High Magic Earth

Chapter 981: Dungeon

The cavity space is closed, and the black giant mouth gradually shrinks like ink, and finally converges on the ground into a 19?, and then silently submerges into the ground and is absorbed by the soil.

It seemed to be aware that Zhang Junyun's eyes were a bit weird, Yi Chou shrugged, and asked strangely, "What's wrong, I don't think I can ask anything useful from their mouths."

Faced with the clamor of not knowing whether it is natural black or really dumb, Zhang Junyun is also weak. "Where is Zhenzi."

"I picked it up." Yi Huo replied without hesitation.

But Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched very subtly, and after seeing his reaction, Yi Chou knew whether he had believed or not. This is really strange. He was telling the truth, why no one believed the truth.

Fortunately, Yi Chou didn't want to waste his mind and energy on these things. He put the magic book in his arms and said calmly, "Let's go find Yang Yan and they have been delayed for so long."

This sentence really attracted Zhang Junyun's attention to the past, and even included Susuke Nosuke. He no longer paid attention to strange things such as Sadako, but looked at Yi Chong vigorously.

"Where are they?"

Yi Xiao took out his wand and tossed it upward. The wand was spinning in the air and finally suspended in mid-air.

Just like a gyro, the wand is constantly rotating, and it is discerning the direction. After the **** Ji is sealed, the nearby world has returned to normal, including the power lost by Zhang Junyun and Kanosuke.

As a matter of course, Yi Chou can show his magic power again. He wants to forge the magic book that God Ji cannot shake his hands, but he can still act on himself and suppress the illusion of his magic.

Although Yi Xao has entered the world, the upper limit of his magic power does not seem to exceed the Auror. Several counter-attacks have also relied on magic books that seem to be artifacts. His own power seems to have little effect, but Yi Xuan still I like to play and do a full set.

Soon, the wand stopped spinning and pointed quietly in one direction.

Inside Luo Shengmen, the long-story wooden house long street that has been restored to its former silence, has been transformed into Shura before, and even the blood of countless creatures is buried under it, but at this time it has returned to calm again.

It's just that the direction of the wand is too general. The interior of the long street is full of rooms. Although there are not many, there are hundreds of rooms at a glance. Could it be found one by one.

Before waiting for this idea to turn inside Zhang Junyun's head, Yi Chou had lifted his feet and walked over.

The wand was put away by him. Correspondingly, a beam on Luo Shengmen turned into a huge arrow.

The arrow is made of wood, sticks out from the Rashomon, rises high, and looks quite cartoonish. It seems that if someone is afraid of not seeing it, he would like to make himself bigger than Rashomon.

"Guide magic." Yi Xiao said briefly, "Keep up with them."

When the words fell, the roofs of countless wooden houses in the long street immediately began to creep, just like the sprouting of dead trees, and countless pieces of wood were drawn from the original wooden boards or house beams, forming abstract arrow patterns.

These patterns exaggeratedly stand on the roof of the wooden house. If it is not the power of magic itself that restricts them, although it looks a little funny and funny, but it can't really become very huge, I am afraid these guys would like to give the house below themselves Overwhelmed and replaced by yourself.

But Rao is the case. This silent long street full of Edo style still turns into a scene where countless billboards are erected overnight.

Zhang Junyun sucked his mouth and didn't know how to describe it. Yi Chou's magic had brought him too much surprise. In the face of this strangely shaped magic, he had no more words to evaluate.

And Kanosuke is also interested in staring at these strange patterns. Although he can’t understand the thinking of later generations, the basic meaning of the arrows is still understandable. With their cartoonish shapes, it seems to awaken the strings Introduce a certain property buried deep in the blood.

If in the end the plot changes due to the involvement of a few people and Yisuke is not dead, maybe the time when the first cartoonist in the world appears will be advanced.

Although these arrows seem to have their own consciousness and like to express themselves exaggeratedly, the direction they point to is still very obvious.

Countless arrows converge on the long street, pass one after another, and finally converge to a wooden house by a shrine. The huge arrows protrude from the nearby eaves and hang over the target house, which looks like it is floating.

It seemed that a few people could not see it, and it shook a few times from time to time, pointing to the wooden building below.

"There!" The three people saw this scene at the same time. At the next moment, Kanosuke and Zhang Junyun had already used their respective super speeds and shook them out instantly.

Just preparing to bring the two phantoms to the past, Yi Chou stopped in the air, shrugged, and Yi Chou's body became distorted in place, and the sound of "Slap!" disappeared in place.

When the phantom appeared again, he had already arrived outside the wooden door of the house, and the two of them had not yet arrived, Zhang Junyun, Kanosuke. After waiting again for a while, their figures also appeared here.

"It's still convenient for space spells." Zhang Junyun said.

"I can take you for a ride."

"It's still forgotten." Zhang Junyun said bitterly, "The illusion of disorientation is too uncomfortable. Could every wizard be able to endure this kind of vertigo, the physical quality of the wizard is really good, it must exceed the werewolf Right."

"I'm still here." Yi Xiao said blankly.

However, this seems to be a problem, not only Zhang Junyun, but Xiaomeiji in the world of silver tongues also seems to have this reaction. Yi Chou thought that Meiji is special, but now, it turns out that it is a problem of his own illusion.

Sure enough, there is no disease called phantom shift reaction.

However, he has deliberately studied the subject about weight loss and disordered response caused by the first phantom shift, and has greatly optimized the energy composition of the phantom shift. Why does this problem occur?

I feel okay.

Grabbing his head, Yi Chou didn't say anything. He left the question behind him and then opened the door of the cabin.

Kinosuke was about to stop it, but the wooden house had been opened. After the wooden door, it was not a wooden house-like structure seen by a few people outside, but a deep, deep, stepped tunnel leading to the underground.

"Weird style." Yi Xuan frowned, he raised his foot, but Kinosuke had already taken the lead in front of him.

Kannosuke's words are not many. Although the conversation between Yihou and Zhang Junyun is also often in Japanese, there are still many vocabularies that Kansuke does not understand.

He does not speak, but it does not mean that he is indifferent to anything.

In fact, the original Motosuke believes that he should act as a **** for this trip. After all, although some people seem a little weird and seem to have some skills, but if they really fight each other, I am afraid they are not. Own opponent.

But I didn't expect that along the way, I first saw a monster as big as a bullfight, and then saw countless different forms of monsters, which even existed in word of mouth. In the end, I saw the deep forest. Gods everywhere.

What makes him even more unbelievable is that some of these people can even compete with the gods and complete the act of killing the gods with the human body.

Although Kanosuke's face was quiet, the nature of the inner strong man had shocked him beyond recognition, and thanks to Yi Huo's little communication with him, otherwise bowing and kneeling was only the lightest performance.

Although Suginosuke is a ninja, it looks much better than those who only promised the poor, but in fact, it is because he is a ninja in the dark that he respects the strong and respects the rules of the class.

Although he knows that he is a far cry from Yi Chou, but at this time Kanosuke still walks in front of Yi Chou, which is his responsibility.

Some doubts, but Yi Biao soon realized that he did not stop, because there was no danger below, so he was too lazy to waste his tongue here, just whispered, "Hurry up."

The dark staircase is deep, and the further down, the heavier the smell of blood in the air is, but the strange thing is that few people along the way did not encounter any monsters.

Yi Xao knew in his heart that all the monsters behind Luo Shengmen would also be installed in the demon pot.

The harvest this time is great. The hundreds of monsters in this trip alone are of great value. You must know that all the magical creatures that Yi Biao has encountered so far have been added once.

Of course, many of the monsters are of large ethnic groups, such as the case of Shanshanzi and Ukiji. They almost account for the vast majority of the total number of monsters. There are not many independent people like the Snow Maiden eight feet, but they still gain a lot.

But these magical creatures have not yet belonged to Yi Chou completely, because if Yi Chou did not guess wrong... It is almost impossible to really get them, he still needs the last step, otherwise all this is just a mirror.

Therefore, he did not put the monster pot back on the Fantasy Island, but still put it in the shadow he carried with him.

Uginosuke didn't know all this, he was still very cautious about the darkness below, but because of Yi Chou's request, he moved fast.

Although it is easy to be attacked and attacked by secret enemies in this way, he must do the same, and Yi Chou walks behind Kanosuke, who is confident in himself.

Yi Biao has used magic to touch the situation below for a long time. With the smooth progress of Uenosuke, several people quickly reached the deepest part of the dungeon.

It seems that no other human has entered here recently, so there is nothing but Yang Yan in the dungeon.

After descending into the depths, the three immediately saw them.

"Tan Qing!" Zhang Junyun stepped forward and shouted anxiously.

Yang Yan Tan Qing and Daisy were detained in the same dungeon cell, but they all fainted and fell on the dry grass in the cell.

Seeing the missing partner, even Kanosuke was a little excited, and he quickly caught up with Zhang Junyun.

The cell is made of wood and looks very fragile and rudimentary. If not all three are unconscious, they can come out by themselves.

Of course, the exception is if God Ji directly wiped out their abilities, but I believe that as a ninja, Yangyan is always more experienced than Tan Qing and Daisy, who were ordinary people before and knew nothing about fighting.

It seems that either God Ji Ji has confidence in himself or confidence in the dungeon guard.

Faced with this humble prison, the two did not hesitate. The knife light in the hands of Kanosuke flashed, and the row of five logs in front of him broke instantaneously, and Zhang Junyun was even more direct. The wooden door of the cell was scratched.

Zhang Junyun rushed in to hug Tan Qing, but was horrified to find that she didn't seem to faint, because her breath almost became angry, almost as if she would die next moment.

"What's wrong with her?!" Zhang Junyun was surprised and asked subconsciously Yi Yiao.

But Yi Xiao was not much surprised. He had sensed the situation below. Facing Zhang Junyun, who was about to explode, he said calmly, "Relax, she didn't die, but she lost a lot of vitality."

It seems that for the reason that several people rushed over in time, the three did not suffer any harm at all, but were temporarily imprisoned in this dungeon.

But their vitality is still lost a lot, and Yi Chou can feel that although magic can also cause this phenomenon of life weakness, in this scene at this time, this is obviously the so-called life-sucking caused by the monsters.

Of course, it can cause death, but it has not yet reached that level.

Yi Biao probably knew what was going on around the **** smell. This dungeon itself was absorbing the vitality of the human beings held inside. The vitality of the three detectives passed away in this way. I'm afraid they are really in danger.

Because they didn't see any bones along the way, it wasn't that no humans had stumbled into it recently, but that they had been sucked from the dungeon all the time, and the dead bones of the creatures that had been sucked here were gone.

After all... Yi Yao's sealed monster pot will not collect corpses for other creatures.

At this time, Zhang Junyun and Xuanzhijie had walked out with three people on their backs, and heard Yi Chou's explanation. Although Zhang Junyun was still a little uneasy in his heart, he also suppressed it.

Seeing that people have arrived~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi nodded and nodded. At the next moment, "bang!" exploded, and they had already appeared to the ground again.

Zhang Junyun frowned, and seemed to be dizzy, but he still put up with it and asked Yi Biao, "What do they do?"

Yi Xiao motioned him to put the three men on the ground, then took three bottles of potions from his arms and shook them in front of Zhang Junyun. "The potions in the Harry Potter world, the most unmagical thing in the magic world, you can rest assured. "

The problems of the three people are not big, but the vitality has passed away, and it has not yet reached the level of hurting the source. It is only the potion in Yi Chou's hands that can be recovered, even without using the power of the silver tongue.

After pouring the potion to them, Yi Chou told Xian Zhijie and Zhang Junyun, as long as they waited for them to wake up, they would wake up soon.

But compared to the three of them, Yi Chou is more concerned about the answers to questions that have not been obtained so far, where is the entrance.

Thinking about this, Yi Chou set his sights on the nearby water pool not far away, where the source of the Xiaoxi River where Yang Yan bathed. (~^~)

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