High Magic Earth

Chapter 960: Attack

"Be careful behind!"


Before the two arrived on the battlefield, they heard a loud roar not far away, deafening, and even the woods were swinging left and right under the impact of the huge body of the compound-eyed bull monster, like an earthquake.

"Be careful." Yi Xuan said to Tan Qing who was trying to follow, and then the figure suddenly disappeared in front of her.

Although Miss Tan didn't talk to Yi Xiao very much, there was no lack of harmony between the two. This was the speed at which Miss Tan saw Yi Xuan for the first time.

Although I don't know how aggressive the magic is, but in terms of escape and hurry, it is obvious that my tengu ability is not the slightest advantage.

Ms. Tan’s life can be said to be a complete template for ordinary people. She went all the way from elementary school to university with good grades. After graduation, she found a fair job because her appearance was ordinary, and her social circle also believed It is very narrow and ordinary, and I like to spend time online after work.

She is not good at communicating with strangers and broadening her circle of friends, but she does not exclude others from coming in, and then starts a normal relationship.

All in all, Miss Tan's life is very plain, just like a bowl of boiled water with no taste.

The existence of Miss Tan can be said to represent a class of people. They seem to be very old-fashioned, but in fact they are just too lazy to adapt to a new environment. They may be very cheerful at work, but they are too lazy to spend too much experience in private. Living a day is a day of life, as if alive is waiting for death.

When Tan Qing first came to this world, he also fell into a short period of confusion. As a modern young man, few people do not know the concept of traversing, even if Tan Qing is not as fanatical as Meng Zhai, he does not know the main god. The concepts such as this have also clarified their situation in the style that this world is gradually showing.

Not so lucky.

Because when Miss Tan saw the unique wooden houses and ruined streets in the Edo era, it also meant that people in this era discovered her as an outsider.

Alone, female, weird clothing, respectable appearance and skin color, maybe a single lady who has been singled out, all these things have me bullied me into Tan Qing's face.

Just when she was blocked by a mob in the alley and had nowhere to go, she was lucky to meet Zhang Junyun, a free man who had gained the strength of werewolves.

Oh, there is Daisy hidden in the side.

The next thing is very simple. Although it was a little dangerous at the beginning, after meeting two companions, they got a new power from Tengu Forest without any risk, and then recruited strangers and strangers in Daming Mansion Mixed into a good identity, and then entered the village of Koga, and began a boring life.

The novels are really deceiving, how can the world be so dangerous.

However, Miss Tan also knew that her life and life trajectory have been changed forever from the moment she stepped into this world. Her ability to be the same as Tengu is the best proof.

However, after Jiahe spent a long time indifferently, the characteristics of burnout re-growed from her again.

Miss Tan is not an ambitious guy. To her, coming to the Second World does not mean starting a new journey, but interrupting her original life.

But Miss Tan, who was an ordinary top student since childhood, also knows that her life is more important than her life.

At this time, there were continuous roaring sounds in the front, as well as the woods that shook violently as if shaking the mountain, all of which showed that maybe her life was not so safe.

Myself... what to do.

A few minutes later, when Miss Tan, who was lost in confusion, also rushed to the battlefield, she just cut in. As you can see, it was the scene where Yi Chou was shot hard and flew out.

Miss Tan's pupils shrank suddenly. ...

Back to a few minutes before the time, just as Yi Xiao and Miss Tan hurried to come here, the three people of Uenosuke had already dealt with the compound-eyed bull monster.

A compound-eyed bull monster plunging into the jungle saw the three people at large as if they had seen a breathing bag, ready to vent all the gas they had saved.

Even if the compound-eyed bull monster is a monster, it has a temper.

"Scattered!" The bomb did not give Kashinosuke too much power before he left. As a ninja, he obviously engraved the obedience in his bones, even if he might have a better way, he would still Follow Zhang Junyun's orders.

After Zhang Junyun's roar, the three immediately dispersed in three directions. The speed of Yangyan was the slowest, and Kanosuke was the fastest, while Zhang Junyun was in the middle.

But no matter who they are, they are faster than the compound-eyed bull monster, which is why they were able to forcibly leave the battlefield at the beginning, but at this time they have decided to solve this big guy head-on instead of throwing it away .

Although the compound-eyed bull monster is huge, it looks very cruel. It seems that in addition to its extraordinary strength and high defense, it has not been too far away from the category of animals. Otherwise, several people might not dare to face up.

But... even knowing this, Zhang Junyun still can't come up with a decent combat plan.

It has nothing to do with IQ, but he has no relevant experience and training experience. After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhang Junyun said to the two again, "Let's attack freely."

This is also a distribution plan that can maximize the strength of several people. After all, both ninjas are good at fighting, but Zhang Junyun is not proficient in command, and it is the best choice to give the choice to themselves.

It is said that Kinosuke was the first to move. Although the ninja imprinted obedience in his bones, it does not mean pedantic and old-fashioned. Through traveling all the way, Kinosuke has long seen that maybe only himself is three people It is most likely to damage the existence of this monster.

Perhaps Zhang Junyun's physical fitness is stronger and may be more powerful, but his combat experience is too poor to fully exert these forces.

And through the previous battle, Kanosuke also found the bottom of this compound-eyed bull monster, with thick skin and thick meat, strong defense, it is difficult to be broken, and the power is infinite. Once hit, it is a bone broken The cracked end, but otherwise, it has nothing special.

As long as you are careful, it can't hurt you at all. Although it may be a long battle, Kanosuke is confident that if the stupid big man has only this ability, I am afraid that it will be explained here today.

Kinosuke's eyes glowed slightly red, and almost instantly, he stepped on the tree and jumped down. He jumped in front of the compound-eyed bull monster in two steps, and the big guy had not even reacted.

As if at this moment, the whole world had slowed down in his eyes.

No... Zhang Junyun's speed has become faster.

The compound-eyed bull monster became extremely dull in his eyes, and he instantly flashed to the front of the compound-eyed bull monster. When the big guy lifted his feet and took a step forward, Kanosuke was even able to grab a distance of several meters. With this speed , He can directly insert a sharp blade into the head of this monster.

In fact, Suginosuke did exactly that.

His feet steadily stepped on the ground, his waist slightly bowed, accumulating, and twisting, and at the same time his right hand was already holding the short blade at his waist. At the next moment, he suddenly jumped forward, and the cold blade was drawn in the air. A sharp light.

The short blade that came out of the sheath hit the monster's head frantically, with a **** and cruel atmosphere.

It was only suddenly that a frightening breath suddenly entangled in the heart of Kanosuke, as if a big cold hand gripped his warm and powerful heart fiercely.

The intuition of wandering between life and death countless times tells him that if he continues to attack, he will die!

Almost without hesitation, Kinosuke reversed the direction of the attack stiffly, and the body also struggled in mid-air by an arc. Although the speed of Kinosuke was very fast, it was only relatively speaking. In his own eyes, his speed is still very normal, and needs to follow the laws of physics, he does not have the ability to turn freely in the air.

At the next moment, the sharp edge of the short blade slammed hard at the root of the horn on the head of the compound-eyed bull monster, making a "cry!"

The horn was almost interrupted, but similarly, the surface of this portable weapon, which almost represents the highest craftsmanship of Koga, also oscillated slightly, and the blade was even nicked by a hard horn.

I am afraid that this kind of attack will break this short blade directly into countless pieces. Even now, its toughness is not as good as before. Even if it resists a slightly stronger attack, it will be completely destroyed. .

And all this happened in the blink of an eye.

Not only the compound-eyed bull monster, even Zhang Junyun and Yang Yan, also lost the figure of Kanosuke from the field of vision, but when they captured it again, Kanosuke had returned to the distant treetops, and At this moment, the compound-eyed bull monster made a painful roar.

Yang Yan and Zhang Junyun saw the miserable situation of the compound-eyed bull monster at this time. The two horns beside its head had fallen off one. Because of the relationship of being shoveled by the roots, the blood of Pobo was pouring out.

The compound-eyed bull monster screaming and screaming because of the pain seems to be in a state of mad chaos. Four hooves desperately planed the ground, like a dead hero on the bullring.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Junyun was subconscious for a while. Although he was not afraid of fighting, it was the first time such a tragic and crazy scene, and such a huge monster.

No professional training, nor a natural warrior, only a few small-scale battles, fear is not so easy to control, at this moment, Zhang Junyun subconsciously stopped and did not dare to touch this monster Crazy brows.

But Yang Yan, which is slower than Zhang Junyun, is already close to the compound eye bull monster.

The numerous collaborations with Kanosuke made them very acquainted. She knew what she needed to do at this moment. When Yansuke attracted the attention of the compound-eyed bull monster and wounded it, Yang Yan had touched it quietly. The rear side of the monster.

It doesn't match her name at all. Yangyan's attack is neither sunlight nor hot, but silent, concealed in the darkness and mist, cold like fangs of a viper.

Black veins and green muscles gradually appeared on her white neck and skin, just like the venom of a snake, but this highly toxic emerged tightly for a moment, and then immediately faded from the surface of Yang Yan's skin. Phantom-like smoke diffused from under Yang Yan's thin robe, and began to spread to the compound-eyed bull monster. At the same time, she wrapped around Yang Yan and gradually disappeared her figure.

These gases contain a lot of deadly and narcotic toxins. Yangyan doesn't know if he can kill the monster in front of him, but these doses can kill people in a village without any problem.

After spraying the poisonous gas on the face of the compound eye bull monster, Yang Yan immediately retreated silently. She was originally not suitable for a frontal attack, but she was better at secret shots. Countless times of tacit understanding made her the coordination of chords. , This time is not included.

Yang Yan receded immediately after he succeeded, but accidents often occurred in the most unexpected places.

Just before Yang Yan was about to retreat, the violent compound eye monster suddenly calmed down, just like the reason suddenly took over its body. The huge body turned hard and would be disproportionate to the huge body. The little head turned around, and three pairs of eyes stared at Yang Yan fiercely.

Two long snuffs were sprayed from the thick nostrils, and the powerful breath instantly washed away the poisonous gas that had not been fully diffused by the sun, and all squeezed to the sides of the air, leaving a large space in front of the compound eye bull monster. Site.

"Yang Yan!"

Yang Yan directly felt a cold plate spreading on her body, as if she was being stared at by a fearful monster, and then he heard the frightened and distorted voice of Uenosuke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ next moment, she Lifting his head, he met six cold and cruel eyes.


The compound-eyed bull monster made a crazy roar, raked the thick hooves of his limbs, pointed the remaining one-horn at the sun, and instantly rushed through between the slowly spreading poisonous mist. The huge body seemed to leave The bow and arrow are general, and within a blink of an eye, the distance from the 100 meters to Yangyan is shortened by only a few meters.

"Yang Yan!!"

Clearly seeing the same snarl in this scene, Shosuke even distorted his voice because of tension. Although he didn’t love Yangyan, it didn’t mean that there was no emotion between the two, and that the nature was gentle. The referees value this precious friendship between their companions more than others.

But the red light in his eyes has begun to fade, which means that his speed has begun to slow down, and it is no longer as fast as before. With his speed at this time, even if he wants to rescue Yang Yan, he is also weak. , The compound eye bull monster, and Yang Yan are too far apart.

It's like the distance between life and death. (To be continued.)


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