High Magic Earth

Chapter 969: landing

The sky exudes an ominous breath, rainy and rainy, as if always having a shady face, these annoying rains never end.

The sky was originally clear, but as a few people crossed the white snowfield under their feet, the sky suddenly became dark, and there was a drizzle of rain all around, as if stepping into another world.

The cold wind constantly roared on Zhang Junyun's face, and his complexion gradually became serious and anxious from the initial indifferent and casual.

Yi Xiao knew that he was worried about Miss Tan, but he didn't know why. He seemed to be particularly concerned about Tan Qing.

Unfortunately, Yi Chou didn't have much energy to observe the complexity of interpersonal relationships up close, because after he entered the world, the biggest clue seemed to appear.

The chaos that covered half of the world, the chaotic Cthulhu, Fujiang, Sadako, the chaotic age, everything intertwined has long revealed the chaos of this world, and Yi Chou needs to do is from In these confusions, we find really valuable clues.

Fu Jiang and Sadako are two obvious breakthroughs.

The mysterious origin, the same terrible multiplication ability, inexplicable grudges and hostility, Yi Chou was confused for them, but fortunately, all he needed to do was follow the two until the moment when they discovered their flaws, then they could catch Live their horses and pull out more valuable clues.

It's that simple.

What succeeded is that Fu Jiang has not found the most important information Yi Heo concealed until now, that is his true origin and the magic he possessed.

A wizard who is only at the level of Auror and a wizard who is several levels higher than Auror is a completely different concept. The more the wizard is, the more jumped their strength is, and the explosion is almost irregular.

Almost two different worlds.

Maybe Fu Jiang felt that she was confused by Yi Chou, maybe she also realized that Yi Chou was perfunctory, and wanted to pretend to be confused by herself, and to spy more secrets from herself, but for whatever reason, she was Lead the party consciously to a certain place.

Perhaps in Fu Jiang's eyes, it doesn't matter if Yi Chou is not confused by himself. It's just a daring arrogant guy who doesn't know the heights and heights. The place where he will take him to have enough power to clean up him.

It may be the monsters below.

But Fu Jiang did not know that Yi Chou's strength has really changed to the point of changing the height and thickness of the earth.

Sadako’s purpose is obviously the same as that of Fu Jiang. Although she changed her rhetoric, she ultimately wanted Yi Biao to find something.

According to Fu Jiang's description, it is clear that the plains and forests have passed through. The next clue is the river of steel. So where is it? Seriously, Yi Chou doesn't hate decryption, but he hates decryption with no logic at all.

Suddenly, a figure stopped in front of Yi Chou, and then reflected a large shadow on his goggles.

He looked up and saw Zhang Junyun gesturing in front of him, as if to express something.

"Ten minutes, rest assured, we are not in the illusion...Look at that!" Zhang Junyun has asked this question more than ten times during this time. By now, Yi Chou's reaction was almost exactly the same as that of Fu Jiang.

Rolling his eyes, Zhang Junyun had already cared about two issues that he cared about. First, how long did he fly, and second, whether they had strayed into another new illusion.

Zhang Junyun can't communicate while continuing to fly, but Yi Biao's magic can be, and the loud anti-curse, just can accurately transmit the sound to someone's ear, but after a dozen times, Yi Biao is also a little bored.

But this time... it seems a bit different.

Yi Chou's cries came from his ears, and Zhang Junyun immediately turned his head to look, and what he saw was a large cloud overcast, like a locust disaster.

Zhang Junyun was immediately scared out of a cold sweat, almost failing to grasp the handle of the flying broom and planted it from above.

"Fuck! (Damn), there is no intensive phobia." Zhang Junyun murmured vaguely in the face of the strong wind.

At the next moment, the sound of Yi Chou's ear came to him at the same time, "Don't make a sound, lower the broom, and slowly move closer to me."

The flying broom is very fast. During Zhang Junyun's stunned time, the three of them were very close to this large cloud in the sky. Even if there was no reminder, Susuke had noticed the behemoth on his head.

This is the countless black wandering souls, like the jellyfish floating in the sky, in the ethereal, with a trace of dead silence.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to find three people wearing cloaks, so Zhang Junyun and Kanosuke immediately approached here after hearing Yi Chou's magic transmission.

The windshields that Yi Xiao gave them can be marked with each other's figure, and it is not difficult to find them.

After the two of them came close together, Yi Xiao reached out his left and right hands, and had not waited for the loss of the embracing Fujiang, the air where the three were in was momentarily distorted. At the next moment, they had already passed this piece of innumerable swims The dark clouds covered by the soul burst into their interior.

At this moment, it seemed that the wandering cloud that was hovering in the air sensed something. There was a short pause. In a flash, even the sky was still, but immediately, they found nothing useful, so soon this piece The circling cloud again returned to its original state.

It seems that the three people's discomfort with forced phantom dislocation has long been expected. The speed of Yi Biao's broom deliberately lowered and the height at which they were located. When the three appeared again, they were swooping over a small forest and gradually descending.

Sure enough, Kanosuke and Zhang Junyun sat on the broom and shook it, as if the control was unstable, and immediately planted into the forest below.

"Boom! Boom!"

Fortunately, the broom was only five or six meters above the ground. After falling from the broom, the two fell to the ground, making two loud noises, and set off a dusty sky. Place on the ground.

But she seemed to be deliberately unable to get along with Yi Chou, and she had already endured to the ground, but after standing firm, she grabbed Yi Chou's arm, supported his body, and wowed to the hem of his garb.

Yi Chou's mouth twitched, then waved his wand to clean up the filth.

Fu Jiang leaned his head and put on a dizzy look, leaning weakly on Yi Chou, but he still saw a flash of cunning and triumph in Fu Jiang's eyes.

Silently keeping this account in his heart, Yi Chou walked to the location of Zhang Junyun and Xuan Zhijie.

"How do you feel?" he asked in a low voice.

"It's not good at all." Zhang Junyun stood up the trunk, his physical strength was strong, and he was very resistant to bad conditions. The sequelae of the original phantom shift was not a big problem. Within a few breaths, he was already All recovered, "I don't want to try anymore." But Zhang Junyun said with lingering fear.

"Right, where are we? The eagle?"

Although it has just been alleviated, Zhang Junyun has thrown out one problem after another. Yi Chou can see the worry in his eyes. Obviously, he cares about Miss Tan more than his own.

"Magic tracing is over." Yi Xiao hurried to the broom that fell on the ground after hitting the tree. "This means we have reached our destination."

"Is it." Wen Yan, Zhang Junyun's eyes were slightly yellow, "The next words, we only need to find those **** monsters, and then rescue them, I hope they have time..."

He moved his body a bit and his tall body began to skyrocket.

But at this time, Suginosuke next to him suddenly said with a wry smile, "I don't think... I have to look for it anymore." He was standing still in a very weird posture, looking very strange.

"Wh..." Zhang Junyun's heart tightened, and his eyes glowed with red light instantly, but it was too late, and at the next moment, a cold touch on his neck.

At the same time, Yi Chou walking towards the flying broom also stopped. He stood on the spot as if imprisoned there by something invisible.

Zhang Junyun's heart immediately cooled down. Sure enough, in the next moment, countless figures appeared in the woods around several people, densely packed, like countless ghosts. ...


There are countless torches in the surrounding woods, the stars are shining, as if to illuminate the entire night sky, I don’t know whether it is because of time, or because of the special environment here, at this time the darkness has fallen, and the night is like an endless ocean. , Wrapped in a few people.

Several obscure figures appeared beside Yi Chou and others. These guys seemed to have no weight, and they could be suspended in midair indifferently, carrying out unexpected attacks from various angles that ordinary people could not reach.

And their hands are holding several daggers at this time, and without exception, all point to the deadly vital position such as the throat of Yi Xiao and others.

Even Fujiang stood beside several monsters, they wore different masks and could not see their faces clearly.

However, it can be seen from their clothing, one or two, traditional kimono, almost all women, it is really strange.

Zhang Junyun's face went dark, his body relaxed, and it seemed that he gave up resistance under the threat of a dagger, but Yi Chou knew that this was a precursor to the werewolf's full outburst.

Most of those werewolves in Junlin are like this.

Like a safari on the grassland, lurking silently around you, you can’t even feel them, and only at the moment they explode with full force, you will smell the killing breath, but at the same time, it is also death Advent moment.

However, Yi Chou did not think that Zhang Junyun, or their group, had a chance of winning in this case.

Of course, it is under the premise that Yi Chao continues to pretend to be a piece of wood.

So he had to interrupt him aloud, "If I were you, it would be a little farther away from that guy." Yi Chou snarled at the monsters beside Fu Jiang.

It's a pity that he wasn't friendly to his answer. Yi Chou felt that a roar came from behind him, almost instinctively, with a golden shield condensed on his back.

But at the next moment, Yi Chou realized that he was very close to the clue. At this time, the best way is to keep everything unchanged, wait for the moment when the clue reveals itself, and then really grasp it.

So in the blink of an eye, the magic shield dissipated from Yi Chou's back again, and the whole process didn't even reach half a second. There were no creatures on the scene that found the anomaly.


After a moment, the expected blow came as expected.

The protective spell hidden under the robes absorbed most of the impact, but Yi Chou shuffled forward and spit out blood.

"Ango!" Zhang Junyun shouted next to him, but the dagger at his neck was immediately lifted up with force.

"I hope the result is worth my hard work." Yi Chou shook his head slightly at Zhang Junyun, and then underestimated in his heart.

At the same time, the crow that has been following Yi Chou also flew into this forest, and then fell silently to the highest point in the field, because its characteristics will make people ignore it, and almost no one has found this creature. 's arrival

The ghost crow opened his eyes, and Yi Chou immediately saw through it who was attacking himself behind him.

Case Shanzi.

It didn't die.

In other words, it may not have died, and those cases that were expelled by Yi Huo do not have its body, or it may be another new case.

But in any case, it is using a thin and delicate body, carrying a huge cross wooden frame, and then pressing heavily on Yi's back.

It may be the relationship between Yi Chou's defense of magic, or it may be the fleeting magic shield before. This case Shanzi seems to perceive something. Its attack seems to be not quite right, but it can't say anything, and there is something wrong.

So he grabbed his head with pale, slender hands, and Shan Shanzi waved a huge wooden cross with difficulty, preparing to give Yi Chou a look for a feel.

Yi Chou's mouth twitched a little, and he didn't know whether he should resist again or make other resistance.

But at the next moment, a voice stopped it.

"Stop, Shanzi Ji."

This is an ethereal voice, coming from the side of Yi Chou, but it seems to surround the entire forest and mountains. Her penetration is very strong, like a cloud of smoke, but it is not so smart, but contains Rich arrogance, like a queen sitting high on the throne.

Yi Xiao turned his head around pretending to be strenuous and saw a slender figure wearing a Shura mask.

"Why should I stay away from her." The voice continued to ask.

"Fujiang has a magical power that can drive people crazy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will make everyone close to her inadvertently fall in love with her, and finally crazy to want to kill her." Yi Xuan turned his head to look at this figure Say, "If you don't want to kill her, let your people stay away from her."

"Why don't I want to kill her."

"Because she is a monster."

This figure slowly walked in front of Yi Huo, and then looked down at him from a condescending position. "You have some points to be right. She does have this ability. She is indeed a monster, but...we are too."

"No one needs to leave her, because there are no humans except for a few of you, and the monster is not affected by her."

Hearing his words, Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, but did not speak.

Not far away, Fu Jiang looked over strugglingly. His eyes were full of confusion and helplessness, very real, and Yi Chou also gave her a steady look, let her gradually calm down.

At the next moment, the voice rang again, appeared in Yi Biao's ear, and was almost everywhere. "Yes, I am the **** here, you can call me God Ji." She said with a chuckle. (~^~)

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