High Magic Earth

Chapter 978: real

The **** Ji floating on the ground suddenly changed her face, because she felt that all the monsters that entered the pot had lost contact with her as if they had never appeared in this world.

As if this pot is a black hole.

There was a fierce light in his eyes. No matter what the ending of these monsters would be, God Ji had to break this thing. There were too many uncontrolled factors. One after another appeared, first Yi Yi, then dark green pudding shadow. , God Ji can no longer tolerate the appearance of the third thing.

As soon as her figure moved, she came directly to the front of the pot, but at the next moment, Yi Chou's voice rang again.

"Gods of this world cannot get close to the demon pot, cannot attack it, and cannot break it."

Yi Xiao closed the magic book, then shook his head calmly at the **** Ji, "Ah, this thing is not your toy, don't move it."

A huge attraction spewed out from the mouth of the sealing demon pot, like a water pump, and like a large vortex appearing in the deep sea. With an infinite attraction, everything nearby was dragged crazy.

The case mountains pulled the big trees on the ground, or hugged the stones in the soil, but they couldn't stop the monster pot from slowly pulling them into the vortex.

It seems that the rootless duckweed is floating in the sky, which has been attracted by the vortex for a long time.

Every monster will become very small when it enters the sealing monster pot, just be able to be stuffed into the pot mouth, and has absorbed more than half of the monsters, but the sealing monster pot still does not mean to stop.

But the monsters absorbed by Feng Yaohu do not contain the presence of God Ji.

With the fall of Yi Huo's words, Shen Ji's movements stopped almost immediately, stopping at a distance of ten meters in front of the sealing demon pot, and could no longer move forward.

God Ji was obviously not reconciled. She approached the monster pot again, using teleport, super speed breakthrough, and even other strange abilities, but she couldn't get close to it, let alone attack the monster pot.

So she turned her attention to Yi Chou.

And Yi Chou shrugged, "I have told you before, it is not your toy."

At the next moment, the attraction of the monster pot became bigger again, and even all the monsters remaining on the ground were lifted into the air in one breath. Countless monsters were rotating along the romantic day of the air, and it seemed as if they were black Clouds.

"This reminds me of a brave chessboard." Yi Xuan shrugged, seemingly bored.

But it seems that because of the overwhelming attraction, even the strings between Yi Xuan and Fu Jiang held by the monsters were swept into the sky, so Yi Xuan quickly opened the magic book again.

"But not all monsters are restricted by the monster pot. The two races Ninja and Fujiang are special."

As soon as the voice fell, Kanosuke and Fujiang fell out of the attraction range of the demon pot and instantly fell to the ground.


Yi Xiao spreads the magic book, and in a series of screams in Fu Jiang, he directly transferred the two to the ground at his feet. "I almost forgot you." He snapped the magic book and said lightly.

And Zhang Junyun, who had been watching for a long time, almost fell out of his eyes. "This...this..." He trembledly pointed at the demon pot on the ground and asked in disbelief, "There are also Eastern movie world?! Have you ever been there!?"

But then, without waiting for Yi Xuan to answer, he denied himself, "No...no." He shook his head, "I don't remember which movie I saw such a thing in." He looked very tangled. Sealing the demon pot in the center of the maelstrom of clouds, "What the **** is this, it is not like one of the ten artifacts."

Having said that, Zhang Junyun finally dreaded his eyes on the magic book in Yi Chou's hands, reminiscent of his previous actions and strange words, "This is you..."

In the next moment, Yi Xiao patted his shoulder and said calmly, "I haven't entered a world like that, but you guessed it, it's not an artifact of other worlds, but I... just for them Tailored."

The law comes out with words? The power of rules? Creator? Zhang Junyun's head turned to these thoughts in an instant, but in fact, it didn't matter, because he already understood that the thigh he was holding this time was probably an unprecedented big thick leg. ...

After a while, the vortex that raged across the sky calmed down, but there was nothing left around, and it was as if cleaned by a tornado.

The surrounding woods, including the stones on the ground, were all chopped clean, and all gathered in the vicinity of the sealing demon pot, almost burying it.

These are all left behind by the monsters who desperately grabbed all the things that can fix themselves in order to resist the attraction of the monster pot, and then was removed here by the monster pot.

It does not absorb everything. Although the monster pot is not intelligent, but it strictly follows the story settings read by the silver tongue, and there are almost no low-level errors in the treatment of monsters.

The wand slipped out of the cuff, Yi Xuan stretched forward gently, and the Feng Yao pot floated directly from the ruins, and then flew into Yi Xuan's hands.

The **** Ji did not stop it at all.

Her eyes fell on the magic book in Yi Chou's hands, her eyes flashing slightly, "What did you do to them." She asked calmly.

"It's nothing." Yi Chou shrugged easily and tucked the sealed monster pot into the small shadow fragments. "Just seal them, you wouldn't think I killed them."

"The future of these strange creatures is one of my magical legions." Yi Chou crooked his head, and then thought again, "Of course, it may also be experimental material."

"It doesn't matter anymore." He shrugged. "So rest assured, they are sealing monster pots...seal pots, whatever you like to call them, this is just the name I just casually named, they will be safe in the pot, don't use worry."

Even Zhang Junyun behind him stared closely at the magic book in Yi Xuan's hands, his eyes showing a greedy light, he did not hide it, because neither he nor Yi Xiao knew that he had no chance at all to give it to him. Take it over.

Because if this book is really what he imagined, then with just one sentence, you can never really own it.

The power of the rules cannot be shaken at all.

"Are you also a god?" Shen Ji, holding the mask of evil spirits, asked Yi Biao quietly and asked, she finally began to look up to Yi Biao, but unfortunately it seemed a little late.

Yi Chou tilted his head, "I don't know." He said.

"Your strength comes from this book." Shen Ji Ji looked at Yi Biao and continued, "so as long as it is destroyed, it can end all this."

During the speech, God Ji took off her mask of evil spirits, revealing her true face.

But it seemed as if there was a layer of mist all year round, and no one on the scene could see the face of God Ji, as if she existed, but she couldn't be watched.

Not even Yi Huo.

"I was a god." She said softly. With her voice, the **** Ji slowly floated into the air, "the gods of all things in the world."

"I am the master of everything..."

Yi Xiao squinted his eyes, the magic book in his hand tumbling to the middle page, he whispered very quickly, and even Zhang Junyun could not hear clearly, only in the last few sentences, he clearly Hear.

"Cavity space, expand!"

A huge phantom giant mouth appeared at the feet of several people, and then slowly opened to reveal the deep inside of the bottom.

"Go in." Yi Xuan said to several people, although the whole world seemed to tremble with the words of God Ji, but Yi Xuan's tone was still not much anxious.

But Zhang Junyun did not dare to hesitate.

They knew that staying here could not help them any more. This was no longer a battle that their level could reach. Obviously, this deep dark giant mouth appeared to protect them.

Although the appearance looks a little grim, Zhang Junyun believes in Yi Chou, so he took the lead in it, and then Kanosuke followed a few people, and his figure disappeared instantly.

After seeing all the people disappear, a strange smile appeared on Yi Xuan's face, and then the space was closed, and the huge shadow disappeared without a trace.

In the next moment, the abrupt disappearance of the ground that originally existed in the cavity space disappeared.

Even abruptly, the stones and bugs buried in the soil were directly halved from the middle because of the abrupt disappearance of this land, as if they were dug out and erased from the world. .

Yi Xiao narrowed her eyes and was able to do this, I am afraid that only the **** Ji in front of her, she finally took out her true skills.

"Crazy and stupid pseudo-god, you will pay for your ignorance." The voice of the **** Ji drifted down from the sky, slowly and long lingering in the ear of Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao raised his head and found that the **** Ji floating in the air did not know when it had disappeared. It was not an invisible little black spot because of the rise, but it really disappeared in the world, but in Yi Noo’s In the magic perception, she can still feel her existence.

And it's... everywhere.

In the next moment, the world has undergone amazing changes in front of Yi Chao.

As if the end of the world had come ahead of time, the earth was rolling, and the rolling earth seemed like a huge long snake more than a kilometer deep in the ground was wriggling, turning everything underground upside down.

The Shura Long Street behind Luo Shengmen has long been removed from the original place. These wooden cabins resembling masks turned into real Shura giants at this moment, shaking the wooden body and slowly standing up from the ground, their body surfaces Numerous bloodstains and long red lines are intertwined. From a distance, it looks like the veins of a person.

"It's really ugly." Yi Xuan frowned.

He naturally knows what these blood-colored filaments are. This is probably the result of the blood of countless creatures. Yi Chou does not know what kind of creatures, but nothing more than those things, humans who strayed into the forest, originally lived in the forest. The animals are even... monsters who died or dared to provoke God Ji.

How terrible a omnipotent **** would be, anyway, it would not be as easy as a few people saw it, she loved each other so much when interacting with other monsters.

These blood threads are the main reason for the wood Shura to move. Of course, if God Ji is willing, it is not impossible to give them life out of thin air.

For example, at this time, the color of these Shura's wood began to become deeper, and began to close like an unknown color.


With a loud noise, even the sky above Yi Chou was torn apart, becoming piece-by-piece, like a smashed jigsaw puzzle, they are scattered together and can reflect each other's shadow, and where they split , It was replaced by a series of black cracks with no bottom.

Yi Xiao took a closer look, and there was no turbulence in the world.

At the next moment, the vibration of the whole world became strong again, as if everything was repelling the existence of Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao frowned, although he was not afraid of God Ji, but he did not want to make things more troublesome, because all these things in front of him were not illusions, but things that actually happened.

Just like God Ji said.

She is the **** of this world, the omnipotent god, the **** who dominates everything. Not only does she know, she can even control everything in the world, all creatures, including the world itself.

In a sense, she is more terrifying than Yi Yi's silver tongue in this world.

She is the creator in the true sense.

In the next moment, all the debris flowed towards Yi Chou. The fragments of the sky, the rolling earth, and even those asuras that exuded thick blood were very slow, as if they were to squeeze or swallow Yi Chou a little bit. .

"It's stupid." Yi Huo sneered, then took out the magic book again.

But at the moment when the magic book appeared, the air in front of Yi Chou directly disappeared again, just like the ground that was just erased, and was dug out of the sky, but this time the goal was directed at the magic book in the hands of Yi Chou .

It is a pity that the **** Ji, who can control everything in the world, cannot shake a small book in Yi Chou's hands.

Shaking his head, Yi Biao said softly, "I may have forgotten to tell you that I had said it long ago, and no one can take it away from me."

"So... no one can take it away."

"And I have to tell you that it is the most stupid thing for you to integrate yourself into this world, because you are the best target everywhere."

"Spirit Ji... You will be confined to this stone slab by me."

Turning to a page in the magic book, Yi arrogantly whispered and read it in a very fast and short language~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the next moment, a stone slab with the same seal as Athena once appeared out of thin air In front of it, and then immediately, a huge air wave rolled up between heaven and earth, and the figure of God Ji gradually appeared in it, and then seemed to be pushed forward by an invisible force, and was finally shot there. In a slate.

The calm and calm waves, the wooden Shura, which lost its support, fell apart instantly, the blood mixed with the wood fell to the ground, and the Luoshengmen below was crushed directly. The torn sky gradually returned to its original state, and the ground was restored, almost in the blink of an eye, as if The apocalyptic situation resumed again.

It’s fast, like it’s been previewed countless times.

Yi Chou's eyes narrowed again, and sure enough, it was...

Some of the things in his mind have been gradually confirmed, but unfortunately, it is not yet time, because... Yi Chou's eyes fell on the **** Ji who was struggling on the surface of the slate, the truth of everything, the answer to the question, her true identity , I am afraid that even God Ji himself does not know what her true identity is.

Because of all this, you will only find it if you continue to walk along the river of steel. (To be continued.)

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