High Magic Earth

Chapter 980: Imprison

The cavity space is not dark. Although there is no light source, it maintains a visible brightness, just like the space itself has a certain luminous ability.

However, when the first rays of light gradually bloomed in the space, Fu Jiang still realized that the battle was over.

Whether it is Yi Chou victory, or God Ji victory.

If you are not worried that you might stay in this space for a long time after Yihou’s death, seriously, whoever loses and wins Fujiang doesn’t care.

Anyway... all idiots.

But the **** Ji, who controls everything, did not seem to let lucky to care for himself. Fu Jiang had already seen the familiar face outside the cavity space with his eyes, and it was Yi Chou who finally won the victory.

As she said, she doesn't care who wins, because in her eyes, it's like a boring game, but it's not bad to leave this space early.

Because it is so oppressive here, there is almost nothing but dim gloss, just like a little black room that has not yet been completed.

This reminded Fu Jiang of a lot of unpleasant memories.

After all... in her distant memories, there were not thousands of imprisonment and imprisonment, but hundreds.

Memory... is really a good thing.

In silence, Fu Jiang herself played her own little transparent and mascot, she followed behind the two, waiting to leave from this space.

The first go out was still the idiot full of vitality. As soon as Zhang Junyun left the space, Fu Jiang even felt that the surrounding air was a lot quieter.

Next is Kanosuke, although he has a gentle personality, no matter what age, the men here are full of masculinity, really **** it.

Fu Jiang kept up with the bad customs and customs of the Edo era.

But to be honest, some buildings and existence in the Edo period are indeed invisible to modern times. This trip was also very unexpected for Fujiang, and it was not so boring.

Then the next moment.

With the sound of "Boom!", Fu Jiang's forehead crashed hard against an invisible glass wall, and then fell to the ground. ...

"What about Fujiang." Zhang Junyun looked back for a moment, then saw Fujiang who was lying on the ground, but still inside the giant mouth of the space. "What's wrong with her?" he asked strangely.

"If you see it." But Yi Chou didn't have many accidents, and even a little careless, "She fell."

Of course I knew she had fallen, and whether she had to kiss to get up. Zhang Junyun uttered a bad sentence in his heart, but he didn't say it.

Although Zhang Junyun still behaves like a normal person, in the face of a wizard of this level, he is still unconsciously cautious, because you must know that if you change another system description, Yi Xuan can now be called Already exposed to the existence of rules.

Probably the only aborigine, Suginosuke, who has not experienced the baptism of various cultural messes in this world, and who has no concept in his mind, can also face Yihuo with a normal heart.

Zhang Junyun seems to vaguely remember that the description of this power system seems to be... under the rules, are all ants?

Even at this time, he was still somewhat fortunate that this is not a cruel master space. In that cruel environment, I am afraid that he still has no ash left.

But this does not mean that Zhang Junyun’s attitude can be very casual. After all, although this space has no obliteration mechanism, there are no other rules. Without rules, it means that anything can be done here. Weak meat and strong food are still the main theme of this space. .

Friendship with strangers can only show the friendliness of this person, but it is not everyone’s responsibility. Even if you don’t speak directly, you can’t make any accusations. After all, this is the nature of survival.

Fortunately, there are still people from other spaces secretly looking for them. In this large environment, any free person who has been in contact with the outside world several times will not randomly attack people when they see people in other worlds.

Without this urgent environment, it would be hard to say what the source world will look like now.

Wait... Zhang Junyun suddenly froze, secretly looking for what seemed to happen, then why hasn’t there been people in the source world who advocate weak meat and strong food.

Does the secret search have lasted for a long time, and the predecessors are finally unable to escape, or say...another secret that I don't know...

This thought was fleeting in Zhang Junyun's mind, and he once again focused his energy on the present. After all, the sky fell down and there was a tall man standing. At this moment, in front of himself, there was obviously a giant 60 meters high.

"Of course I know this guy fell down." Zhang Junyun said rather helplessly, "I'm just why she is still in this."

The invisible glass protective net has gradually materialized. It is not surprising that Zhang Junyun can see it, and it is because of this that he does not understand why Fu Jiang was locked inside.

"Isn't she staying well inside?" Yi Chou continued casually. "I remember you shouldn't like her very much."

"That's true." Zhang Junyun continued helplessly, "but not you..."

Speaking of which, he was suddenly stunned. That's right. If Yi Chou was confused by Fu Jiang, why did he shut Fu Jiang in?

People who were fascinated by the magic of Fu Jiang, besides the fact that Fu Jiang was given to the hatchet, I am afraid that Fu Jiang would let them go east, and they would not dare to go west.

Unless Fu Jiang asks, Yi Chou will not throw Fu Jiang in this dim space anyway.

But Fu Jiang probably won't make such a request, because how does this look... How is it like being detained...

But in the next moment, Zhang Junyun immediately realized that if the magic book in Yi Chou's hands had really been exposed to the power of the rules, then in any case, he would not be crazy because of Fu Jiang's magic.

No wonder his own group is okay. I thought Fu Jiang was weaker than in the movie. The magic can only affect the people closest to her...

But Zhang Junyun obviously couldn't tell these things. He smiled and said, "I thought...you were enchanted by the beauty of Fu Jiang."

"I didn't tell you long ago, wouldn't I be fooled." Yi Chou finally put away his casual attitude, and the focus of his eyes focused again.

But soon, he realized from the expression of Zhang Junyun and Xuan Zhisuke, both of them obviously think so.

"Ah, you all think so." Yi Chou grabbed his head. "Isn't anyone telling the truth now?"

It's obvious that you're showing that look yourself. It's easier to misunderstand. Zhang Junyun rolled his eyes in his heart, and then asked, "Then... why do you look like that?"

"That look." Yi Huo was stunned, and then understood, "Oh, you mean, why do I look like I was confused by Fu Jiang, right?"

"Relax, not to deceive you, I'm not that boring yet, but... but it's really for concealment, not you, it's something, something else."

"Other things?" Zhang Junyun froze, frowning. "Someone is watching us?"

"I didn't find it." Yi Biao shrugged. "But... there wasn't just one person who claimed to be the omnipotent existence."

"Are you hiding the **** Ji?" Zhang Junyun asked strangely, "You already knew her existence?"

"I don't know." Yi Xuan still shrugged, and he shook his head. "But I know... she's definitely not the thing I'm looking for, it's not the real goal, do you think, Miss Kawakami Fujiang."...

"Let me go out." The previous collision would not make Fu Jiang stunned. She just lay on the floor and didn't want to move. By the way, she wanted to hear what Yi Chou had to say.

At this time, Yi Chou was broken, and she stood up and said very plainly.

"After listening for so long, do you still think I will let you out." Facing Fu Jiang, Yi Chou's voice was also flat.

"Let me go out."

It's just that Fu Jiang still repeats this sentence as if he didn't hear Yi Chou's answer.

"This sentence sounds really visual." Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. "You don't want to go anywhere without answering my question."

Fu Jiang's eyes showed an unusually angry luster. At the next moment, there was a wriggling of her ankle, and a Fu Jiang was split by her in just a few breaths.

"Is this a threat? Miss Fujiang." Yi Xuan showed a strange smile.

Fu Jiang still didn't answer, just stood there quietly, staring at Yi Chou violently, and Fu Jiang was quickly multiplied, and soon there were more than a dozen.

A large group of Fujiang with the same appearance stood together, making people feel chills.

"Friendly remind me, this space is just what I just created." Yi Xiao said with a smile, "It is not important."

"And you reminded me that I almost forgot this thing."

Yi Xiao put his hand in his arms and quickly pulled out a black videotape. Before everyone responded, he quickly threw it into the mouth of the cavity.

At the same time, the transparent barrier was dimmed, and the video tape immediately smoothly submerged halfway in, but at this moment, the rich river inside responded quickly and tried to rush outward, and the video tape itself seemed to realize something and protruded from the inside. A pale arm wanted to grab the appearance of the barrier.

But at the next moment, Yi Chou's mantra followed, and the two rays of light instantly shattered their abacus.


The videotape fell to the ground inside the cavity space, but it was unharmed.

At this time, Zhang Junyun realized that something was thrown into Yi Huo, but he didn't react to it for the first time, who the video tape represented.

But obviously, Fu Jiang knew this thing, her mouth twitched unnaturally, and then backed away slightly.

At the next moment, almost everyone except Yi Yi, almost everyone took a step back.

The icy cold that penetrated into the bone marrow spread out along the video tape, and then, a white sada squeezed out of the video tape a little, she came to the transparent barrier, staring at Yi Chou, "Let me go, shut me What come in."

The special chill of the evil spirit made Zhang Junyun unable to take a step back again, only to see the familiar shape of Sadako, as well as the video tape that can be called a logo, he immediately thought of Sadako's identity, "She is... Sadako Yamamura?" "He couldn't help asking.

Yi Chou did not deny it, but nodded.

Suddenly, Zhang Junyun was caught in a mess. Perhaps Nosuke was not clear about what happened, but Zhang Junyun understood.

Why Sadako appears here, if it is Fujiang, it may be well understood, after all, the origin of Fujiang seems to be very long in the setting, even if it appeared in the Edo era, it is not unacceptable.

But Sadako, she appeared in later generations, that is, the grievances of the modern 20th-century girl with special abilities who died after death, how could it be here.

And this kind of videotape... will not be seen in the Edo period.

Unless...Junjun Yun's eyes fall on Yi Xuan, after all, only the free man can move through the world. With Yi Xuan's magic book, I believe that Sadako will not be his opponent...

Zhang Junyun on the other side was messy in the wind, but Yi Chou had already replied.

"Sorry, Miss Sadako, I'm afraid you will stay in it for a while."

"Why?" Sadako was puzzled. She smoothly tore a fragmented Fujiang who had come unconsciously into pieces, and then asked strangely, "I'm not your enemy."

"I know you are not an enemy, but...I am not sure you can trust, so sorry, it is because of this, you still stay with Miss Fu Jiang for a while."

When he saw Zhen Zi, Fu Jiang seemed to think of something. Re-associating the questions asked by Yi Huo, Fu Jiang finally realized what Yi Huo was looking for.

Although the two come from later generations, Sadako is indeed on the opposite side of her, that is, she shreds herself countless times in that wooden house, and even the rich plasma has accumulated thick layers in the room.

Because of the similarities between the two of them, Sadako also knew something that Fu Jiang knew.

These secrets Fu Jiang didn't intend to tell Yi Huo. After all, men who are ornaments don't need to know so much. They can only say something when they are happy. If they are not happy, don't want to know anyone.

But obviously, Yi Chou even took the lead in contact with Sadako, and completely blinded himself.

This means that some things have become known, and their concealment has become meaningless.

I just didn't expect that after telling Yi Chou about most of the news, Zhenzi was also shut down by him. This was really ridiculous, and Fu Jiang's eyes showed a trace of ridicule.

But soon, the haze came down again. After all... the person she regarded as an ornament was also out of control silently, no, to be precise, he was never taken by himself. Captured by beauty.

This is a humiliation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The surrounding rich rivers seem to be splitting faster.

But even so, even if he owns the magic book, Fu Jiang still doesn't like the place he will go next.

Taking a step forward, Fu Jiang leaned lazily on the glass barrier and then slowly sat on the ground. "Curiosity will kill cats and people."

But Yi Chou outside just smiled and replied, he waved his wand, and the space began to close a little.

At the same time, Sadako has begun to kill the surrounding Fujiang people. Fujiang knows that the scene of the wooden house may be repeated again.

Then she closed her eyes gently and began to wait for the death to come. "Death is only a short sleep for me, but for you it is an eternal sleep. Hope... we can meet again." Fu Jiang turned his head , Put your finger on the glass barrier, and watch quietly the Yi Xiao who narrows slowly.

The next moment, the huge mouth of the shadow closed completely. (~^~)

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