High Magic Earth

Chapter 971: Search

Although the ghost crow has characteristics that can make any creature ignore it, it will not be discovered at all, but Yi Chou still instinctively hides himself.

The Green Prophet's magic is not so perfect. Although it can drive animals, it is not as free as they were. It is more like a human being covered with an animal's skin.

And the ghost crow is not completely undetectable. Its characteristics make it very rare for creatures to see it head-on, because when the eyes look at the ghost crow, they will always slip inadvertently.

Even if it has other special detection methods such as thermal induction, it will accidentally ignore the ghost crow when it is found by thermal imaging.

But there is still a way to spot ghost crows.

That is a conscious search on a large scale.

Regardless of whether or not you know that the ghost crow is hidden in this area, but as long as you use a wide range of scanning or reconnaissance capabilities, the ghost crow's figure will immediately disappear.

Being overlooked is a very wonderful psychological phenomenon.

It’s like something you clearly remember, but at a certain time, you suddenly can’t remember it, and it’s the same for neglect. The ghost crow is standing not far away, but any creature will hit it in front of it, inadvertently. Ignore it from the past.

Very wonderful, this is the innate talent of the ghost crow. Of course, it is also useless for some creatures. For example, Yi Chou, a person with very strong mental and memory ability, can perfectly reproduce his mind. Any memory, anything seen by the eyes, even if there is no response at the time, can be recalled later.

In this way, traces of ghost crows will be found.

So Bryan who took nzt always looked up, and found that the crows in the sky were circling around. They were not all ordinary crows, but also a lot of ghost crows. nzt allowed Bryan to use his brain perfectly. Each cell calls its own memory, and he can capture the figure of the ghost crow.

And once the existence of the ghost crow is punctured, then the neglected nature will immediately vanish into nothingness. In this way, the original force can see the existence of the ghost crow.

This is also the reason why large-scale investigations will find ghost crows.

Because no matter whether the investigator knows the ghost crow or not, the existence of the ghost crow is real. As long as you have a firm thought, you can immediately exclude the ghost crow.

Therefore, this magical creature is only suitable for sneaky surveillance, not for positive infiltration.

Fortunately, it can be regarded as the largest flying magic creature in the fantasy island community. Even if it is part of the death, it will recover quickly.

And Yi Biao suspects that there are far more ghost crows on the Neverland than he saw, because this thing is easily overlooked, maybe Yi Biao missed hundreds when counting. .

In addition to the customs and customs on the Neverland, Yi Chou raised the height of the ghost crow, and his vision immediately widened, following the team, and almost panoramic views of the forest and mountains below.

The densely packed two teams, like a group of migrating ants, can't hold each other forward.

The gathered monsters gathered in the forest into two black torrents, looked down from the sky, and counted almost hundreds of them.

And not every monster has the ability to night vision, so the team is still mixed with a considerable number of torches, the red torches spread, like a burning dragon wrapped around the sides of the team.

The front of the team showed an awl shape, and the ghost crow lowered the height, and immediately saw the person at the front. It was the **** Ji with a mask of evil spirits. Both torrential teams followed her, no A monster dares to cross her.

And directly behind Shen Ji, there are three unconscious Yi Chou, who were dragged forward by the Shan Shanzi with their arms, dragging them forward and following behind Shen Ji.

Yi Xiao noticed that although there are many monsters, there are not many types. Most of them are shaking hands and some dull and slow cases. They carry a huge cross wooden frame on their backs, accounting for almost half of the monsters. .

Of the remaining monsters, more than half are the floating monsters, that is, the floating girl in the mouth of the **** Ji. They are very petite, but they are very flexible, and can float around regardless of gravity.

They seem to also have the ability to blink and shift and stealth for a short time, but it seems that not every Fu Ji has it. Yi Chou controls the Grow only to see three or two in so many kinds. It seems that this ability is among the Fu Ji Is also very rare.

Of course, the remaining monsters are those that only exist in the legend, or seem very strange.

For example, no one dared to come close within ten meters of the body, covered with snow, and the snow girl who exudes cold, and wearing a small straw hat, tall, almost close to three meters and eight feet, and those who are hidden from time to time, or Shen The ghosts in the underground.

Yi Chou is very skeptical that from time to time the monsters of the entire Edo period have gathered here.

Hundreds of monsters, even if this is just an island country, they are not densely distributed, but similarly, this era is also an era of scarce monsters, completely unlike the most prosperous night scene of the ghosts in the Heian era. Hundreds The number of monsters is enough to support the stories and legends spread throughout the Edo period.

"This kind of feeling is really bad." Yi Huo sucked his mouth and squawked silently, even if there was a sound, the creatures heard would subconsciously ignore the crow's cry, "Reminds me in the forest The battle with Morocco..."

It was a supernatural battle in the world of Guillotine Valley, except that the trapped protagonists changed from Icarbo Declan and Abigail and the witch Katerina into three of them and Zhang Junyun and Kanosuke.

They are all forests, they are all controlled, and they are all moving forward involuntarily.

Yi Biao slightly lowered his body and quickly skipped a cumulonimbus, but at this time, he suddenly felt a tingling scratch from his chest.

Instinctively bowed his head, but what he saw was nothing but the strange color feathers of the ghost crow, but Yi Chou woke up the next moment, but it was too late.


A severe pain came from directly in front of Yi Chou, spreading along the chest and spreading all over the body, like a wave-like vibration and diffusion, as if to shake off his entire body, and even let the blood ooze from the corners of his mouth.

This is not a tickling tingle like before, but a real attack.

Yi Xiao has understood that the previous sting was not a problem with the ghost crow, but originated from the body. If there is no accident, it is a reminder of Sadako. As for the latter, it should be a monster attack.

I just don’t know why they attack their theoretically comatose human being.

"Spirit Lord, this guy doesn't know what is hidden in it, it smells like ours!"

As soon as Yi Xiao opened his eyes, he saw a pair of shiny eyes glaring at himself, and no surprise, he still had a mask on his face, but this time Yi Xuan couldn't see what it was.

This monster is not Fu Ji, but another kind of little monster. It is also petite and seems to be a woman. She is wearing a kimono dress that is shorter than her body. She is squatting on her sleeves and trousers. Body.

For a second, Yi Huo adapted to recover from the ghost crow to the human perspective. It turned out that he was being kicked to the ground at this time. The monster was squatting on his chest, and the clogs on his feet were not polite. Stepping on myself, and occasionally rubbing twice on the white and blue clothes.

And a sharp long knife was stuck in the soil against his ears. The monster was holding the long knife, and the clogs on his feet stepped on his chest, watching with the cold and curious eyes hidden behind the mask. Hold yourself.

Yi Biao could even feel the chills coming from his ears, and it was mixed with a little warmth, probably bleeding already.

"Dao Ji, come down." At this time, the soft voice of the **** Ji came from the side.

I saw the boring monster squatting on Yi Chou's boring mouth. It seemed that even the mask he was wearing moved with its movements. At the next moment, his feet slammed hard and his body rose into the air. .

The whole demon turned upside down in mid-air and fell to the ground not far away. The long knife was also pulled out with its movement, lifting a little dust on the ground and hitting Yi Yi Face.

And Yi Xuan murmured a little. This guy didn't feel well about himself as a stepping stone. Yi Xuan felt his bones were all broken.

Before waiting for Yi Xuan to take a breath, an invisible force grabbed him from the ground. Yi Xiao stood and faced with God Ji, and then watched her walk in front of herself.

"You haven't been in a coma just now, have you." She came to Yi Chou, her head slightly tilted, and asked softly.

Yi Xiao couldn’t figure out what medicine was sold in her gourd, but presumably from the previous series of events, they had already figured out that they were pretending to be dizzy, and it was meaningless to hide it, so they nodded, "Yes "" he replied.

"So, you are deceiving me." God Ji's voice grew softer, and he did not wait for Yi Chou to respond. He said softly again, as if talking to himself, "Then you know... deceive a **** The price to pay?"

Yi Ao was a little dazed by the sudden tenderness of God Ji, but the style of God Ji suddenly changed suddenly in the next moment.

"You will live forever and suffer forever! You will never be able to see the one you love!" Shen Jiji whispered to Yi Chou, the voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, and then immediately, she seemed to speak again He muttered to himself, "No, no, no...you will never feel love, no one will love you, no one will remember you!"

As he said, God Ji suddenly seemed to yell at Yi Chou suddenly, "You will not be able to leave any trace in this world! I will shut you down in Baqi's stomach!"

At this moment, the sky seemed to tremble with the roar of the **** Ji, and the night in the clear blue sky instantly became clouded, even as if faintly accompanied by the roar of thunder, the surrounding air suddenly fell, and the entire forest seemed to be covered. The cold layer of frost is general.

Now, Yi Chou does believe that this guy in front of him may be the **** of this place.

But... is she schizophrenic?

Why was it good for the first moment, and suddenly angered at the next moment.

It was just Yi Chou being careful. When looking at the monsters around, they found that although they were also shivering because of the wrath of God Ji, they were not too surprised and seemed to be accustomed to it.

It seems that God Ji is already like this.

Sure enough, the crazy nature of women, even if they become gods, it is difficult to change.

At the next moment, Shen Ji Ji suddenly recovered, she sorted out her clothes, then patted Yi Chou’s collar, and said to him calmly, "Give me the hidden things and release our companions from the inside. , I can give you a happy death."

Yi Biao finally couldn't help it, "Are you crazy?" he said in surprise.

God Ji took a step back and once again assumed a predominant position, "Don't challenge me again and again, Onmyoji, I don't have much patience."

Yi Xuan did not speak, but looked slightly around, because the **** Ji stopped, all the monsters and large troops that followed followed stopped, and Zhang Junyun was not far away from himself, guarded by several cases.

There was still blood flowing on his face, the gruesome wound looked a little shocking, and his spirit was a little weak.

Shinnosuke is still in a coma, and Yi Noo is not surprised at all. After receiving such a serious injury, he is completely an ordinary person. Yi Noo is even more worried that he will die in a deep sleep like this.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Chou shook his head slowly at the **** Ji, "I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't hide anything."

Just before God Ji dismissed his denial, Yi Chou suddenly felt that the video tape hidden in the shadow was uncontrollable again, and Sadako’s cold little hand stretched out from inside, using sharp nails in Yi Chou’s Suddenly struck the chest a few times, and then quickly retracted back.

Yi Chou froze for a moment, then looked up at God Ji and opened his eyes in front of a **** to speak nonsense. It was definitely a deadly act.

Sure enough, the next moment, Shenji Ji gave an angry roar, and immediately angered, she almost instantly flashed in front of Yi Chou, the movement was so fast that even Yi Chou didn't catch it at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dare to cheat me again! And it is a deception that totally ignores my existence! Do you treat me like a fool! "

Divine Spirit Ji stretched out her hands, exuding a bright purple light between them, she suddenly inserted the nails of both hands into the muscles of Yi Chou's chest, and did not hesitate to the left and right.

"Where did you hide it!"

Along with the blood splatter, the **** Ji screamed loudly. She seemed to be crazy, tearing Yi Chou's muscles, but although it looked bloody, it was not fatal. She didn't seem to intend to tear Yi Chou in half, just crazy Yes, one by one tears the superficial tendon of Yi Chao muscle.

"Where is it hidden, where is it, where do you hide it!"

God Ji fluttered on Yi Xiao's chest, and blood spattered wildly with her movements, like a **** feast of killing. Yi Xiao's expression was a bit dull and seemed to be scared and stupid.

But on the other side, Zhang Junyun, who witnessed the whole process, had his eyes glowing yellow, and there was a hint of deep scarlet in the yellow animal eyes. (To be continued.)

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