High Magic Earth

Chapter 970: 2nd

"Shen Ling Ji..." Yi Xuan murmured and repeated, as if he had chewed so slowly, he could taste something different.

The owner of the evil spirit mask seemed to be very satisfied with Yi Chou's attitude.

The eyes are the windows of the soul. A wizard can see many things through his eyes, but there is no space for his eyes on this mask. Yi Chou can’t find this window, and don’t know how this guy usually looks Road.

The strange monsters next to them still hold Fu Jiang, but they had put down their daggers and turned her arms behind her.

Only Yi Chou noticed another point in this situation, Fu Jiang did not split.

You should know that no matter whether it is pain or fear, Fu Jiang will involuntarily split, at least she told Yi Chou, but at this time she did not.

So either she is not afraid or painful at all, and she is a gang with these monsters, or... her split can be controlled to some extent by herself.

However, Yi Chou didn't have much energy to think about Fu Jiang's careful thinking at this time, because the **** in front of him... was already the second real **** he encountered.

If her identity is really what she said.

"You know, you are already the second guy I met who claimed to be a god. The last time I was in New York, a guy called the Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of War, and did you know her final ending, she was I am sealed in a slate."

"For the name alone, you don't seem to be as imposing as she sounds, or you still have no great titles to tell us."

As Yi Chao expected, Zhang Junyun's eyebrows were raised fiercely in his eyes. As a free man, he couldn't not know who the goddess of war and wisdom was, Athena.

And Zhang Junyun did as Yi Yi thought, the first time to capture the key points in Yi Huo's discourse, he once fought with God, and finally sealed a god.

Whether it is a frontal battle or some conspiracy or something, but the end result is that God is sealed and Yi Chou is still alive.

This has reached the level of the war of gods. It doesn't matter if Yi Chou uses mean means or traps in it, because no one can participate in the war of gods.

Yi Chou's real strength is higher than he expected, or even much higher, which means that even in the face of this situation, they are not impossible to overturn.

Zhang Junyun gradually calmed down, and the restlessness in his heart slowly disappeared. "This kid..." He looked at Yi Chou's face with some helplessness.

This self-proclaimed Angomaka, who joined in halfway, was very mysterious. From the beginning, Zhang Junyun felt a dangerous breath faintly on him.

The instincts of the beast are often very sharp, especially... his blood werewolf is still inherited and the most special kind of werewolf.

Only in the process of getting along later, this breath gradually disappeared. He never felt the hidden danger from Yi Chou, but Zhang Junyun never felt that Yi Chou was harmless to humans and animals. Strong, hidden to very weak existence, often more terrible.

In fact, Zhang Junyun's cautiousness is far beyond everyone's imagination, and what he does with his cautious companions is often timid.

Although he acquired the power of a werewolf, he was more desperate than anyone else, especially the Second World was not as dangerous as the main **** and Trojan room and reincarnation space in the novel, so Zhang Junyun was reluctant to change anything.

He is a person who is at ease with the status quo, and it is even worse, so-called no pursuit, but fortunately there is pressure from the outside world, and two modern organizations are looking for them, which makes Zhang Junyun reluctantly continue to move forward.

But even so, he prefers to follow the plot and quietly complete his tasks.

This time, he didn't want to leave Jiahe with Yi Chou. He could really do it, but it was a pity that Tan Qing finally shaken his decision.

Because Zhang Junyun found out that he seemed to like the girl who had just met. Of course, he didn't know whether he liked it or not, maybe or not.

But in any case, he didn't want to leave her for the time being, just because he wanted to find out whether he was in love with Tan Qing, so Zhang Junyun decided to leave Jiahe together.

Unexpectedly, the first time he left the protection of the plot, he encountered an almost mortal situation. Zhang Junyun was afraid of death, so he never lacked the courage to fight hard. If he did so, he could survive.

Unexpectedly, this newly-added partner hides deeper than he thought, and has even reached the level of fighting against God.

This should belong to the top fighting force among the rebels, Zhang Junyun is not clear.

I don’t know who he is more powerful than the **** who claims to be the **** Ji, but as long as he can break the situation, Zhang Junyun will have the confidence to survive.

Just don't know...Athena, New York? When did Athena appear in New York, and what is the ghost plot of the movie.

"Mad... I hate derivative scripts that don't know the plot, it's so uncontrollable..."

Zhang Junyun lowered his head, took a sip, and whispered, but his complaint was not over, he was suspended in front of the monster, a slender arm stuck the dagger to his neck, almost soaking Bleeding wire.

In desperation, Zhang Junyun only laughed, and at the same time meticulously recorded it in his heart, "If that guy can really turn...I want you to look good." But at this time, he can only please. In front of these petite monsters who can ignore gravity.

Zhang Junyun's psychological activity is exactly what Yi Chou expected, and he did not want to turn his face with these monsters at this time.

So appeasing Zhang Junyun is also a must, otherwise Yi Chou will not say this in front of God Ji, because even a good-tempered **** who hears such face-to-face provocation will be furious.

Sure enough, the goddess Ji who was a good lady at the previous moment seemed to have her eyebrows upright at the next moment. Of course, because of the mask of evil spirits, Yi Chou could not really see it, it was just a feeling.

"You dare to disrespect me!" God Ji lowered his voice. At this moment, the air was as cold as the cold wind blowing from the depths of the Nine Nether.

"No... I'm just telling you a fact." Yi Huo replied calmly.

God Ji seemed very angry, and the vicious mask of evil spirits slowly approached with full of oppression, but Yi Biao's eyes still did not have much fear.

At the next moment, God Ji suddenly retreated, and at the same time, Susuke's scream suddenly came next to him.

"Ah!" The scream was very short. It sounded like something was blocked in the second half of the sentence. Yi Biao turned around quickly and saw that the two arms of Kanosuke had been severely torn off, and one of them The monster floating in the air is putting his mask in front of his face to prevent him from making a sound.

"Because of your rudeness, your companions will lose their arms forever. Onmyoji, this is your fault." God Ji's voice suddenly calmed down, without anger and happiness.

Yi Xiao's face was slightly heavy, but she was not angry because of God Ji's approach. She made a mistake. Yi Xiao, who has the power of silver tongue, is no less than a **** in a sense. With only one head left, he can also save the life of Kanosuke.

And even if Yi Biao cannot save Susuke, I am afraid that his character will not miss him for a second.

It was Zhang Junyun, but he calmed down a little bit, and he was a little excited again, "You fucking...!"


He has a very good relationship with Kanosuke. Although one is a free man and the other is an aboriginal from the Edo period, Zhang Junyun’s passionate personality charm made him quickly establish a friendship with Konosuke. He was ripped off his arms, and of course he was out of anger.

Unfortunately, before his roar was finished, he was interrupted by the suspended monsters who controlled him.

A floating monster didn't know which corner came out, suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Junyun, and then stretched out his slender right leg backwards, the body twisted, and suddenly a round kick kicked on Zhang Junyun's face.

The clogs rubbed his cheeks fiercely, and even pushed Zhang Junyun back two steps.

After staggering for two steps, Zhang Junyun stood and spit out a **** saliva. He stared at the monster in front of him, grinning, whispering, "So I hate scripts that are not in the plot, I will Tear you, trust me..."

As if aftertaste, Zhang Junyun hesitated and whispered again, "Mad, why did you have the safety pants in the Edo period..."

When the petite levitating monster stunned, it immediately became as if it was a rage. The dagger in its hands danced like a butterfly, but it was not as beautiful as the butterfly flying, but it was extremely dangerous. It instantly penetrated Zhang Junyun's face, Tie his two cheeks across a pair.

"Then I'll rip your mouth first!" The suspended monster seemed to growl under the mask, groaning at Zhang Junyun with small beasts.

Seeing this scene, Yi Chou next to him immediately stopped, "Stop it! You will kill him!"

At the next moment, even Yi Xuan didn't see how Shen Ji Ji moved. She instantly came to Yi Xiao, pinched Yi Xiao's chin, and said softly.

"Relax, I know it won't kill him, his wounds heal very quickly. You think we haven't seen anything along the way, don't you know anything."

Yi Biao immediately said nothing. Obviously, these monsters knew everything about them and knew them well, so either these monsters were monitoring them all the way, or there was someone... able to communicate with these monsters.

But Yi Xiao pretended not to think about this, and did not look to Fu Jiang, but continued to gaze calmly at the **** Ji in front of him, and then remained silent.

Fortunately, God Ji didn't seem to want to torture a few people. She waved her hand and stopped the suspended demon behind.

"Stop it, Fu Ji."

At this time, Zhang Junyun's two cheeks had been pierced and bleeding. Although he would not die immediately, severe pain was unavoidable, and even with Zhang Junyun's ability to recover, he would like to heal himself slowly. I am afraid It also takes more than half a month.

Not far away, Kanosuke had already passed out and was thrown to the ground, but his wound was frozen by a thin layer of ice mist, but he would not die because of blood loss.

Looking at Yi Chou's calm face, Shen Ji suddenly stepped forward, and through the mask of evil spirits, Yi Chou could even feel the discomfort and the chill she exuded from her.

A pair of cold arms appeared in Yi Chou's heart position, and he used some sharp weapon to traverse the surface of his skin, and then gradually spread down.

Looking at Yi Chou's changing face, God Ji suddenly chuckled, "I thought, you don't care about anything."

The cold sharp tool slowly faded, but Yi Chou's face was still ugly. "What are you going to do." He asked in a low voice with a hoarse voice.

God Ji seemed to once again restore the feeling of being taller than before. His eyes across the mask seemed to be indifferent to life and death, and his voice was calm, "This is not a place to speak,"

"take away!"

A case mountain came out of the shadows and mists of the woods, swinging a huge wooden frame with difficulty, waving hard, and smashing it into Yi Chou's head.

But just before the wooden frame fell, Yi Chou suddenly felt a tingling in his head, as if there was something like depriving him of hearing.

In a trance, the defense magic works autonomously, leaving a small gap for Yi Chou's ears.

Then immediately, he heard God Ji Ji growling slightly angry, "Stop! Er Ji!"

In the obscurity, Yi Chou seemed to see a monster with only one eye and one ear. She held the dagger. The remaining one-eyed seemed to contain tears, and was desperately rushing towards herself, but was Suddenly appearing suspended monsters easily rotten in the middle.

Some eyes are familiar... Yi Chou strangely thought that the next moment, the physical coma spell of Case Shanzi fell as scheduled, and Yi Chou also closed his eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

Then in the dark~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He seemed to hear the strange whisper of the case Shanzi vaguely, "It's strange, usually need to hit a few times..."

Yi Chou's mouth twitched, and at last he pretended to be a piece of wood and heard nothing.

The two cases of Shanzi clamped Yi Xuan from left to right, they saw the broken wooden cross behind them as a treasure, and lifted up Yi Xuan's arm with difficulty. At the next moment, Yi Xuan felt his body was dragged. Move forward.

Bringing his spirit to peace, completely disguising himself as a coma, Yi Chou shifted the source of his vision to the body of the ghost crow, controlling the ghost crow. He spread his wings and began to flutter forward.

He quickly found Zhang Junyun and Xuanzhijie in the team. Zhang Junyun was also stunned by Case Shanzi. At this time, just like himself, he was dragged forward, and his cheeks were still dripping with blood.

As for Kanosuke, he had been comatose because of severe pain and blood loss, and he did not wake up at this time.

At the next moment, Yi Chou suddenly raised his height, hiding the figure of the ghost crow in the sky above the forest. (To be continued.)

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