High Magic Earth

Chapter 976: Scarlet filament

"Ding... Ding..."

A crisp voice like a wind chime appeared again in the ears of the two of them, Zhang Junyun looked awkwardly, and then hid behind Yi Chou.


A sound like a burning line of fire suddenly appeared, approaching the two very quickly. Although Zhang Junyun heard this sound, he couldn't find out where it was because of his visual inability to keep up.

At the next moment, Yi Chou suddenly stretched out his wand, and the flame burst into the air, as if burning something out of thin air.

"I'll say it's dangerous here," Zhang Junyun muttered. "What is that, it looks like a red silk thread."

"It's not a silk thread." Yi Chou took a step back and clenched his wand, blocking Zhang Junyun's chord behind him. "It's blood."

The red blood converges into a line, like an arrow off the string, with a huge penetration force at a very fast speed, and it penetrates instantly.

Even after Yi Biao used the Explosive Charm, he sputtered a distance forward with its powder and water drops before it could stop.

"Blood." Zhang Junyun shook his head, "Blood, it really gives people a bad feeling." He looked around. "The mask of evil spirits, Luo Shengmen, condensed into a line of blood."

"Why do you always give me a feeling of mixed martial arts and horror movies."

The ethereal wind bell looked around, slowly beating, floating in the ears of the two, forming an elegant little tone full of exotic tones.

Although it is pure wind bell, but it is very beautiful, the monotonous notes do not seem boring, as if it can be straight into Zhang Junyun's soul, so he can't help but get drunk.

But the next moment, he was sprayed with water by Yi Chou's wand again.

"What's wrong with it?" Zhang Junyun asked the water anxiously as he touched the water on his face.

Yi Xiao pointed to his feet, "Don't listen to the surrounding sounds, don't focus on it, you are pulled into the illusion again."

Zhang Junyun glanced down and found that he did not know when he had stepped out of the scope of Yi Chou's protection. He seemed to be planning to continue walking to the side.

Suddenly, Zhang Junyun knew his situation just now, but he wiped off the cold water on his face again, helplessly said, "I remember you are not a wizard, it is necessary to dispel the magic spell or something, why always use cold water."

Yi Chao was stunned, and he could never tell him that what he really mastered was occultation of the brain. Without the power of the silver tongue, maybe he could not really crack all the illusions in the world. Fortunately, the illusions around him were not deep spells. It takes a little stimulation from the outside to make people wake up again.

So he shrugged and said, "This is also an effective way to dispel illusion, of course, the physical version."

Zhang Junyun rolled his eyes, but at this time, the sound that seemed to be burning like firewire appeared again, and this time, it was mixed in the light and windy bell and surrounded from all sides.

"I don't think it can stop it." Zhang Junyun said softly while retreating, and after confirming it, he confirmed to Yi Chou uncertainly, "Can you stop it?"

"Some difficulties." Yi Xiao crooked his head, and then kicked the string on the side of the kick, "so we need to rescue this guy."

Zhang Junyun also lowered his head. The lower part of the string medium has completely recovered, and his lost arms have grown again, but he looks much thinner than before. Directly fished out in general.

Although the injury has healed, Kanosuke is still asleep, probably because of excessive physical exertion and mental fatigue.

So Zhang Junyun's eyes twitched, watching Yi Chou's magic wand wave, and a pot of cold water directly covered the top of Kanosuke's forehead.

"There are enemies?!" And Kanosuke is worthy of being a ninja from Koga in the Edo period. Even if his body has just recovered, his inner vigilance is not bad.

The first time he was awakened by Yi's cold water, he turned and jumped from the ground. Although his body was still weak and he didn't even know what was happening, he had pulled out the short blade at his waist and watched the two in front people.

And Yi Chou, who stood in front of him, said lightly, "Don't stand silly, there is something to come over."

Only then did Uenosuke realize that he seemed safe. In front of him were Zhang Junyun and he smiled, he touched his head and put the short knife in his hand.

But then, Kanosuke was stunned.

He touched his arms in disbelief with disbelief, wondering, "My hands... my hands." Kanozuke opened his mouth in surprise, "My hands have recovered."

Yi Xiao and Zhang Junyun rolled their eyes at the same time.

At this time, the buzzing sounded like some kind of resonance, and the squeaking sounds around them gradually became louder, and the attacks from all directions were fleeting and immediately surrounded the three people.

Yi Chou did not hesitate. The magic wand was imaginary several times, several consecutive spells were launched, and the condensed blood was accurately shot down in the air.

Then his wand waved downwards, and a transparent film hung down the top of the three people's heads, just like an invisible water curtain, but it was just shaking, and it seemed very difficult.

"Do you intend to continue to stand there and sigh, and then be separated from these bodies again, or do you intend to come over to help." Yi Xuan said annoyedly to Kansuke.

Then Yi Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, and he continued, "My magic was suppressed to a very low level, but I couldn't support it for too long."

Sure enough, Kanosuke heard a step forward and immediately pointed the short blade in his hand in front of nothing.

But then, he froze for a moment, hesitantly said, "My ninjutsu... seems to have disappeared."

Yi Xiao shrugged his shoulders, not surprisingly, "That's why my magic can't stop it."

Although the super speed ability of Uenosuke is like Zhang Junyun, he is wiped out and nothing together under the words of God Ji, but after all, he is a battle-hardened ninja, and his rich fighting experience is not lacking at all.

This is unmatched by Zhang Junyun.

Kanosuke did not ask much, because this was not a good time to explain, he quickly put his energy into dealing with the next attack, and Zhang Junyun was not idle, he took another branch in the waist of Konosuke. The short blade is also the last one.

At the next moment, as if silent, the red line of blood solidified broke again.

This time, its movement was even faster than the sound, until these inexplicable attacks came in front of the three people, and the disturbing screams followed.

"Poop! Poop!"

The seemingly magic under Yichao didn't play any role at all, just blocked them. These attacks, like arrows, penetrated the protection spell and then spattered towards several people.

The wand shook in Yi Chou's hands, covered with a silver-white liquid, and then instantly solidified into a long sword.

Then Yi Biao's wrist turned, and the long sword had blocked several nearby scarlet silk threads in the air, directly cutting off.

Uganosuke's reaction was not to be outdone, although without the support of super speed ability, but his years of fighting instinct and experience are still there. With his instinct, he stopped a few bloodshots that attacked him.

He couldn't resist a few of them, and he avoided him sideways.

Only Zhang Junyun, who lost the wolf's body, not only couldn't react, but also had no battle experience with Kanosuke. In the face of this rapid attack, he had little resistance.

Even with the dagger in his hand, he couldn't resist it.

When Kanosuke saw him in danger, he pushed Zhang Junyun away aside from a thousand shots to avoid the bloodshot attack.


The bloodshot was submerged into the wall behind the two, and the nose of the evil spirit mask was directly pierced. Even if the protective spell of Yihuo slowed down a bit, the nose of the mask was blown up and smashed.

Large pieces of smoke and tiles were smashed down, and a thick layer was directly laid on the ground. This bloodline only had thick hair, but the power was even comparable to a sniper rifle.

"Thank you." Zhang Junyun said in frightened dues to Xuanzhijie. He looked at the damage caused by the bloodshot behind him, and was suddenly scared out of a cold sweat.

But without giving him time to buffer, attacks from the bloodline followed, as if a certain signal had been touched. These bloodlines were densely packed, like a locust, falling from the sky everywhere.

Fortunately, it seems that because of the increase in density, their speed and power have all dropped sharply. Otherwise, with the help of three people, I am afraid they can't stop it.

Even Zhang Junyun didn't care to speak. He hurriedly waved the short blade in his hand. Yi Chou waved a long sword in his hand with a silver light, and directly cut off the bloodline of the big face, so Zhang Junyun didn't need to think too much. As long as it is instinctive to make an attack action, the short blade will naturally block some of the missing blood lines.

But these blood lights are like endless, accompanied by crisp and pleasant wind bells, as if dancing some strange dance, come lightly.

At first, a few people were able to stop, but after a long time, the movement of the three people began to slow down, and even the resistance became much harder.

But what Zhang Junyun and the two did not notice was that whenever they couldn’t resist, and a **** red line protruded into their defense circle, Yi Chou would always seem to be inadvertently, easily, at the last moment, they would threaten the two. The attack of human life was resisted.

And they didn't even make them aware.

It is for this reason that attacks from the Scarlet Red Line are becoming more frequent, more rapid, and even more fatal.

And even some, even Yi Huo can't stop it.

Because if the two are protected in secret, Yi Biao may not be able to conceal his movements, or even be discovered by the two, so that he seems to have room for his own strength.

So he paused, and Yi Chou reminded the two of them, "Next!"

Yi Xiao reached out and grabbed two long swords out of the air directly from the air. Yi Xiao threw it to Kanosuke, ignoring the **** silk threads that were still frantically spreading in the air.

The two swords shone sharply, but they seemed to be no different from the other swords.

At the next moment, they seemed to cut butter, as if ignoring any resistance, directly cut the countless bloodshots in the air, and then fell into the hands of the two.

Suginosuke is obviously a guy who knows the goods. He started with a long sword. He subconsciously said, "Good long blade."

But Zhang Junyun knew more than he knew. He turned to the long sword in his hand. He looked at it a little and recognized its origin. "This is the Tengu Forest...these tengu weapons?"

"Broken Demon Long Sword." Yi Xiao tilted his head, "It's more appropriate to use it here."

The next moment, the bloodshots that were temporarily blocked by the long sword spread again frantically, but this time, with the demon-breaking longsword that can almost remove most of the magic as a weapon, the bloodshots' speed is obviously greatly blocked.

Zhang Junyun and Xuanzhijie who wielded the Demon Sword in their hands were a lot easier. They could even protect both of them with only one person.

In this way, Yi Chou can also separate his attention slightly from them.

Of course, Yi Xiao was not suppressed by God Ji.

The rest said that he acted to the **** Ji, rather than said that he acted to those things hidden in the dark, staring here, not knowing what it was.

But Yi Chou did not intend to continue this way.

After all, according to Sadako’s prompt, it’s very close to the so-called steel river. The reason why he and Kanosuke both resisted these **** filaments was because he didn’t want to destroy them. He wanted to take a look. What did Luo Shengmen want after the silk thread passed.

But now, these bloodstains look like an endless endless oath, which makes Yi Chou a little bored. After all, how they look and how they all seem to intend to trap three people here.

In this case, it seems that there is no need to continue to struggle.

The sword's waving movement slowly slowed down, and Yi Biao's other hand had already touched the corner of the magic book. He was hesitating to find a reason to tell them that his magic book could still be used many times.

"Wow, wow!"

As if it was raining, because countless bloodshots were cut off, a thick layer of red liquid had accumulated on the ground, and the plasma exuded a strong pungent breath, but the sparse blood beads were still dripping from above.

Including Yi Chou, all three people have been soaked with blood. The whole person seems to have been taken out of a stained tank full of blood, and scarlet blood is dripping from all over him.

"Among the Luoshengmen like Sen Luo hell, three people bathed in blood..."

Yi Xiao turned the magic book into a corner in his arms, whispered, ready to prepare and pave the way for the next silver tongue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at this time, countless bloodshot suddenly There was a pause, and then they receded back like a tide, as if they heard some kind of horn.

At the end, a large piece of blood spattered back and forth along the ground, looking at it from a distance, like a piece of spider silk against the ground.

"What's going on?" Zhang Junyun asked Chang Jian on the ground, panting, and Kanosuke looked at the long sword in his hand very distressed.

"I don't know." Yi Huo was also very at a loss, he shook his head strangely.

But at the next moment, the three of them knew why, because they felt the ground shaking violently, and they were moving from far to near.

Among the eyes of the three, the dark green, pudding-like shadow was pacing rapidly.

"Damn it!" Zhang Junyun took the lead in reacting. He was not worried that the shadow of Yi Chou would attack them, but he was more worried about other things.

For example, why is the shadow approaching them, is it driving away... or chasing something. (To be continued.)

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