High Magic Earth

Chapter 984: subway

"Call! Call!"

The subway was flying on the rails in the middle of the tunnel, and the whistling wind sounds continuously, and the slight vibrations constantly coming out on the ground were constantly beating on Zhang Junyun's mind.

"Am I dreaming..." he muttered to himself.

Kinosuke and Yangyan are not modern people at all. Naturally, they do not know such things as subways, and they think they are terrible monsters or weapons.

Although Tan Qing knew, she was also confused. "Are we... are we going back?" she asked strangely.

Because it is the first time to cross the world, Tan Qing has no other crossing experience, nor does he know how to return when the mission is over. He thought he would walk back to the present and walk away from this world.

Obviously, here is modern, because at least the time is modern, something like the subway will appear.

"No." Zhang Junyun's face is a bit ugly. He is no longer a newcomer, and has experienced several worlds. Although he will faint every time he enters or leaves, it is because he passed away that it proves that leaving the source world is not Isn't it so simple?

They just did not faint.

So... why did they encounter the subway here, maybe even a completely modern city.

The whine of the subway passed by, as if the arrow would block the entrance of the stone wall that was easily sunken. From time to time, several passengers could be seen through the window on the shadows of the subway. This means that it does not Not an empty car.

Modern cities with and without people are two very different concepts.

Zhang Junyun's ugly silence remained silent.

When this happens, there is obviously only one possibility, that is, the timeline of the world itself is disordered, and the world jumps their time with them. Although they came from the Edo era to the modern moment, they are still essentially In this world, did not leave.

It is not the traversal of the source world, but the traversal inherent in a certain movie.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, Zhang Junyun is not clear.

There is a clamor for force, and I believe there will be no major problems.

The only thing that puzzled Zhang Junyun was what movie they were in, so confused, what movie could take them from the Edo era to the modern.

Is it Doraemon?

This joke is not funny.

The whistling subway passed quickly, and the vibrations and beeps of the ground drifted away. Yi Chou looked at the silent people and said calmly, "Let's go."

"Where?" Zhang Junyun almost kept up instinctively.

"Look what station this is."...

The light is not far away from a few people, about a few kilometers ahead again, they left the subway tunnel and reached the subway station just when the train came.

The subway station looks old, and even the style and equipment are very old, not even the automatic isolation door for security.

However, it was convenient for a few people to enter the station. After going to the subway station along the tunnel, a few people climbed smoothly to the backstage of more than one person.

After successfully landing, they finally had the opportunity to see the true appearance of this subway station built in the Edo period.

A strong Japanese style, because Zhang Junyun went to Japan on a business trip, so he recognized it at a glance. He also speaks Japanese because he made up for it before traveling.

And not only that, there are still three, three, two pedestrians waiting for the train in the subway station. They are looking at the pedestrian with a strange eye and whispering in a low voice.

"Where did they come from?"

"It seems to have climbed out of the train tunnel."

"A fugitive, terrible..."


"I feel like it."

"Oh? That guy is Ranger Jianxin?"

"This one seems to be Onmyoji."

"I want ssr..."

"Hey, are you all a group of four fasters? Are you guys! I didn't see the lady wearing a kimono, so beautiful!"

"Yeah, beauty!"

"But why is there an ugly and old guy mixed in..."

This place is indeed a country where the second element originated. Almost everyone has the potential of a second grade. Soon, the waiting passengers will soon leave the unreasonable place behind and start to talk vigorously.

However, several of the people present were all hearing-sensitive people. For example, the guy called ugly and old-fashioned, Zhang Junyun listened to the discussions of the people around him, and looked at both sides strangely.

Unsurprisingly, the Ranger Jianxin is obviously referring to the string, and Yi Xuan wears always the traditional garb belonging to the Yin Yang master, wearing a thin kimono is Yang Yan, Daisy is covered in a black robe, almost Can't see clearly, and Tan Qing doesn't look ugly, then this is ugly and old-fashioned...

Damn it! Isn't this what you mean?

Zhang Junyun is very upset. Although he has no special characteristics compared to other people, he can't be hooked with the ugly and old-fashioned. Okay, he stared at the eyes, he planned to teach these indifferent people.

But at the next moment, he stopped, because in front of the vending machine in front of him, he was standing in the shadow of Yi Huo.

When this guy passed, Zhang Junyun was curious, and he also left behind a few strange words, and then quickly leaned over.

"Where did you get the money?" Zhang Junyun was just as close as he saw Yi Xuan standing in a daze, holding a jar of familiar Coke in his hands, and couldn't help but asked with some surprise.

The decoration style of the platform is completely Japanese, and the text everywhere is also Japanese. Even the words that these people just discussed are in Japanese. Zhang Junyun can clearly hear that it is obviously Japan, so the money I got there is easy. Things will never be carried with you.

Hearing Zhang Junyun's surprised question, Yi Chou woke up from a daze. He squeezed the can open and poured half of it into his mouth.

Then, he extended his hand to Zhang Junyun and spread out his empty palm. At the next moment, he flipped his hand, and a copper-colored coin with an unknown texture and a very strange pattern appeared on his palm.

Put the coin into the vending machine, and the vending machine immediately started to vibrate. After a while, another tin of Coke slipped out with a ding.

Tossing this can of Coke to Zhang Junyun, Yi Chou spread his hand.

Looking at the Coke in his hand, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but dumbfounded, "Can it still be?!"

Although he had long known that magic has all kinds of magical effects, he did not expect it to be directly used as money. This is much safer than hypnosis stealth. After all, even clever means will eventually be detected.

Although they are in the world of the source point this time, they will return to the present one day sooner or later, where their real home is, so magic is so useful in the present, so Zhang Junyun can't help but be envious.

It was only at the next moment that he thought of Yi Biao's almost omnipotent magic book, and at the same time he wanted to understand it, and was a little worried.

Although many people have entered the source world in this world, on the whole, it is still calm on the surface, maybe it is the reason why the force value is not high.

Even if we are the dangerous creature werewolf in this legend, under full-scale chaos, at best it is the level of cruel murderer.

But if someone who has mastered the magic of Yi Biao suddenly returns to the present world, it is obviously different. Even if the whole world is mixed, it is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but worry. He feels that this situation is very good. Although he is being sought by another free person in the world, at least he hasn't paid more attention to it.

Once exposed, there may be no problem with a person as strong as Yi Chou, but this kind of inexhaustible existence is a bit dangerous.

In the final analysis, it is still his own strength. Zhang Junyun frowned, he should get more benefits in the movie world, not just limited to the task, for example now...

While thinking about it this way, Zhang Junyun suddenly felt his pockets sink. He subconsciously touched it and caught a cold coin.

Looking puzzled at Yi Chou, he found that he was pointing to himself. Zhang Junyun found out that the original Tan Qing did not know when he had been around.

In desperation, Zhang Junyun could only distribute the magic gold coins to a few people. After spending several months in the Edo period, Tan Qing was already bad for the whole person. In this world, she is also a snack. Lord, now finally seeing these long-lost friends again, he quickly joined together.

And Zhang Junyun also had to tell how a vicious Kanosuke vending machine was used, and how to cover up Yang Yan to open the tab of the can.

After a lap, Zhang Junyun found that there seemed to be one less. He looked around and saw no figure of Daisy. When he looked around again, he found that Daisy had not stood at another vending machine. front.

She was holding a magic wand in her right hand, a virtual point vending machine that couldn't stop, and there were words in her mouth, while in the other hand, she had grabbed countless large and small snacks.

Zhang Junyun rolled his eyes and stopped speaking.

As for Yi Chou, he was not idle. The way that several people entered the subway station seemed somewhat unusual. Soon, he noticed that the two staff members came over.

"Hey! This is not your exhibition area!" One of them touched his head a little helplessly, "And do you know that what you just did is dangerous?"

"Yeah yeah." Another staff member also echoed.

However, these things are not even a little trouble for Yi Chou. He turned his head slightly, his head moved, and the improved version was silent, and he didn't even need to capture the Soul Curse.

The two staff members who were chattering at once froze, touched their heads, and looked at each other. They seemed to remember that they had forgotten something important, and turned and walked back.

"No problem." Zhang Junyun, who also noticed the movement here, squeezed from several people, and then asked softly.

Yi Chao shook his head, naturally there was no problem.


But at this time, he finally opened the pull ring and drank the first cola coke, because he couldn't stand the pungent taste of carbonated drinks, and sprayed cola out of his mouth.

Well, originally a group of people from the Edo period was very unharmonious in front of the vending machine, and now it looks even more awkward.

But the passers-by who were already full of the talents of the second and middle races did not care about these. When they saw the few people gathered together, a crowd of onlookers not far away could not bear it, took out their mobile phones, and then rushed over.

"Can we have a picture together?" He went straight to Yang Yan, and then plugged his mobile phone to Susuke who was standing next to Yang Yan.

Although he also speaks Japanese, Yang Yan from the Edo period sounds effortless, but many modern vocabulary is not understandable at that time in Edo period, Yang Yan can understand the meaning of each of his words, but the combination It was impossible to figure it out together.

It's just that Yang Yan's daze fell in the eyes of this unlucky child and became the default. He leaned excitedly beside Yang Yan and squeezed her.

At the next moment, this guy's face suddenly turned blue, and a black line appeared on his neck as if it were a vein.

In less than a breathing time, he had strangled his neck with his hands, as if he could not breathe, and was so weak that he was soft on the ground.

"Okay." Yi arrogantly said, "There are some problems now."

Seeing the fallen guy, the people around him were stunned for a while, and they hadn't figured out what was going on, and then began to whisper again.

At this time, a very serious poisoning reaction had appeared on the face of this unlucky child, and even the entire face had become black, and it was recognized at a glance that it was poisoned.

And guys with big brains around them began to doubt the identity of Yang Yan, and whispered unbelievably, "This will not be the Yang Yan in Jiahe Renfa Tie..."

"Jiahe Renfa Fatie?"

"What a joke, how can the characters in the comics appear in reality."

"Huh, if it is true, the man is not Kosuke Nosuke."

Although saying so, the people around started to avoid the side in fright. Although there was no screaming, the crowd also apparently panicked and started to leave. If it is not stopped, it will soon become a riot. .

In this case, I am afraid that it will attract more attention from the subway staff.

When I first arrived, everything was still unclear, and Yi Chou didn't want to draw too much attention.

Facing the very innocent Yang Yan, Yi Xiao spreads out the magic book, and Wufeng automatically flips to a page, and at the same time, he sips to the surroundings, "I don't care, people, forget what happened five minutes ago until this time!"

At the next moment, the strange surroundings calmed down as if the whole world had retreated, and the only one who stayed in the ears of several people complained like an illusion.

"Just kidding, it's obviously Onmyoji, but he brought out the wizard's magic book, which is too unprofessional..."

Sure enough ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Soul of the second and spitting will always be inseparable.

Seeing that the surroundings were back to normal, Yi Biao put away the magic book again. He looked at the corners of the ceiling and did not see the monitor. It seems that the monitor has not been popularized in this era.

But it doesn't matter if it's popular, because the person sitting behind the monitor will also temporarily lose memory due to the power of the silver tongue.

Nodded to Zhang Junyun, it seems that this incident did not cause any trouble.


While Yi Biao was cleaning up the body of the unlucky child, a train full of passengers slowly drove into the station and then stopped beside several people.

"Suzakucho Station is here, please get off the bus from the right door, thank you."

The train came a little strange, but here is the subway station. If you think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong. Yi Xuan and Zhang Junyun turned their heads at the same time. After glancing at each other, Yi Xuan hesitated a little and then raised his foot to the train. Go up. (To be continued.)

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