. If there is no positive, you need to find a suitable opportunity.

As for Miss Tan, although the reaction was a bit slower, it was finally moving the Tengu before the compound-eyed bull monster noticed her, and the whole person rolled back with a phantom.

Her degree is slower than that of Susuke Nosuke. When Tengu moves, she will leave an afterimage on the line of action. As for Susuke, he will not be captured at all.

But even so, Tan Qing’s degree is much faster than that of the big, big-eyed bull monster, so after a short while, all of them disappeared in place, and Suginosuke, Yang Yan, and Tan Qing appeared. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Junyun fell in the grass again and again without knowing his life and death, leaving only such a situation as Yi Chou.

"Ah..." Seeing the angry monster has glared three pairs of small eyes at him, Yi Huo sighed helplessly, "Should your opponent be me..."

But unfortunately, no one can hear this sentence, even if the monster hears it, it can't understand it, and naturally ignores it.

So after half a second, the compound-eyed bull monster suddenly roared up in the sky, and then pressed his hoof against the ground, pointed the sharp and hard corners at Yi Chou, and rushed towards him frantically.


The compound-eyed bull monster directly passed through Yi Chou's body, and hit the forest behind him, accompanied by a series of loud noises. One piece shows its frightening impact.

This is much stronger than the one captured by Keanu Reeves, but unfortunately the situation is critical, and no one on the scene recognized this as the monster at the beginning of the forty-seven wavers plot.

But after all, it is a monster, and its wisdom is not high. It does not know when Yi Chao left a phantom on the ground, and the body has been hidden.

"Okay... it's time to find a chance..." Yi Chou stood on the tall tree branch, then whispered, looking at the crazy compound-eyed bull monster below.

At this time, he had seen Zhang Junyun holding the big tree behind him, and once again stood up swaying.

The resilience of the werewolf is indeed terrible. Although there is no long-lived undead body like a certain mutant, it is very incredible compared to ordinary people.

Ordinary people had enough fatal injuries to Zhang Junyun, just a serious impact, even if the internal organs were broken and the bones were broken, as long as a certain period of time, he can recover slowly.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fact that the werewolf body is stronger and stronger than ordinary people.

Zhang Junyun, who stood up, did not intend to work hard. The biggest difference between humans and beasts is that humans use their brains. Of course, brains are a good thing, not everyone has it. He has seen that his own group has no direct conflict with this monster. So why are you stupid.

Zhang Junyun made a slight comparison before. This stupid big man's degree is not as fast as a few people. It is not impossible to forcefully leave the battlefield by virtue of the speed of the string and the tengu.

As long as the luck is not too bad, the monster does not just keep up with their escape route, then after a moment of explosion, throwing it away for a distance, it will lose the whereabouts of several people, unable to keep up.

It doesn't matter if several people are separated. Three consecutive signal flares will cause them to regroup.

Going in one direction, every 100 meters a signal flare, a few people will soon converge in that direction, as for the signal flare, although Zhang Junyun does not, but compared to Yi Chou's magic can be done, he believes Yi Chou will not Can't think of this method.

So Zhang Junyun rushed to the tree immediately after standing up, then shouted, "Run!"

Although attracting the attention of the compound-eyed bull monster, Zhang Junyun also proposed the next battle plan. Just after he roared, he had first stepped into an afterimage, stepped on the treetops, and began to jump wildly among the trees. .

Miss Tan's quality has always been very good, and has never shown a tendency to be cumbersome. After seeing Zhang Junyun's movements, he immediately realized what he was playing.

Needless to say, Kanosuke, even if he can’t kill this monster for a while, the compound-eyed bull monster must never want to hurt him.

So after Zhang Junyun roared a few times, several people split their heads and fled in an instant, and a distance of hundreds of meters has been pulled away for a time.

"Roar!" The compound-eyed bull monster screamed angrily in the back. Tengu's ability was very dominant in the woods, and the residual image left could play a good role in hiding, hidden in the cascading dense forest, through the gaps of the leaves, It was impossible to detect in which direction Zhang Junyun fled.

Even if the compound-eyed bull monster can break the road violently, after running for a hundred meters, Zhang Junyun's figure is lost.

"The idea is correct..." Yi Yin, who has been invisible above the compound-eyed bull monster, smiled and chased in the direction of Yang Yan, "but unfortunately it is not that simple."

At the moment when Yi Chou was dispatched, the compound-eyed bull monster seemed to be irritated by something. It instantly became violent again, as if chasing something, and continued to run in multiple paths. The direction is where Yang Yan is. .

The huge movement behind him immediately caught the attention of several people. Miss Tan didn't realize anything for a while, but Zhang Junyun and Yang Yan and Susuke's face changed.

The two ninjas were in a battle-hardened existence, and Yang Yan heard it almost immediately. The monster came towards herself. She slightly adjusted the direction she didn't want, but the monster behind was still bitten to death.

Kanosuke also heard this, and his face became a little difficult to look at. Obviously, there might be some coincidence once or twice, but if he keeps on pursuing it, it is definitely no longer a coincidence, but The monster has some kind of tracking method.

Even for him, it is impossible for this kind of degree to explode for a long time. Once it slows down, it will be caught up by the monster in the direction of the morning and evening, not to mention the sun that is not known for its degree.

Rather than running out of exhaustion and not letting go of a decisive battle, it is better to stay and fight back.

Of course, Uenosuke is not afraid of this monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~It's just...Although he has the confidence to kill it, I am afraid it is still an inevitable battle.

The two ninjas judged the rear situation based on combat experience, so they decided to stop. As for Zhang Junyun, although he did not have such rich experience, he was very close to Yang Yan. Seeing Yang Yan stopped, he would naturally be unable to stop. run.

He was not a cold man by nature, and naturally it was impossible to lose his teammates, even if he was just a ninja among the characters in the plot.

Miss Tan was a bit off course and was far away from the battlefield, but it didn’t matter, Yi Chou was already waiting for her one step ahead.

So after Tan Qing continued to travel through the woods for a while, he saw Yi Chou standing solemnly on the tree, his eyes slowly retreating from the muddy white to his normal pupils.

When Tan Tan came over, he said solemnly, "They haven't been able to escape, and now they are in contact with the monster. I'm going to help, you can't come."

After hearing the words, Miss Tan froze for a moment, listening to the roar from the distance, she gritted her teeth, and then said, "Go!" (To be continued.) 8


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