High Magic Earth

Chapter 974: Mask shadow

Although the meaning revealed in Divine Spirit's words was exaggerated, some of them were strangely confirmed, which made Yi Xuan have to be careful to deal with the doubts, but even so, he was not worried that Ying Ji could control himself. Shadow.

First of all, this is the shadow deprived by Fantasy Island as a price. Yi Chou doesn't think anyone in this second world can surpass the second world.

Although Neverland as the center does not participate in the operation and management of the Second World, but in terms of authority, I am afraid that no one can exceed the golden hourglass.

And even if this is just ordinary shadow magic, after wearing Loki's mischievous mask, it is not possible for a shadowy monster to invade.

Loki is a deity from Northern Europe. No matter what his fighting power is, I am afraid that only Ji Ji, who is also a deity, can fight against it.

Sure enough, Ying Ji was blindfolded at the green jelly-like object floating in the air opposite, seeming to be hesitating whether or not to get in.

After thinking for a few seconds, Ying Ji gritted her teeth and rushed towards the shadow that had turned into jelly-like, easy noise.


The shadow that turns into green jelly seems to be much more lovely than before. At least the face that was previously invisible becomes gradually rhomboid, the entire face is pasted into a green paste, and the two eyes and mouth become Black hole.

︽.N▽et faced Ying Ji who was galloping towards herself, the big green jelly inhaled violently, bulging his stomach very huge, and then at the next moment, Ying Ji plunged in.

Then there is no more.

As if swallowed and digested, Ying Ji rushed into Shadow's stomach, and there was no more sound, like a person jumping into the water in the swimming pool.

The shadowy green face made a hiccup, but no sound appeared. Then, it grinned as if laughing.

The shadow that turned into green jelly looked a little funny, and it looked...like the mascot of Ghostbusters.

The little white ghost.

It's just that it's green.

Yingji's demise and disappearance only happened for a moment, and the monsters below had not yet reacted to the shock, or they were still thinking about where Yingji was going, Yi Chou had taken a step back and shouted loudly, "Kill them!"

The green shadow floated in the air, and the wide open mouth seemed to scream silently. At the next moment, it opened his mouth wide and aimed the rocket launcher in his hand at the ground below.

"I rely on!" Zhang Junyun, who lost his wolf's physique, did not have as good eyesight as before. He didn't see the series of things that happened in the above moment, but he could clearly see what the shadow was pointing at below.

It was a series of dozens of rocket launchers, which were held by the shadow in one hand and pointed down with exaggeration.

Other things are not clear to Zhang Junyun, but he dare not take a glimpse of the power of the bazooka scrubbing. Although he does not think Yi Chou will classify himself into the scope of the attack, it is the most deadly attack of indiscriminate attacks in large-scale melee.

Zhang Junyun tried to hide aside, but because he lost the strength of the werewolf's body, he was already staring at him and was ready to take his case. The mountains came fiercely, almost kneeling on the spot.

"Cough..." Zhang Junyun coughed out blood and looked at the case where the traces left by the rocket were completely regarded as fireworks. The children shouted loudly, "You guys! It's a group of idiots!"

Hujiang era monsters who do not understand the power of hot weapons are completely unclear about the death, but Zhang Junyun understands that when he is worried about whether he will be affected, he hears Yi Chou shouting, "Shadow, send us away! "

Before Divine Spirit Ji did not respond, Yi Chou took the lead in giving orders to the shadow. It is better for these people to leave the battlefield as soon as possible, because the shadow alone is enough to deal with these monsters.

Hearing the words, the shadow immediately exaggerated and stuffed his hands into his body, as if he had taken something early, tinkered twice, and then took out three telephone booths, which were directly buckled on the heads of the three below.

Kanosuke, Zhang Junyun and Yi Chou, none of them fell.

Suddenly, Shanshanzi immediately smashed the wooden frame in his hand, and the seemingly fragile phone booth did not receive any harm.

At the next moment, the three telephone booths rose into the sky, and as if they were missiles, they shot far to the top of the mountain.

"Ahhhhh!" There was no shock absorption in the phone booth. Except for the already prepared Yi Chou and the coma of the coma, only Zhang Junyun screamed alone, because when the phone booth rose into the sky, he posted the whole person. On the ground, overwhelming the bottom of the phone booth...


The short trip only lasted two minutes, the phone booth crashed to the ground, and before he opened the door, Zhang Junyun could not wait to push the door open and rushed out of it.

"Wow!" He leaned on the edge of the phone booth, leaning over and breathing heavily, as if to expel everything from his abdominal cavity.

Without the support of the wolf body, Zhang Junyun's physical quality seems to be even worse than Yi clamor.

"It's okay." Yi Huo opened the door and walked out of the phone booth. When passing Zhang Junyun, he said lightly, but instead of staying, he walked to the phone booth of Kanosuke and opened the door. Dragged out from inside.

"No... nothing." Zhang Junyun said weakly. "He... how about him." He pointed to the comatose string intermediary at Yi Chou's feet.

Yi Xiao squatted down and touched his neck. His body temperature was very low. Although there was still a pulse, it was almost gone.

"Excessive blood loss." Yi Xuan said, "If it is later, there is no hope."

"Then you must have a way now." Zhang Junyun gasped and whispered.

Although Zhang Junyun is timid, no matter who he is, he doesn't want him to die, because his companion's feelings also have no fraud.

"It should be possible." Yi Xuan nodded, and then took out a few bottles of potions from his arms. Although Susuke's injuries were heavy, they were not incurable, and he didn't even need the silver tongue, just the potions boiled from the crucible. can.

Of course, this may hurt.

Prying open the mouth of Kanesuke, and pouring a potion of potion into it, his face immediately began to recover and rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at this time, Yi Chou asked Zhang Junyun next to him, "Your abilities are all No more?"

Hearing the words, Zhang Junyun's face immediately looked hard, "Yes." He nodded, and then looked at the potion Yi Yi took out for a moment, "Don't you?" he asked.

"No..." Yi Xuan denied, "The connection between me and my magic has also become very weak, but it does not affect the potions." He shook the potion in his hand.

"But don't worry." He continued, "I still have a connection with magic. Although it is very weak, it means that the **** Ji is not the source of all the power of the world and she can be completely deprived, as she said. Our strength."

"It's just suppression, since it's suppression, then there must be some kind of limit."

Hearing Yi Chou’s analysis, Zhang Junyun’s face looked a lot better, but he was still very ugly, because he really couldn’t feel his abilities at all, and even had a faint sense of werewolf bloodline before. There was no response at all, "I hope so." He said anxiously.

The potion had already recovered half of the blood lost by Kenosuke, and the next step was to force his lost limb to be forced out.

"Can it work?"

Seeing that Tanosuke suffered such a serious injury, his arms were severely torn off, but Yi Chou just just poured him a few bottles of unknown liquid potions. Although he knew the magic of potions, Zhang Junyun I couldn't help but asked with some worry.

Yi Xiao's action of injecting medicine to Susuke did not stop, and he replied without looking up, "No, you have to do it, and you better pray that this medicine works."

Just as Yi Chou's words fell, the whole bottle of potion had bottomed out, and all went into Kanasuke's stomach, but he didn't seem to react.

"Does it work?" Zhang Junyun kept staring at Xuan Zhijie. At this time, he saw that he had no reaction. He couldn't help looking at Yi Chou's face, and then looked at Xuan Zhijie. "Is this normal, why do I look at him... …"

But at this moment, Yi Chou squatting next to him suddenly said, "It works."

At the next moment, just as Yi Chou's voice fell, Susuke's body suddenly curled up like a cooked prawn, and sent out a scream of sorrow.


His screams were so terrible that he even awakened him out of a coma. Yi Chou could only release a banned curse and a banned curse to avoid Susuke from biting or hurting himself because of severe pain.

This is not Yi Biao deliberately tossing the strings and using potions.

Because if you want to use the power of the silver tongue, because the object of the action is not Yi Chou, without the assistance of the silver heart and the silver soul, it is inevitable that when constructing a story about Susuke, some other things will be added because of needs, even There is a risk of reading Kanosuke into the story.

Presumably, Nosuke will not like such consequences.

Then Yi Chou can only choose the potion.

But even among the potions, potions that can regenerate people's limbs are very rare, and even only master potion masters can cook it, even if Yi Chou can cook it, but the effect of these potions is also Very slow.

It often takes more than a month of rest to regenerate the broken limb from the fracture.

Potions that can quickly regenerate people's limbs are almost impossible in Harry Potter's world.

Obviously, this kind of thing that Yi Xuan uses now for Susuke is not the potion of the Harry Potter world, but Yi Xuan has accumulated the magical knowledge of several worlds and finally used the energy magic cost and result of Oz The conversion, combined with the improved version of Fantasy Island's unique potion materials, can be said to be a special product of Fantasy Island.

Of course, just like the characteristics of energy magic, any magic needs a price, and the cost of rapid regeneration is to draw a lot of vitality and blood from various parts of the body, even the bone marrow nerves and muscles.

This process is very painful, and the vitality of the extraction is far more than the original number of the amputated limb that needs to be regenerated. If it is not easy for the arrogance to supplement a large amount of energy and blood with the potion in advance, the only amputated limb is reborn His vitality will make him weak for more than half a year.

And the pain he is experiencing is only a by-product of this process.

Looking at the silent and distorted face of Kanosuke, Zhang Junyun couldn't imagine what kind of pain he was suffering, but the feeling of watching it was so uncomfortable, so he stood up and said to Yi Chou, "I'm going to find Tan Qing and Yang Yan."

But before waiting for Yi Chou to answer, the two felt the ground tremble abruptly, like an earthquake or a meteorite falling.

At the next moment, looking at the huge monster that was not far away, Zhang Junyun slapped his arm with a slack hand and asked Mulan, "An Ge, what is that."

Just before the place where several people were trapped by the monster, a huge shadow was rising into the sky. Its entire body was made of black shadows, a foggy piece, and some edges at the edges, like a suit Style clothes.

The black shadows are combined together to form its huge body, only the face part exudes a faint green, and its eyes exude a burning light, as if there is a sun in its body, which is unsustainable. Spread the light.

Just under the sight of the two of them, this huge shadow rose against the storm, rising to a height of two to thirty floors skyscrapers at a stretch, then stopped, and then stomped forward with a heavy foot.


There was a tremor from the ground, and there was a cloud of dust near the ground.

"This is my shadow." Yi Huo replied calmly.

Zhang Junyun still has a blank expression, because he doesn’t know what expression he should use at this time, "Oh, it's quite big...and a little ugly..." he said blankly, and thought for a while, "it is wearing... in disguise The mask inside the geek?"

"You have a good vision." Yi Chou's voice could not hear the ups and downs, "She is a god, but this is also a mask of gods."

"You have got this thing, why don't you put it on yourself?"

"I don't like the mischievous character after wearing it, it doesn't match my style, and... if I wear it, do you think he still has a save?" Yi Xuan pointed to the string that was still struggling and howling Jie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But what can be seen is that the blood at the broken shoulder of Kenosuke has stopped, and even a little granulation has been spawned.

"Well...it seems reasonable..." Zhang Junyun's voice was a little weak.


But at this moment, a crisp, wind-like sound came from afar, shaking, as if with countless echoes.

Yi Xiao and Zhang Junyun glanced at each other. The two stood up at the same time and looked around. The original three telephone booths still stood in the original place, but there were many more Japanese-style buildings around, and the small wooden houses were closely arranged together. Several people are being slowly surrounded.

The two were in the initial vicinity of the wooden house block, but if you remember correctly, there was nothing in the surrounding area.

They shouldn't be here, because Yi Biao and Zhang Junyun both saw this wooden house when they just got out of the phone booth.

A hundred meters away. (To be continued.)

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