High Magic Earth

Chapter 961: Obtain


Yang Yan seemed to realize this too, and her eyes showed a desperate look, looking at Kanosuke souvenirly, as if to finally imprint his appearance in her mind.

Then she closed her eyes gently.

But when Yang Yan closed his eyes and waited for death, a figure suddenly appeared in the open space of one person and one blame. When the turbulent air distortion had not stopped, the two dazzling rays of light came without a break. .


"Armor bodyguard!"

The mantra accurately fell into Yang Yan's body, and he saw the compound-eyed bull monster coming straight to her staggering, as if standing drunk and unstable, the huge body could not restrain to fall to the side.

"Ango!" Zhang Junyun, who finally reacted on the treetop, immediately saw the situation below. When he saw Yi Chou, he shouted excitedly.

And Yang Yan is worthy of being a ninja who has experienced combat. Between life and death, her pupils squeezed slightly, and she suddenly lowered her body in a precarious manner. It turned into a satin and swooped forward to the ground and grabbed the compound eye cow. Before the monster fell completely, he got out of the narrow gap between his body and the ground.

In half a second, the compound-eyed bull monster fell to the ground.

Yang Yan, who was back in shape again, looked a little embarrassed, tumbling a few times on the ground, covered with weeds and mud.

At the same time, the huge body of the compound-eyed bull monster also slammed with waves, and more than that, its long tail traversed an arc in the air, with a sharp roaring roar, and the waist was broken. Several big trees, and finally the unstoppable slammed towards Yi Huo.

Yi Chou, who had not stabilized his body from the appearance of the phantom, issued two magical spells just after landing. At this time, it was difficult to calm down the magical shock around him, and he was too late to react.

Faced with the head-on attack, he only had time to prop up a small golden shield in his hand, and was drawn head-on by the tail of the compound-eyed bull monster and flew out fiercely.

Yi Biao's body rose into the air and planted into the forest not far away. The dense forest shook twice, and then there was no more sound.

"Ango!" Zhang Junyun, who witnessed the whole process, let out a roar, and his eyes instantly turned yellow.

But at this time, Tan Qing, who was slightly behind, had rushed over. Poor Miss Tan didn’t even know what was happening here, and her eyes were still in a state of confusion, and she saw Yi Chou’s being carried into the jungle. Figure.

At the next moment, Tan Qing felt cold and raised her head. She met six cruel eyes with cruel and crazy eyes.

The compound-eyed bull monster who fell to the ground did not know when he turned his head, staring at the detective on the tree trunk. Obviously, its head had been relieved from the previous fall, and Miss Tan became its new Prey.


The flowing blood quickly pooled into a small blood pit under the compound-eye bull monster’s head. The continuous blood loss and severe pain caused the compound-eye bull monster to fall into a crazy state. It burst out faster than before. He jumped from the ground with a kind of flexibility that was completely incompatible with its huge body, struggling to enter the state of charge again.

The four hooves hit the ground, and the bursts of dust played a little covering effect. The tail that had just injured Yi Chou began to wave again, as if the back of the compound-eyed bull monster had long eyes, like a steel whip. The tightness of the whip was forced to retreat back to the Kansuke who had just prepared to step forward.

The four-eyed bull monster jumped gently like an elk, and immediately went straight to Miss Tan.

Taking advantage of this time, Yang Yan lying on the ground hurried forward two steps quickly, leaving the place of death.

It's just that Miss Tan's situation is obviously not so lucky.

Although the compound-eyed bull monster has nothing special except for its singular appearance, its huge body and decent speed are also deadly enough. It can be said that apart from Zhang Junyun, as long as ordinary people are hit by it, it is obviously half life. , Few people are spared.

Unfortunately, no matter whether it is Kanosuke or Yangyan, or Miss Tan, the quality of the body's defense has not yet been separated from the category of ordinary people.

Fortunately, the speed of Miss Tan is not as urgent as Yang Yan. The magical creature Tengu can't be at ease when confronting this compound-eyed bull monster, at least enough to protect itself.

It's just that the detective who just cut into the battlefield didn't react for the first time. She hadn't experienced many battles at all. When she saw the compound eye bull monster rushing towards herself with a tragic and breathless atmosphere, a buzz in her head, an instant Becomes blank.

Tan Tan felt that she couldn't breathe at all, she was stiff, and she couldn't even move. What to do? Looking at the huge monster that was rushing towards herself madly, Miss Tan's head didn't even have the most instinctive reaction.

But the breath from life and death told her that if she did not avoid it, she would die.

will die!

Tan Qing finally reacted from her daze, her figure jumped to the side instantly. At this moment, her speed was even more than twice as fast as usual, leaving only very rare afterimages behind her.

But at this time, the distance between the compound-eyed bull monster and her had been shortened to less than ten meters, and it was too late.

"Damn!" Zhang Junyun let out a crazy roar, seeing Yi Chou dropping the woods and ignoring his life and death. This ugly monster placed his next target on Miss Tan. The companions were attacked one after another, and finally Zhang Junyun was gone. unbearable.

He seemed to have dark hair all over him, and the whole person was more than half a meter tall, and not only that, his muscles also suddenly swelled up, like a swollen sponge, and his body became extremely strong and strong.

Zhang Junyun leapt from the big tree and went straight to the compound-eyed bull monster. Even if he knew his speed was too late to catch up with this monster, he still did not give up.

"Ahhhh!" Zhang Junyun let out a furious roar. Tan Qing immediately hid in the forest after he passed the gods. With the speed of Tengu's movement, after leaving a trace of Tao Dao, her figure disappeared immediately.

But obviously the compound-eyed blame under the anger couldn't care so much, it violently broke a road directly in the forest, and rushed straight to Miss Tan who panicked.

Seeing the distance between Miss Tan and the compound-eyed bull monster is getting shorter and shorter, but the distance between them and the two is getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Junyun gritted his teeth fiercely, even making a gurgling noise.

He glared at the yellow beast pupil, struggling to jump a distance of three or four meters on the ground, walking frantically in the woods. Indeed, his speed was accelerating, but if that was the case, he could not catch up at all, and also. . Too late to stop.

The compound-eyed bull monster uttered a raging anger, and two long columns of gas were sprayed from the huge nostrils. It was less than ten meters away from Miss Tan. It had bowed its head slightly and aligned the sharp horns. Miss Tan.

The next moment, Miss Tan's heart will be penetrated by it.

"No!" The scene of Miss Tan, who turned around, showed a terrified look in her eyes. Zhang Junyun, who was desperately hanging from the back, also saw this scene, but he could not accept such consequences.

Yi Xiao's life and death do not know, Daisy may not have followed up at all, and Kanosuke and Yangyan are farther away from here, they can't do anything at all, no one can help her, only herself.

Do you have to watch it killing your companions one by one, unwilling, angry, instantly rushed into Zhang Junyun's heart, the next moment, everything around him froze.

He felt the whole world slowed down, everything around him, everything around him.

Except for himself.

A red light flashed in the eyes of Zhang Junyun's yellow werewolf beast. In his eyes, the compound-eyed bull monster at this time became extremely slow, and even called it difficult to move.

Every step of lifting is extremely slow, even because its hoof fell hard, and the movement of the gravel smashed from the ground floating in the air can be seen clearly by itself.

and many more. . The compound-eyed bull monster becomes slow and understandable, why these small things also become so slow.

However, Zhang Junyun was too late to consider these things, because he was facing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For whatever reason, the speed of the compound-eyed bull monster slowed down. This is the best time to rescue Tan Qing.

Zhang Junyun blinked suddenly and suddenly protruded near the front legs of the compound-eyed bull monster. The thick hooves were slowly lifting. Zhang Junyun didn't hesitate. He grabbed the compound-eyed bull monster's front hoof and vigorously boosted his muscles. Pull its thick hoof aside.

At the next moment, the red light in Zhang Junyun's eyes faded away, and everything around him again became normal speed.

With the sound of "Bang!", the compound-eyed bull monster whose front hooves were out of balance fell instantly to the ground with the power of thunder. This is the second time it has been knocked to the ground by a human like an ant.

Not far away, Yi Chou was lying quietly on the ground.

He was lying on his back, his eyes closed slightly, and from time to time a gap was revealed. Seriously, he was lying here too boring, neither counting ants, nor the sky was covered by heavy leaves, and nothing could be seen.

But he couldn't get up to do anything else. The compound-eyed bull monster might not be able to walk for a round in Yi Xuan's hands. The pretense battle was also very tiring. Instead of hiding in this quietly lying corpse shape.

I just don't know. .

Well, Yi Chou suddenly stunned, his head slightly to the side, and then felt the magic collision not far away.

A few seconds ago, he suddenly felt a surge of magical fluctuations in Zhang Junyun's body. Although he didn't see this scene with his own eyes, he wanted to come. . It should be the same as expected.

. . .

The huge body of the compound-eyed bull monster hit the ground heavily, and the turbulent wave staggered Miss Tan back two steps. It sent out a painful cry, struggling and twisting the huge body on the ground to minimize damage.

The long tail also whipped from a distance like a meteor, trying to protect its owner from bad luck.

But Zhang Junyun would not give up this opportunity, his muscles soared, and a huge body of more than two meters rushed wildly against the soft belly of the compound eye bull monster.


At the next moment, accompanied by a painful hissing by the compound-eyed bull monster, a strong **** smell spread instantly.

Although the compound-eyed bull monster has a very large body, its vitality does not seem to be tenacious. After Zhang Junyun's abruptly tearing the unprotected abdomen of the compound-eyed bull monster, this huge monster struggled with two weaknesses, and then the tentacles collapsed. The collapse fell to the ground, and there was no more sound.

Miss Tan stayed in place, not far from the compound-eyed bull monster, stared at the scene with a daze, and sighed.

How did you die? everything is over?

but. . What happened just now, why didn't he see clearly.

With the same thoughts, there is also Kanosuke. He followed Zhang Junyun's hind feet. After the compound-eyed bull monster fell, he looked at Zhang Junyun with some surprise.

He made sure that he was not mistaken. At the moment immediately before, Zhang Junyun exploded at a speed similar to thunder, not even slower than himself.

Just why this is the case.

"Your speed has become faster." Someone directly said what he had in mind. Yang Yan and Yi Chou and others all came over again, including Daisy, who also appeared with Fu Jiang not far away. The fighting moved her to point here, and it was Yi Chou who said this.

"Great, you're okay!" But obviously Zhang Junyun's focus is not here, he said excitedly at the moment he saw Yi Biao coming out intact.

Yi Xiao loosened his body. "It hurts a little." He smiled.

He tried to use his eyes to remind Zhang Junyun that he had not answered his previous question, but unfortunately Zhang Junyun did not seem to have the intention to answer.

"We should leave here," he said breathlessly. "I don't know if the **** smell will attract other things, but it is better for us to leave."

Zhang Junyun rubbed his ribs. Obviously, the previous impact also hurt him. Fortunately, he had a strong healing ability. At this time, it was not too obstructive.

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, and it was not surprising that Zhang Junyun obtained the super speed of Shonosuke, because this just proved Yi Xuan's conjecture.

Ninja is not a person who has gained special ability, but should be called ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Magical creature, ninja.

But Yi Chou is more curious about which bloodline Zhang Junyun gained the werewolf power. He has not yet seen it, and the potential of this werewolf embodied in Zhang Junyun is very good.

"Okay." Seeing this, Yi Chou didn't bother with this issue any more. He didn't refute Zhang Junyun's opinion, but expressed his agreement, and at the same time turned his attention to other people.

Uzanosuke and the two of them naturally have no objection, Daisy is still expressionless, but it is obvious that she frowned slightly because she missed the previous battle, seeming to blame herself.

As for Miss Tan. . She didn't seem to have recovered from the shock and shock before, even Zhang Junyun dragged him forward.

Without the obstruction of the compound-eyed bull monster, the group left very quickly. After a few flashes, the figures disappeared into the woods gradually covered by night, leaving only a giant corpse that was stained with blood, alone. It’s like a lonely grave.


After a while, the wolf howled, and between the forests where the tree shadows overlapped, it seemed that there were countless black shadows moving. (To be continued.)

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