High Magic Earth

Chapter 977: Luo Shengmen

The dark green shadow shook the surrounding trees as it passed through each piece of woods, and even collapsed in a mess.

But just before the dark green shade advances, it hasn't even taken its footsteps, but the trees are all shaking, like birds flying in droves.

Taking advantage of the time when the red blood was fading, Zhang Junyun came to the edge of the wooden house long street, also at the high cliff of the mountain, looking in the direction of the shadow.

Even without the dynamic vision of werewolves, Zhang Junyun can see the situation below clearly.

The dense migration of monsters, countless monsters repeatedly escaped towards the summit of the mountain like a locust, no... To be precise, it was the first step to find the owner of the shadow before the shadow arrived.

It is God Ji who is headed.

Her face was a bit dark and her face was very ugly. Zhang Junyun had no doubt that if she caught a few people, she would tear them apart to pieces.

Behind her are countless other monsters.

Suspended in the air, there are snowflakes around, and there is even a long ice mark on the ground, and there are several long legs like arthropods under the ribs. The height of the whole body is even higher than that of the spider in the woods. There are eight monsters carrying a few little monsters on their shoulders and long legs running on the ground.

As well as the case mountain army and Ukihime army.

Facing the fierce monsters, Zhang Junyun did not believe that Yi Chou could stop it. Maybe he still had the bottom card, or maybe he could protect them under these inexplicable bloodshot attacks.

But in the face of these crazy monsters, I am afraid that everything in front of them will be torn apart.

Because they are too many, and the strength of the monomer is not weak.

Zhang Junyun didn't even think about stopping them here. He turned around and said directly to Yi Huo, "We're leaving here soon, they are going to..."

But at the next moment, Zhang Junyun stopped, because he found that Yi Chou and Xuan Zhijie didn't know when he had long been behind him, looked at the scene below, and a magic book was spread out in his hand.

This magic book... seems familiar.

"There is no need to leave." Yi Huo said quietly, "the location to solve them, just choose here."

"Solve?" Zhang Junyun involuntarily raised the volume, or even shouted, "I'm sure they don't solve us?"

"Of course not." Yi arrogant tone is still very plain.

Zhang Junyun knew that Yi Xiao was not a lunatic, and he could not be targeted. So his eyes fell on the magic book in Yi Xiao's hands.

"The one that solved the case." Yi Xiao raised the magic book and said softly.

"I remember you said that it is no longer usable."

"I said." Yi Chou's voice is still very calm. "But there is always a solution to the problem. If you pay some price, it is not impossible to use it again."

Zhang Junyun didn't ask for the price he needed, because even if he ran, he didn't necessarily have the confidence to run through these monsters. After all, all three of them lost their power. In the face of this **** who claims to dominate the world, I am afraid there is only one way to die.

Compared with death, the price is obviously much more acceptable.

"Then this magic book can help us block them?" Zhang Junyun asked directly.

Yi Xuan showed a strange smile, he put his hand in his arms, he seemed to touch something, and then said, "I'm afraid it's more than that."...

God Ji never felt so angry.

Since she was born, all the things in the world have been contained in her head, the names of all things, the operating rules of this world, and countless other things.

She can even encapsulate what other creatures possess, their abilities, and everything about them, as long as she wants it, she can deprive it.

She is god.

No deserving **** in this world, no one told her, but she was very clear in her head.

The monsters living with her apparently think so, they serve her and fear her, of course, humans do not think so.

Although some humans do the same, there are still many humans who not only disrespected her, but even dared to harbor malicious intentions. Of course, their final endings were deprived of everything by God Ji.

Their body, their life, even their...soul.

Humans call monsters monsters, because they are not used by humans, and the number is scarce, so they are aliens. God Ji doesn’t think she is alien, but she is lonely.

Because she understands her particularity, I am afraid there will be no second **** in this world. No one tells God Ji, but she just knows that she knows everything in this world, what has happened, what has not happened, just In front of you, or in the distance.

Of course, the farther away from the island, the more obscure she understands, but she also knows how to solve it, that is time, and as time goes by, she will know everything.

But in other words, there will be no second woman.

She is lonely. In addition to these monsters, they are also different from themselves, but compared to a large number and very ordinary humans, these monsters have more or less some special abilities, obviously let the **** Ji watch Be kinder.

In addition, there are often people who show her disrespect for her. Over time, God Ji will hate humans.

She didn't like human beings appearing in front of her, and those unlucky eggs that strayed into her territory and disrespected her were often caught by her and used as nourishment for the shrine.

There are many special types of monsters that also need food, but it happens that the **** Ji, who knows everything, does not feel that there is anything wrong with eating people.

The **** Ji who knows everything in the world knows better than anyone. The most important part of this world is that the weak will be eaten, and human beings who are also members of this world have no excuses to look for.

Over time, more and more monsters gathered towards the **** Ji, and even the area of ​​the shrine was abruptly expanded from only one shrine to the entire long street.

God Ji knows that she has changed from an absolute and fair status to the umbrella of monsters. She is very clear about the operation of any rules in this world. She discovered her transformation at the first time, but she didn’t mind because she was God, the **** of this world.

She deserves to control everything.

But today, for the first time, she encountered something that made her wonder.

That Yin Yang teacher.

First of all, she found some nasty humans in the lower reaches of the river. She ordered the monsters to catch them back, because they not only entered her territory, but also disrespected them.

Because two of them do not believe in gods at all, and they have no awe in their hearts.

Then she came across this Onmyoji.

This is the first time she has encountered it, and there is no relevant memory in her head.

Even his companions could see clearly that the ugly werewolf could smell the stench floating on him across the river.

A creature mixed with werewolves and humans, exuding the smell of wild wolves. God Ji has never seen such a strange creature, but it does not prevent her from naturally dislike this kind of thing.

So she deprived him of the power, and this mixed variant of wild wolf and humans was clear in her eyes, and almost every cell was present.

Don’t be surprised that God Ji knows the concept of cell. There is hardly anything in this world that she doesn’t know.

Zhang Junyun is like a piece of paper in her eyes, and it is still split into countless pieces of paper. The **** Ji can easily deprive Zhang Junyun of his power and assimilate himself.

Then there is Kanosuke.

There are a lot of things like Jinsuke, who has seen him a lot. They call themselves ninjas, and they are a kind of more annoying guy than humans.

Although some ninjas are in awe of themselves, some ninjas are so crazy that they are even arrogant enough to kill themselves to replace themselves.

I don't know what it is.

It didn't even take a second, just a thought, and Susuke was completely transformed into an ordinary person.

Even if it was that strange girl, even if there was something in his arms, the spirit of the monster, Shen Ji Ji felt very familiar with him.

But... except for Yi Chou, unlike his companions, God Ji found that he had no influence on Yi Chong at all.

She had never seen Yi Chou, had no impression in her memory, or even did not understand him at all.

Although the power of Yi Biao seems to be re-absorbed and assimilated by her, God Ji does not know how to do it. This seems to be the first thing she hasn't known since she was born.

But the good news is that, looking at that guy's performance, he is still under his control. Sure enough, as long as it is something in this world, he will definitely be controlled by himself.

But then, this Onmyoji released a strange shadow and mask, and even Yingji couldn't deal with it. This is the second thing he didn't know.

At the beginning, although Shen Ji was very angry, he just wanted to let him die. However, as several people escaped, the shadow continued to injure and kill the monsters around him, and Shen Ji Ji became more angry.

God Ji has decided that when she catches this **** guy, she will give his soul eternal life, but it is the eternal life imprisoned in the shrine to atone for the sins he committed.

His companions will not be let go.

At the next moment, Shen Ji, with countless monsters, landed in front of Luo Shengmen and looked at the three people standing quietly below. Shen Ji's voice was calm, but it seemed to say with endless chill, "So... you have already Have you decided to give up?"

"No." Facing the question of God Ji, Yi Chou seemed to be relieved. "Just because, finally, it can all be over."...

"You are wise." God Ji sneered, "But it's a pity that you are too late, you will not die so easily."

"I think you made a mistake." Yi Xiao opened the magic book in his hand. "Return my companion to me, tell me your name, and... tell me where the entrance is."

God Ji coldly looked at Yi Chou, "Kill him, Xue Ji."

In the perception of God Ji, Jian Zhijie and Zhang Junyun have lost all their power. In her eyes, it is like a blank white paper. Although she can't see Yi Chou, it must be the same.

At this time, the huge shadow monster was still a hundred meters away from here. In any case, it was too late to rescue its owner.

Xue Ji understands the mood of God Ji at the moment. She didn't say a word, the figure turned into a huge snow giant directly, and set off the chilly wind to take pictures of Yi Huo.

Zhang Junyun's mouth couldn't help but twitched. Now that he has no way out, he can only choose to believe in Yi Chou, although he doesn't think any kind of wizard can face so many monsters, and even add a god.

In the next moment, Yi Huo's unhurried words sounded softly, "In front of Luo Shengmen, there are hundreds of ghosts walking at night.

At this moment, there seemed to be wandering wailing in the surroundings, as if there were countless shadows traveling through the forest.

"But in the moonlight obscured by fog, the dusty weapon was born again--"

A breeze suddenly appeared, and even the **** Ji was stunned for a while, and then, the breeze blew through the dark clouds, partially blocking the moon in the sky.

The slightest light appeared in the middle of the monsters, making these monsters instinctively uneasy.

Xue Ji's slap with a house as big as a house screamed down with a cold wind, as if at the next moment, several people would be photographed as a puree.

Zhang Junyun's pupils shrank violently, looking at the overwhelming giant hand, and then at Yi Chou again, with an unbelievable luster flashing in his eyes.

At the next moment, even when Shonosuke couldn't help but resist, the voice of Yi Chou sounded again.

"The monster pot is now closed, and all the monsters are destroyed."

A pot-shaped instrument with the size of a human head appeared in the middle of the open space. Its surface was quaint and worn, but it exuded an inexplicable attraction.

Immediately after ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ crazy suction came out of it, and the first one pulled towards Xueji.

The huge palms stagnate over the three, even less than one meter away from their heads, but they can no longer take the next step.

Because of the huge attraction pulling from behind, even Xue Ji's attraction continued to retreat.

"Do not!"

The huge snowman composed of white snow made a panic roar, struggling to struggle forward, but did not play any role at all, and could only let himself step back step by step, and then was sucked to the shabby pot on the ground in.

At the next moment, the whole sky moved, and the wind raged, as if the world had become chaotic.

A huge vortex appears in place, but it will only affect these monsters, and it will not have any impact on Yihou.

Like a huge pump, after a spiral of vortex, all the monsters are pulled by a huge attraction, they wailing, but they can't stop it, they can only let the huge vortex, like the tide, move them towards Sealed in the pot. (~^~)

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