High Magic Earth

Chapter 983: Waterhole

Although Zhang Junyun is not bad in Japanese, but he is not proficient in writing. In these Japanese, 20? In addition to being able to understand in Tokyo, most of the others are even guessed, and have no first place. Time realized that there was something weird about the name of the city.

Yi Biao's hourglass made him proficient in all languages, including words, in the Second World, but he is not a real otaku.

When I didn't arrive at Neverland and didn't know what kind of main **** world the Second World was, although I also watched many animes for information, they mostly stayed at the level of knowing the main plot.

For details such as the city name, Yi Chao did not pay much attention to it.

As for the two Japanese who are half-familiar in Japanese, let’s not think about it. Daisuke, an aboriginal, could not know the content of the manga.

No one was surprised by the name of the next stop on the stop sign, but Zhang Junyun said with a bitter smile, "Ango, you are not planning to take it..."

The words didn't fall, the stop sign was released again, and was easily slipped into the water by Yi Chou, splashing a little splash.

"Okay." Zhang Junyun swallowed the rest of the sentence back. "When I didn't say it." He shrugged.

Zhang Junyun doesn't know what mood the goddess in the water is at this time, but it will definitely not be good to think about it. If it is replaced by the **** Ji just now, it may have begun to desperately fight Yi Yi at this time.

And this goddess of water does not look like a good-tempered master, loyal and responsible...

Of course, Zhang Junyun is not worried about Yi Chou, but is even more worried about the goddess under the pool. After all, Yi Chou has just put down a guy who claims to be a **** and put down a hard one. It is not difficult to think of another one.

Although Yi Xiao always said that the use of magic books is very limited, Zhang Junyun obviously does not believe that there is no simple guy who can get such an artifact. Did not put these things in front of my eyes.

The restriction that has always been said in the mouth, I am afraid it is more to appease these people. After all, the power of this magic book is too strong, so powerful that even if it is a companion, it may also be because of this power. disturbed.

After all, there are no absolute rules and security in the Second World. The so-called rebels are also sought after by free people in another source world, and they are forced to unite together. Even the name of the rebel is because of the free people. The reason for calling.

Otherwise, who would call the name of such an organization, it sounds too secondary.

But the strange thing is that after Yi Chou threw the stop sign in his hand into the water, the goddess in the water at the bottom of the pool did not come up again. Just when Zhang Junyun wondered if she was crazy, she was ready to do a big thing. At that time, a strange change suddenly appeared on the surface of the waterhole.

"Gutter, grunt!"

It was like a big steamer that was boiled, and the entire surface of the water pool boiled. Zhang Junyun immediately took a step back unconsciously, so as not to be confused by the angry goddess.

But at the next moment, the boiling water surface did not spout, but kept muttering, as if the Baotu Spring, the water level on the surface of the water pool began to drop suddenly.

In a blink of an eye, the descending water level reveals the river bed, just like the ground deep in the water hole splits a mouth, and under the watch of several people around, even the entire surface of the water hole begins to appear spiral-shaped, as if transformed into a huge vortex .

The swirling water roared and beat the river bed frantically, but because of the descent, it was difficult to affect the existence of the highlands on the shore.

Looking at the general situation of the tsunami, Zhang Junyun twitched his lips. Wasn't the goddess in the water being mad? "You won't give her anger." He asked Yi Chou.

Yi Chou glanced back in a puzzling way, and he didn't seem to understand why Zhang Junyun would say that he gave the goddess of water away.

Facing the clamor of pretending to be stupid, Zhang Junyun chose to be silent.

The invisible deep pits swept all the water in the pool. In just a few breaths, the entire pool was drained to dryness, and even the source flowing out of the mountains and forests was cut off. Only a very small water flow Flowing in the river.

Several people stepped forward, standing on the edge of the deep hole left by the waterhole, and then looked into it.

The water of the pool has dried up, and there is a large piece of yellow mud and stones exposed outside. At the center of the bottom of the pool, a black hole is exposed, and it seems that it is still exuding a cold air. ...

This is the destination. Obviously, Yi Chou believes in his judgment, because this is the clue he glimpsed from the head of the goddess of water.

Just the first time Yi Xiao deliberately smashed her with an axe, the goddess of recollection has been quietly shrouded above the entire pool of water, and the goddess of water and Yi Noo looked at each other, giving her a moment of trance, that is, At this moment, Yi Biao seemed to dimly see the shabby station sign buried not far away.

Otherwise, look at the ancient rust and mottled appearance on the station sign. I don’t know how long it was buried in the soil. If there is no clue, even if it is easy to clamor, you can’t find this ordinary item without magical fluctuations.

Because I can't think of it at all.

Of course, the telepathy can only be felt when the other party thinks, that very brief momentary thought, as to what to do after getting the station sign, Yi Chou is also unclear.

But since there is really a goddess of water here, it is better to throw it away. Anyway, I just tried it, but now it seems that the effect is not bad.

Yi Huo calmly jumped down the edge of the pool, and then walked towards the center of the bottom of the pool.

Kinosuke glanced at each other, Zhang Junyun raised his eyebrows, and of course followed, now their actions are undoubtedly centered on Yi Chou.

Although this guy sometimes does not look reliable.

The bottom of the pool is unexpectedly dry, and the mud surface is not muddy and moist. Instead, it is like a desert that can raise dust when the wind blows.

The Goddess of Water didn't know where to go, but Yi Chou didn't seem to care about this issue either.

He came to the edge of the hole and looked down. It was dark and dark, dark and fuzzy, and he could not see anything.

Withdrawing his wand, Yi Xiao flicked it gently, a little luster fell like his fireflies down his wand, and then was thrown into the hole by Yi Xiao, drifting down the dark pit all the way.

After a while, Yi Huo said softly, "There is no danger." Just when he said this, his tone seemed strange.

The people present were all agile minds, but unfortunately before Zhang Junyun asked, Yi Chou had taken the lead in jumping into the hole. In desperation, Zhang Junyun could only keep up with him, and could not let Yi Chou go alone.

Fortunately, with the disappearance of God Ji, their strength has been restored, whether it is Daisy or Detective, this small height can not help them.

The hole is very dark, it seems deep, but unexpectedly, it is only a few meters in height, just because there is no light source below, which makes it hard to see.

And the feeling of entering the feet is still dry land.

"I thought there was a dark river underneath. I was going to soak in the water." After Yi Xiao and Daisy's wands were all lit up, the surrounding space suddenly lit up. Zhang Junyun looked around and then said easily .

"The magic below is very rich, and if there is water, it is also magic water." Instead, Yi Xuan frowned, at this time he looked much more serious than before.

After hearing this, Daisy's brow was inadvertently raised, but she didn't speak. She already knew that Yi Biao's magic level did not know how much higher than herself, plus she was euphemistically cold, and she was very reticent. Personality, until now, has not much communication with Yi Chao, who is also a wizard in the team, so there is no conversation at all.

Zhang Junyun does not understand about magic. Although he is a werewolf and a member of the supernatural world, it does not mean that he can be exposed to magic. After all, the wizard is a wizard and the magic creature is a magic creature. The distance between the two is still very far.

"Is it dangerous?" Zhang Junyun just asked, but Yi Chou has come to the forefront.

"Follow me." He raised his wand and stepped into the darkness without looking back.

"Okay." Zhang Junyun shrugged. "I just assumed that there was no danger..."

Although the area of ​​the waterhole does not seem to be large, the area under the black hole extends in all directions. It is crooked in the dark, like an underground labyrinth.

They had left the water pool for a long time. As for whether it was Luo Shengmen's long street above, Zhang Junyun didn't know. In the darkness, he had long lost his way, relying on Yi Noah to lead the way.

Maybe the wizard has any special sense of direction, but he looked sideways at another light source that shrouded Daisy's equally confused face, and Zhang Junyun shrugged again.

And every once in a while, Yi Chao will be close to the walls on both sides, and then stay for a while, Zhang Junyun does not know if he is marking or something, but anyway, they are not in danger along the way, even at any time There is no problem stopping.

In the dark, I don't know how long it has passed. Even when Zhang Junyun seemed to feel that he had gone one day and one night, Yi Chou, who was at the forefront, finally stopped. He said, "We seem to be exiting."

The group of people behind him suddenly felt shocked, including Zhang Junyun, "how to say?" he asked with some excitement.

"Don't you feel the wind here?" Yi Chou's answer was still calm as always.

"So old-fashioned." Zhang Junyun pouted, "I feel, I think you have any new methods."

Yi Biao ignored this boring werewolf in the dark. The darkness around was very special. The range of fluorescent flashing was enough to illuminate an auditorium, but here, it could only cover the area of ​​three or four people.

And the werewolf's night vision ability is also very strong, even without fluorescent flashing, Zhang Junyun should also be able to see the road, but this darkness blocked his eyes, but he didn't notice it.

If it weren’t for the darkness, there was nothing unusual, and Yi Chou could not help but drive it away with a silver tongue, but since there was no danger, then Yi Chou did not want to make such a big wave no matter where he went.

After moving forward again for a period of time, I can feel the exit approaching without the reminder of Yi Huo, because the front is already vaguely visible.

"It's not easy." Zhang Junyun exhaled, and everyone else relaxed.


But at this time, Daisy, who was less alert, was suddenly tripped over by something, and even nearly fell.

Although the exit was imminent, it was still quiet in the dark. Such a loud voice naturally attracted the attention of several others, "What's wrong?" Yi Chou asked quietly.

"No, nothing." Daisy paused. "It's just that I was not careful..."

Her voice hadn’t fallen yet, and Yi Xuan had walked in the direction of her. After a few steps, she stopped. It’s strange that Yi Xiao didn’t stop around Daisy to see what was on the ground, and It stopped at a place far away from Daisy.

If you have to say that there is a relationship between the positions of Daisy and Yi Huo, it seems to be somewhat parallel.

Such a scene appeared very strange under the dim fluorescent flash, and even the heart that brought Zhang Junyun back to his stomach along the way was raised again.

At this moment, Yi Chou suddenly jumped out of his mouth, "Metro."

"What?" Zhang Junyun felt that he didn't hear clearly, or that he had hallucinations because he was staying in the dark for a long time, but he felt he could rescue him again. "What did you say?" he questioned.

Yi Biao didn't speak anymore, but Daisy replaced him, "Metro..." she said in a trance, "Here..."

Zhang Junyun still felt that he didn't understand it, or that he understood it, but he couldn't believe it, because it was in the Edo era, did the subway already exist in the Edo era.

But whether he believes it or not, at the next moment, at the end of the light source, some sound suddenly came faintly, a little vaguely whimpering, it sounded like a train.

And this voice is getting louder and clearer.

"Call! Call!"

Finally, this sound was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears present, and with the vibration of the ground, Zhang Junyun, a modern person in the world, no matter how unbelievable it is, he has to admit that this is a very familiar The sound is the wind and howling sound that the high-speed driving when the subway enters the station.

And the same ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Except for Susuke Nosuke and Yangyan who knew nothing about power, almost everyone else present was aware of another problem.

"Hurry up!" Yi Xuan shouted at once, and at the same time pulled Xuanzhijie back.

No one dared to touch Yangyan, but she wasn’t stupid. In a flash, everyone touched the wall next to her, and the cold touch appeared again, but it seemed to be no longer dry mud, more like some kind of hard cement .

The silent curse spread out, and the wall behind several people immediately sags backwards. They retreated into the sag of the wall, and then waited quietly for the subway train to try.

After a few seconds, the high-speed subway rushed and rushed over, and the fast one couldn't see anything at all.

Except for one thing, it's really subway.

"What a monster!" Susuke was startled by the speed of the subway, subconsciously surprised.

"How is it possible!" And this is someone other than Yang Yan, because they can't understand how in the Edo era there was such a subway. (~^~)

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