High Magic Earth

Chapter 985: Subway (2)

Zhang Junyun had no time to stop, and he could only watch Yi Biao slipping into the car. In desperation, he could only greet a few people in a panic, so as not to accidentally give Suginosuke and Yang Yan who did not know anything. Stay here...

A large group of people finally caught up with the train before closing the door. As soon as they squeezed it up, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but complain, "How come you came like this."

He knows that Yi Chou is a courageous artist, but he said something in advance.

I wonder if he is most afraid of the embarrassing situation that the bus has not closed and the elevator has not caught up, the elevator is full, the door is closed and there is no key.

It seemed that Yi Biao realized that there were others who followed him, turned his head, and said indifferently, "Anyway, there is no need to buy tickets, is it?"

Zhang Junyun twitched, "The point is not here, okay..." He felt he was unable to vomit.

However, at this time, the detective next to him suddenly stretched out his fingers and poked Yi Xiao and Zhang Junyun one by one, reminding them in a low voice, "Do you want to change a place if you want to discuss it?"

Turning his head in the direction indicated by Tan Qing, sure enough, everyone on this train pretended to watch this place inadvertently, noticing that the peep was detected by this group of people, so he quickly turned back, but whispered The discussion continued without stopping.

"Look, these guys are so strange."

"They look so stupid."

It was indeed too noticeable, Zhang Junyun's face twitched again.

You can dress yourself as a pedestrian, and you and Tan Qing are pretty good. Yang Yan can barely be called a traditional kimono, but Kanosuke and Yi arrogant, dressed as a rogue, and dressed as an onmyoji, if Not a cleric in a shrine and who would wear such clothes!

Wait... yes, Daisy.

Zhang Junyun froze, but then he calmed down again, because Daisy was wearing a black robe on the subway glass, almost blending with the color of the tunnel outside.

Forget it...Zhang Junyun dropped his head helplessly, "There is a free space over there..." He looked around and pointed to the empty seat at the end of the train.

After a while.

Zhang Junyun was next to Yi Chou, next to Kanosuke and Tanqing, while Yang Yan sat alone on the opposite side, leaning lazily on the backrest, squinting with the four people on the opposite side, and Daisy was hiding There is almost no sense of presence in a corner.

Is this even more awkward?

"No, this is not the most embarrassing." It seemed that hearing what Zhang Junyun was thinking, Yi Huo, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke out, attracting Zhang Junyun's attention.

"What?" He asked in a daze, and then he was shocked with curiosity. "Did you ever experience anything else..."

"That's because you haven't been around Daenerys, nor have she experienced the baptism of her flame immunity." Yi Xiao said flatly, "If you have experienced it, you wouldn't think so."

"Hehe..." Zhang Junyun maintained a stiff expression and chuckled lightly.

With the transfer of several people, other people's attention is not focused here. They are only regarded as os who like to play role-playing under the large public. The train gradually quiets down again, leaving only a loud noise.

The group of people also fell silent, gazing quietly at the opposite glass window and staring at the dark-painted subway tunnel. It seemed that they had begun to think about each other, and the scene fell into calm for a while.

But what they did not see was that while they boarded the train in a panic, there was also a suspicious middle-aged uncle in another car not far away, followed by a young girl, at the end of the train was about to start In a moment, he jumped into the carriage. ...

It can be seen that Uenosuke is very interested in this fast-moving steel monster, perhaps because the areas he is good at are also related to speed. Uenosuke has a natural affection for the subway.

I originally thought it would be a very cruel monster, because of its large size and speed, it was very difficult to solve it, but it was difficult for them to wait for them to enter the territory. After all, how do underground tunnels look and how? It's like it came out of it, to facilitate action.

In the Edo period, people were digging a cellar at most. It was almost impossible to make a project like an underground tunnel. Zhang Junyun didn't think about it from the beginning.

But I didn't expect that this huge steel monster turned out to be a transportation tool, and I still had a chance to get into his stomach and see the truth.

But where is this place and why is there such a magical thing.

Shinnosuke changed the breezy sunshine smile, and began to look at the excess energy. He believed that if he was not sitting here, he would definitely take apart the benches under his butt. .

But Rao is so, Zhang Junyun still spent a lot of effort to stop the curiosity of Kanosuke, lest he attract more strange eyes.

The opposite Yang Yan did not turn into a curious baby, but she was very familiar with the chair as a beam of her own home, very flatly resting her feet on it, and then her body crooked, leaning her arms on the long On the armrest of the chair, his head was elegantly supported, and he looked sweetly at the string of curiosity.

Xishi is seen in the eyes of her lover. It is estimated that in her eyes, no matter what Kinosuke becomes, it is the most handsome.

The only normal person in this group is myself... No, there is Tan Qing, and Zhang Junyun can't help but think of a headache.

The series of jokes that the ancients have traversed to the present day, the movie looks very interesting, but if the protagonist inside is replaced by himself, then it is not interesting at all, but it is very exciting...

At this time, Yi Chou, who had been sitting quietly as a piece of wood, suddenly got up, and then walked to the junction of the two cars.

What's wrong with this guy... Zhang Junyun's head grew bigger.

Although Yi Chou was not an Aboriginal from the Edo period, and also from the present world, there is no big problem with the circuit of his head, but it is the most troublesome of these people.

And it’s a big deal.

In desperation, Zhang Junyun can only make a contempt for Tan Qing, tell her to take good care of Susuke, and then get up to keep up with Yi Chou.

Yi Chou came to the place where the two carriages met. There was no big move, but he quietly leaned on the door frame that was not closed, squinting, and looked at the situation in the other carriage.

His weird Onmyoji garb attracted a lot of strange eyes, but that's all.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Junyun asked strangely when he came to Yihou.

"Look at anyone you know." Yi Xuan did not look back, leaning his head against the door frame, his tone was plain.

Zhang Junyun was stunned again. How could there be someone he knows here, but immediately understood that this should refer to familiar plot characters...

But thinking of this question, Zhang Junyun couldn't help but think of the original question again, "Why get on this train?" he asked again.

"Because I think this train is for us."

"Then you are here to find a new plot. Do you think the plot will appear around us?" Zhang Junyun's tone was even stranger.

"Yeah." But Yi Chou's answer seemed to be taken for granted, as if he didn't feel anything wrong.

Zhang Junyun's eyes twitched, "You don't think...you are the protagonist, everything is going around you."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this sentence, Yi Huo suddenly turned his head, staring strangely at Zhang Junyun, and asked with a strange smile softly, "Why not?"

"Please, are we the passers-by who enter the movie world? Although multiple movies are mixed together, the original protagonist may not be the protagonist, but it is not our turn..."

"That's inaccurate." Yi Xao still looked at Zhang Junyun with a strange smile, he looked a little hairy.

In the next moment, Yi Chou turned around again, staring at the car next to him with some boredom, as if everything before was just the illusion of Zhang Junyun.

Shaking his head vigorously, even Zhang Junyun felt that it was not because he was so tired that he felt unwell.

Just when he was about to ask Yi Xiao to ask a question clearly, he saw Yi Xiao suddenly got his body upright and focused on a certain direction in the opposite car, "Yes," he said.

"Is there? What is there." Zhang Junyun was a little neurasthenic by Yi Chou and didn't react immediately, but he was immediately nervous. He looked down and found nothing unusual.


Zhang Junyun didn't see any target in Yi Biao's mouth, "What are you looking at." So he questioned, his eyes did not leave there for a moment.

"That woman..."

Yi Xiao whispered that his eyes were fixed on the body of a dark-haired woman. The train was still in motion and did not stop. The woman was just walking slowly along the other cars, looking away all the way, as if What to look for.

As soon as he entered this car, his eyes collided with Yi Xiao, which is not surprising. After all, Yi Xiao wore a conspicuous Onmyoji garb and stood so blatantly beside the door frame, scanning the interior of the car, It’s not strange to see it for the first time.

But after seeing Yi Chou, she seemed to be afraid of something, instinctively avoided her gaze, her eyes unnaturally looked out of the window, her body turned back, leaned against an armrest, and blocked her with her back. Yi Yiao's sight.

She couldn't see her face now, and her long black hair hung over most.

Although there was a momentary glimpse of Yi Hong, Yi Xiao did not realize her identity for the first time.

"Oh?" Zhang Junyun also noticed the long-haired woman after hearing Yi's identification, but she couldn't see her face clearly at this time, and Zhang Junyun couldn't recognize her identity.

After all, for free people, the biggest advantage is the familiarity with different movie plots. As long as the plots are not extended and completely overhead, they can basically mix their faces and see their familiar faces to guess their identity.

And as long as you recognize it, then the development of many plots will be sorted out instantly.

Seeing the woman consciously avoiding the sight of the two, Yi Chou could not help but straighten her body, preparing to walk over and take a closer look. It seemed that she noticed Yi Chou’s movements, and the woman’s eyes on her side were obviously flustered, as if she was planning what to do To leave.

But at this time, the speed of the train suddenly slowed down, then stopped slowly, the doors opened, and the new station arrived again.

There were a lot of people getting on the bus at this station. When the three did not respond, there was a hurry of people. Not only did the woman who was about to leave get back again, but also the two The sight was completely disrupted, causing them to lose the figure of the woman.

"Damn..." Yi Chou could not help frowning.

Squinting his eyes, Yi Chou prepared to use magic to teach this uncooperative guy a small lesson, but at this moment, there was a sudden noisy behind him.

"Hey, you guys! Didn't you see so many people in the car? It's crowded. You still occupy such a big place!"

Zhang Junyun opened the way in front of him. He easily moved away from the crowd, and then took Yi Chou back to the seat where Tan Qing and the others were. When he saw the two thieves, he was very polite. With a roar of Yang Yan, and greed in his eyes, almost everyone could feel it.

Their eyes almost fell into Yangyan's kimono, and they wished to dig in along the slightly open neckline.

"Humph..." Yang Yan narrowed her charming eyes, obviously angry.

Originally, because of the obstruction of these guys, she could not see her beloved Kinosuke, but now they dare to look at themselves anyway, and still in the face of Kinosuke, it is almost life and death!

At the next moment, Yang Yan's face covered with frost suddenly, with a grinning smile, said softly to them, "Well, sit down..."

The two little ruffians looked at each other and smiled. One left and one right rushed over, sat on both sides of Yang Yan, clamped her together, and came on a train wolf.

The passengers around showed some regrets, some showed envy and jealousy, and some showed disdain, but none of them came forward to stop it.

However, Zhang Junyun knew that if these two guys who didn't know what to do were sitting down, I'm afraid they wouldn't even have corpses left.

As a real werewolf, although Zhang Junyun was uncomfortable watching these two fake werewolves, he couldn't watch them die here. Although there were easy endings, it was better to avoid or trouble.

But, just as he stepped forward and was about to stop the two of them, he suddenly moved his ear and turned his head, then said anxiously to Yi Huo, "Ango, did you hear?"

"I heard." Yi Xuan's face also sank, and he nodded, confirming Zhang Junyun's thoughts, "It's a gunshot."

Although Zhang Junyun didn't have time to stop it, his actions still attracted the attention of two little ruffians. They stopped tacitly, then looked at the two of them, and finally their eyes fell on Yi Chou. To be precise, it was his On the clothes.

"Hey, are you with this woman! Haven't you seen her occupy such a large position? Would you like me to give you a lesson!"

One of the little ruffians first grabbed people, showing a vicious expression, and said unkindly.

And another little ruffian also matched it, "Yeah yeah, don't you have long eyes, don't you see so many people in the car, and don't think that something weird can tell you something? In the past, there were gunshots. Have you ever seen what a gun looks like, you haven’t even seen a knife!"

With that said, it seemed to suit his own words, this little ruffian reached out and touched his lower back, and a sharp and slender spring knife appeared in his hand.

The onlookers immediately whispered in unison and then moved away involuntarily.

And when most of the attention of this train is concentrated here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one noticed that a strange guy in a black suit, very neatly dressed, and expressionless I don't know when I came in from the other side of the car, and then I closed the door.

"Hello! You guys! Not only are your eyes blind, but also your ears are deaf!" The little ruffian with a switchblade was still threatening, and seemed to want to scare away the two of them, and then join the sun again. Beside Yan.

However, Yi Xiao did not take care of him, but suddenly looked away from his face, and then passed through the layers of passengers in the middle of the carriage, directly fell to the face of the last person, that is, the strange black suit .

It seems to have noticed Yi Chou's sight. The quirky black suit tilted his head, and then his hands turned over. Two equally dark submachine guns suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

He raised his hand indifferently, and calmly aimed the submachine gun at the confused passengers in front of him.

next moment.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Fire was splattering and blood was flowing into the river. (~^~)

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