High Magic Earth

Chapter 972: the reason

The blood splatter, the thick **** smell, seems to be mixed with a smell of rust in the air. At this time, the **** Ji is like an incarnation for the most skilled surgeon, tearing the most subtle in Yi chest. Tendon.

A lot of blood seems to be sprayed out without money, and the pain is also turbulent like a tide, but it will not cause fatal injuries. Of course, the premise is that Yi Huo will not die because of excessive blood loss.

Yi Chou didn't utter a cry, not even muffling, so he bowed his head so blankly, as if fainting.

In the darkness, only the torches in the hands of the surrounding monsters were crackling and burning, intertwined with the subtle sound of the mooring blood splashing on the ground, as if to form a silent and bizarre symphony.

The monsters were quietly surrounded. They stood silently, looking at the crazy **** Ji in the field, blood swaying around with her restlessness, making everything in this darkness like some kind of evil ritual from **** .

But the bloodshot eyes in Zhang Junyun's eyes were getting red and red.

He believes that this guy may have the power to make a comeback, but he doesn’t believe that Yi Chang, who was re-invented as such, can still survive. In Zhang Junyun’s eyes, it was Yi Xiao who was caught off guard by God Ji, and he didn’t even have time to react. The whole person has been torn apart.

After all, the wizard seems to need time to release the magic, especially the more powerful the magic, the longer it takes to prepare.

Zhang Junyun decided to break this stalemate, at least to take Yi Biao from the **** Ji Ji, I believe he must have one or two hands for life-saving means, after all, this is a wizard known for his magic.

The Shanshanzi beside them seemed to notice Zhang Junyun's changes, but without the orders of God Ji, they did not dare to kill the threat in the bud in advance, and could only hold the wooden shelf in their hands nervously.

But unexpectedly, it was God Ji himself who broke the deadlock, because at the next moment, she suddenly stopped.

"His..." Yi Chou also made a slight, air-like sound. He raised his head, his eyes were indifferent without focus.

Shen Jiji is also full of satisfaction. She lifted her head from Yi Xue's blood-filled garb. She stretched her hands and rubbed her nose under the mask. It seemed to sniff hard, and then again He said softly, "Yamuki, come and treat him."

Wen Yan, a little girl with greenish luster and fireflies, walked out of the line, with a goldfish mask on her face, and her height reached Yi Yi's legs.

I don't know why, Yi Biao suddenly changed the previous Mu Ran, the kind of cooperation that these monsters said is what, but instead looked up with interest and looked at Shan Mu Ji very interestingly.

It's like Yi Chou's sudden change from an internal response to obedience and cooperation, to a hard bone that would rather die.

With blood on his face, Yi Chou took his head, staring straight at Shan Mu Ji, and surprised the seemingly kid monster.

Shenji Ji also noticed the change of Yi Chao, but just secretly pouted, Sure enough, Onmyoji is a guy who is bullying and hard.

Yamaki said he was scared and stared at by a guy with blood on his face who looked a bit daunting, making him the little monster Alexander who was born out of the grass and trees in the forest and loved peace.

However, under the orders of Divine Spirit Ji, he still bite the bullet and healed Yi Chou.

However, I have to say that the healing effect of Shanmuji is very good. The wound was almost torn by the **** Jiji. Under its treatment, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the huge wound shrank in a few breaths. Almost gone.

"Very good ability." Yi Xiao stared at Shan Muji's mask and said hoarsely, "Little guy."

Shan Muji's body shook involuntarily, feeling that he seemed to have completed the task given by the **** Ji, so he quickly ran over again, shrunk behind a monster with a strange stripe drawn on the mask, and the mask demon felt Shan Muji's fear was staring at Yi Chou very badly, almost from the back of the mask.

And Shen Jiji thought she hadn’t seen Yi Xiao’s interesting little interactions with her men. She took a step forward, then stared at him indifferently than Yi Huo, “Is this your ability, Yin Yang Master, bullying than you Weak presence."

"That's not..." Yi Chou shook his head, his tone slow.

Before he finished, Divine Spirit Ji interrupted politely, "Since you refuse to tell me where the things are, then you don't need to say them, I will find them out myself."

"King Ji." She called, "Go find it."

"No one in the world can hide Yingji's secret. Everyone has no secret in front of Yingji, because your shadow knows everything about you, and shadow has no secret for Yingji. "

"I want you to remember that as the price of provoking me and cheating me twice, I will let you taste the most painful feelings in the world before she dies." She leaned in front of Yi Biao, the chill in the mask The winter in Westeros is still cold.

"How was the taste of pain just now, not bad, but that is the simplest, you will feel the pain thousands of times stronger than it, eternal life, eternal..."


When Shen Jiji was the handle of his younger brothers, looking at the scene with Yi Ruan's ruthless words, it seemed that his head hit the door and a loud noise came from behind Yi Bao. Attention attracted the past, the monsters present stretched their necks and looked behind Yi Chou, including Yi Chou and Shen Ji Ji.

"Woo...Woo..." Behind Yi Chou, a dark and slippery little boy, sitting on the ground in tears, as if lifting himself from the coal pile, rubbing his head with his hands in his hands.

"What's going on! Yingji!" Shen Ji asked almost sternly.

Yingji shook her head and was intimidated by the inquiries of God Ji, instinctively replied, "His shadow...his shadow...I can't get in."

The two little guys, Shan Muji and Yingji, looked pretty cute, but they didn't make Yi Chou's heart show any waves, because in any case, they were both monsters.

The monsters around them all seem to be of a delicate type, but the facts cannot be seen as such. God Ji is the most elegant and graceful presence that looks like she is angry, but she looks like a lunatic.

The madman dancing with blood, Yi Chou doesn't think that cruelty is mixed with violence and exquisite appearance, or maybe it is a cute point, but Yi Chou doesn't quite understand.

Yi Xiao also felt that he didn't need to understand for the time being, because there is a gradual progress in everything, and the same is true of human feelings, especially the feelings are particularly complicated.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Chou could only shrug and continue to say slowly, "I just wanted to say..."

But God Ji didn't mean Yi Yi arrogant at all. After hearing Ying Ji's explanation, she subconsciously swept her eyes and realized that she fell to Yi Chou's feet. There is no shadow at all.

Only Yingji understood Shen Ji’s silence as a sign of anger. She stood up in a panic and hurriedly ran towards Zhang Junyun in the distance, and said, “Master Shen Ji, please don’t be angry, please give I have a chance, let me try again."

In the next moment, just under Yi Chou's eyelids, Ying Ji jumped up and jumped into the shadow behind Zhang Junyun.

At the same time, Zhang Junyun's body seemed to be no longer his own. Like a marionette, he stood so sluggish in the same place, and Zhang Junyun's momentum was ready to stagnate.

This kind of feeling is very strange, because there is no change in posture or expression, but it can feel the uncoordinated place at a glance, just like... The whole person has changed.

The situation in Zhang Junyun may be unclear to others, but Yi Chou can't understand it better.

Zhang Junyun's soul briefly lost contact with the body.

Yi Huo, who has spent a lot of time studying the soul, understands the existence of the soul better than all the creatures present. Zhang Junyun’s situation at this time is the most standard demonstration of the soul’s separation from the body, and it is not the same as the soul separation that is deadly. After taking away the right to use the body for a short time, Zhang Junyun's soul has been competing with Ying Ji for the right to use. So the first second was Zhang Junyun's soul, and the second second became Ying Ji.

Because the exchange is short and seems to be passive, it will not cause death. The consequences are easy to understand, but the loss of control of the body is certain.

Of course, it's not so easy to directly seize the body, otherwise Yi Chou can't repair his soul long ago, and even Yingji can't perfectly control anybody's body, so it uses a special ability, Indirectly affect the body by directly controlling the shadow.

Really funny monster.

Yi Biao increasingly wanted to collect them all.

Yingji didn't stay in Zhang Junyun's shadow for too long, and quickly jumped out of it, and then jumped into the shadow of the stunned medium in the same way.

The shadows of the two people are unimpeded for Yingji.

At this time, the **** Ji, who silently watched the momentum develop, suddenly turned around and asked Yi Chou quietly, "Where did you hide your shadow."

Yi Chou, all the monsters with ears watching the two, "..."

He remembered that God Ji had just said that she didn't need to ask where she was hiding. She could find it out. Unexpectedly, she didn't even think about it, and she didn't even have a few minutes.

It seemed like he had guessed what Yi Xao was thinking. God Jiran added lightly, "I am asking about your shadow, not that thing."

But Yi Xiao felt that there was no difference between the two.

At the next moment, "Bang!", Yingji appeared at the feet of the two of them, and a big bag bulged on her head, which seemed to hit something again.

He squatted on the ground, his hands pressed against the big bag on his head, and it seemed to hurt enough.

Shenji Ji didn't comfort it, but took a very direct step forward, directly blocking Yi Xuan's throat, pointed nails extending from the five fingers, piercing into the skin of Yi Xiao's neck, "the shadow." She soft Asked.

Yi Xiao's expression was strange, and it looked as if he had heard something as bad as a fat tiger concert. He was impatient and bored. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky.

Yingji and Shenji both looked in the direction he pointed at, and then Yingji shouted excitedly, "It's the shadow!"

The shadow of a dark shadow resembles ghosts and ghosts, and both eyes exude a faint silver fluorescence, floating in the air, and dexterously floating like a fish. It is the shadow peeled from Yi Chong as the price of Dream Island, That is the shadow of Yi Chou himself.

Regardless of Yingji's disregard, a high jumped from the ground, jumped up to five or six meters high, and then ran to the shadow of Yi Chou.

"Actually, I want to say..." Yi Xuan spoke again, but this time he still hadn't finished talking. God Ji grabbed the hand of Yi Xao's throat and slammed his neck tightly, holding his second sentence. Hold back.

"I don't want to hear any more nonsense from you." Shen Ji Ji said, "You are not only reckless, dare to provoke the gods, but also very stupid."

"I don’t know you have any weird spells to take off your shadow, but you dare to let your shadow appear in front of Yingji, I really don’t know, Yingji will soon know everything about you, you have already useless."

But what God Ji didn’t expect was that at the next moment, Yi Chou, who was pinched in her hand, suddenly seemed to have a force, as if it were like a mountain giant, which made God Ji feel faint, that is, he couldn’t do anything with him. confrontation.

But before she could tell where this illusion came from, this power became reality in a blink of an eye, and came violently along her arm. The huge impact burst suddenly, and she was instantly ruthless. Threw it out.

"My mother wanted to say it for a long time. Could you please let me finish talking!" God Ji was thrown out fiercely, and in the dull eyes of the onlookers, he slammed into the distance. In a small forest ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the gravel splashing room, Yi Chou roared in a low voice...

The clay figurine still has a three-point fire, even if it is Yi arrogance, after being interrupted by the **** Ji three times, he also suffocated his dissatisfaction.

This guy was indeed a neuropath, and deceived her to say that mortals even tried to provoke her majesty, and to be honest, they were put on a stupid name.

Women are indeed the most difficult creatures to understand, even the gods.

At this moment, Yi Chou almost fully exploded all his strength.

Not for no reason, but he finally wanted to understand what Sadako meant before and what she was doing.

At great risk, Sadako stretched out his hand from the video tape and scratched the prone skin with sharp nails, and then led out a series of troubles that God Ji thought he had caught their companion.

Sadako did not deliberately expose herself, nor to attract the attention of God Ji. She reached out her hand to tell Yi Chou something, because she cut Yi Chong’s skin with her nails, to write on it, "Iron The river is coming." (To be continued.)

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