High Magic Earth

Chapter 979: problem

"This is really a weak god." Yi Chou landed the slate in the air before him.

The spirit created by God Ji is very loud, and it seems to be destroying the world. In the Edo era, I don’t know how many people will treat today’s scene as a miracle, or how many weird stories of wit.

But only Yi Xiao knows clearly that his defeat of God Ji is far from simple.

Came in front of the stone slab and looked at the God Ji who was still struggling on it, Yi Biao asked, "What's your name, or do you have a name?"

Shen Ji’s face was still unclear, as if covered with a layer of misty tulle, but she heard Yi Yi’s question, but she did not refuse to answer, “eight million.” She replied calmly and lowly.

"Eight million gods..." Yi Chou repeated, with a strange smile on his lips. "I thought you would call 7.99 million."

Although God Ji’s face could not be seen clearly, Yi Chou could still feel a hint of anger in her eyes.

"Why can't I dominate you." she asked calmly.

As a omnipotent and omnipotent god, she is almost omnipotent in this world. If you want to let any life, you can make people live, and who wants to die, is just a matter of thought.

She can even reverse time, reverse the future, and easily rewrite the common sense that has been demonstrated in the world. Manipulating destiny is her simplest method.

But all this is useless here when it comes to Yihuo.

Otherwise, she would have been crushed by an idea, how could she tear down Luo Shengmen, tear the sky apart, and even make the earth roar with anger.

It's so troublesome, but it's not that she wanted Yi Chou to feel the despair and death slowly. She wasn't so bored, just because she couldn't just press Yi Chou directly.

And not only that, she couldn't control the huge jelly shadow, otherwise she would have taken the monsters out of this silly big man's entanglement.

Even the people around Yi Chou instantly lost contact when they entered this quirky cavity space.

Originally, whether it was Zhang Junyun or Kanosuke, their fate and life were clear in the eyes of 8 million, and it was as clear as a dictionary, which could be interpreted at will.

She did not directly erase them, first of all because they were not important, after all, even if they were removed from the world, they could not really affect Yi Chou.

Another point is that 8 million does not think that Yi Chou can escape from his control. After all, she is the world, and even the whole world must obey her.

But I didn't expect...

"Master?" Yi Xiao shrugged. "Perhaps because I am not a person in this world."

"It's impossible." Eight million still shook his head calmly. "Humans, Zhang Junyun, Tan Qing, and Daisy Eller also don't belong to this world, but I can also control their life and death, and dominate everything about them."

"Maybe I'm special." Yi Biao said with no sincerity, and his eyes looked at the surrounding mountain scenery that had been restored.

"You are indeed very special." Divine Spirit Ji seemed to have changed into a person, replied in a glance.

"You really don't have the consciousness of being a captive." Yi Xuan finally turned his head back, saying with some helplessness, "It's still the first time you have faced such a situation and don't know what to do."

This sentence seemed to trigger some kind of signal, and the numb spirit Ji suddenly appeared alive again, her body showed a dangerous and angry breath, "Human, pay attention to your words." She asked.

"It's like something else." Yi Chou took a step back, waved his wand, and lifted the slate out of thin air. Eight million people were imprisoned on the side of the slate, looking like a piece of meat on a cutting board.

"Don't forget that I told you once, I have sealed a **** long ago."

"Are you going to use me as a talker, the second **** sealed by you?" Eight million sneered.

"No, I haven't planned to seal the second **** yet." Yi Xuan said.

"Do you want to kill God?" A cold breath came from eight million people.

And Yi Biao thought about it and said again, "I didn't plan to kill you anymore, because...I don't think you are a god."

Eight million froze, she didn't know why Yi Chou said that, but the next moment, she was furious, because Yi Chou continued to speak slowly.

"Even the parallel Athena in the God of War is many times stronger than you. I've never seen such a weak guy, uh... wrong, maybe there is a cunning guy."

"You stupid!..."

Eight million screamed in anger, but immediately, Yi Xiao waved his wand and directly blocked the voice. Yi Xuan did not have the habit of listening to the wailing of the loser.

"So let's get back to business, where is the entrance, or... is that really a river?"

After all, the **** is a god. When she realized that she could not do anything, she quickly calmed down. Through the thick and dense mist, she seemed to be watching Yi Huo coldly, "I don't know." Eight million cold voices Said.

"I think you'd better tell the truth." Yi arrogant took a bottle of veritaserum from his arms and shook it in front of eight million.

Although I don’t know what it is, in this case, I am afraid that anyone can guess one or two without using their brains. Although 8 million are confused about her failure, she did not intend to be stubborn in such a small thing. Nothing, just...

"I really don't know what you are talking about."

In fact, the 8 million heart is also very strange. To be honest, she was not dissatisfied in the hands of Yi Chou. Perhaps as Yi Chou said, he may be an accident.

Unexpectedly, eight million is not unacceptable. After all, she can’t be killed or sealed. With the continuous accumulation of her power, she can break all the seals. Even if she dies, she can be anywhere in the world. The corner is reborn.

In other words, even in a sense, she never died.

If you can’t beat it once, then come back again. Eight million people are confident that they will come and go one day sooner or later. After all, as a omnipotent and omnipotent god, she has accommodated almost all the knowledge and awareness of all living things in this world, defeated and dignified. Something does not exist in her eyes.

However, she did not know the question asked by Yi Huo, but it was intolerable by eight million.

If Yi Chao asked questions about this world, but he didn't even know it, it was impossible. He was the omnipotent and omnipotent God in this world, and there are things in this world that he doesn't know.

Eight million people can accept accidents from outside the world, but they cannot accept accidents within their own dominance, because this is too horrible to think about.

She is a omnipotent being, but there are things in the world that she doesn't know. Is that omnipotent omnipotence a complete joke?

If you dig a little deeper, then what these hidden things, even hiding her, mean.

Of course, if the issue of clamor is not related to this world, it does not matter.

Hearing the answer of 8 million, Yi Bao didn’t seem strange, but just shook his head and sighed, “Sure enough...”

"What the **** are you saying..."

Eight million frowned, relative to her failure. At this time, she was more concerned about this issue, but Yi Chou did not have the interest to talk to her.

"Okay, you can be quiet for a while." Yi Huo said, "If you don't know the entrance, then I need to find it myself..."

"I won't kill you, just let you sleep for a while, I won't wake you up, but you can try to call yourself up if...you can really wake up."

After talking about it, without waiting for eight million rebuttals, Yi Chou waved his wand and the stone slab suspended in the air suddenly turned.

Just like a coin falling on the table, the slate is suspended in mid-air, and it starts to flip up and down and left and right. It seems that there is an invisible center of gravity lying in the center of the slate, no matter how it rotates, It was firmly fixed in place without any slight deviation.

The voice of the deity was once again wiped out to nothing, and her figure soon disappeared into the rotating slate. This rotation seemed to be endless, and soon turned into a light ball with only golden afterimages in the air.

After a moment, Yi Chou's wand had a meal.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the stone slab fell heavily to the ground and was directly shot horizontally on it. It even pressed the ground down a dozen meters deep to form a quadrangular pit.

The soil below was squeezed and compressed to a terrible level in one breath.

"Huh." Yi Huo whispered, and it sounded painful. For some reason, he didn't like this guy, so he planned to throw her here temporarily.

After all, she might not have lived long if there were no accidents.

Waving the magic wand, the soil on the ground began to creep, and after the deep pit was smoothed out, Yi Chou called out the space in which Zhang Junyun and several people were hiding.

As soon as the black giant mouth opened, Zhang Junyun's head emerged from the inside. "That crazy guy was sealed by you?" He asked the diameter as soon as he appeared.

Yi Chou's head was tilted, and he had already figured out the reason, but he still asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because I feel that my ability has returned." Zhang Junyun stepped out of the giant mouth and patted his chest. "Speed... power, and my werewolf bloodline."

So far, he did not intend to continue to conceal the existence of his werewolf blood. After all, as long as he is not blind, several half-werewolves have been seen for a long time, but no one has broken it, and Zhang Junyun did not say it.

But even so, he still did not say which werewolf world he experienced, and Yi Chou did not break the casserole habit, so he did not ask directly.

Sure enough, Zhang Junyun's answer was not unexpected.

"She is not my opponent." Yi Xiao smiled blandly, without concealing the magic book in his hand. "I told her that I had sealed a god, and she still didn't believe it."

"Even if omniscience and omnipotence can be called God, which one is simple."

Zhang Junyun's eyes were almost always on the magic book in Yi Chou's hands. He didn't hide his fiery eyes, but said with a wry smile, "Ango, you are hiding really deep."

"Fortunately, this is not the space of the Lord God, otherwise, depending on your hidden strength, our wave will definitely be wiped out."

"What is this book, as if what you said is what...I don’t remember any movie that contains such a thing, even the so-called magic book, there is no such ability, this ability should be said. ...Don’t tell me you’ve been to the world of Doraemon."

"It's not the world of Doraemon, but don't think about the world, that place is very dangerous. In order to get this thing, I also exhausted my whole body."

"Other people can't use it." Zhang Junyun nodded clearly, without asking, but directly asked another question.

"No one can use it except me." Yi Xuan did not hide it, and answered directly.

No one will be blinded by things that can make one step into God. Zhang Junyun is curious about the magic book, and even asking such questions is not surprising.

The real problem is that he buried everything in his heart. Although Yi Chou feels that the more free people are, the better, but he does not feel that there is a need for free people who always like infighting.

Fortunately, Zhang Junyun is a smart man, he is always smart.

Maybe he will be stronger than he is in the future, Yi Xiao is unclear, but now, he will always remain in this state.

And if one day, he will be stronger than Yi Chou at this time, then he still needs the power of the magic book, Yi Chou feels that he can no longer use it.

Immediately afterwards, Kanosuke also came out of the huge mouth of the cavity space.

Seeing that nothing seemed to have happened in the surroundings, let alone mentioning the mountains that shook the world, Zhang Junyun took a deep breath and said to Yi Chou, "Thanks to you, Ang."

Yi Chou shrugged and shook his head, "You can't say that either. You only left Jiahe because of me, so I met these things like God Ji, and they are my goal, my task, to find source."

"Perhaps if you don't leave Jiahe and stay there, your task will be completed easily. After all, the task here is always very simple."

When speaking here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Junyun finally changed his face fiercely. Yi Chou's battle with God Ji was very short, so Zhang Junyun didn't stay in the cavity space for long. After seeing the two sides, he In the space, I worry about whether Yi Chou can win.

Hearing Yi Chou's mention at this time, he remembered the main purpose of several people catching up. "Yang Yan and Tan Qing don't know what happened." He said a little anxiously.

"Relax." Naturally, Yi Biao will not forget these people. He found Yang Yan where they were before the **** silk thread of Luo Shengmen struck. He even paid attention to it when he finally dealt with 8 million. Protected it.

"I have found them." Yi Huo said, "After the **** Jiji caught them, they only had time to lock them up, and hurriedly confronted us."

"They are now in a dungeon and safe."

"That's good, that's good." Wen Yan said, Zhang Junyun was relieved immediately, but after he looked around, he felt like something was missing. Looking back into the huge mouth of the cavity space, he realized.

Fu Jiang did not follow up, or that she was blocked inside the giant mouth. (~^~)

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