High Magic Earth

Chapter 963: map


"Are you sure we are not going in the wrong direction?"

The scorching sun was empty, and the scorching sun scorched the ground below. The open plain saw almost no plants, making the temperature difference between day and night extremely large.

With a burst of footsteps and a rustling sound, the waist-high weeds separated to the sides, and Zhang Junyun's somewhat messy figure came out from inside.

"Yes," Yi Xuan replied calmly, and then added a natural sentence, "I'm pretty sure."

This is his twenty-third inquiry.

Zhang Junyun grinned, but he couldn't help it.

The disparity in temperature difference is not a problem. Even in the early morning after a few nights, some people feel the symptoms of dizziness and cold, and they have come through the treatment of cold medicine carried by Zhang Junyun.

And more importantly, this plain is not solitary. There is a grassland next to it. The two are almost parallel and can't move forward, as if there is some unknown power to split them in two.

The plain on the left is cold and hot, and the grassland on the right is wet and warm.

They are now walking around the dividing line between the two. The temperature here is very suitable for human beings. The only thing to note is that they cannot deviate from the dividing line between the two. Leaving the grassland and entering the plain is better said. Then it is very likely that you will get lost in it and you will never get out again.

This grassland is very bizarre. The weeds on the right side are higher, the weeds on the dividing line have reached waist height, and continue to deviate to the right by more than ten meters. The weeds are even deeper than people.

Zhang Junyun can only sigh and curse the magic of the creator's ghost and axe, and open the road with effort, ensuring that the team does not deviate from the borderline on the plain.

The real problem is that they have been there for several nights, and someone has almost caught a cold, or in other words, they have been away for more than a week.

This is not normal.

Since leaving the grassland where they met the compound-eyed bull monster, they first spent a plain, then climbed a small mountain of snow, and then a volcano.

This has reached a crazy level.

Not to mention how these disparate terrains were forced together, according to the route in the memory of Kanosuke, they should have encountered the nearest village of Chisui Fan.

If it wasn't for Kanosuke Yangyan and Yi Chou that the three said the right direction, Zhang Junyun would definitely suspect that Yi Chou remembered the wrong way or deceived himself.

but now. . Zhang Junyun only felt that the edge of collapse was getting closer and closer to himself.

"The direction is indeed correct," Kanosuke added, "but I always feel that whether it is a snow mountain, a volcano, or a grassland, the distance seems to be longer."

"Don't you feel that the hot magma is connected with the icy snow mountain, is it very strange?" Zhang Junyun couldn't help but spit out the groove. In reality, if there is such a place in this place, it must have been famous for a long time, it is definitely a tourist attraction. .

Even by comparison, the lengthening of the distance becomes a trivial matter, because Zhang Junyun even suspects that he is still not on earth.

Miss Tan also had such a question, but she didn't ask. As for Daisy, she was already stuck with Fu Jiang, just like a good girlfriend.

Although Zhang Junyun looked in his eyes, he didn't mention it at all.

Otherwise, what else can we do, forcibly separate and let another person be attracted to Fu Jiang, and may also stimulate Daisy to make her fall into a crazy state at any time, regardless of enemy attacks.

So he can only pay attention to it, don't let Daisy get obsessed with Fu Jiang to the extent that she accidentally divided her.

Zhang Junyun took a deep breath and pulled her feet out of the grass, but at this time, Miss Tan suddenly pushed him.

"We came out," she said.

Following Miss Tan's instructions, Zhang Junyun looked forward, just in front of the junction of the two plains and the grassland, a new plain emerged again, not as barren as the original, and no grassland weeds overgrown, More like a combination of the two.

A very beautiful grassland, endless verdant green, and dotted forests and hills and hills dotted in it, just looking, it makes people fall into it.

Even more, there is a stream flowing out of it, looming into the grassland.

"It's weird..." Zhang Junyun looked at the terrain here and said blankly.

The roads that have come along in these days of travel are really weird. The volcano and the snow mountain are connected together. The dizzy plains with high temperature during the day are closely connected to the grassland under the same sun but extremely cool grassland, just like. . just like. .

Several different map templates are put together, like a game!

Game map?

Zhang Junyun’s weird feeling turned into vigilance. Although he didn’t know what was going on, it was obviously abnormal and might even be dangerous.

"Damn... We might be in trouble." He frowned, then turned his head and found that there were only two people left beside him.

Yi arrogance, there is Susuke.

"Where are they?" Zhang Junyun asked blankly.

Yi Xiao raised his hand forward, and Zhang Junyun suddenly saw Miss Tan rushing towards the forest creek. While running, she could vaguely hear her whispering, "I can finally take a bath, take a shower, take a bath..."

Never underestimate the nature of women's beauty, Miss Tan even used the power of Suginosuke, and her body burst forward like a flash.

Including Yang Yan, they followed silently, and beside Daisy, there was a kimono that jumped in the air, hanging empty.

Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched, and then said weakly, "Forget it... let's go too."

Of course they cannot wash with them, but obviously it is not that they will find deeper streams as soon as they enter the forest. At least they have to go deep into the forest before they can find a safe place to camp.

. . .

"So... didn't you feel strange at all?"

An hour later, in a leeward place in the forest, while Junnosuke went out to find today's dinner prey, Zhang Junyun stopped Yi Chou and asked quietly.

Although Kanosuke does not understand Chinese, Zhang Junyun still feels intuitively that it is better to avoid him.

"What's weird?" Yi Xao raised his head and gave him a light look.


Obviously, everything that happened has made Zhang Junyun's patience to the extreme. First, he left Jiahe abruptly. Although the reason for entering the 47 people is very good, but the source, the name of the place and Suzakucho are two Jiahe. Do not know the intelligence, so where did he get it from.

Then there is the route problem along the way, not led by Kanosuke, but Yi Chou. Zhang Junyun doesn't think a modern person can be familiar with the route hundreds of years ago.

Although they are all Chisui vassals, the exact place of occurrence has long been unclear.

And whether it is Yi Chou or Daisy, they almost ignore the strange scene along the way, and the two of them are the people closest to Fu Jiang, and the other people, Miss Tan and two ninjas, although different degrees, but both Have some doubts about these strange sights.

Yi Xiao looked at Zhang Junyun's eyes indifferently, and his eyes responded to Yi Xiao very seriously, without any flinch.

This time, he seemed bound to get an answer.

"If I don't say anything strange... Do you immediately think in your heart that I was confused by Fu Jiang." Yi Chou paused for a while and finally said.

Zhang Junyun narrowed his eyes, "Are there any other possibilities."

"Maybe it's not me, it's the world."

"What?" Zhang Junyun was confused.

"It's nothing." Yi Xuan shrugged his shoulders. "It was just broken by a certain radio wave system recently..."

"My destination is indeed not just the plot of the Forty-seven Wavemen. You have your task, and I have mine. I am looking for supernatural forces in this world to prove their existence or origin."

"Trust me, I need your help."

Zhang Junyun's brows grew deeper and deeper, but at the end, he relaxed slightly, "I want to believe you too, but how can I believe."

Yi Biao crooked his head, "My destination may be earlier than you. The origin of supernatural power may be a gathering place. As the name suggests, I think you can understand that as long as you see it in the next journey, then you can Trust me."

"As before, you can still maintain a cautious attitude, which is a good habit."

After saying this, both of them saw that Uenosuke was rushing from a distance. Zhang Junyun did not ask any more, but after staring at Yi Chou, nodded and then retreated.

Just waiting for him to leave, I heard Kinosuke anxiously with some flustered Japanese.

"Your Excellency Ann, Your Excellency Zhang, Yang Yan, they are in danger!"

. . .

After finding a relatively safe place in the forest, Daisy and Miss Tan almost ran to the brook not far away.

Although Daisy and Yi Chou can use clean water as a spring to solve the drinking problem, personal hygiene cannot be solved.

Whether it was a plain that had been spent before, or a combination of volcanoes, snow mountains, and later plains and grasslands, the pedestrian hardly found water.

After seeing the creek in this forest, they finally couldn't help it.

After Daisy skillfully used the invisibility spell to hide the area, and then Miss Tan severely warned several people, they almost couldn't wait to disappear into the vision of the three.

Sure enough, Daisy's invisibility spell was so skillful that it was not useless.

"What's going on?" Zhang Junyun almost stood up as soon as he heard the words of Susuke.

And Kanosuke did not hesitate, and immediately explained, "When I passed by the creek, I heard a scream, and it seemed to be West... Your Excellency, and Yang Yan."

"Are you sure you heard it wrong?" Yi Xiao said as he stood up, and pressed the stubborn guy in his arms.

"Well, I also want to wash..." Sadako's head came out vaguely, but before he finished talking, Yi Chou pressed it back again.

Zhang Junyun felt that he seemed to hear something, but he flicked aside, but found nothing, so he decided to ignore it. After all, there were more important things in front of him.

"Not a misunderstanding?" Zhang Junyun couldn't help asking.

Such scenes often appear in movies or anime. In the wilderness, the presence of the heroine has to go to the stream to bathe, then encounter a snake or scream for other things, and then the male The protagonist arrived, causing greater misunderstanding.

Well, the reason of the former is understandable now, because even with the support of Yi Chou and Daisy to clean up a new spell, several people are also servants, even with a slight smell, but the latter, Zhang Junyun does not want to experience once.

This may be acceptable in movies and anime, but if in the real world, it is probably not surprising that someone was killed.

Kinosuke was a little dazed by the two people's successive questions, but he calmed down quickly, "I don't know." He said, "But Yang Yan's voice can't be misunderstood or understood. "

Yi Xiao looked at Zhang Junyun, "My stealth will probably not be discovered by Daisy, she can't detect it."

Hearing the words, Zhang Junyun's eyes lit up immediately, "You will also be invisible curse?"

"This magic is not difficult in Harry Potter."

"No... I mean, Daisy seems to be very proficient..."

"Sure enough, don't you think so, but I don't seem to have said that I'm not proficient in stealth spells."

Zhang Junyun's gaze immediately became as if it had become. . Somewhat strange, Yi Chou didn't quite understand it, he didn't understand it, but soon this problem was left behind, because the two men made up their minds at the same time and went.

"Disappear without a trace." Yi Xiao gently used his wand on the three people a little, and the light and shadow fluttered for a while, and the three people's figure disappeared immediately. From afar, it seemed as if they were wearing a layer of invisibility clothes Only after getting close can I see a little distortion after the sun shines through.

After getting ready, the three went straight to the creek. At this time, Zhang Junyun’s speed was almost as fast as that of Kanosuke. The illusion of illusion shifted and ignored the distance of space. In addition to the creek itself, they were away from the camp they chose. The ground is not too far away, and in almost three breaths, they rushed to the brook~www.wuxiaspot.com~Jianosuke took them to the rabbit prey that had been left in place in a hurry, and the three immediately I felt something was wrong.

"It's too quiet." Zhang Junyun sniffed the air, and Yi Xuan chords also nodded.

Realizing that something was wrong, several people immediately realized that this was not a misunderstanding or misjudgment, and no longer hesitated. At the next moment, the figures of the three had appeared on the shore of the stream.

Sure enough, it was empty.

"Damn." Zhang Junyun frowned, and he looked around quickly. "The clothes are gone." He said, "It's all gone. Did you take them together, or..."

But Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. He stared not far away, and there was a touch of red in the depths of the grass. That was Fujiang's kimono.

"No." He said, "There is another person."

And just after his words fell, a wave appeared in the stream below, as if standing alone from the water. At the next moment, Fu Jiang's head appeared above the stream out of thin air. (To be continued.)

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