High Magic Earth

Chapter 965: Monster (2)

The hound has a full sense of direction and has been running at the forefront of the team. Even Jiansuke and Zhang Junyun can only barely catch up at the normal running speed. Both of them naturally have no ability to use it. Although the speed of Jiansuke is terrible , But cannot be used without restriction.

However, if only those ordinary ninjas were to be met, I am afraid that no one can force Kinosuke to such an extent that his body cannot withstand such a fast speed, because the speed of Kinosuke has been calculated in Yi-noo through so many worlds. The speed is very terrible, otherwise Yi Chou will not insist on letting Zhang Junyun several people get this ability.

Although it is not as good as the Flash, it is enough to crush most opponents. After all, in the perception of normal people, there is no difference between being cut with 20 knives and 30 knives in one second. The ending is death.

Zhang Junyun, who was behind the hound, had always looked stern. I didn’t know what was in my mind. The group had been away from Jiahe for half a month. Although the dangers encountered were not many, they were definitely not smooth. After all, It seems that for most of the journey, Zhang Junyun was not sure if he was going right.

Now, they have been attacked by a large number of monsters, resulting in serious downsizing.

However, Zhang Junyun had just reached a temporary agreement with Yi Xuan before, but he couldn't cause any problems now, but he had made up his mind that if anything went wrong, he immediately took Miss Tan to part ways with several people.

Daisy's departure is unpredictable. After all, she often contacts Fu Jiang, but in any case, he no longer wants to be with this terrible woman.

It is worthy of the source of terror, Fujiang, and she has such a magical charm that almost no one can stop.

Yi Chao’s magic is not good, Daisy’s magic is even worse, and even more terrifying is that even under the circumstances that Zhang Junyun has already spread out the instructions, the two still believe that their magic has blocked Fu Jiang’s magic.

However, they did not know that this idea actually came under the charm of Fu Jiang's control.

It's terrible.

Although free companions in the second world are very rare, their lives are more important, and there is only one.

While Zhang Junyun was thinking wildly, the hound in front of him suddenly stopped. As if he smelled something strange, he started barking wildly.

At first it started barking with great courage, but it didn't last for five seconds, it suddenly whimpered, touched his nose with his paws, turned his head and ran back.

Zhang Junyun and Xuanzhijie froze at the same time, stopped and watched the hound slip back from the two.

It's just that the hound didn't run out of ten meters away. It seemed like he felt something terrible again, shocked all over, and turned again in one direction, but it was useless to change several directions, like There was no way to escape, the hound was stalking between the two like a headless fly.

And after a few crazy laps, it whimpered again, lay on the ground, and turned back into a rock again.

At the next moment, Yi Xao appeared beside the two with Fu Jiang's figure.

"What happened." He asked quietly. "My magic was relieved."

Zhang Junyun and Xuanzhijie also looked cold, and Xuanzhijie’s instinct to tell him crazy was telling him that the danger was approaching, and Zhang Junyun’s judgment was simpler, relying entirely on the beast-like instinct of the werewolf.

"I don't know." Zhang Junyun twisted his neck, and his bones made a series of clicks. In the sound, his body skyrocketed by three or four decimetres. "Anyway, it's not a good thing."

Zhang Junyun’s eyes became lacquered again, and his pupils rose slightly, like the eyes of a beast. His nails became short and hard and very sharp. He rubbed his claws. He looked around and then said, “We probably are Surrounded."

It is said that Kinosuke's reaction was very flat. He probably expected this, and it was not the first time he faced the situation of being surrounded. He believed that with his own ability, even if he could not win the final victory, but wanted to To run, no one can stop himself, unless it is obscure.

"Sure enough, it's not good news." Yi Chou put down Fu Jiang in his arms and changed a pair of strong hiking boots on her feet, and then let her hide aside.

"But fighting has long been inevitable, isn't it." He drew his wand and said calmly.

At the next moment, the mist suddenly filled the woods. ...

Although following the guidance of the hounds all the way, Zhang Junyun did not sullen his head and did not look at the road. He had long found that he and others had embarked on an uphill road, that is, if there was no accident, they were crossing a small hill.

And the surrounding woods have become more and more scarce. Instead, many bamboos are mixed in it, much like the previous junction of several plains and forests, which means they are likely to pass through this wood. Too.

But he did not find any trace of living creatures.

For example, the traces left by the fire, or the communities and buildings inhabited.

Of course, nothing more than monsters do not need these things, they may live like beasts, after all, even if they eat people, it is not surprising.

But now, Zhang Junyun suspects it is another possibility.

That is, the so-called monster community does exist, but you and others can't see it.

Just like the fog at this time, no one knows where it came from. The dark and quiet forest was full of dark silence at the previous moment, and the smoke here was thick enough to choke to death next moment.

Zhang Junyun is very suspicious that several of them have strayed into a certain place, or they have opened to them in a certain place.

"Be careful." He whispered to the two.

Yi Xiaoxuanzhi nodded at the same time.

And just when the voice fell, some faint figures suddenly appeared in the mist, they had a very similar appearance to humans, but they walked in a very strange way, crooked, like a zombie, but it was not like .

"Dense fog... Mountain... Twisted human body... This makes me have a bad association." Zhang Junyun said with a fist, said to himself, "Do not be Silent Hill."

Then at the next moment, he rejected this idea, because the figure in the mist has gradually become clear, and it is not a faceless nurse who does not take the usual road in Silent Hill.

Because it does not have the signature characteristics of a faceless nurse, it is a scarred face that is wrapped in bandages and disfigured, but a pair of tengu masks.

They have bright and strange masks on their faces, some of which are tengu, with long noses, and some of them are crowed, and their appearance looks very ruthless.

But beyond that, there are no other particularly obvious features.

Because they wear very ordinary kimonos, their appearance also looks no different from that of human females, except that...the skin is extremely pale, and even pale is somewhat transparent.

They held a very strange thing in their hands, with two wooden shelves tied vertically, which looked like a Western cross, but the top was sharp, looking at the sharp as if the tip of a wooden gun, Zhang Junyun There is no doubt about their penetration.

"Which country's monster is that?" Zhang Junyun couldn't help but frown.

Although he is confident to use his claws to tear them apart, it is obviously not simple to deal with monsters. Monsters have all kinds of weird abilities, and even some abilities are unsolvable and mortal.

If these guys would die if they were touched by humans, Zhang Junyun wouldn't want to take the risk of going up like this, and then die in a confused way.

However, he almost recalled all the anime he had seen in his mind, the stories and legends here, even the urban weirdness and the book, and still did not think of the corresponding clues. In desperation, Zhang Junyun could only ask Yi Huo for help, "I said Master Yin Yang, do you know what this is?"

Yi Xiao glanced at him gently through the mist, and then sneered, "I heard that there are eight million gods in this place..."

It's a very cold joke. Sure enough, you can't point to people without humorous cells to ease the atmosphere on key occasions, but this also answers Yi Chou and doesn't know what these things are.

After gnashing his teeth, Zhang Junyun was going to try it for himself. Maybe it was just some ordinary monsters, or just some guys who pretended to be ghosts.

But in any case, he is the most survivable of the three people. The werewolf blood power has brought Zhang Junyun a very strong self-healing ability, and most of the physical damage is difficult to kill him.

If it's a curse and other strange ways of attacking, I'm afraid I can only count on Yi Chou by then.

"Hope you can give me some strength." Zhang Junyun murmured in his mouth, and then shouted at Yi Yihou, "Cover me, I will get these up..."

But his words were still in his mouth, and he swallowed back the rest of the words.

Because he saw something.


Indescribable distortion exists...

In Zhang Junyun’s eyes, it seems that the entire world has lost its color, so it is not accurate to say that all the colors have faded, only black and white still exist, they outline the whole world with simple lines, also Support the existence of these objects.

The distinction between black and white is obvious, monotonous, but does not appear to be chaotic.

However, the location of Kanosuke and Yihou became very blurred. The two people... or the unknown objects who were staying at the original positions of the two people at this time looked like a big ball of slime. Twist in place, twist and twist, and then creep.

"Zhang Junyun..."

"Cloud Pavilion..."

In a trance, Zhang Junyun seemed to feel that he was also one of them, twisting and twisting, and then twisting.

But suddenly, the sound of Yi Xuan and Chinosuke awakened him from this nightmare-like situation at the same time. He felt a tingling in his head. This pain even made him scream.

"Ah!!!" Zhang Junyun hugged his head and growled in pain.

"Your Excellency, what's wrong with you!"

"Are you OK?!"

During the anxious inquiries of the two, Zhang Junyun gradually relieved. He was wearing a gruff look and looked at the two again, and found that the world was still full of colors. Although the surrounding was still a white mist, the green of Cuizhu could still be seen vaguely. , And the two are not slime monsters, they are still completely normal.

Sure enough... is it an illusion...

But I already know what I am facing...

"Case... Case Shanzi..." Zhang Junyun Ninja said with a headache, intermittently.


For a moment, the two didn't fully understand Zhang Junyun's meaning, or they could understand it, but they didn't understand it. After all, even locals like Kanosuke did not recognize it, even if there was more knowledge reserves The part of the door has never been touched.

"It is the case Shanzi... monsters... don't look at them." Zhang Junyun has gradually recovered, and his tone has become fluent. "They... will turn the world into black and white, distorting everything you see in front of you, all Everything will eventually become a writhing writhing..."

"It's a mental attack...this is your specialty." At the end, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but laugh.

I don’t know if I’m own expertise, but I heard Zhang Junyun’s explanation that Susuke and Yi Xuan both closed their eyes at the same time, and after recovering, Zhang Junyun also closed his beast pupil.

With the keen five senses of the werewolf, even closing his eyes would not affect Zhang Junyun, but the moment he closed his eyes, his heart sank immediately.

As the eyes closed, the whole world became quiet, as if the connection of the sound was cut off, and he could never hear the slightest sound again.

Quiet, even strange.

This is obviously not normal, no matter how quiet, there will be the slightest footsteps, such as the sound of weeds on the ground being blocked by the waist, the sound of insects turning in the mud, although hearing these things is also somewhat for Zhang Junyun It’s difficult, but if you concentrate on it, it’s not impossible.

Only at this time, all this disappeared.

At the next moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Junyun opened his eyes. Sure enough, as if he had negotiated, all the sounds of his brain poured into his ears and returned to normal again.

Leaving away from the position of the two, they opened their eyes in tacit agreement, six eyes are facing each other, obviously they all suffered the same thing.

Zhang Junyun was a little unbelieving. He closed his eyes again, his voice calmed down, and then opened it again, and his voice appeared.


But what appeared this time was not just sound, but also some other terrible things.

At the moment Zhang Junyun opened his eyes, an extremely fierce and brightly colored Tengu mask was blocked in front of his eyes, and even his long nose almost stuck on his face.

At the next moment, accompanied by a sharp burst of air, the sharp wooden stick in the hand of the case in front of him waved violently, and the sharp pointed point pointed directly at Zhang Junyun's temple!

At the same time, Yi and the two were also entangled in these things. (~^~)

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