High Magic Earth

Chapter 986: Subway (3)



Faced with a ruthless tongue, innocent passengers who didn't understand anything at all fell into the pool of blood instantly, and the bullet storm tore their bodies in an instant.

Human fragile bodies have little chance of being spared when facing hot weapons.

The bullets of the submachine gun penetrated the human body, and instantly punctured the soft internal organs, and even continued to penetrate through the layers of resistance of the muscles to the next person. When the machine gun sounded for less than three breaths, all blocked the tongue All the people in front fell to the ground, no one was spared.

But the man in black seemed to have seen nothing, holding the machine gun with constant recoil in one hand, and then continued to move forward, causing further repression of the escaped crowd.

Cyclonus bullets splashed everywhere, and the clanging bells continued to appear in every corner of the car, leaving countless potholes on the iron skin of the car.

These stray bullets quickly caused secondary damage. They sputtered into the crowd from various weird angles, and then used their final inertia to keep themselves deep in the muscle layer of the human body, causing huge tears.


"it hurts!"

"My legs! My legs!"

At the beginning, the death of those passengers still made some people wake up instantly. Under the threat of death, they escaped to the car in the direction of Yihuo regardless of getting up. Many people still did not respond, but were caught in the crowd of escape With blind obedience, he escaped to another car.

But it is a pity that humans can resist under the fire tongue of the submachine gun for too short.

In less than three breaths, the unlucky passengers near the man in black all fluttered on the street, and those who escaped the fastest had not yet left the car, and at this time, the muzzle in the hand of the man in black had been turned again. Aimed at them.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

The tongue of the machine gun appeared as if it was a death march. This time there were more people falling than this time. Almost all the people in this section of the carriage were here. The line of fire spewed out and almost cut them off.

Even including the two little ruffians who were looking for a scorching sun, when he talked about his intimidation and threatened to pretend to be a ghost, a violent gunshot appeared behind him, and then the crowd fell down in batches as if cutting wheat.

"What a joke..." Turning his head, the little ruffian's face was scared when he saw this scene, and he said tremblingly, even his legs were unstable, and there seemed to be a little spread of water stains on his pants.

But at the next moment, this unlucky guy was hit by a stray bullet, and a bullet that didn't know which corner bounced from had a strange angle, bang! With a bang, he hit his head with precision.

A huge force penetrated his head in an instant, and a long and narrow bullet came out of the back of the head, with a series of red and white blood flowers, and then hit the ground of the train, leaving a shallow pit as big as a child's slap on it.

The unlucky guy didn't say a word, and immediately fell to the ground and fell to the ground. The whole face had been deformed by bullets. It looked like a deformed watermelon. The red and white blood flowed out, rich, like Pulp juice.

His companion witnessed the whole process, and the miserable scene of death instantly broke his heart. He screamed to the extreme, and then ran back instantly, "I don't want to die!"

He spread his legs while pushing away everything that was in front of him.

But by coincidence, Yang Yan turned sideways, and stopped at the position where he shoved his palm.

At the next moment, the ruffian felt that his hands were immersed in a piece of softness, but he didn't wait for his aftertaste, or thought about what it was, and a suffocating sensation spread.

Immediately afterwards, his face began to turn blue, and a second later, his body fell to the ground, and there was no more sound.

At this time, the crowd was almost harvested by the black man in front of Yi Chou and others. Like the wheat in autumn, the crowd fell to the ground like a tide, and some of the bullets that had lost their barriers even threatened Yi. Huo and others came to them in the blink of an eye.

From the time the black man closed the car door and began to slaughter, it has only been more than thirty seconds, and no minute has passed.

The bullets were invincible. When the last group of people in front of a few people fell, the flames of the machine gun shot at them instantly and mercilessly, as if to tear them apart.

Except that Zhang Junyun and Xuan Zhishen may be able to avoid the past through enough combat reactions, the others seem to have no experience with hot weapons.

Yi Chou is not sure if they can ignore the threat of bullets, so they don’t waste time judging and thinking, and just intercept the threat.


As Yihou snarled, even the wand did not pull out, and layers of invisible waves appeared in the air. When the bullet storm hit the top in an instant, the waves instantly turned into golden shields. , Like a wave of water, with a touch of golden light, try to intercept these bullets.

Jingle, the long and narrow bullet flattened and then fell to the ground.

Along with the bullet disappeared, there was a line of magic text displayed on the door of the car. The text was burning, but it was not noticeable.

The power of the silver tongue can be exerted as long as there are words.

Magic words are naturally counted as words, even if they are only known by Yi Piao and other people can't understand them, as long as Yi Xiao understands and can read them, the power of the silver tongue will work.

The short "shield" is the power of the silver tongue.

In some ways, the silver tongue can also be regarded as the most complete encyclopedia of magic in the world, but unfortunately it is a variant, because as long as Yi Xiao can describe it, most of the effects created by magic can be achieved by the silver tongue. Even more perfect in detail.

This is another use of the silver tongue besides the magic book.

Yi Chou only needs to write down a few spells in the air, on objects, and in the eyes to draw out the magic text and the magic text that only the caster can see, and he has almost all and infinite magic spells in the world. .

The premise is that Yi Biao can quickly figure out what spell he needs, what effect it is, and describe it.

This is actually an impossible thing to achieve. The battle is changing rapidly, and there will not be so much time to think and preparation.

But some simple effects can be created at the beginning, and Yi Chou has already memorized it, for example... this magic shield.

This is also the magic that Yi Chao first constructed.

After all, if you want to beat someone, you must first learn to be beaten. This sentence is also slightly applicable in magic. To kill someone, you must first avoid death.

The bullets that failed to return made the man in black stunned. He didn't seem to expect this. He turned his head slightly, he seemed to understand something again, and murmured in his mouth.

"...Not a cockroach... pests, get rid of it."...

"Have you heard? Someone seems to scream."

"It seems there are still gunshots."

When Yi Chou and his party met the strange black man who appeared suddenly, the other cars that were far apart seemed to hear something. After all, the whole car was slaughtered. Even if the mobile phone is attractive, nearby People in the two carriages will also see the scene of blood flowing into the river.

The crowd began to run in a panic and fled, and once the number of people who escaped increased, others would be brought into the blind obedience effect, and then more crowds would escape.

Along the way, like the plague, three cars have been swept away, and everyone is desperately crowded into the other cars, as if there are some wild monsters behind.

Fortunately, Yi Chou and others are at the very end of the car. Before arriving at the first car, there are more than a dozen cars that can be used for buffering.

This looming disturbance seemed to be felt by more people, even the passengers in the first few cars seemed to smell the uneasiness in the air.

Saying that humans are very sensitive creatures, their potentials are not even clear to themselves.

The disordered noise in the air was captured by the human ear, but their thinking did not realize what it was, but the subconscious has already judged it, so there is a sense of uneasiness.

At the same time, their self-consciousness also ignored a point, that is, from the moment when the riot began, a few expressionless black men suddenly turned from the position of the armrests in the first compartment, and then walked towards the rear like a wood .

And in each carriage, there are several guys who are very similar to them waiting in place, waiting for others to come from the carriage in front, and then gather in, more and more, more and more.

Train carriages.

Middle part.

The car in the middle part is still relatively quiet, because the riots in the rear have not been transmitted, but there is already an uneasy breath floating in the air.

And because of the short distance, some people in the carriage heard the sound of gunshots and crying. The whole carriage was whispering. Even the weirdest guys in the carriage were ignored by them.

Near the door in the middle of the carriage, a group of guys in black tights are standing, among them men and women, young people and middle-aged uncles, it looks like they are still in their middle age and are ashamed. Like role-playing lovers.

That's right, this group of guys is the weirdest of the cars in this section, and may even be stranger than the people in Yi Huo.

After all, Yi Biao and others wore the original style of clothing in the Edo period, which seemed to be more professional, and these guys, if they are not tights and some protective clothes, then it is completely ordinary. The black tights can no longer be ordinary.

Originally they also stood a little bit at a loss, but at the moment when the gunshot sounded, their expression suddenly became serious.

"Have you heard me, Xuanye." One of the square-faced guys frowned and asked solemnly.

Called Xuanye is a small man, he is standing in the center of several people, the people around him seem to have faint trends and ideas headed by him.

Hearing the question of the companion, Xuanye did not look up, but continued to look at the floor and said softly, "Why would ordinary people be involved in this matter..."

"Xuanye!" It seemed that Xuanye was not in a state. The guy with a square face sipped and tried to remind him.

But Xuanye can be regarded as a leader by several people, he still has some skill. He quickly adjusted his mind, then looked up at his companions, and asked in a low voice, "Kato, where did the gunfire come from?" of."

He has made up his mind to transfer the battlefield, not to involve ordinary people, otherwise it will cause extensive casualties.

Fang Fangzhen, Kato immediately signaled to the rear of the car, "It's the car behind."

At this time, all the people in the tights were focused, and Xuanye did not hesitate. After a short pause, he whispered to the others immediately, "Go!"

But at the same time they turned around, the car door on the side near the front of the car was suddenly opened, and a faceless girl in a sailor suit came in. She raised her head expressionlessly and looked at Xuan with her eyes for the first time. These wild people bumped together.

This situation looks almost exactly the same as the situation at Yi Chou at the previous moment, completely reproducing the scene.

Xuanye and others seemed to realize that they were not right. They stopped and looked away at the sailor suit girl. The atmosphere in the carriage became strange again. Other passengers noticed this too. They looked at Xuanye and others with curiosity. And the girl, it seems that this is a ready show.

Unfortunately, at the next moment, Xuanye's face suddenly changed, because just a few seconds after the girl in the sailor suit stood firm, another equally expressionless man with a beard came in. He was wearing black clothes and his face was like dead water. The waves are endless.

It looks like the unlucky egg of the burnt squid today.

But it seems no different from ordinary people.

What really turned Xuenye and other people's face suddenly changed was that the appearance of this creature was exactly what their mission showed.

Stars in black.

The same is true for the girl in sailor suit. Their biggest feature is that they look no different from ordinary people.

"It's the goal..." Xuanye's words didn't finish, he stopped suddenly, because the sharp-eyed he had seen through the crowds, the girl in the sailor suit was carrying a black lacquer in his hand .

That's a submachine gun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It looks like a simulated toy. No one realizes that this girl will hold a real gun in his hand, and only thinks it is a high school girl with special preferences. But only Xuanye knew what kind of killer she was holding in her hand.

The office worker in the hair came to stand next to the girl in the sailor suit, and the same submachine gun slipped from his sleeve and fell into his palm.

Then immediately, as if a certain drama is about to kick off, one after another faceless members of various colors came out from behind them, and there were more than a dozen of them. For a time, even the entire car door was Give up.

At the next moment, in Xuanye's complexion, he shouted, "Get down!" They raised their right hands expressionlessly, and everyone's hands suddenly held their dark submachine guns.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"


The blood stained the whole car again. (To be continued.)

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