High Magic Earth

Chapter 975: door

"Did we pass or did they come?" Zhang Junyun couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he looked at the wooden house long street that surrounded several people nearby. ΔΔ

"I don't know." Yi Xiao shook his head. "But no matter which kind, I don't like it."

Suginosuke's self-healing is not over yet, and he is still struggling with pain. Originally taking advantage of the short time that the shadows kept the monsters in place, Zhang Junyun also planned to find Tan Qing and their whereabouts, but these suddenly appeared wooden houses, He dismissed his thoughts again.

Although these buildings look very ordinary, they can appear in such a weird place in such a weird manner at this time. If they are not related to monsters, Zhang Junyun does not believe at all.

"This is the place where the monsters live." Yi Xuan asked, looking at the promenade on both sides.

Zhang Junyun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't have any clues. "Why do you say that?"

"That's a shrine." Yi Xuan pointed to the largest building at the end of the long street in the distance. "Probably no one dares to grab a site with a god."

However, Yi Xuan did not get a response from Zhang Junyun. He felt the quietness next to him. When Yi Xiao looked back, Zhang Junyun was now opening his mouth wide, looking at the top of his head dullly.

"What's the matter?" Yi Xuan raised his head, looking at the words at the arched door above with some doubts.

"Everyone...in the world!"


"In the world!" Zhang Junyun glared and yelled at Yi arrogant, "You don't even know the famous world! It is unforgivable."

After saying nothing, he ignored the reaction of Yi Chou, and said to himself, "This will not be that place, no, will it, will it?"

Yi Xiao listened to him for a long time. Although he was still a little puzzled, he also understood the general idea, "Where is the place you said? It sounds like you are looking forward to it."

"No, it is expectation and fear." Zhang Junyun corrected.

"It's Fantasy Township, a monster residence and a paradise. The village in which humans live is called the inner world. This is a closed place where outsiders can't appear and can't enter."

"Then why are you afraid?"

"Because the monsters living inside are too powerful."

"How high?" Yi Xiao frowned.

"I don't know if this is really Fantasy Township, but if it is, don't say that the purple lady who claims to be forever 17 years old..." When talking about this, Zhang Junyun stopped suddenly, then covered his mouth, in Yi Heo looked at the idiot's gaze, hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "It's just the words of some other big monsters...Your fighting power may not even reach their odds."

"Then why are you still looking forward."

"Because this is Fantasy Township." Suddenly, Zhang Junyun became excited, even a little bit overly excited. Of course, Yi Chou felt that the word love was used to describe it more accurately. "This is the dream of all men." Land, the final destination of my generation..."

When he said this, Zhang Junyun's eyes were shining, and he didn't even have his hands folded, making his wish to the gods.

Yi Chou's face is also very strange, it seems to mix a kind, did not expect you to be like Zhang Junyun, you even have such an expression of Si Zhai.

However, after Zhang Junyun finished speaking, he also felt that he seemed to be too fanatical, and some said in a shame, "But... it seems that I have never heard of the world of anime and manga like free people, let alone This does not seem to belong to manga and anime, it should be counted, it should be counted as the big category of two-dimensional...

Because of the particularity of Fantasy Township, Zhang Junyun doesn't know what to classify it, he can only say indefinitely.

Then immediately, he heard Yi Chou's voice, "Well... I am really looking forward to it, but how can such a good place be shared with others."


Zhang Junyun was stunned, but his surprise was not over, he felt a tingling in his chest, and then the cold spread.

A sharp long dagger was inserted there, sharp and curved, like a reduced version of a full moon scimitar, which quietly penetrated its back and punctured from the chest, dripping blood slowly Falling, as if sneering silently.

The cold quickly spread over his body, and Zhang Junyun fell back helplessly. He felt that his legs were losing the strength of support, and his vitality was gradually fading.

Before the darkness completely enveloped him, he saw the hand holding the other end of the dagger. Its owner was Yi Chou.


Zhang Junyun spit out three words weakly. At the next moment, darkness seemed to devour him completely...

"Wake up! Wake up!"

"Hey, wake up!"

As if sleeping for a hundred years, scattered around, the same sleepy thoughts gathered together, woke up from the coma, and reconstructed Zhang Junyun's consciousness.

Darkness, pure darkness, as if there were no other impurities, enveloping Zhang Junyun deeply, but at this moment, a ray of light came from afar, as if calling him and guiding him.

With instinct, Zhang Junyun seemed to cross all darkness in an instant and came out of the light in an instant.

"Um..." he groaned painfully.

Like a patient lying on the hospital bed for more than ten years, he felt sore all over his body, as if his muscles had deteriorated and shrunk. Even the faint light was particularly dazzling to him at this time.

"Wake up, wake up!"

The only thing that remains the same is that it surrounds his ears. Zhang Junyun feels a bit familiar. This sound gives him the feeling... It seems to be the light that guides him out of the darkness.

At the next moment, Yi Chou's face gradually became clear in Zhang Junyun's field of vision.

He patted his face with his left hand, carrying the wand in the other hand, and the front end of the wand continuously sprayed water on his face, cold.

"Ah!" Zhang Junyun shuddered, feeling that he felt like an ice cave, which Yi Biao brought to himself.

Seeing Zhang Junyun open his eyes weakly, Yi Chou also let down his mind, "You are awake." He said lightly, then stood up and took the wand back into his sleeve.

"I... what's wrong with me..." Zhang Junyun said struggling, he was holding up his body and wanted to stand up, but now his muscles were sore and weak, even unable to move at all.

And his throat was particularly hoarse, and his rough voice couldn't even believe it himself, as if he hadn't spoken for years.

It seems that there is still a pain in his chest. Zhang Junyun feels as if he recalls the things that had happened before him in the dark, that is... he couldn't help but set his eyes on Yi Noo. Yi Xiao looked very plain, as if nothing had been born.

"You are in illusion." Zhang Junyun heard Yi Xuan explain.

"Wh... what?" He was stunned again.

Yi Biao was not impatient, but tossed a bright red potion on his body. The potion bottle bounced twice on his chest, hitting his chest slightly, and then continued to explain, "I I saw you raise your head just now, and then you have been stunned for a long time, and then you fell back to the sky, and you can't stop talking about what is in the world."

"You are covering your chest as if you have been seriously injured, but the breath is also strangely weak, and I judge that you have some kind of illusion."

"Within the world!?" Hearing this word, it was like touching some kind of resurrection keyword, Zhang Junyun instantly became full of energy.

"Don't think about it." But Yi Chou didn't give him any thoughts at all, and hit him directly, "There is no place in the world at all."

"It seems that the world of the second dimension will not appear here, so you don't have to think about Fantasy Township."

"Do you know Fantasy Township?" Zhang Junyun froze this time, he asked strangely.

On the other hand, his question made Yi Chou very surprised. "How come I don't know Fantasy Township? It is anyway... a very famous scenic spot in the second dimension, why do you think I am not clear?"

Zhang Junyun couldn’t answer, he smiled a little, could he still tell Yi Xiao that Yi Xuan, who he had learned in Illusion before, had never heard of Fantasy Township, and finally died of a dagger, so he Can only support me for a while and fool this topic.

"You... rescued me? From the illusion?" Zhang Junyun hesitated and asked again.

"Otherwise, how do you think you woke up." Yi Xiao stared at Zhang Junyun with an idiot's gaze, as if he thought it was a very stupid thing that the wizard could not crack a person out of illusion, "even if My magic has been suppressed to a very low level, and mind and illusion are also my best magic."

"Like Rocky?" Zhang Junyun thought of Yi Biao's mask in disguise again. He has to say that his brain is also very big.

"Shut up." Yi Xuan said angrily. "I'm different from that idiot." After thinking about it, he added, "No matter which idiot Loki."

Then waiting for Zhang Junyun to continue talking, Yi Xuan pointed to the potion lying on his chest and said, "I think you better drink that thing, it will supplement your physical strength, at least let you stand by yourself stand up."

"Although I don't mind you continuing to lie down, there must be something I don't like."

Zhang Junyun looked down at the potion in front of him. It was red, crystal clear, and as beautiful as red crystal. It didn't even smell the slightest smell, which brought a fragrant feeling.

"What do you mean?"

He struggled to pick up the potion, then brought it to his mouth to drink it and asked with difficulty.

But at the next moment, even before his words fell, a force suddenly came from the bottom of his heart, as if washing his body in an instant, making him full of vitality and vitality again.

"You don't always think of these sudden wooden houses, just to invite you to experience the unique customs of the Edo era." Yi Huo asked.

Unconsciously, the wooden houses on both sides seemed to be denser and longer, because the two should have stood at the intersection, but now, they have stepped into the street.

Even when you look up, you can see the text hanging high above the head at the arched door.

Not at all in the world.

"You see clearly." Yi Chou's voice appeared in Zhang Junyun's ears, "This is not a place in the world, this is Luo Shengmen!"

The three big characters of Luo Shengmen hung on the top of Zhang Junyun's head, spooky, as if invited and smiled from the evil spirits in hell.

Unconsciously, Zhang Junyun suddenly shivered.

But when I looked around, I didn’t know when the surroundings had completely changed. It was originally a Kabukicho scene. Although it was a bit lonely, it seemed that it was no longer inhabited, but there was still a human atmosphere, but Now, the surroundings have completely turned into a **** of hell.

Every wooden house seemed to turn into a huge mask of evil spirits. They opened their mouths wide. The blood door was the door and entrance of each wooden house. The greasy eyes were the windows of the wooden house, and the protruding nose was like a wail Human soul.

"Illusion." Zhang Junyun lowered his head and said in his heart, he told himself, "Illusions, hallucinations, these are hallucinations."

"These are not illusions." Yi Chou's indifferent voice appeared in Zhang Junyun's ear, making him roll his eyes.

"An unknown magic has changed the surroundings, but I have to say that it really fits the name of Rashomon, a scene of the **** of Senrow."

"But be careful, it's not like a place to live in."

Needless to say, you can see that Zhang Junyun rolled his eyes again, and although he had recovered his physical strength after drinking the potion, he still did not restore the strength of the werewolf bloodline. I am afraid she could not exert much effect at all.

Can only rely on Yi Chou.

"What shall we do?" he whispered.

The battle not far away continued, the shadow turned into a huge monster, like an enlarged version of dark green pudding, each attack rumbling, bringing a large area of ​​smoke and mist, the earth was overwhelmed and squeaky and Moaned.

"Go forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Biao glanced at the shrine not far away, "We are going to get there. "

Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched. Although he wanted to say that this was a deadly act, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have any good suggestions, so he didn't squeak.

Unfortunately, before the two of them came out, the surrounding scenes changed first.


The surrounding buildings shuddered violently, as if they entered a giant mouth of a certain monster, and began to regularly follow the unstoppable extension of the two. Even if the two stood still, these mask-like structures were also very Wrap the two in, and this time the spread has plunged them deeply into the interior of the long street.

After a long while, the shock stopped, and the two people were already covered with grim ghosts.

"I finally know how we got inside." Swallowing a spit, Zhang Junyun looked around. "And what's in my heart at this moment is always an unknown feeling."

Taking a deep breath, Yi Xiao raised his wand flatly, "It's so unlucky, me too." (To be continued.) 8

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