High Magic Earth

Chapter 982: Entrance

The Mermaid Lake in Neverland is also a big waterhole. Obviously the waterhole here is not as big as Neverland.

Behind the long street is a hill. The thick woods make it impossible to see the inside. The stream flows down there, then gathers into a pool, and then flows down again.

Zhang Junyun and Xuanzhijie are guarding Yangyan and waiting for them to wake up, so only Yi Biao comes here alone.

The mooring water is crystal clear, you can see the pebbles below clearly, recalling a few words from Zhenzi, Yi Chou is not sure if this is a so-called steel river.

The words of the river...it must be. Although it is small, it can only be called the Xihe River.

The phrase "the river of steel only" is obviously not so simple, because if it is only the river, then there is no need to emphasize the word steel.

There must be something special in it.

Sadako’s words can be believed.

Of course, her original intention may not be as good as she said, to help Yi Chou, or to deal with Fu Jiang, maybe she really has any grudges between Fu Jiang and acting, but more importantly, Yi Chou can’t judge her Original intention.

Just like Fu Jiang, Dementia cannot judge her true thoughts. No matter what she says, Dementia is correct.

Perhaps this is the special point of Fujiang and Sadako being unique magical creatures. Perhaps Fujiang’s words even convinced herself.

But no matter what the real meaning of Sadako is, there is still some credibility in what she says, because she originally intended to guide Yi Chou there.

Although she doesn't know what Zhenzhen's idea was, Yi Xiao still intends to go down according to her guidance.

After all, the artists are bold, and Yi Chou doesn't feel that when his firepower is fully on, there is something in this world that can hurt himself.

Of course, Fu Jiang and Zhen Zi may feel that Yi Chou is dying. Before the space closed, Fu Jiang once said that curiosity will kill cats and people. Obviously, she is not optimistic about Yi Chou.

And it means that she knows where Yihou is going.

Then based on the true origins of Fu Jiang and Sadako, things become very interesting.

"Are there any plans for the next step?" Zhang Junyun quietly came to Yi Chou and asked softly.

"They woke up." Yi Biao was not surprised, but just responded calmly. He was very familiar with his potions. The three of them should indeed be awake this time.

Turning his head, Sure enough, Yang Yan and Tan Qing were awake.

Yang Yan is whispering what Tsunosuke is talking about. Although his expressions are faint, Yang Yan is still very excited. Presumably because Susanosuke saved himself, and he cares about himself so much.

Tan Qing is still the same as she used to be. She is not as familiar as Zhang Junyun, but for Yi Biao to save herself, I will still make a statement after she recovers.

Only Daisy's expression was not quite right, and she seemed to feel a little unwilling. She knew that Fu Jiang had not completely dispelled her charm.

She has just awakened from her faint coma, and her thinking may not have fully recovered. After she recovers completely, she will become like those who fall in love with Fujiang.

Extreme, irritable, irritable, even cruel, looking for Fujiang desperately, anyone who is close to Fujiang will be regarded as an enemy by her. Until the end, in order to allow herself to truly own Fujiang completely, she will kill Fujiang and kill Split off.

Terrible beauty.

But it seems only suitable for Fu Jiang's shaking.

But now Fu Jiang has been locked up by Yi Biao, and after Yi Biao finds a clue, he will use a magic book to expel Daisy's cursed enthusiasm for Fu Jiang.

"There are not many clues... Ride the river of steel..." Yi Bao sighed, then looked at the pool in front.

There is nothing strange about the water hole, or to be precise, it is a very normal water hole, even strange animals can't see it.

Zhang Junyun also frowned, but at this time, Yi Chou suddenly moved.

Ride... isn't it down the river, does it have any special meaning?

The silent detection spell immediately spread out. Sure enough, the next moment, Yi Chou found an abnormal magic wave in the water pool.

Like a creature, and like a waterhole itself, Yi Chou is not sure, but what is certain is that the monster hidden under the waterhole must not be a monster.

Because all the monsters are sealed into the sealing monster pot, waiting for the final unified arrangement of Yi Chao.

Not a monster...what would it be...

Yi Xiao frowned, but the next moment, Yi Xiao's brow quickly spread again. He looked at the clear water pool in front of him like a spring and suddenly said to Zhang Junyun, "Have you heard of the story of the woodman and the goddess."... …

All the monsters were taken in by the monster pot, except for one existence, the **** Ji.


Obviously, the gods will not be installed in the pot of demon seals. Although Yi Xao cannot infer that there is a **** underneath from this point alone, this possibility is very high. After all, there is already a guy who claims to be a **** Ji, and it is easy to let People again think of gods.

And gods and monsters... don’t it make people think of other related stories and legends easily.

The foxes repay their gratitude, the plants are transformed, and similar folk tales are countless even in the Edo period, as are the stories of the woodcutter and the goddess.

Who made the situation at this time so easily reminiscent of this matter.

Zhang Junyun was stunned for a while, but he, as a half-house, apparently quickly reflected the meaning of Yi Chou's words, "What." He looked at Tandi in disbelief, "You mean it..."

"I have already felt it." Yi Huo's reaction was very flat. "There is something underneath."

"A goddess sleeping under the water." Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know what was in his heart. "What are you going to do?" he asked.

"Naturally is the old way." Yi Chou shrugged.

At this time, Uenosuke had already come with Yang Yan. It was probably what Uenosuke said to Yang Yan. Her expression was a little restrained, and she couldn't stop her previous casualness.

When seeing the two of them came, Daisy and Tan Chin naturally kept up, so they hadn't waited for the sound of Suginosuke to ask, what is the so-called old method, Yi Xuan has reached out his hand and needs to catch a short distance away A small tree.

"you want……"

Zhang Junyun's problem was blocked in his throat, because the next moment, the little tree began to shake.

As if strangled by the invisible force, a branch of the small tree suddenly burst from the trunk. It twisted and rotated quickly in the direction that Yi Chou pointed, and then was compressed. Soon, a smooth handy wood The handle protruded diagonally from the trunk of the tree.


The wooden handle was cracked by Yi Chou and detached along the torso. The next moment, the silent deformation hit it. The front end of the wooden handle immediately began to twist again. After the deformation was completed, a brand new iron axe appeared in midair.

"Oh!" The iron axe flew into Yi Chou's hands, was skillfully caught by him, and then took an axe in his hands.

Axe, Zhang Junyun felt like he saw something strange, and he soon left behind the question of why a wizard would use an axe, and then asked again, "This is the old way you said? "

"Naturally." Yi Biao shrugged and didn't seem to find anything strange. "Isn't the story saying that the woodman dropped the worn iron axe into the river, and then the goddess came up with a gold and silver axe, The last three axes were given to the woodman."

Zhang Junyun instinctively felt that something was wrong, and he subconsciously wanted to stop it, but unfortunately he hadn't waited for him to speak, and Yi Chou's axe had instantly emerged.


The axe was spinning in the air, and it hit the rock wall on the opposite side of the waterhole with great precision. The huge force even let the entire axe of the axe fall into the stone wall. The rock centered on the axe, showing a large crack. Patterns, stones lumped down.

"Sorry." Yi Xiao raised an eyebrow, "Used."

In Neverland, there are many magical creatures that are very sensitive to magic or highly resistant. Fortunately, their magic level is also limited, and they cannot destroy the various enhancements and aids of potions on humans.

In the face of these guys, Yi Huo drank a lot of auxiliary magic potions, such as potions such as armor skin, but it can still be dealt with.

However, this requires Yi Biao to do it himself. Although there is no famous teacher, Yi Biao still develops a good combat skill over time. After all, practice is the best teacher.

Although it may not be as proficient as the knights in the Middle Ages who have dedicated their lives to fighting knights in battlefields and duels, the battle experience of magical creatures, even the oldest Green, dare not say that it is better than Yi Chou.

And with the aid of magic and potions, Yi Xiao is ultimately many times stronger than them.

In the same way, Yi Biao has also developed various weapons. Although he is not proficient, he is also very skilled. The small and powerful lethal axe is one of them.

After being aware of his mistake, Yi Chou immediately beckoned, and the magic spread out to make up for his mistake.

The invisible magic power grabbed the axe stuck on the rock wall, pulled it out with a strong force, and the magic hand charged again in the air, then suddenly dropped the axe.

Zhang Junyun narrowed his eyes all the time. He always seemed to think there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell. Until he saw the axe move in the air, he suddenly realized, "Wait!" he shouted.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the axe started to spin wildly again, and then the spinning axe fell very accurately to the center of the pool.

"What's wrong?" Yi Xuan turned around and asked.

"How much strength did you use." Zhang Junyun felt a bit bitter.

Yi stunned for a moment, and tilted his head and thought for a while, "Can you kill the power of a giant monster."

Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched, what is the power to kill a giant monster, what is the ghost standard, but now there is a more important point, he continued, "If I remember correctly, even in the story, The woodman accidentally dropped the axe into the water, or slid into it..."

"It's definitely not thrown in anyway, especially if it's so hard. Don't forget, if you guessed it right, then there is a goddess of water asleep below..."

"You mean..." Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows, but when he hadn't finished his words, he heard the middle of the water pond start to scream.

As if the water had been boiled, countless splashes of water tumbling on the water surface, gurgling bubbles, and finally converging like a place, forming a small bursting spring.

Uganosuke and others immediately guarded, but at this time, a figure gradually appeared and condensed in the water.

The goddess of water.

She really came out, and was really guessed by Yi Chao. No, to be precise, there is another **** underneath.

In addition to Divine Spirit Ji, there is another deity sleeping in the water pool behind Luo Shengmen, but it seems... She seems to be different from Divine Spirit Ji.

Why is an axe on her head?

"It's obviously because of you." Zhang Junyun seemed to see through Yi Chou's psychology at this moment and spit aside.

The goddess of water had an axe on her head. Although it did not bleed, it was inserted into it fiercely, almost splitting her head in half. She did not seem to be harmed, just because the body was made of water , It doesn't look very obvious from the outside.

She glared at her angry eyes and looked like she was about to explode.

A few glances at the few people by the water pool, she quickly locked her eyes on Yi Xiao. I don't know how she judged Yi Xiao is the real murderer. Perhaps the gods have their own unique ways.

And Yi Chou is looking at it without showing any weakness.

At the next moment, the goddess of water seemed to feel a moment of trance, but soon, the anger surged again like a wave. She did not hesitate to pull the axe on her head, held it with both hands, and then ruthlessly Throw in the direction of Yi Chou.

The axe was spinning in the air, and came to Yi Chou with a horrible scream.

"Bash!" At the next moment, Yi Biao's figure dissipated in the place like a mist instantly, and the black smoke was scattered everywhere, and then accurately escaped the flying axe that was thrown back.

The flying axe without obstacles quickly disappeared in the distance of the forest. After the axe disappeared, the black smoke floating on the ground began to gather again, and soon, they gathered together and condensed into a smoke-like human shape. At the next moment, Yi Chou's figure reappeared in place.

The goddess of water has disappeared, and the surface of the water pool has returned to calm again. It seems that the vicious words left by the goddess of water still remain in place, "Return your axe!"

Yi Xao scratched his head, "The strength is quite strong." He complained, "This guy is really a goddess in the water, not a patron saint of monsters?"

Zhang Junyun's mouth twitched again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't the wizard like this? He could not help but glance aside, it can be called Daisy with her invisibility spell.

But the next trip still has to continue, "What should I do next?" He asked Yi Chou helplessly.

"Old method." Yi Xao still pointed to the water hole in front.

"Or it?" Zhang Junyun couldn't help wondering.

"I threw the wrong thing." Yi Biao shrugged. "But... now I already know what to throw."

Yi Xiao stood on the spot and looked to the left and right, as if he was looking for something. At the next moment, he reached out his hand, the ground not far away suddenly raised sand, a huge black shadow broke through the ground, and then fell into Yi Xuan's hands .

After the shadows stopped, Zhang Junyun's talents saw the true face of this thing. This is a huge iron brand, but neither the style nor the workmanship is like anything from this era.

Yi Chou turned the huge iron card in reverse, and it was the line of white paint printed on them that read, "Next stop, the third new Tokyo city." (To be continued.)

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