High Magic Earth

Chapter 962: activation

At night, a group of people surrounded by a slowly burning bonfire, said nothing.

Although they had just experienced a big battle during the day, it was clear that their interest in talking was not high, maybe they were tired, or they might not have been relieved from the battle.

After all, not a few people are the killing ninjas such as Kanosuke and Yang Yan, as well as newcomers such as Miss Tan who have just entered the second world.

Fierce fighting is not suitable for anyone.

Because in the present world, perhaps the most exciting thing that Miss Tan has experienced is the ordinary people on the street fighting each other with three punches and two legs.

Zhang Junyun turned the roasted rabbit meat on the campfire, tore off his hind leg, and handed it to his knees in both hands, silently squatting in the fire range.

For several people, food is not a problem at all. No matter whether it is Kanosuke or Yihuo, you can easily walk back and pick up a few fresh hares. Of course, Yang Yan does not work, even if she brings back her prey , I am afraid that no one would dare to eat this kind of poisoned things that do not know what poisoned.

The only problem is probably the status of Miss Tan.

Because even Yi Chou could see it, she seemed a bit wrong.

Through Zhang Junyun's retelling of the previous experience, it is easy to know that Miss Tan has not experienced too many battles. Several dangerous situations have also originated from people, and the danger of road robbery also exists in this world.

But in the face of this huge, non-human monster, she is the first time.

Superman's power also means a more dangerous enemy. Miss Tan didn't seem to realize this from the beginning. It wasn't until the breath of death came to her face that she saw the future confused.

Ordinary life does not know when it has gone away. Instead, the future has been reversed into these unpredictable and supernatural infinite possibilities.

Aware of this, Miss Tan couldn't accept it for a while, but didn't expect her heart to be much weaker than her appearance.

Sure enough, women are all kind of nonsense animals. Yi Xiao looked at the bonfire and shrank it completely. She disappeared from the stranger with a fierce shell in the strangeness of the past and fiddled with the bottom of the bonfire.

Kanosuke sat on the side, carefully wiping the short blade in his hand, as if this were his most precious Kuibao, Yang Yan next to him leaned against him, and seemed to want to get close, but it was hindered by his special toxin , But dare not do this.

On the other side are Fu Jiang and Daisy, both of whom are indifferent to the outside world, but from now on, they seem to be having a good conversation. Although the language is not good, there is a tendency to develop into a girlfriend.

Originally this situation would definitely be alert to Zhang Junyun, but now he put almost all his energy on Miss Tan, and did not notice this.

The night is already dark.

The dim moonlight rises from the treetops, hangs high in the sky, and the moonlight sprinkles on the ground and the trees blend into a dappled shadow.

The bonfire surrounded by several people bursts out from time to time, and the light and shadow are jumping on the ground. This is already the last leeward place on the edge of the forest. If you continue to move forward, you will leave the range of the vast forest and enter a large barren area. Among the plains and mountains.

"It's time to rest." Yi Huo sighed heavily, threw the branch in his hand into the bonfire, watched the flame completely swallow it, and then said slowly.

This sentence finally pulled Zhang Junyun's attention away from Miss Tan. He almost subconsciously said, "I'm here to watch the night."

But looking at him, he was still reluctant to leave for a moment, and wished to stay with Miss Tan's gaze, Yi Chou still twitched his eyes, then shook his head and whispered, "Let me come."

After all, I had to take care of the lady, so the task of vigil would never fall on Daisy and Miss Tan, and Yi Chou and Zhang Junyun did not ask directly.

Kinosuke is a suitable candidate. He is certainly a good at vigil, but he is a master of vigil, but he is only an ordinary person except for his special abilities.

Even if a ninja is classified as a magical creature, it is also a special kind of magical creature. It is weak, but occasionally unusually powerful individuals appear.

So he didn't bother him. After all, if everything was thrown to him, by virtue of the qualities of ordinary people, he would not have to think about starting the next day.

Yi Heo, who took over the task of the vigil, did not hesitate. He directly circled a large area in the same place and wrapped all of them in.


"Securely guard."

"Blank away."

Several soft defensive spells were released along the wand, and the light burst forth instantly, and a huge translucent light film pulled them upside down. From the outside, they became more and more faint until they finally disappeared.

Yi Xiao also marked several people with magic marks. During this period, only Daisy looked up at him slightly. No one else responded, or did not notice or realize it at all.

Adding the last piece of wood to the bonfire again, several people soon wrapped themselves tightly with the sleeping bag constructed by Yi Xiao and Daisy Transfiguration, and then closed their eyes dizzy. ...

The night is already late.

The border between this forest and the plain is quiet, Yi Biao uses magic to erase their breath, traces and temperature, so no beasts have found a few people, only the crows passing by occasionally make a quack, and there is a distance The wolf howling came faintly.

Several people were fast asleep, no grunting, only an even gasp, and even including Miss Tan, who was not in a stable mood, she also fell into a deep sleep after she could not bear the fatigue.

And in the moonlight not far away, a man stood quietly among the waist-deep weeds, silently watching this piece of space that had been hidden by Yi Chou, and there was no slight anomaly from the outside.

This person has no shadow, and the moonlight seems to pass directly through his body, and there is no shadow at all on the weeds. The lonely one is like the illusion that the eyes are watching the grass for a long time.

Even if he did not look carefully, his figure would soon disappear into the night, flickering, like the mottled shadow of trees.

"You know this is useless to them."

Suddenly, an ethereal female voice appeared in this grassland, with a hint of coldness, and even brought a cold and suffocating low temperature in this dark night.

I don't know when, a white figure gradually appeared beside the black figure, no, maybe it can be said that he was entrenched in him.

Feeling the commotion of the video tape, Yi Huo slightly pulled a gap in the clothes, allowing Sadako to release the body between the real and the nothing.

But Sadako didn’t seem to mean it completely. She only showed a small half of her body, her legs did not leave the tape, but turned into a ray of white mist, and walked around half a circle along Yi Yao’s waist. Then he sat gently on his shoulder on the other side.

Seen from a distance, it is like a two-body conjoined person with a body of terror.

Sadako also has no shadow. Moonlight did not show anything through her body, but Yi Chou still waved his wand to completely hide the figure of the two.

"That's not necessary." Yi Xuan's face was swayed with a calm smile, but soon, feeling the coolness from the back of his neck, his smile stiffened there, "Go down from my neck. "He said angrily.

But Sadako didn't take care of him at all. Instead, he showed some legs. He took the right leg with his left leg crossed over the shoulders of Yi Xiao elegantly and took it down calmly on his neck.

Feeling the warmth of the biting coolness, Yi Chou's mouth twitched slightly.

"The wind tonight is a bit noisy." While waiting for a long time, the female ghost riding on his neck threw out such a sentence.

The place where Yi Xuan felt twitching shifted from the corner of his mouth to the green muscles on his forehead. He never thought that the existence of Sadako would be such a radio wave system. He could not understand what she was saying. Yi Xuan sometimes doubted, Whether she is a transitor or she is a transitor.

"Does it matter?" Yi Xuan asked patiently.

"If you come down from your shoulder, are you afraid that I will be blown away by the wind."

"I think... if it's a hustle and bustle, it will only disturb you, not blow you away."

"Ahhhhh, that's just an exaggerated adjective."

"Huh...you know it's an adjective." Yi Huo sneered.

"You guys, or not men, are actually more serious about these problems."

Yi Xiao felt that the frequency of the green muscles on his head was a little faster, first Fu Jiang and Zhen Zi. Fortunately, there was nothing else to come in.

"That's inaccurate." Sadako seemed to see Yi Chou's thoughts, leaning forward slightly, staring down at him, shaking his small head and saying, as she shook her straight, long black hair around her waist Hanging down, itchy Yi Biao's face and nose abnormally.

"You should know that the most powerful power of the creator comes from creation. There is nothing out of it, but forget it, these things are not my responsibility. I just want to tell you that we will be here soon."

"Are you in the right direction?"


"I can't remember passing such a large plain before."

"With the deepening of the world center, everything will change accordingly."

Yi Xiao frowned, "What I want to ask is the next hint."

"Through the forest and the plains, riding on the river of steel, you can reach the residence of the gods, where, under the protection of countless people, open the real door."

Sadako shrugged her shoulders, and it became more and more itchy with her arrogant nose, and then she said, "This is it, I know these words."

"You can't speak human words." Yi Chou's brows grew deeper, he said angrily.

"No." Sadako refused calmly. "The more it depends on the core, the stronger its induction is, just like real name magic. I can't say many words, otherwise it will be read by it instantly...induction."

"But you can rest assured that my translation is absolutely no problem. This is the cipher text that does not deviate from the original intention. Don't forget that my essence is a binary virus. Translating passwords is a strong point of the computer."

"Binary virus?" Yi Chou's indifferent face, "I really can't see it."

"Is it because I have a lot of memories, painful, happy, and finally created me like this now." Zhenzi seemed to carelessly said.

But Yi Xiao heard a deep confusion in it, um... strange, why he heard such a thing.

"That's naturally because I whispered quietly in your ear." Zhenzi didn't know when to bend down and whispered in Yi's ear.

The green muscle on the forehead jumped again by two points, and the brewing words were finally crushed, but soon, Yi Chou sniffed his nose, and then uncontrolled, "Ah!"

Yi Biao finally couldn't help it, and said madly, "Hurry down from my neck, I'm going to catch a cold!"......


When the sky was slightly clear the next day, a group of people woke up one after the other, firstly the most vigilant Kanosuke and Yang Yan, and finally Miss Tan and Zhang Junyun.

Although Zhang Junyun doesn't seem to have any problems on the surface, he can't even comfort Miss Tan. In fact, this is just a phenomenon that is strongly supported on the surface. Both his mental and physical overdrafts are very large, because he has awakened a new ability.

The super speed of Kinosuke.

Between Tan Qin's life and death yesterday, a flash of red light flashed in Zhang Junyun's eyes, which was the same as the precursor of when Kensuke launched his ability. He also officially acquired this ability at that time.

It is very similar to Yi Xiao's magic. As long as he has contacted the Green Prophet and has seen it release magic, he will soon be able to awaken the Green Prophet's magic as well.

But it's just the magic of green magic. You need to learn how to cast spells and release skills. If there is no magic foundation, it is not surprising that there is no magic in the air and magic can't be released.

Even Miss Tan was also awakened, but she didn't notice it at the time, which was discovered afterwards.

It is different from the ability acquisition of the wizard's direction, because the talents of magical creatures are often very simple, and do not even need to learn and accumulate. After the hourglass activates the corresponding ability, as long as you can control it, you can quickly master this power.

At that time, Zhang Junyun didn’t tell Yi Huo the first time, because there was Suginosuke. He wasn’t sure what Jiahe would do after knowing that he and others could replicate this power. After all, according to the comics, the Huoying guys But the blood stains are heavier than life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Junyun is also not sure whether he and others will return to Jiahe after the end of the forty-seven wavers, but...the more things are obviously better than the less.

It was only this morning when Kanosuke went out looking for prey to solve today's breakfast problem, he told Yi Chou in a short time to avoid Yangyan.

Yi Xiao put on a surprised expression, but there was no fluctuation in his heart. It was even a pity that the two of them did not have the ability to activate Yangyan. It seemed that some kind of timing was not enough.

Zhang Junyun apparently thought a lot after gaining the ability of Kannosuke. If a ninja can, then other ninjas can obviously. This is a rich resource, and the ability to mess up is also very powerful.

He even eagerly tried to fight Yangyan's idea, but he didn't seem to be aware of another problem, that is, Fu Jiang also had a special ability.

Fortunately, Fu Jiang belongs to the only magical creature, and its particularity prevents her ability from being acquired. Otherwise, Yi Chou now has to face...not just a simple group of Fu Jiang... (to be continued.)


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