High Magic Earth

Chapter 966: Youkai (3)

The sharp wooden pointed head pierced Zhang Junyun with a sharp sound of breaking the sky. Before halfway, he smelled the rich **** smell floating in the air, even making him think he was full of blood. The color changes.

There will definitely be fewer people who die in the hands of these monsters.

Zhang Junyun had originally left a few points in his heart because of the delicate and harmless surfaces of these monsters, but now, even if they are really weak, the blood in their hands is not fake.

In the face of the huge wooden cross that roared, Zhang Junyun flicked back easily, evading it sharply, but at this moment, Zhang Junyun suddenly felt the world twisted, and the scene in front of him became blurred, As if everything was creeping like a bug.

The sudden shock made Zhang Junyun's reaction a little slower, and the next moment, a sharp pain came from his shoulder.


Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched a bit, raised his neck in pain, and made a roar, thanks to his slow evasion, which avoided the deadliest attack, otherwise the wooden shelf was not inserted at this time. His own shoulder, but his heart.

Most of the weak werewolf branches have the same weakness as vampires, that is, the heart is inserted into the wooden pile, and it cannot survive.

Even if Zhang Junyun's branch of werewolf bloodline does not have this weakness, but after the heart is pierced, if you want to recover, it will take tens of days of careful recuperation.

Zhang Junyun, outraged by anger, stretched out his claws and grabbed the guy who was struggling with a wooden frame in front of him. The muscles of his arms suddenly bulged. The body shattered.

Tear the monster, Zhang Junyun's attack method is also a bit creative.

But the strange thing is that although this guy was torn by Zhang Junyun in half, the expected internal organs, blood and the like did not drown him.

If it wasn't correct, Zhang Junyun thought he was hitting an illusion.

after all. . Mirage here, even if illusions appear, it is not surprising.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the two halves of the case that he threw to the ground disappeared slowly, as if turned into a mist, and blended into the surroundings again.

"It's not very nice." Zhang Junyun slowly shook his head, and then again put on an offensive posture, staring at these things that gathered again with red eyes.

At the same time, Kanosuke's situation did not seem to be better.

Because of the two senses of hearing and vision, Shunosuke cannot fight with his eyes closed, and with his eyes open, he will often fall into hallucinations by looking directly at these cases.

He dare not use his speed to attack now, because he needs this ability to protect himself. Once a brief blur appears in front of his eyes, Ukinosuke will move quickly, otherwise, these wooden frames will move himself in the next moment. Skewer into skewers.

He couldn't see the situation there, because the surrounding area was already full of case mountains, but presumably the other party would not be less relaxed than himself.

What should I do.

Kinosuke stared at this situation with some anxiety. He would definitely be able to leave here if he wanted to leave, but after leaving like this, the ghost knew if he would encounter any other monsters, as the original of the Edo era Inhabitants, Kanosuke has heard more stories of ghosts and spirits than Yi and He. He knows the horrors of the monsters on the mountain, and he may not be able to escape which monster he encounters.

As a ninja, Kanosuke soon found the most suitable method for him. He slightly placed his hand on the short blade around his waist and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Keeping on going is definitely a dead end, so instead of waiting to die, it is better to gamble, as long as there is no hallucination in your vision when you attack, then you can kill these things in a moment.

But if there are hallucinations. .

Uganosuke is not afraid of death, he just feels a little regretful, maybe he doesn’t even know where he died.

At the next moment, the red light flashed in the eyes of Kannosuke, as if time had been suspended, he instantly crossed the several case mountains around him, rushed out of their surroundings, and then came to the rear of the group of case mountains.

Kinosuke maintained a half-kneeling posture, and his hand was still on the short-bladed hilt, as if it had never been drawn out.

Then in the next moment, several cases of Shanshanzi seemed to be popped balloons, bang! boom! boom! He cut off the waist from the waist and turned it into a large piece of mist, which once again merged into the surrounding mist.

And the surroundings are silent, as if gestating new dangers.

Finally, Kanosuke encountered the situation that Zhang Junyun encountered. He could no longer maintain his shape, and his eyes were filled with a serious stand.

Faced with a group of immortal guys, he was already seriously considering whether to run away.

. . .

The battle lasted no more than five minutes, and the case-like mechanical attack of the case had brought great pressure to several people.

"Get away from me!" With Zhang Junyun's scream, a piece of thick mist suddenly became a little thinner.

It was under his full-strength outburst, and he even changed his injuries, forcibly tearing up all the cases around him.

Zhang Junyun's figure appeared in the empty fog. He swallowed heavily, covered with blood. Obviously, in the face of this kind of monster that would not bleed, the source of blood was only one possibility, which was his own.

Rao is a werewolf with a strong self-healing ability. When faced with so many monsters, Zhang Junyun still seems a little powerless.

Although these cases were difficult for Shanzi to kill him for a while, these attacks were still very painful after avoiding the deadly parts. Piercing his shoulders and even muscles, these pains could not be faked.

Zhang Junyun thinks that he has no unbearable endurance, nor is he a masochist. He naturally doesn't want to go on like this endlessly.

But desperately, the thin mist only lasted for only a few seconds, and was once again filled with mirage around it. Then, from the unknown corners around it, we walked out of more mountains.

At this time, these cases were pale, and even some thin and excessive body, in Zhang Junyun's eyes like a demon.

Fortunately, their attacking ability is very weak, and they will only wave wooden racks to hit people. Otherwise, Zhang Junyun will not be able to persevere at all. I am afraid that he will be besieged and die within three minutes.

And these wooden shelves are not crosses at all, but it is the cross-shaped wooden shelves hanging or nailing scarecrows in the farmland, that is, the original hanging mountains.

Case Shanzi can also refer to the scarecrow, because in this area, there is a monster called Case Shanzi, that is, these things in front of him.

Their characteristics and capabilities have been made clear, now. . I just don't know how many.

Zhang Junyun doesn't think he can repel these cases with his own people. The combination of immortality and illusion makes it necessary to pay a painful price to repel them, so there is only one option left, which is to transfer the battlefield.

Or retreat, that is, escape.

Taking advantage of the new wave of case mountains, Zhang Junyun's eyes suddenly flashed red and went straight to the towering big tree five meters away. The sharp pointed claws grabbed the big tree and pressed lightly. , He jumped up two or three meters away.

After a few jumps, Zhang Junyun came to the top of the treetop.

But looking up, the scene below made him feel cold.

The whole mountain, even on the way they came, was all surrounded by phantom fog. The dense phantom fog filled nothing underneath. Zhang Junyun had no doubt that countless cases would be born in it at any time.

And seeing such a scene, he also doubted that these monsters could really be born in just a moment.

Won't it be an illusion?

But even if it is really a fantasy, he has no way to solve it. I am afraid that such a problem can only be given to that wizard.

When Zhang Junyun was stunned, the big tree he was holding was suddenly shocked. He looked down and found that those cases were struggling to wave their scarecrow racks and smashed the tree desperately.

Although it is not an axe and other sharp weapons, this big tree is not a hard thing, and soon it will become a wood chip splash under their chopping, and collapse is only a matter of time.

Talking around, Zhang Junyun leaned down again.

And as he climbed down, the twisted illusion reappeared, almost causing him to fall into the pile of cases.

Zhang Junyun finally caught the big tree again, stabilized the falling body, and then jumped violently. He jumped high from the heads of these cases and fell aside.

Looking at the case Shanzi who came back to these surroundings, he shouted helplessly, "Ango! Vision and hearing, and these two problems of case Shanzi's immortality, can you solve one!"

"Just solve one of them! I will tear them all to pieces!"

"By the way, we have been surrounded, the whole mountain is there, I suspect we are in a illusion now!"

Not far away, a smashing curse paused the recent case where Yi Shanzi re-exploded into mist. He naturally heard Zhang Junyun's rumors.

Although these mirages around slightly interfere with the sight, they cannot completely block the feelings of sight and hearing, otherwise their situation will be more difficult.

Raising his wand, several red lights flashed over, and several surrounding Shanshanzi were blown back into the mist again.

But immediately, more cases came out quietly from the richness, because of the rapid cleaning frequency, the number of cases here is increasing, even more than the other two combined. .

In desperation, Yi Chou could only take another step back to protect Fu Jiang, the two leaned back against a tree, and then Yi Chou stopped these cases.

Yi Chou originally intended Fu Jiang to find a place to hide, but apparently, this method was not appropriate once the dense fog appeared.

Creatures that can move in the fog often have a strong sense of perception, perhaps auditory, visual, or even intuitive.

The cloak that Yi Chao gave to Fujiang was not a true three-reality holy weapon, but an imitation, so it could not perfectly isolate the breath and temperature, or even go through the magic ban.

So once it is self-defeating, it is not good.

Yi Chou didn't want to deal with a group of inexplicable monsters on this side, but he also had to help a large group of Fu Jiang line up, so he could only keep Fu Jiang by his side.

Fortunately, when Fu Jiang's true face was revealed a little bit, she was not as easily scared as she was at first, and she would not be divided because of fear.

Yi Chou even more doubted that the original Fujiang who split up because of fear did not appear because of fear, but because Fujiang himself caused pain for himself.

However, it does not matter now.

Yi Xiao took a step back again, and then bumped into a soft body. Fu Jiang was wearing an invisibility cloak, and he walked closely behind Yi Xiao. Because the activity space was further squeezed, she gently pressed it up. Then he stretched out his hands from Yihou's back and groped in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Yi Huo froze for a moment, then asked with a frown.

"What about the magic book." Fu Jiang rested his head on Yi Chou's chin and sighed slightly in his ear. "As a magician, the magic book must be carried with you."

"It's indeed carried around, but it's not here." Yi Chou struggled uncomfortably. Fu Jiang's hands were cold, and there was no temperature at all.

"Where is that." Fu Jiang chuckled in Yi Chou's ear, "I didn't expect you to be a good person..."

"No... I hid it with magic." The shattering curse in Yi Xuan's hands kept on, and then took the time to respond, "And now is not the time to consider these questions, what the **** are they, how to deal with them."

"The monster gathering place you are looking for is too powerful. Don't be so real in acting. Don't wait for us to solve them. They will solve them for us first."

"Isn't that bad?" Fu Jiang continued to eat and smile.

"Do you want to die here." Yi Huo replied with a sneer.

"I don't think I'm going to die. If you want to run, it's absolutely fine to take me away."

"What about them."

"Who is going to take care of their lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Chou's wand took a slight pause, then turned his head gently, "One of them is my companion. "He said to Fu Jiang who was invisible on his shoulder.

Fu Jiang under the cloak seems to be pouting, feeling quite boring, "Then use magic books, I have not seen your magic, take it out, and then solve them, this is a small problem for you. , I understand."

Yi Xiao took a deep breath, "That magic book is very powerful, but the limitations and costs are also great, even if I can't use it casually."

Fu Jiang under the cloak of invisibility seemed to be stunned. "I didn't expect this." She said, "But if not, I'm afraid we will all die here. I don't want to die. I still want to go to Suzakucho. I I haven’t seen the most prosperous city of this era, do you have the heart to let me die."

It seemed that the last sentence moved Yi Chou, and Yi Chou who was standing in front of Fu Jiang hesitated and then nodded, "Okay." He said, "Then let us solve them."

After a pause, Yi Huo took a deep breath, and then responded loudly to Zhang Junyun, "Be careful, I will solve this **** illusion!"

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