High Magic Earth

Chapter 968: Crossed

I don't know when, Fu Jiang's lips seemed to be painted with bright lipstick, bright red, more gorgeous than the most fascinating rose.

In the woods on both sides, there is a deep dark green, only Fu Jiang, even if she only shows a head, it should be comparable to the most dangerous black hole in the world, with long black hair and bright red lips, people can’t move at a glance Open your eyes.

Fu Jiang, who was comfortably nestled in Yi Huo's arms, couldn't help but yawned with her small mouth covered in her mouth. She seemed to feel a little panicked, and she pinched Yi Huo several times.

Then I thought about it. It seemed unreasonable to use the slender hand under Yi Cloak's cloak to push again, just for fun and venting.

Of course, Fu Jiang never made sense.

Those who reasoned with Fu Jiang were dug and buried by countless Fu Jiangs.

A series of lineups made Yi Xiao couldn't help but bow his head, and the pair of eyes that seemed to be black crystal on the pair of Fujiang River, Yi Xiao felt dizzy for a while, the crystal-like eyes seemed to be able to speak, just one glance, it made people Deep in it, deep and quiet.

Intertwined with her bright red lips, red and black blend together, as if to constitute the most beautiful face in the world.

Thanks to Fu Jiang, I didn't plan to say that my lipstick tastes very good...

Yi Biao quickly raised his head, Fu Jiang's charm was almost everywhere, distributed all the time, he was afraid that he would really fall into it if he was not careful.

As Zhang Junyun said, he didn't know that he had been deceived, which was the most terrible point.

Sure enough, after looking away from the face of Fu Jiang's scourge of the country and the victims, Yi Chou felt much better with dizziness. Of course, it was not really caused by Fu Jiang, but Yi Chang's physical problems.

Although Yi Xiao does not have problems such as low blood sugar and low blood pressure, his body is not much higher than ordinary people. Fortunately, when he is in this world, Yi Xiao often challenges extreme sports, and his body is considered to be strong, plus Dream Island Ranger Work, physical exercise did not fall.

However, if you don't use magical aids, you can't compete with any melee magical creatures simply by your physical strength.

But Rao is so, holding Fu Jiang for a long time, Yi Chou can't help but shake some hands, and Fu Jiang is also very dissatisfied with leaning Yi Chou, if you dare to fall on me, I will split it for you immediately Emoji.

Phantom shift does not actually consume too much physical energy. The main reason for Yi Peng's physical energy consumption is not phantom shift, but the declining temperature.

At this time, Zhang Junyun also happened to come together, "Do you feel the temperature has become cold." He asked in a low voice.

Zhang Junyun and Kanosuke jumped in the woods, and from time to time turned into two shadows, from a distance, it looked like a wandering soul in the forest.

Kinosuke's running is fairly normal, exactly what a ninja looks like when he is on the road, no different from some movies and anime.

But Zhang Junyun is a bit special. As a half-werewolf, he is more suitable for animal running. If it is not that his hands do not grow hair, he can't wait to fall on all fours.

But Rao is so, Zhang Junyun is also leaping forward in a jumping way in the forest at this time, coupled with his tall body and the Tengu phantom left behind, from a distance, it looks like a lick in a biohazard Eater.

"I feel it." Although Zhang Junyun leaned over, Yi Chou didn't stop, but changed from a phantom to a black smoke that enveloped himself and couldn't stop the magic forward.

Although in the world of Harry Potter, the Aurors of the Phoenix Society had almost the same magic white light, and the Death Eaters were all black smoke, but Yi Chou did not find two What is the difference.

And he did not choose the color of the latter deliberately, but a spell modified from the phantom shift shape, which originally used black smoke to cover his body.

This will make the wizard safer in the dark.

As for white light, because it is too dazzling, whether it is day or night, it is a very obvious goal.

Yi Xiao dragged a thick smoke behind him, mixed with Zhang Junyun's phantom, but it had a bit of magical color. Seeing this scene, Zhang Junyun was slightly surprised, "You will have a lot of magic." But then He reverted the problem to the abnormal temperature.

Obviously, Yi Chou also noticed the uneasiness of the sudden drop in temperature, which meant that it was not Zhang Junyun's illusion or illusion.

"I don't want to play like a rpg game stupidly," he said with a wry smile. "Do you have any good solutions."

Kansuke on the side also heard this sentence, because of the experience of several joint battles, it is obvious that the distance between him and the two has been shortened a lot, "What do you mean?" he asked strangely.

"Meaning that there might be a snow girl waiting for us in front." Zhang Junyun rolled his eyes and said, "While moving on, there may be more monsters and resistance."

"Wait a little bit to get past, either become exhausted, or just collect them."

Zhang Junyun's remarks were not polite, but they were also sharply noticed, and Sunosuke was stunned, and he immediately realized the problem.

"So... my wizard, what should we do." Zhang Junyun threw the question to Yi Chou.

On the ground in front of the forest, stars and snowflakes are already faintly visible, and when I continue to look forward, what I see is almost a piece of white flowers, and the snow is closing the mountain. Obviously, Zhang Junyun's worry is not impossible.

"Stop." Yi Huo thought for a while and then whispered.

Wen Yan, the two who had been waiting for this sentence, immediately stopped, Yi Chou put down Fu Jiang in his arms, and then took a handbag-style pocket from the clothes.

"There is a way. If you are careful, you can avoid most of the enemies." Yi Chou pointed to the sky.

"What?" Zhang Junyun asked with some curiosity. "It won't happen that your Animagus can drive three people."

Tampering with the pocket in which the innocent stretch mantra was placed, Yi Xuan was simply too lazy to pay attention to Zhang Junyun's idiot problem, and he took out three flying brooms from them, and then threw them to the two, "Flying broom." He said, "Hope you The balance is strong enough."

Suginosuke's expression was puzzled, obviously Zhang Junyun's expression suddenly realized, "How do I forget this thing, this is one of the hallmarks of the Harry Potter world."

Yi Chou took out several windproof glasses and an invisible cloak and handed it to several people. Zhang Junyun's eyes were a little strange, "You really didn't embarrass our traversers, how many things did you put in."

"It's enough for us anyway."

"Dai Si's fellow..." Zhang Junyun shook his head, obviously regretting her approach to Baoshan and emptying back.

Taking advantage of Zhang Junyun's brief explanation for the role of this thing, Fu Jiang stared at Yi Chou with his eyes, and then quite unreasonably ordered, "What about me?"

She only wears thick and bulky windproof glasses, and she does not have a flying broom, but although the lenses of the glasses are thick, they cannot block her eyes like black crystals, as if they can watch the human heart. Staring at Yi Chou.

"I'm afraid you will fall." Yi Huo said quietly, "I will take you to fly."

Zhang Junyun was carrying a flying broom in his hand. He heard this sentence as soon as he came over. His mouth twitched, and he looked a little stiff and cracked.

"I didn't even ride this thing with Uchinosuke." He said, "If it falls halfway, I'm afraid it will be even worse. It might as well go all the way."

"It won't fall." With regard to such a problem, Yi Biao has always been too lazy to joke, "This is not a flying broom for the Quidditch game. I went to the light wheel flying broom company to formulate a different batch. These, Although the speed is not so fast, it can stabilize the user's body, and even a novice can easily use it."

Fu Jiang immediately squeezed Yi Chou by hand in an invisible place.

Zhang Junyun also nodded. He has faded back from a half-werewolf state. He wears heavy windshields with a rich Gryffindor style on his shoulders, and a mercury cloak on his shoulders. The broom, indeed, has the color of a Quidditch player.

On the contrary, Kanosuke is a little weird. After all, his casual samurai suit does not really match the flying broom, and as the surrounding temperature continues to fall, he has been trembling with freezing.

Putting a warming mantra for Xianzhijie, Zhang Junyun nodded, and then several people stepped on the flying broom at the same time.

Although Yi Biao doesn't like this kind of activity very much, it is not the first time he rides. Compared with other people, he is obviously more proficient.

Originally he also planned to fly directly with Animagus, but Fu Jiang was a big problem. No one dared to take her, and Yi Chou didn't worry about letting herself ride the flying broom.

When he stepped on the broom, Fu Jiang was still reluctant. After sitting up, he realized that the flying broom was not as difficult to sit as he had imagined.

There are many magics on the flying broom, including air cushion magic, which will form an air cushion on the surface of the flying broom, and there is no fixed shape, which is constantly adjusted as the wizard changes.

Otherwise, there will not be such a witch to join the Quidditch movement.

After checking again and getting ready, Yi Chou took out his wand and lightly touched the hound who was standing in place. It immediately began to twist and deform in place, and finally turned into a ball, turning into an eagle with spread wings.

The Yi wand's wand was a little bit again, and the eagle's figure gradually disappeared into the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Junyun was about to ask questions, and Yi Chou extended two fingers, pointed to the lens in front of his eyes, and then pointed to the place where the eagle disappeared.

Putting on an invisibility cloak, Zhang Junyun pulled down his glasses, and found that everything around him was very normal, except that Yisuke Jiesuke and the eagle showed different colors, a colorful purple.

At the next moment, three brooms rose into the sky.

Fuyao flew away.

In fact, whether it is Zhang Junyun or Kanosuke, the control of the flying broom is very good.

Zhang Junyun is relying on his werewolf's powerful self-healing physique. Even if he falls, he will fall into a half-crash and will not die. It is nothing more than a period of rest, so he is very brave and quickly adapts to flying in the air.

Although Kanosuke does not have this ability, he is a protagonist of Koga Ninfa. His talent is very powerful. After a short period of panic, he can quickly control the direction of the broom and become more proficient. .

As the two were skilled in controlling the flying broom, several people's flying speed immediately increased, and within a few breaths, they flew to the snow-capped mountains and sky above Zhang Junyun.

Fearing that there were also flying monsters to snipe, they pulled the height extremely high, and could not see the ground below at all, only to see some vague black spots.

However, Rao is so, Zhang Junyun is still a bit worried, but because he is at a high altitude, he can't open his mouth to speak at all. He can only signal to Yi Chou, pointing his own eyes, and then tapping the ground again.

Yi Chou understood that the next moment, his eyes lost focus and pupils again, and became gray.

Fu Jiang, who was sitting in Yi arrogant arms, turned his head curiously and glared at Yi arrogantly, then narrowed his eyes and sneaked down to look down at the clothes in Yi arrogant arms, but unfortunately there was nothing, not only a magic book, but Even the previous pockets are gone.

Leaving aside his mouth, Yi Chou's eyes began to recover, and Fu Jiang immediately turned back, pretending that nothing had happened.

Yi Chou shook his head at Zhang Junyun, and when he saw it, he rested his mind, and then the three chased the eagle again and flew forward. ...

At the same time, among the snow-capped mountains below, a woman was dressed in white and her skin was pale as snow, as if frozen, sitting on a tree.

But if you look close to yourself, you will find that her head is shaking, and she seems to have fallen asleep.

She would sleep well if she wanted to come, because no one would pass by the snow. ...

Zhang Junyun didn’t know how long he flew, because high altitude and low temperature will make people lose time. This is believed to be a real experience, because if it’s not Yi Nuo's warming mantra, I believe he has been frozen by the high altitude cold current at this time. Popsicles.

Although Zhang Junyun looks very indifferent on the surface, it can also be seen from how long he kept asking Yi Xiaofei how long he is, he is still deeply worried about Miss Tan and Daisy~www.wuxiaspot.com~As for Fujiang However, she seemed a little careless, and kept pouting in places where Zhang Junyun could not see. Yi Chou could even feel that her impatience and discomfort were rising rapidly.

In addition to Fu Jiang's anger value, a huge magic power also appeared in Yi Chou's sensing range.

And not far away, it seems that it is the ultimate destination of the magic of the way ahead.

Countless magic waves are intertwined, which is not only huge, but also very chaotic. If there is no accident, this should be the so-called magical sky, the gathering place of the monster.

But after a careful induction, Yi Chou's mouth slightly sneered. You know, no matter whether it's Tengu or Kanosuke, or the case people who met before, Yi Chou didn't feel a little bit of magic fluctuations in them. Obviously, the two magical creatures of monsters and ninjas have no magical fluctuations.

So what's ahead... what's going on.

Yi Xiao looked at Fu Jiang's white neck, and the arc of the corner of his mouth gradually fell. It seemed that he had caught a big fish, and it seemed that... (~^~)

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