High Magic Earth

Chapter 964: monster

"Where are they?" Zhang Junyun froze for a moment, and didn't care about Fujiang's horror anymore, he quickly asked.

"I was taken away..." Fu Jiang said weakly, without a serious face.

"Of course I knew I was taken away." Zhang Junyun was a little crazy, "Who caught them? Where did they go?!"

"Demon... monster."

. . .

Hearing this sentence, Yi Ao and Zhang Junyun had a moment of trance, not only because of the special status of Fu Jiang, but also a strange feeling to say, but also because of the sentence itself, they even made a mistake. The illusion of the set.

But these details were quickly ignored because they had heard the restoration of the whole process from Fu Jiang's mouth.

Several people were indeed attacked, but not the robbers and robbers who were expected to wander between the wild mountains and wilderness, but real monsters.

In terms of appearance, their characteristics are like women, and most of the clothes they wear are dressed in kimono. In fact, most of them are very similar to human beings. If it is not the horns on the head and the wings behind, it is difficult to distinguish them. Is it a human or a monster.

There are a few exceptions, for example, there is the existence of Xue Nu.

Fu Jiang is sure that he will not admit his mistakes, not only because Xue Nu has very characteristic characteristics, beautiful appearance, a snow-white kimono, the same snow-white skin, but also because of her great reputation, even Fu Jiang who has almost unlimited time has everything attention.

In the first time these monsters appeared, Miss Tan and Daisy lost their resistance, and Yang Yan did not resist for too long. Fu Jiang, who was bored in the water and spitting bubbles, was far away from several people, and the sense of existence was relatively different. Low, not even discovered in the first place.

Knowing that her short legs couldn't escape, Fu Jiang didn't think about running, but took a step back silently, pulled the invisibility garment that was placed on the shore, and covered herself, and instantly, she was in the water Disappeared without a trace.

When these monsters found out that there was an extra dress on the shore, they continued to look for it. Even a few times, a girl who looked like a Kappa swimed past the body in the water of Fujiang, but they were lucky to find her. .

In the end, it seemed that these other monsters would soon leave because of fear that their other companions would find them abnormal.

"Monster..." Zhang Junyun lowered his head, then smiled at Yi Chouqiang, "It seems that this is your old business."

He pointed to the clothing accessories on Yi Xiao's body, which was originally a pretending onmyoji, but at this time he encountered a real monster in the wilderness.

However, Zhang Junyun still has unshakable worries under his smile. Although it seems to be a group of female-oriented monsters, it is a monster after all, and males and females have no meaning at all, and no one knows what will happen when humans fall into their hands.

Even Kanosuke was a little anxious. He always knew Yang Yan's friendship with him, but what he liked was hazy. Although he didn't like Yang Yan, it didn't mean that there was no feeling between them.

In Koga, Kanosuke has always been a good old man, and he pays great attention to the friendship between his companions.

"Your Excellency, what are we going to do?" Susanosuke standing beside him couldn't help but asked anxiously without waiting for their reaction.

He is mainly based on Yi Chou. Although Zhang Junyun seems to have a stronger overall ability, it is clear that knowing a few people's Kojinosuke, Yi Chong is more dangerous.

Even this is hard to find. If it wasn’t for Susuke who had been by Yi Chou's side during the journey, and he was very keen on danger instincts, and if he was very careful, he could not find it.

And not only that, but before he left, he also told him to obey Yi Chou's orders, at least Yi Chou was the main one.

"Find them." Yi Huo said indifferently, of course, this is just the best result they want to achieve.

Sure enough, Zhang Junyun immediately took over the topic, "How can we find them, and even if we find them, are you confident of dealing with those monsters?"

According to Fu Jiang, there seem to be a lot of monsters. There are already nearly ten people who come to the shore alone, so there must be more in their nests, of course, there may not be.

However, they must be more difficult to deal with than the compound-eyed bull monsters they encountered before. Although their strength is not comparable, it is clear that these monsters have wisdom, because Fu Jiang seems to hear that they are communicating, and this alone is better than I only know that the instinct and the hard-working bull monster are hard to get tangled many times.

Although it seems very simple for Zhang Junyun to solve the compound-eye bull monster in a few breaths, it has reached his limit. In the face of so many monsters with wisdom, Zhang Junyun has no confidence in winning.

"Then what do you plan to do." Yi Huo asked back, "Do nothing?"

"We always have to find them, and find them before we can continue to the next plan. Sitting here will not have any effect."

But Zhang Junyun was serious. "We are not in a **** anime, there will be no explosions to save the world, and our strength will not soar. Mistakes mean failure, and failure is death."

Zhang Junyun's sudden seriousness made Yi Huo somewhat stunned, but obviously he realized that Zhang Junyun seemed to treat himself as a newcomer, at least he didn't think he had experienced too much of the world.

Although he did not travel through several worlds, but. . Each world has experienced a long time.

Although Zhang Junyun was more cautious, he didn't overdo it, because he didn't know the power that Yi Xao concealed. In fact, if Yi Xiao's magic was really like Daisy, then Yi Xuan himself would not propose to find them. , There will be no odds at all.

"Then you plan to do nothing?" Yi Huo did not follow Zhang Junyun's question, but asked directly again.

Sure enough, Zhang Junyun paused, and finally did not dare to agree with this sentence.

"So let's find them first. Only when we find them can we determine the next move. Maybe we don't need to fight. For example, just quietly rescue a few people."

This time Zhang Junyun did not refute any more, but after a pause, he agreed with Yi Chou.

but. .

"How do we find it?"

"How do we find them?" Susuke and Zhang Junyun asked almost simultaneously.

The wand appeared in his hand instantly, Yi Chou pointed a finger at a half-height rock on the shore, and the light radiated out instantly, and the rock began to twist, "using magic." He said softly.

When the deformation of the rock was over, a huge hound appeared on the spot. It shook its body, then shook its damp hair, and it looked exactly like a real hound.

"It's amazing." Although the occasion was wrong, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but sigh.

"Do you look for it with a hound." Zhang Junyun continued, and then he picked up the kimono that fell in the stone and grass beside him. He had already put it under the nose of the hound without waiting.

Then, after sniffing, the hound turned around a few times and began to bark at Fu Jiang's small head, who had landed and was suspended in midair.

Fu Jiang's pale little face turned red, and Zhang Junyun also confessed to putting down the kimono. "Their clothes seem to have been worn away." He touched his head and said.

"I know." Yi Xiao reached out his hand, "but I can't use those things."

He dragged the hound over, squatted down, put his hand on his head, and said to him, "Some people are not here. I want you to find them with the smell. Can it be done."

Fu Jiang, Kanosuke, and Zhang Junyun were all beside them. Looking at this scene, they didn't even need to translate, and they could understand Yi Chou's approach at this time.

The friendship between humans and dogs is much earlier than expected.

"Is this useful?" Although Zhang Junyun had seen incredible magic, he still couldn't help asking when facing such a strange thing.

No need to wait for Yi Chou to answer, this hound has already made the answer by action. After sniffing left and right in the air, as if smelling some clues and taste, it instantly turned into a lightning and rushed out, even faster than before Zhang Junyun was a little faster when he was in Tengu's ability.

Of course, there is still no time for Nosuke.

In a blink of an eye, the hound had crossed the creek and entered the opposite woods. When facing the three people, he shrugged innocently. "After all, it is a magic hound." He said, "But rest assured, It cannot be lost."

Zhang Junyun's mouth was grinning, and he took the lead to catch up, and then Xuan Zhijie followed, and if they didn't keep up, they would lose the hound figure. At this time, the hound was only a little black in the woods. The point looks like.

But neither of them mentioned what Fu Jiang should do. It seemed that she skipped her by tacit understanding. After all, they did not have the confidence to resist the strange charm of Fu Jiang, although they also suspected that Yi Chou had been attracted by her charm, or even controlled it. But there is no way to do this.

And since this is the case, it is better to throw the problem of Fu Jiang directly to Yi Chou, so as to avoid Fu Jiang’s least charm to others.

Soon, there were only Yi Chou and Fu Jiang left on the bank of the stream. Looking at the figures that were going away, Fu Jiang's face showed a strange and beautiful smile.

She stretched out her white arm from under the cloak, gathered her long black hair, wrapped the tip of her hair behind her ear, and said to Yi Chou, "Please take me with you soon, otherwise you will be left behind."

Listening to this gentle and charming voice, Yi Chou took a deep breath and came to Fujiang.

Fujiang had only one head suspended above the ground out of thin air. Besides, the whole body was shrouded in an invisibility cloak. Yi Chou extended his hands. At the next moment, a soft thing squeezed over, Yi Chou held Fu Jiang in a hug From the next moment, in Fu Jiang's charming smile, the figure of the two disappeared in place.

. . .

Yi Piao's phantom shifted much faster than Xuan Zhijie and Zhang Junyun, but he kept pressing his speed and hanged not far behind the two.

Not to deliberately hide his strength, but because Fu Jiang seems to have something to say to himself.

"It seems that you have already talked to him." Fu Jiang has recovered her serious face. She nestled in the arms of Princess Yi Ao and moved her body comfortably, with a hint of indifference in her voice.

"Yes." Yi Xiao nodded his expression calmly, and nodded without changing his tone.

"This is the best way." Fu Jiang pouted, "I always questioned this one for a day, always felt that the decision he made was the best, he was the right one, you don't feel annoyed, I feel annoyed ."

"He won't bother you any more." Yi Xuan looked at Fu Jiang in his arms and said indifferently, "At least it won't be until we reach our destination. I told him that I would meet him before arriving at Chisui Fan. My mission, and my mission is to trace the origin of supernatural forces."

"In this way, he can block his mouth and temporarily dispel his doubts."

"That's it." Fu Jiang embraced Yi Chou's neck with his hands, and a malicious and charming smile appeared on his face. "You can really deceive people. The more you are a serious guy, the more you deceive people. People believe."

"I guess you must tell him that the origin of supernatural powers is most likely to be found in large monster gatherings. Even if it is not found, there may be clues there."

"Yes." Yi Chou's voice is still very indifferent.

The corners of Fu Jiang’s mouth curled up in a charming arc, and the smile on her face grew more and more, and even her delicate appearance looked a bit daunting. “But our annoying Mr. didn’t have much time even without your reminder. Use his annoying talent."

"What do you mean." Yi Xiao frowned slightly.

But Fu Jiang did not answer, but patted him, "I hate you frowning." She arrogantly said.

Hearing this, Yi Xiao subconsciously stunned for a second, and did not stretch her eyebrows for the first time, but because of this second, Fu Jiang’s face suddenly cooled down, and she slightly sagged her hand, then stretched out fiercely. Entering Yi Chou's clothes.

"Well!" With a hum, Yi Pao's face showed a painful expression, and his brows were deeper, and when he saw it, Fu Jiang was even more angry.

"You dare to question me!" she growled in an angry whisper, instead of the angry little female beast's performance before, more like a hysterical harbinger of madness.

"No... not dare..." Yi Xiaoqiang said with support, he let go of his eyebrows, and even a faint smile on his face.

He seemed to be obsessed with looking at Fu Jiang, as if Fu Jiang would never get angry no matter what he did, and whispered begging, "You are right to say anything."

Fu Jiang, who had long been blinded by his confidence, had not noticed that Yi Xiao's expression and eyes were just right, as if he were wearing a template mask.

Unfortunately, Fu Jiang thinks that no one in the world can escape her beauty, after all, it will become her ornament.

After Yaowu lauded for a while, Fujiang continued proudly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the last forest. In front of it is a gathering place of monsters. Although it is not very big, it was also selected by me. I waited here deliberately. , In this way, don't you confirm what you said. "


"It is hope that after this incident, he can continue to live." Fu Jiang smiled maliciously.

Yi Chou was silent, but then he was shocked, because he suddenly realized that Fu Jiang mentioned a word in the previous sentence, "You said... Is this the last forest?"


"In this case, we are about to pass through all the plains and forests, right." Yi Chou laughed.

"Yes..." Fu Jiang nodded. She felt very strange about Yi Chou's problem, and she didn't know why. She always felt that Yi Chou's smile at this time seemed even more strange.

So Fu Jiang nestled in Yi Huo's arms decided to slap him hard again. To be continued.


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