High Magic Earth

Chapter 973: accident

After Yi Xiao threw out God Ji into a parabola, rubbed his neck fiercely, and then stood on the spot, the surrounding Shanshan people seemed to be eager to try, but because there was no order from God Ji, they dared not act arbitrarily.

Although Yi Xiao used magic to isolate most of the pain, but it was beaten and torn, still making him feel that his whole body fell apart.

But now, since the river of iron and steel has been found, there is only one last step left before the final focus.

Not only can we get rid of these guys in front, in fact, even Fu Jiang is useless.

Of course, this may be Yi unilaterally think so.

"Mortal! You made one of the most stupid mistakes, this will be the last wrong decision in your life!" God Ji was obviously not hurt much, and her full voice came from the overwhelming grove, And it seems to be approaching Yihuo quickly.

And I have to say that Zhang Junyun thinks so.

"Is this guy an idiot?" he murmured in a low voice. "Still saying there is no fear."

Although Yi Biao's powers scared him a bit, he did not think that he could escape from the monster's siege with these powers. After all, if he had the power, he also had it, but it was just brute force.

It is just a misty illusion that the case mountain can't kill, they can be trapped inside, even exhausted.

Zhang Junyun is ready to shoot at any time, but at this time, God Ji has appeared in front of Yi Chou again.

The colorful mist rose from the ground, and then with a blast, it gathered again like the **** Ji. She didn't look much embarrassed, but a gorgeous gold kimono had many damages.

"You shouldn't do this."

But unexpectedly, God Ji did not do the same as before, and started to meet like crazy, but instead looked at Yi Chou's voice calmly.

It was just that even Zhang Junyun next to her could hear the murderous intention and indifference in her plain voice.

Obviously, this time she really intended to kill Yi Chou.

"I know I shouldn't do this." Yi Biao shrugged. "Because it's rude, but I can't help it. I can't stand your schizophrenic violence, and I don't even let me say a complete sentence."

"Fortunately, the destination is coming." Yi Chou pointed behind God Ji, "Don't deny, I have seen your gathering place, Yang Yan is being tied to the altar, it is not easy, you have no ignition... ...Where are Miss Tan and Daisy?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore. After solving you guys, I'll find it myself."

There was silence all around, all the monsters were silent, as if they could hear a needle falling on the ground, only the crackling sound when the torch cracked and burned.

At the next moment, God Ji seemed to be a little unbelievable, hesitantly asked, "You said... Do you want to solve all our monsters?"

"You are crazy." Without waiting for Yi Chou to answer, God Ji said as if to confirm.

Obviously, she is the same type as Yi Chou, a very self-type, and does not care how others think about it.

"This man is crazy." God Ji said indifferently, "Humans are really a fragile creature, and the bearing capacity in the heart is not even as good as Shanmu Ji." She looked around, although the nearby monsters were still silent, but also Inadvertently a ridiculous situation appeared, only under the pressure of the **** Ji, he maintained a serious state.

Spirit Ji floated back slightly, a stream of water poured out of the ground, around her body, and began to slowly turn, "Onmyoji's spell is not worth mentioning in front of me." She said quietly, "I am God, the power of this world is generated by me."

The water quickly solidified and turned into a plume of green saplings and green leaves, as if withered trees in spring, the vines began to grow wildly, and soon twisted into green vines with thick arms, but then, the surface of the green vines gave up and emerged. The light, like the first rays of sunlight breaking through the dawn, the next moment, its surface burst into flames and began to ignite spontaneously.

The vines were ignited by the flames, and soon turned into a blazing flame, the flame enveloped the **** Ji, as if shining her entire body under the light.

Water, life, flames, earth, countless magic and energy surround her, frequently changing.

"Your spells are meaningless to me." She said indifferently, "You should find that your spells have even completely lost their effect. They have not responded to your call, because all the spells in this world are due to me. By birth, you cannot use my power to deal with myself."

At first, Zhang Junyun didn't take the **** of God Ji at all. After all, he can move through the world in a sense that he has defined all the people he met in other worlds as np, or plot characters.

These characters can be said to be false in a certain sense, because they are all worlds created based on movies. Only the world in which they are located is the only world, and only themselves are real.

Zhang Junyun is right to think so.

The so-called **** is just a more powerful creature, even if it is really a **** in a sense, it is just a setting in the background information.

These brainwashing words can fool the aborigines and plot characters, but they cannot fool themselves, because it is not a omnipotent in the true sense at all, and it does not know the existence of the source point that can shuttle the world.

But at the next moment, Zhang Junyun was horrified to find that with the constant elaboration of God Ji, the power and special abilities in his body were rapidly passing away, and even became so small that he could not feel their existence anymore.

Human beings have no special abilities, so I don’t know how to describe what it feels like to have flames, but Zhang Junyun has that the speed he obtained from Tengu and the further super speed on the strings are all special abilities.

This feeling... is just like being born.

Just like humans have arms, they can be bent naturally, and they can be naturally controlled. There is no learning process.

But now, this ability is rapidly dissipating, the speed of Tengu, the super speed of Uenosuke, Zhang Junyun is discovering that he can no longer control them, like his arms are a little stiff, and the pain is unbearable...

No, it is more like a part of the arm was cut off hard. Although the wound has healed and the pain is no longer there, the missing part will never be filled and a piece will always be vacant.

Just because the original special ability is not an ability, so although it is missing, it will not affect Zhang Junyun's activities, but this kind of hollow will never disappear.

What's more terrifying is that the strength of the werewolf in Zhang Junyun's body is also weakening rapidly, and even stiffly suppressed him from the half werewolf words.

Without the strong physique that the werewolf brought him, the long-lost tiredness, fatigue, weakness, and even the pain running through the wound on his face, all of them came up, as if to blow him a breath.

But this is not another thing that Zhang Junyun is horrified. What really scared him is the guy in front of him who claims to be a **** and claims to be the source of all the power in the world. He can really echo the powers in his body, even deprive them. .

what does this mean……

Zhang Junyun is very clear about how he acquired these special abilities, not through cultivation or mutation. After all, no matter how he cultivates, it is impossible to cultivate the racial talent of Tengu.

It was a mysterious voice deep in my mind.

Whenever there is power to be gained by him, a hint of activation of the bleeding veins will appear deep in his mind, or it is this mysterious thing that has acquired these abilities.

Zhang Junyun is not sure how he put these special abilities on himself. He never thought about it. After all, such a thing happened through crossing, so there must always be one or two golden fingers.

And although there are not many free people he contacts, there are also two or three. He has long vaguely felt that everyone seems to have acquired the abilities in other worlds in this way. Although everyone’s abilities are not the same, they are obtained in different ways. same.

And Miss Tan also confirmed this very well. According to Zhang Junyun's idea, both of them gained the ability of Tengu and the ability of Kensuke.

But now... this kind of power is being deprived of in the past at random. This does not mean that... this guy in front is the voice in his mind.

If this is the case, Zhang Junyun may not have confidence, or he may not believe that a few people can deal with the deity in front of him. This is a true deity.

Thinking of this, Zhang Junyun looked unsightly at Yi Chou, who lost all his strength, but now there is really no way but to rely on the guy opposite.

It seemed that the heart was so sharp, and Yi Chou just turned his head. Zhang Junyun immediately sank in his heart. Because of this situation, it can only explain that Yi Chou also encountered the same problem.

Although it was just a simple turn of the head, the case Shanzi on both sides seemed to worry that Zhang Junyun also suddenly burst into the same direction as Yi Chong. At the moment when Zhang Junyun’s eyes met Yi Chou’s eyes, the instinctive case of Shan Shanzi on the left was Yi Mu. She came over.


Without the werewolf's body, Zhang Junyun would not be able to withstand this. His entire body was groggy, as if to faint.

Lifting his head with a strong brace, he looked at Yi Chou again, and then put on a pair of locked brows, Zhang Junyun's heart immediately cooled half. ...

Yi Xiao felt that the situation was beyond his grasp again.

Consistent with Zhang Junyun's thoughts, at the beginning, he also felt that this **** Ji was just a stronger magical creature, just like an angel or Athena, he hadn't fought it.

But with the constant elaboration of God Ji, Yi Chou was instinctive, and felt that things did not seem as simple as he thought.

Coincidentally, at this time he felt that there was a shot to himself, Zhang Junyun, so he responded, but he saw Zhang Junyun's face was very ugly.

In an extraordinary period, Yi Biao immediately threw a telepathy without hesitation, he was not a rigid guy.

Then the next moment, he got an incredible news from Zhang Junyun's shallow memory.

His abilities are quickly disappearing! Just like what the **** Ji Ji nagging in front of him said.

What a joke, Yi Biao frowned, everyone's blood power was directly from the second world, that is, the deepest center of Neverland, the golden hourglass.

Every free man who enters the second world is the best potential adaptor. The ability of the hourglass to activate is the ability to awaken the deepest hidden in their blood, and it is also the most suitable power for them.

It is not a so-called endowment at all, nor is there a claim that the power that does not belong to oneself, or the hourglass disappears, and the power will disappear or be deprived, because if activated, the talent in the bloodline will last forever.

The **** Ji in front of him can actually affect the bloodline power activated by the second world hourglass.

It's incredible.

And if she is the **** of this world, if she does have some special abilities, Yi Chou is not unacceptable. After all, is it a god? As a god, there are always some special places.

But in that way, she can only affect the power of Zhang Junyun Tengu and Ninja at most. After all, according to God Ji himself, she is the source of the power of this world, Tengu and Ninja are all from this world, then she can only affect this. Both.

But Zhang Junyun felt... His werewolf blood and strength were also suppressed to almost nothing.

This is impossible.

The strength of the werewolf obviously does not belong to this world. It is brought by Zhang Junyun from the previous worlds. It does not belong to this world, but God Ji can also influence it.

It's incredible.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and things became really a bit tricky.

Zhang Junyun's feelings can't be wrong, because these things can't be falsified, and Yi Chou really feels the decline of Zhang Junyun's breath.

This means that any power is useless in front of God Ji, she is not telling lies, at least it has been reflected in Zhang Junyun's body.

However, Yi Chou immediately reacted. He seemed to be fine, why did he not affect himself.

Is it because her magic power has nothing to do with this world, no... Zhang Junyun’s werewolf doesn’t belong here, or because her own power is too strong, she can’t suppress it. In this way, the power of God Ji is not There is no upper limit, no solution.

Although Yi Biao didn't understand what was going on, he still instinctively condensed his magic back and pretended to be under the influence of God Ji ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and lost all his power.

But... this does not mean that Yi Biao has no power to fight back, because he has angered God Ji several times, she seems to have no plans to let go of her, Yi Biao does not want to stop.

"Kill you, I don't even need my own hands at all." Looking at his clamor frowning at himself, God Ji raised his head in contempt, "Ying Ji, kill him!"

With her command, Ying Ji suspended in the air immediately rushed towards Yi Chou's shadow, "You dare to let your shadow appear in front of Ying Ji, and the shadow of anyone in the world must be controlled by Ying Ji. "

Shen Ji's voice was full of coldness, but this sentence seemed to remind Yi Chou.

"That's not necessarily." Yi Xuan suddenly smiled.

At the next moment, Yi Xiao's shadow floating in the air suddenly felt a wooden mask, which turned towards his face, and then turned into a green whirlwind and began to spin wildly.

After the rotation is over, the shadow turns to green, it floats quietly in the air, and then holds a dozen of rocket launchers in one hand with exaggeration. (To be continued.)

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